“Acknowledged,” ISIS says to the helm computers.
ISIS activates Nyna and informs her of their arrival. In Med Lab, there is a buzz of computer activity. One of the monitors reads, “CREW NEURO ACTIVITY: GREEN.” A holographic monitor shows a game of solitaire being played. It’s Magruder’s neuro activity. Another monitor shows Cruise’s activity. His monitor reads, “PRIVACY MODE: ACTIVE.” Bain’s monitor reads, “CAPTAIN BAINS: LOG IN SESSION.”
“Ship’s log, Captain’s entry… It’s been approximately three years and the crew is still in stasis. Ship’s systems and ISIS operating within expected parameters. Nyna is currently regenerating. Still no word from HAB 1…” Bains reports.
Suddenly, she’s interrupted.
“Captain,” Nyna says over the intercom.
“End log. Yes what is it, Nyna?”
“We’ve arrived at the coordinates.”
“Well it’s about time. WAKE US UP!” Bains replies.
From the bridge, Nyna instructs ISIS to comply with Bains’ order.
“Reviving crew,” ISIS says.
The Med Lab interior lights begin to slowly come on. They flicker as they illuminate the medical bay.
Eight cryo-stasis units holding the crew steadily lower from the Med Lab ceiling. A gust of pressurized gas loudly erupts from the clamps holding the units. A monitor displays each crewmember’s name and rank. It also shows their bio and neuro activity.
The crew is in a physical state of suspended animation. ISIS views the activity from a video strip along the ceiling.
Each of the units opens simultaneously. Their displays read, “CELL REANIMATION IN PROGRESS” and “NEURO-ACTIVITY STATUS: GREEN.” The ambient climate in the room and the below zero temperature of the crew’s body interact producing a mist that slowly rises from their skin. The units heat their bodies inducing a rapid thaw.
Slowly, one by one, the crew awakens. First, Doctor Pierce, then Neil, Bains, Magruder, Cruise, Reed, Pendersen and Nickolette’s bodies all bloom to life.
Suddenly, Magruder rubs her stomach and leans over the side of her unit.
“Magruder, what is it?” Bains asks as she climbs out of her unit.
“I don’t know… I just feel… WAAAHA!” Magruder replies as she vomits and gags.
Lt. Cruise seizes the opportunity to get a laugh at her expense.
“Hey, Magruder, that’s why you not suppose to eat before cryo-sleep,” Cruise says laughing.
Magruder flips him the bird. Struggling to keep her middle finger high in the air she gags again.
“Alright, Cruise, knock it off! Magruder, did you eat before getting in this thing?” Bains asks.
Bains kneels beside Magruder’s unit being careful not to step in her vomit. Magruder nods her head no.
“Captain Bains, there is an explanation,” ISIS says.
“Contaminant?” Bains inquires.
“Of sorts,” ISIS responds cryptically.
“I’m listening,” Bains says impatiently.
“You may want to clear the room”
“ISIS, would you just spit it out!”
“Lt. Amanda Magruder, is pregnant”
“What!” Bains yells as she looks at Magruder, baffled.
“Holy shit!” Reed blurts out.
Everyone is shocked; Bains is shock and pissed off.
“Everybody out! Pierce, stick around” Bains orders sharply.
The crew heads for the hatch.
“A baby out here? I mean is there even a protocol for that?” Nickolette says to Pendersen.
“All I know is I didn’t knock her up” Cruise says flippantly.
“Yeah, seven kids and seven different mothers? You’ll have a hard time proving that, Cruise,” Pendersen retorts.
“Alright, hit the showers. I smell three years of funk on your asses and it’s foul!” Reed barks at the men.
Reed takes a quick glance back at Bains wondering how she is going to handle this latest development. The hatch closes behind Reed and the others leaving Bains, Magruder and Doctor Pierce in Med Lab.
Magruder eases onto a bio-bed. Bain is quiet for a moment while she makes her way over to a receptacle. She grabs a cup and places it onto a tray in the receptacle.
“Water,” Bains says sharply.
