Echo in the Hall

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Echo in the Hall Page 11

by Cricket Starr

  She wouldn’t go to bed—or the bushes—or anywhere else with Pan unless she absolutely had to.

  Nina butted in again. “The trouble is Aphrodite, Pan. She set things up so that if Chloe doesn’t make Alex love her, she’s going to wind up a spirit again.”

  Pan shrugged. “That’s a shame, Nemesis. I’d hate to see that happen to someone as vibrant and alive as our Echo here. But if you are looking to me to make this human love her, I’m the wrong god. You need Eros and his bow to help you out.”

  “We were thinking that maybe you could do something…not about Alex, but to keep Chloe from having to return to the spirit world.”

  Pan stroked his long goatee with his nimble fingers. Chloe watched, knowing how talented those hands of his were, how they would touch and finger and probe her sensitive skin…he’d be a much more sensitive lover than Alex was…

  She shook her head violently. She had to stop thinking thoughts like this around Pan. It really wasn’t fair to Alex to compare him to a god whose very existence was the need for sensual satisfaction. Of course Alex wasn’t as talented as Pan, but he had lots of other good qualities.

  If he’d only declare love for her, he’d have every quality she needed.

  Pan quit stroking his beard. “There is something I could do. I could see that you got reinstated as a nymph.”

  Hope filled Chloe. Why, that would be wonderful, if she couldn’t be with Alex. She’d be a nymph again, just like in the old days, before she’d fallen in love with Narcissus. “Could you really do that?”

  He snapped his fingers. “Of course. I’m the god of the woodlands after all. I can pick who attends me and how. I could make you a nymph again easily. Not even Hera would deny me that right. It would mean serving me, of course.”

  “Serve you?” Chloe’s heart sank, although she wasn’t surprised to hear his conditions.

  Pan reached out and collected one of her long locks of hair, stroking as he’d done his beard. “You wouldn’t deny me what is rightfully mine, would you, Echo? All the nymphs in the forest have served me at one time, or another. Except you, my pretty one. You refused my advances, claiming a bad case of love for that silly fool, Narcissus.”

  She tried to move away, but he seized her arms, half pulling her into the hedge. His fierce stare froze her in place. “Now you need my help. I will help you, but I want what should have been mine to begin with. I want your promise to give me your willing body in exchange for my help.”

  “Willing body?”

  He released her, and she nearly fell backward. “Of course. What do you think I am, a ravisher of reluctant women?” He frowned at her. “No woman, human, goddess, or nymph has ever entered my bed unwillingly, or been left unsatisfied as a result.”

  Gathering her shattered composure, Chloe raised her head to glare at him. “You say that, but not everyone you’ve bedded did so by desire.”

  A twisted leer crossed his face. “All right, so some women needed some persuasion, but I’ve never forced a woman…unlike some gods, I’ve never had to.”

  He crossed his arms and again she felt his animal magnetism. Too bad she couldn’t bottle it. Essence of Pan—it was the ultimate aphrodisiac. It would sell for millions of dollars.

  “When I’ve wanted a woman, she’s been mine and it was always her desire by the time we reached that point. You will be the same as any other woman, little Echo, and you’ll be happier for it.”

  He waved an impatient hand. “Go now and think on what I’ve said. If you come to me willingly I’ll save you from the spirit world. You will be my love for that time, and a nymph for the always after. You will regret nothing.”

  Pan stepped back, giving them a full view of his body, including his very full loincloth before fading into the shadows of the trees behind him. Chloe gaped at what she’d been able to see. The god really was built like a donkey!

  She turned to see a wistful smile on Nina’s face. “He really is something, isn’t he?”

  “He must be, to impress you.” Curiosity got the better of her. “How many times have you been with Pan?”

  Nina shook her head as if clearing it of a bad dream. “Me? Oh, maybe once or twice.” She shrugged elaborately. “He’s good, no doubt about that, but if you think Alex has commitment problems, Pan is the ultimate in relationship avoidance. No one keeps his attention for long. Not that I’ve looked for a relationship with anyone,” she quickly added.

