My Lucky Charm

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My Lucky Charm Page 8

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  His hands latch onto my hips, and he yanks me closer. “You’re getting more comfortable with me, and I like it.” His lips twitch like there’s something funnier he’d like to add. “But don’t get too comfortable yet. I enjoy the fact that I make you nervous.”

  He’s taking glances at my lips, and I know he wants to kiss them. “I don’t make you nervous?” I ask.

  His boyish grin returns as his face reddens.

  “Yeah, you do. I don’t know what to make of it, either. I can’t say I’ve ever felt this way around a girl before.” He looks away, and I think it’s the first time he’s done that, so I take hold of his chin and turn it back.

  “Don’t look away, I like to look at your eyes, too.”

  I must’ve said the word go because his lips are smashing onto mine as his hands grip my hips tighter. My lips helplessly part, wanting his tongue inside so it can tangle with mine.

  He still smells incredible like he just showered, and I can’t help but dig my fingers deep into his thick, dark hair. Grunting, he walks me backwards until I feel my legs hit his bed. Oh, no. I don’t know how much self-control I can have on his bed.

  There’s a pounding on the door that causes me to jump. “Pizza’s here. Come pay. That is if you can get your pants back on fast enough,” Tyler says.

  Brandon releases me and practically growls before marching to the door. He doesn’t look back as he leaves. I have a feeling his brother really will be getting his ass kicked later. I decide it’s not safe for me to be in his bedroom, so I head downstairs, too.

  I’d love more than anything to make out with him on his bed, but it’s only our second date, and also, I need to slow things down until he knows who I am. He might not want me then. I don’t think that will happen, but I can’t say for certain. The thought saddens me.

  Brandon frowns when he sees I’ve come downstairs.

  “I was going to bring it up,” he says.

  “Maybe it’s better we stay down here. I’m a bit of a troublemaker,” I say jokingly.

  Tyler appears out of nowhere and gently squeezes my bicep. “You’re my kind of woman. Got any girlfriends as cool as you?”

  Brandon heads straight at us and shoves the pizza box into Tyler’s chest. “Kitchen, now, douche bag.”

  “Fine, but she’s too cool for you, Brandon,” he says after he’s out of his brother’s reach.

  Greedy hands are back on my hips.

  “If you think you’d cause trouble in my room, then that’s exactly where you need to be,” he says with a sinful grin.

  “I don’t trust myself with you, and although you might be OK with that, I’m not.”

  His playful expression disappears.

  “I’m sorry I moved you to my bed. I can’t lie. I would’ve pushed you onto it, and I would’ve ended up on top of you. I’ve never wanted to touch a girl as much as I want to touch you.”

  I look away from him. “I’ve never wanted a guy to touch me as much as I want you to.” I don’t know where this boldness comes from, but he’s super easy to talk to.

  “You can’t talk to me that way, Leah, and expect me to keep my hands to myself.” He turns my chin back to him. “Seriously.”

  I feel as if I’m becoming chained to him, tethered by his stare alone. Can you love someone you barely know? “I’m sorry, sort of.” I give him an inviting look. I can’t help it. I’m only kinda sorry.

  I know I would’ve let him get on top of me in his bed, and I would’ve loved every minute of it. Yeah, I would’ve let it go on for minutes.

  He shakes his head at me and twists a section of my hair around his fingers. “I haven’t figured you out yet. You’re mysterious, Lucky Charm, but I’m looking forward to peeling away the layers. For now, let’s eat.”

  Tyler is forced out of the kitchen with his pizza but not before getting in a few more jabs at his older brother. Brandon and I eat and talk about our childhood. I have to be selective at what I share.

  I’m having a good time with him, so another hour passes before I realize how late it’s getting. I excuse myself to the restroom and message Paul, letting him know I’m going to be later.

  Meet the Parents


  Dammit. Brandon’s parents are standing in the kitchen when I walk back in. They turn and eye me.

  “Who are you, and where did you come from?” his dad asks with a smirk.