Water begins to fill the cup. She motions Dr. Pierce over to join her.
“I’d like to know how you missed this?” Bains asks.
Unaccustomed to answering to, Bains, Doctor Pierce is visibly taken aback by her inquiry.
“I didn’t miss anything. Her test came back negative for pregnancy,” Doctor Pierce says defensively.
“Yeah, but…”
“We’ve had false readings before, Bains. It’s not unheard of,” Doctor Pierce quips.
“And, ISIS? What about her scans before we left Earth?” Bains probes.
“It’s a redundant system. ISIS, reviews our initial data, but her primary function is to look for anomalous readings…diseased cells, contaminants, things of that nature.” Doctor Pierce states.
“As, Chief Medical Officer, on this mission, you should have caught this!” Bains argues.
Doctor Pierce rolls his eyes toward the ceiling as Bains grabs the cup of water and walks it over to Magruder. Bains hands the cup to Magruder. Ashamed of her situation, Magruder barely looks at Bains as she takes the cup and sips from it.
“You know the protocol before a deep space mission, no sex! What were you thinking?” Bains asks intently.
“I wasn’t thinking,” Magruder answers remorsefully.
“Obviously!” Bains snaps.
“I was diagnosed with Sharlen’s Syndrome years ago. I didn’t think I could get pregnant.”
“A history of Sharlen’s Syndrome was documented within the company’s secured files,” Doctor Pierce interjects.
“But, I don’t recall seeing that in herpersonnel file. Shouldn’t that have made her ineligible for this mission?” Bains inquires.
“Not necessarily. It was deemed a negligible risk, hence the omission from the files you were given. Magruder has been on many missions without incident. The condition was thought to only have affected her reproductive system,” Doctor Pierce adds.
Bains takes a moment to think then concedes.
“Well, a deep space mission is no place for a baby. You know you do haveoptions,” Bains says.
“Byoptions you mean an abortion?”
“I mean whatever you decide I’ll back you; even if it means pulling a babysitting shift for the little rug rat,” Bains jokes attempting to lighten the mood.
“Good, because I can tell you right now that I want to keep it,” Magruder says without hesitation.
Bains has no intentions on forcing Magruder to terminate her pregnancy, because she had her own unresolved issues to reckon with concerning her decision to abort her pregnancy. She was not about to compound them. Additionally, Bains is beginning to feel a kinship with the crew. She cared about them despite their slow acceptance of her. This is her crew and her responsibility.
Bains doesn’t realize that in a subconscious way she is replacing the crew for her lost family. Moreover, she wants redemption for her past choices and the crew is unwittingly fulfilling this function. Her objectivity is slowly being compromised.
Chapter Thirteen
Bains is in her quarters and has just gotten out of the shower. She is wearing a white robe. She takes a towel and begins drying her hair. Her quarters are small and cramped. She thinks about Magruder’s baby and how it’s presence will affect the mission. Then her thoughts turn to the unborn child she terminated.
Bains wanders over to a wall unit and picks up a picture of she and her ex-husband Tyler. It’s inside an old frame that belonged to her great-great grandmother. It had been passed down over the years and was now hers to give to her firstborn. Her gaze falls on the wedding band she is still wearing. She wonders if Tyler is still wearing his light years across the
galaxy. She remembers that he removed his band after learning about her abortion.
Bains turns the frame over and opens it up removing a sonogram of her unborn child. She can remember the excitement she and Tyler had when they took the photo. She begins to weep trying to hold back the tears. Her hand holding the sonogram shakes uncontrollably as she cries. Suddenly, Commander Reed calls her over the intercom.
“Reed, to, Bains.”
“Yeah…go ahead,” Bains responds clearing her throat.
“Hot water is out again. Thought you should know before your shower.”
“Too late,” Bains replies in a melodic manner.
Bains smiles and wipes the tears from her face. Somehow, she knows the purpose of Reed’s call was to check in on her. He probably senses that Magruder’s situation hits close to home with her.
“Hey, meet me on the bridge will ya? I need to bring you up to speed on HAB’s status,” Bains says trying to regain her composure.