  Chloe sighed. “That’s probably the only reason he wants me…because he hasn’t had me yet.”

  Nina grimaced. “True enough. But you aren’t looking for more anyway.” She hugged Chloe, brimming over with excitement. “He’ll make you a nymph again, Chloe. Isn’t that exciting? That’s an even better solution than getting Alex to love you.”

  Chloe smiled in return, but inside she wasn’t so certain. Sure, being human had its problems but she’d learned to cope with most of them. It would be okay to run through the forests again, but part of her would always long for her kitchen and its microwave oven.

  Part of her would always long for Alex’s arms as well.

  Truth was, she’d much rather have Alex to love—that is, have Alex’s love—than be a free woodland nymph again.

  Chloe linked arms with her sister and ran with her to the edge of the park, trying to ignore that lingering misthought.

  Had she really told herself that she wanted to love Alex?

  * * * * *

  Pan watched the pair leave from his place behind the tree. When he wanted to be invisible, it just took a flick of his fingers to make himself that way. It was good to be a god. Magic was handy to have, particularly when you were a god with hooves instead of feet. Whenever he wanted to seduce a fair young thing, he’d sometimes give his legs a human look, even doing away with his horns to make himself seem normal. Having a lover who shared characteristics with a goat usually bothered human women, even if they did enjoy his other animalistic qualities. They rarely objected to the inhuman size of his cock.

  Maybe that was why Echo was so resistant to his charms. He hadn’t bothered to glamour his appearance for her. After all, few of the other nymphs cared. Nemesis had even complimented his fleece on one occasion when he’d entertained her, and told him that his horns made him look “hot”.

  When had that been? Pan had to think about it…it had been at least two, three centuries back. They’d been at an Olympian party, and both had gotten a little drunk on Bacchus’ holiday punch. One thing had led to another and a wild week had been enjoyed by both of them. What a time they’d had.

  But later on he’d met someone else, a vestal virgin looking for a change in her life. That had been too much of a challenge to pass up, particularly since he’d again gotten a little worse for drink. He’d intended to call Nemesis later to explain, but she’d avoided him, and then later on the opportunity hadn’t come up. The next time they’d met, she’d behaved distant, barely speaking two words to him when he’d left with another willing nymph, blonde and big-breasted. He’d told himself that one body was pretty much the same as another, and tried not to care that the dark-haired nymph no longer would return his calls.

  Echo and Nemesis reached the edge of the park and made the turn to leave. Pan caught one last glance of them moving through the exit, Nemesis’ short-cropped dark head next to the long-haired beauty of Echo.

  Maybe once he’d spent a little one-on-one time with Echo, he’d talk Nemesis into joining them for a threesome. He would pleasure Echo with his tongue while Nemesis went down on him. He imagined that dark head of hers between his thighs, taking his cock deep in her mouth, running her tongue down its length, sucking it. Gods, his prick ached just thinking about it. He needed some relief.

  Casting a cautious glance around the area, he pulled out his engorged member and ran his hand along it. It was magnificent, thick, heavy, and long. The best cock in Olympus he’d been told more than once. He’d known thousands of pussies, debauched hundreds of virgins, and had countless
encounters with the mouths and assholes of others. Through the centuries he’d enjoyed the touch of many, many women, and more than a few men, although that game had gotten old and he didn’t play it much anymore. Even so, after all this time, he still liked to take things into his own hands from time to time. Leaning against the tree behind him, he closed his fist around his cock and worked it up and down with practice skill.

  In his palm every ridge and vein was familiar, every stroke satisfied.

  Pan closed his eyes and gave in to the sensation. Oh yes, like that. Just a little more…

  “Aren’t you a little old to be jerking off?”

  Aphrodite’s frigid observation hit his concentration like a bucket of ice water and his erection wilted. Furious, Pan covered himself and turned to face her, and found her standing next to his tree. Her lean form wore blue this time, a garment that revealed all her glorious curves, and with her long blonde hair she could’ve been very attractive if it hadn’t been for the cold amusement in her face.