  Brandon jumps to his feet and gives me a sympathetic look. “They just walked in. Mom, Dad, this is Leah. She was in the restroom. She’s my new girlfriend. Leah, this is Bill and Teresa.”

  His dad stretches his hand out to shake mine. I take it and smile at him. His smirk turns into a mega-watt smile, and I discover where Brandon and Tyler get their charm. For an older man, their dad is handsome. I’m guessing the way women think Maxwell is.

  His mother shakes my hand, but I’m not getting the welcome reception from her.

  “Your hair is quite interesting, dear.”

  “Oh, thanks, I guess.”

  “Mom, Leah is the one who thinks I might have dyslexia. She’s very smart. She can speak like four languages.”

  “Are you new to the school?” Teresa asks.

  “Yes, I transferred at the beginning of the year.”

  “So, are you thinking my son isn’t as intelligent as other students?”

  “Absolutely not, ma’am. That’s one of the reasons I suspected dyslexia. I knew there had to be an explanation other than his intelligence as to why he was struggling.”

  “Mom, I explained this to you. You should look it up before you accuse Leah of something.”

  “Well, being you told us today, I haven’t had a chance, dear.”

  His mother never takes her pretty eyes off of me. Brandon gets his stunning pools of green from her. She appears to be in great shape and has dark hair that is dyed blonde.

  She’s dressed in designer clothes, and I spot her Coach bag on the counter. Oh no, my bag. She might recognize my Valentino Rockstud Satchel.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sure you have good intentions with my son.” Her voice is condescending, and the look she’s giving me says that I better watch it and not hurt her baby. It’s very frustrating that she’s obviously judging me based on my appearance alone.

  This change in my look has been a big eye opener for me. I knew the people I used to associate with judged and ridiculed those who were different, but to be on the receiving end of it really drives home how mean and unjust it is.

  “I need to get home, Brandon. Can you take me?” I ask, needing out of here, ASAP!

  “Sure.” Brandon is visibly upset, but I need to get home regardless. Paul will never let me out of his sight again if I don’t follow his rules. I turn to Brandon’s parents.

  “It was nice meeting you.”

  “Please come back and see us,” Bill says.

  “Yes, please,” Teresa says before studying her son’s face. I sense she’s trying to weigh how serious he is about me.

  Trying to be slick, I grab my bag and hold it behind me. Luckily, she’s too concerned with my hair to notice it as I start toward the door. This should be an interesting ride back to my vehicle.


  I thought Tyler had embarrassed me, but my parents get top prize. As soon as I pull out of the driveway, I glance to Leah.

  “I’m sorry about my mother. She’s most likely been drinking this evening, and I only broke things off with my last girlfriend a month ago, so I think you caught her by surprise.”

  “You don’t have to make excuses, Brandon. She judged me by my appearance and it’s OK. I’m getting used to it.”

  He takes my hand. “No, it’s not OK. My parents should be kind to you. They’ll love you once they take the time to get to know you. I hope you’ll give them another chance.”

  “Of course. I never knew changing my hair color would offend people so much, but you didn’t judge me by it, so that’s all that matters.”

/>   Not much is said until he parks next to my car. It seems like forever since I left here with him, yet I don’t want to say goodbye.

  “I had a great time with you,” he says. That heart-stopping grin finally returns, and it sends my stomach into somersaults and my heart on a race.

  He slides his hand along my neck once again, sending a tingling from my core to every extremity. Pulling me to him, he kisses me hard, and I grip the front of his sweatshirt, trying desperately to get closer without throwing myself across the jeep and straddling him.

  Get a grip, Leeza. I release his lips and feel the tingle in my own. My heart pounds, and there’s an aching sensation between my thighs. He’s dangerous to my restraint.

  “I better go. My mom will worry.”

  “When do I get to meet her?”

  I sigh, knowing I have to tell him soon. I refuse to lie to him. “Maybe Monday. She’s going to love you and a little too much probably.”

  “I hope that’s not why you don’t want me at your house. I would never be interested in your mother.”

  He chuckles.