“Copy that. Reed, out,” Reed responds.
Bains puts the sonogram, the picture of she and Tyler, and the frame back together. She carefully places the frame back on the shelf and gets dressed.
On the bridge, Bains meets with Reed. They stand around a circular console that has a diagram of their intended landing site on MV5. Reed has a towel wrapped around his neck. He undoubtedly tried to shower again in hopes of getting some hot water. An unlit cigar is dangling from his lips. Bains is holding a cup of coffee as she eyeballs the diagram.
“So, how was your nap?” Bains asks.
“Very funny. Three years in cryo-sleep is probably more like a coma. Thank God, for neuro-recreation, huh?” Reed replies.
Reed walks over to a viewport to get a look at the eerie planetoid.
“So that’s home for the next eleven months? Charming.”
Bains joins him at the viewport.
“Yep, that’s our new digs,” she says.
“So what’s the deal with, Magruder?” Reed asks.
“You heard, ISIS, she’s pregnant. One month and three weeks to be exact.”
“Why didn’t scans pick that up in dry dock, before we left Earth?”
“According to, Pierce, his initial scans were negative and ISIS, concurs. Apparently, the pregnancy was halted the instant she was frozen and resumed after she thawed,” Bains explains.
“And, Pierce, missed that? Well that makes no sense,” Reed quips.
“Agreed. Listen, about the mission. This thing needs to go by the numbers. Brief the crew, I want touchdown at 09:00 and habitat interface no later than 13. You copy?” Bains instructs.
“That’s gonna go over well,” Reed replies.
“I don’t care pull rank if you have to. According to our Intel, the other teams have at least a two month lead on us.”
“Copy that. Still no word from, HAB 1, huh?” Reed asks.
Bains leans over and peers out the viewport window looking intently at the dark side of the planet.
“Not a peep. What the hell is going on down there?” Bains whispers to herself.
Mission Protocols prohibits any early communication with the Aaron Enterprises or Apollo Corporation teams, but Bains is curious about their status. She is also concerned about not hearing from the HAB 1 computer. It should have detected the Decima’s orbit above MV5. A transmission from HAB 1 was overdue.
Everyone except Bains and Reed is assembled in the Mess Hall. They are eating and joking with one another. Even though, Nyna is unable to ingest food she joins them. She sits quietly, appearing to watch the group, but she is actually studying her scans of their bone marrow tissue samples. She scanned and downloaded all the information from their samples into her neuro-net. A digital image of the scans, only she can see, is projected over the external environment. No one suspects her activity.
Commander Reed enters the Mess Hall. The mood in the room changes to semi-professional as he walks by the crew. It’s obvious to everyone that he comes bearing unwanted news. Nyna discontinues her scans to hear what he has to say.
“Okay everybody listen up. Now that you’ve been fed and brought up to speed by, ISIS, I have a mission update…”
Some of the crewmembers laugh, joking about the poor quality of the food. Cruise maintains his tough demeanor and pushes the bowl of cereal he is eating away, preparing to offer up his usual dose of complaining. It doesn’t matter the situation or topic, Lt. Cruise can always be counted on to go left when everyone else goes right. It’s just his way and his shipmates grew accustomed to it.
ISIS zooms in on the activity via her video strip along the ceiling of the room. Anticipating Cruise’s objection to the news, Reed positions himself in front of him before addressing the group.
“We’re two months behind the other teams and no doubt Ares Corporation expects us to play catch up. That means touchdown by 09:00 hours and Habitat Interface by 13:00,” Reed explains.
The crew quietly moans and begins to complain.
“Are you shitting us? Bains!” Cruise gripes.
“No way, man that’s…” Pendersen says.
“…Impossible,” Nickolette says finishing his twin’s sentence.
“Well, we’re gonna make it possible,” Reed declares.
“Does Bains, even understand the complexity of what we do around here?” Pendersen asks flippantly.
Bains enters abruptly overhearing the crew’s bitching.
“Besides, bullshit!” Bains interjects.
The mood tenses up in the room as Bains exerts her authority. She was growing tiresome of the lax morale amongst the crew.