  “Aphrodite, don’t you have anything better to do than to spy on others?”

  She smirked. “No, not really. I’m here to watch out for those who look to me, Pan. Like Chloe.”

  “You mean Echo? She’s not yours, goddess. She’s mine and I’ll have her soon.”

  “She wants to be called Chloe now. You might get her name right, women like that. And you can only have her if she comes to you willingly, Pan. That was established long ago. You can’t take what isn’t given.”

  “I told her that. She knows. But she will come willingly. When she gets desperate enough.”

  The goddess ran a perfectly manicured finger along his arm. It left a sensual trail and he caught his breath. Her smell…lilacs and roses and a hint of sweet rosemary. Pan’s nostrils flared and his cock throbbed into awareness. Almost he reached for her before remembering who she was. Sudden fear again killed his ardor.

  “I’m warning you, Pan. I’ve plans for Chloe and her young man. You or anyone else interferes and I’ll see to it that you pay a penalty for it. Remember that.”

  He backed away, hands up. “I’ll take nothing that isn’t offered freely. I know the rules. But you can’t control the game completely, goddess. The players have free will, and can make their own decisions. You remember that.”

  “I count on their free will, little god.”

  Fury overcame his fear. “You don’t scare me, goddess. I’m a god and there is nothing you can do to me.”

  “Oh, can’t I?” Her silky smooth voice held some meaning and promise he didn’t like. “I personify love, and that’s something that even gods need. You interfere with my plans and perhaps I’ll show you what I could do to you.”

  “You think you could deny me love?” Pan’s crooked smile took over his face. “I can have any woman I want and you can’t stop that.”

  Aphrodite waved her elegant hand. “There is a difference between sex and love, but believe what you want.”

  “I will.” She was so certain of herself, so sure she had all the answers. Suppose he turned things around? “What about your love life, goddess of love? I haven’t seen your beloved Hephaistos around lately.”

  It was well known that the goddess’ marriage didn’t appear to be the happiest in the pantheon. In fact, it was rumored that Aphrodite would have divorced the god who forged Zeus’ thunderbolts if she could.

  The goddess’s eyes narrowed, a clear sign his barb had hit home. “You will leave my husband out of this, Pan, or I will see to it that you suffer for it.”

  Pan laughed and bowed mockingly. “Don’t be too certain of that, mighty goddess. You don’t frighten me. I’m not subject to your whims like the mortals and those of the minor ranks of Olympus are.”

  He whisked himself out of her sight, leaving Aphrodite furiously tapping her perfectly tied sandal on the ground.

  “We will see about that, oh mighty god Pan,” she told the emptiness where he’d been, then dematerializing herself leaving only her words to echo in the clear air of the park. “Watch and see, I may have the last laugh on you yet.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alex looked around the deserted apartment. Where had Chloe gone? He checked the bedroom and the bathroom. No sign of her. He checked in the kitchen. No appearance of dinner underway. Unusual for her as she generally had that meal well underway by the time he got back from school. He wouldn’t tell anyone this, but he’d gotten used to her having supper ready when he got home.

  Frowning he examined the plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table and the partially drunk cups of coffee. It looked like Chloe had had company. He didn’t mind, of course. It was fine if she had friends in. Although the only friend he knew of was her sister Nemesis, or Nina, or whatever she was called, and while he hadn’t met Nina yet, he couldn’t say for sure that she was a real friend. Something told him that Nina didn’t exactly approve of Chloe living with him.

  He helped himself to one of the cookies on the plate. Oh man, delicious! Where had Chloe learned to make these, they were just like his mother used to make. Good old Mom, she’d really like Chloe, a lot more than she’d ever liked Mel. Mom had always said Mel didn’t really care about him, that she was after one thing, his money.

  Mom had Mel pegged, all right.

  He wondered what she’d say Chloe wanted. It might be interesting to find out. It had been a long time since he’d seen his mother and with the end of classes coming up… Maybe he and Chloe could take a trip out to California and visit her.