  “OK, she’s not that bad, but you’re really cute, and she’ll want to tell you all about it, so I’m just warning you. Also, if my aunt Dottie is around, you’ll probably get your cheeks pinched.”

  He’s laughing as I open the door.

  “Thanks for the amazing date,” I say.

  “Bye, Leah.” He winks and I melt. This is going to get complicated.

  A Little Torture Never Hurt Anyone


  I’m in the sunroom eating lunch. I have one of my knees up, my bare foot in the chair. I’m thinking hard about what my friends will think of me after they know the truth. Paul walks in and breaks my train of though.

  “Leeza, there are three strange cars out by the gate again. I hope you plan on staying in today.”

  “Yep, I have a lot of homework.”

  “Good. You need to be here where you’re safe.”

  I roll my eyes. “OK, I get it. I’ve been thinking, and I know you’re right about the safety thing. Billionaire’s kids don’t attend public school.”

  “I’m glad you’re coming around.”

  I tear a piece of croissant off from my chicken salad sandwich and put it in my mouth before I stare out the window. Our property seems to go on forever. I don’t even know how many acres we have, but I’m pretty sure it’s at least ten.

  “Paul, do you think the kids around here will treat me worse once they know the truth?”

  “No. It might be a mess at first as they process it, but in the end, I think they’ll adapt and not treat you that differently. But you have to accept that there will always be people who are not your friends. They’ll try to attach themselves to you because of your wealth and father’s fame, or they’ll be jealous.”

  “I guess I didn’t experience that as much back in LA since all my friend’s parents made a lot of money.”

  “You’re already making friends, so you have an idea of who you can trust. Um, Leeza, have you thought about talking to your dad again?”

  Paul looks away and seems uncomfortable, so I don’t know why he’d even bring this up.

  “I don’t know. I’m angry. Wouldn’t you be? If your mother cheated on your father with a guy as young as you and the whole world knew, wouldn’t that piss you off?”

  “I never thought about it that way, but yes, it would. I think I’d eventually forgive her. I mean, it’s been over a year.”

  “Maybe someday.” My phone vibrates on the glass table. I grin when I see it’s a message from Brandon.

  “Who’s putting that cheesy smile on your face?”

  “Brandon. You might as well know that he’s now my boyfriend.” I read the text again.

  Brandon: How’s my Lucky Charm today? I miss you already. That sounded lame, right? But it’s true. What are you doing to me, Leah?

  “Two dates and you have a boyfriend?”

  “He’s amazing. I think I can trust him. I’ll know for sure when I tell him my news, and I need to do it soon. I’m not telling him a bunch of lies, not to mention the urgency since the annoying paparazzi are snooping around.”

  Paul sighs heavily. He needs to go bother Casey at the salon or something and stop worrying about my life so much. “Hey, Paul, you should ask Casey out on a date. She thinks you’re really good looking.”

  His face lights up. “You think?”

  “Definitely. She’d say yes in a heartbeat.”

  “I’ll think about it. I’ll talk to you later, and don’t try to sneak off without me,” he says sternly, pointing a finger at me.

  “I won’t. Peace out, Boy Scout.” I salute him and wink. He loves me. Now, back to my guy.

  Me: I’m great. I guess I’m lame since I miss you, too. I’d see you if I didn’t have so much homework.

  Brandon: Can we meet up in the morning? If you won’t let me come to you, can you come here? I’ll drive you to school? My parents will have left for work already.

  Me: A date before school?

  Brandon: It’s a date if I kiss you.

  Me: 7:15? I’m guessing that gives you about thirty minutes to kiss me.

  Brandon: You’re killing me, Leah. This is torture. Did you forget that I can hardly resist touching you? Now, I have to wait until tomorrow.

  Me: Hee hee, sorry. It’s payback for how nervous you make me.

  Brandon: See you in the morning, Leah, but I imagine I’ll be pathetic and text you later.

  Me: So, you’re pathetic for liking me?

  I know that’s not what he means, but Tyler showed me how easy it is to torment Brandon.