  Alex looked at the clock and frowned. Where was Chloe anyway? She’d had class in the early afternoon, but she must have come home. The fresh cookies told him that.

  He helped himself to two more. Couldn’t spoil his dinner if dinner wasn’t even underway yet. Sitting down in the living room, he turned on the television, looking for distraction. A show came on…some kind of comedy with a laugh track, smart-alecky lines, and young people, including a number of young women, none of whom looked like they weighed more than a hundred pounds each. Their skinny frames initially attracted him, but couldn’t hold his interest long.

  Too thin. They looked like little girls, not like his Chloe.

  Alex sat back in his seat, basking in satisfaction. Chloe was a woman who looked like a woman. She’d put on some weight since living with him…all the good cooking she was doing, but it looked good on her. Made her seem—substantial. Not like a wood nymph or a dream, but like a real woman.

  She’d come a long way since he’d first met her, unable to speak, read, or do much besides make love. But heaven above, could she make love. And that was one thing that hadn’t changed, she was still the best lay he’d ever had. It kept getting better, too.

  Sometimes he wondered how he could have gotten so lucky. He knew she’d hadn’t a lot of choices after getting kicked out of her statue. He’d taken her in because he’d felt responsible, but they’d gone beyond that long ago.

  She could move out, find a place of her own. The classes she’d taken had given her the ability to fend for herself. Alex had no doubt that she could find a good job in a restaurant somewhere after tasting some of her specialties during the past month. Still she stayed with him.

  The sex between them was good…hell, it was great. If it got much better, he’d probably have a heart attack or need Viagra to keep up with her. Maybe both.

  Alex glanced at the clock. Nearly six and she still wasn’t home. Disgruntled he went to the kitchen and opened a beer, helping himself to another cookie as he passed the plate.

  Alex took a big swig from the bottle. Excellent! Chloe had the best taste, always seemed to know what to get and yet how to stretch a dollar. He gave her a pittance to keep the house going, and she managed to make it go further than even his mother could have done.

  Yeah, Mom would probably really like Chloe. They should go visit her.

  He glanced again at the clock. It wasn’t like her to be gone so long. A touch of concern filled him. Maybe something had happe
ned to her? If she was out with that sister of hers, the sex-queen, who knows what could go wrong? Should he call the police?

  And say what? Tell them that his live-in girlfriend, a former nymph and statue-come-to-life had gone missing? That was sure to make the boys-in-blue happy. Better to wait a little; she’d be home soon. If not, he’d go looking for her.

  Look for her where? He didn’t have any idea where she would have gone. He didn’t really know how she spent her days, other than the class she was taking. He’d picked her up several times and met her teacher. An okay guy. Rather taken with Chloe, even promising to get her a job after she completed the course.

  That would be something, for a woman in his house to bring in money. Mel never would have done it, but then Chloe was nothing like Mel and he very much liked her differences.

  Chloe was so quiet, somewhat shy, even a little innocent in ways. She probably didn’t even realize how many of the guys in her class were interested in her. Well, the straight guys at least. He’d shown a little muscle when a one of her classmates had gotten too friendly and put his arm around her. He’d grabbed the guy’s arm and twisted it. Not hard, just enough to get the guy to back off.

  Alex took another swig out of his bottle. It was a good thing he’d been there. Chloe needed him around to keep riffraff like that away. That joker was just like the guys on this sitcom. They took a girl and used her for sex, got her to take care of their apartment, and then didn’t giving her the respect she was due. They’d never tell her how much she meant to them…

  Abruptly he sat up and turned off the set. It was a little too close to his situation with Chloe. For some time now he’d felt a twinge of guilt every time he’d come home to find her cleaning the apartment or fixing his dinner. He’d let her move in because she’d no place else to go and he’d felt sorry for his part in putting her into that situation. It was her idea to keep their relationship sexual…not that he was complaining. But now she’d taken over the place on her own. It was nice but he didn’t know if he really wanted her doing it.


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