  Brandon: NO! That’s not what I meant. Geez.

  Me: I know. Hee hee.

  Brandon: You most definitely are a troublemaker. My goal is to get you in my room again or maybe your room. The fantasies are endless.

  Me: Go take a cold shower, Bran. See you.

  Bran: Have I told you how cute you are?

  Me: Bye, Bran.

  Bran: I’m groaning loudly in frustration. Bye.

  I look up from my phone and find my mother staring at me.

  “Who’s making you this happy?”

  “Brandon. We’re dating now.”

  My mom is a piece of work. Her blonde hair is up in a messy bun, and there’s a sleep mask on top of her head. She’s wearing a black, silk robe and pink fuzzy slippers. “Mom, do you realize it’s one o’clock?”

  She tilts her chin in the air and takes a seat across from me. “I know, but I have nothing to do, so why get dressed?” she asks indignantly.

  “Mom, I’m telling Brandon tomorrow. I’ll tell my friends after that, so we won’t have to hide, but I hope you realize you’ll be trapped even more until the paparazzi go back to LA.”

  “Yes, but it’ll settle down, and I can start making real friends. Thank you, sweetheart. I think you’ll see how much better this will be for all of us.”

  “Yes, you and Dottie will be able to go out together, and maybe you’ll meet a man here in Boulder.”

  She huffs. “Don’t get ahead of me.” Mom comes around and kisses my cheek. “When am I going to meet this Brandon?”

  “Tomorrow, so you better get up in the morning and make yourself presentable. I don’t want him meeting you while you’re in your robe.”

  “I better get to the spa and get a facial and my roots done.” I watch my mother look at her reflection in the window. The sun is shining in on her, and she looks beautiful.

  I hope I still look that good at forty-two. She easily passes for thirty, and I guess money can make that happen. “Don’t embarrass me, OK?”

  “Sure, sweetheart. I’m going to take a swim.”

  Off my mother goes, back into her own world. She puts me first overall, but in her day to day life, I’m in the background.


  I barely slept last night and couldn’t eat dinner. My stomach’s in knots, and I’m thinking about feelings and shit. All
these weird things are happening to me that I’m not comfortable with. For instance, the word “love” keeps popping in my head out of nowhere.

  Leah is making me insane. I’m a guy. My stomach is not supposed to have butterflies in it or whatever that is girls say. It’s wrong, yet I can’t help any of it.

  She’s all I can think about, and she’s pulling in my driveway right now. I’ve been sadly staring out the window for fifteen minutes.

  I wait for her to knock before I open the door. Luckily, Tyler has to be dragged out of bed by his ankles, so his face has already hit the carpet, and he’s just getting in the shower. That gives me a little time with her before he starts interfering.

  Her eyes are blue and bright, and her smile is doing that weird thing to my stomach again. Shiny, pink lips are calling me to kiss them, and my hands are itching to slide into that adorable, silky hair of hers.

  I’m in lov–No! What’s happening to me?

  “Hi,” she says before kissing my cheek.

  “Sorry, but I need more than that. It’s been almost thirty-six hours.” I cup her face and kiss those lips. They taste like bubble gum and sugar, soft and plump, feeding my need for Leah. Her mouth is warm and wet and makes me want her with more urgency, so I kiss her harder, our tongues swirling and stroking.

  I reluctantly let her go when I sense we need a deep breath. She licks her lips and gives me a bashful grin.

  “Um, I was going to tell you that I put lip gloss on, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out already.” Reaching out, she runs her thumb across my lips to remove the remainder of it.

  “Bubble gum.” It’s all I say before I grab hold of her thumb and lightly kiss it, staring into her eyes the entire time. Seeming at a loss for words, she nods at me slowly. I’m so glad I have some effect on her since she’s already stripped my world as I know it.

  “Hey, Leah,” Tyler says. “Damn, you look good today.”

  “Tyler, I swear you better stop hitting on my girl.”

  “Chill, bro. I’m complimenting her. Chicks like compliments, right, Leah?” he asks, winking at her before he strolls into the kitchen.


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