“Look, we’re going to be out here on this dig for eleven months and you should know that I like to run things by the numbers...” Bains says sternly.
Cruise leans back in his chair and puts his feet up on the table. The sound of his boots hitting the tabletop interrupts, Bains. He notices the digital magazine with a picture of, Bains, and the previous Decima Captain, Briggs’, on its cover lying on the floor. He picks it up and tosses it onto the table in front of, Bains. The magazine lands perfectly in front of her and the article begins to play. Bains glares at Cruise as an uncomfortable silence falls over the room. The article’s account of Bains’ new commission as Captain of the Decima echoes throughout the Mess Hall. Cruise shakes his head in discontentment, as he retrieves a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and methodically pulls a smoke from the pack. ISIS zooms in on the cigarette as he lights it up.
“Uh-hmm. Well, all I know is we’re gonna need more than one hour for Descent Prep,” Cruise says nonchalantly.
“And why is that?” Bains asks sharply.
“Because, this bucket hasn’t touched down in over a year and landing her without a proper SYS-check can be a real, bitch!” Cruise replies matching Bains’ tone.
Cruise then takes a drag on his cigarette and blows the smoke in Bains’ direction.
“Lt. Cruise smoking on B-Deck can be a real, bitch, especially if it causes a fire,” ISIS warns.
Cruise flips ISIS’s camera strip his middle finger. Reed immediately takes a position across from Cruise, leans in over him and shoves a saucer filled with a half-eaten lemon pie in front of Cruise.
“Secure that shit, Cruise,” Reed growls.
Reed is referring to the smoke and Cruise’s insubordinate behavior. Cruise extinguishes his smoke in the pie.
“Your SYS-check should have been completed hours ago! That’s standard procedure after coming out of Cryo-sleep. Instead of focus,” Bains says.
She leans in over Cruise and shoves the magazine back onto the floor. She looks him square in the eyes and without blinking lays into him.
“In the future, I expect you to put more focus on your duties and less on recreational diversions. Because, if you don’t start shaping up around here, not only will you be forfeiting your commission; you’ll be facing a court-marshal once we return to Earth, understood?” Bains says coldly.
Cruise finds a piece of cereal with his ton
gue stuck in between his upper-teeth and sucks it out, creating a smacking sound before answering Bains.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Cruise responds reluctantly.
“Captain, incoming transmission. It’s HAB 1,” ISIS announces.
“I’ll take it at, Main OPS!”
“Acknowledged,” ISIS replies.
Bains turns her attention to the entire crew.
“Look, this isn’t a democracy. Touchdown at 09:00, Reed–––see to it!” Bains blasts.
Bains storms out of the Mess Hall visibly disgusted, but thoroughly satisfied that she finally got to put Cruise into short pants.
“Yes, Ma’am! You heard the lady now show me your fucking rosebuds, double-time!” Reed barks.
The crew complies, getting up from the table and exiting the Mess Hall.
Outside Main Operations, Bains enters her security code and braces for an eye scan. She is understandably hesitant when getting her retinas scanned. Her last experience didn’t go so well. She then enters the small room and makes her way over to an awaiting computer terminal. After the hatch closes behind her, a holographic monitor appears.
“ISIS, open a channel,” Bains commands.
“Uplink in progress…Channel open, HAB 1 connected,” ISIS responds.
On the holographic screen in front of her the words “ARES CORP” disappears and the words “HAB 1 ONLINE” appears.
“Hello, Captain,” HAB 1’s deep voice says.
“Hello, HAB 1. We expected your transmission hours ago. Are your systems malfunctioning?”
“Negative. I apologize for the delay. A blade of generator went offline temporarily due to some atmospheric disturbances, but I corrected the problem,” HAB 1 explains.
“Diagnostic report?” Bains requests.
“All systems are green, you are cleared for landing. Captain, there is an incoming transmission from HAB 2.”
“HAB 2? Route it through,” Bains orders.
Captain Vladimir Yuri of the Apollo Corporation team appears on the holographic screen. He is a Russian gentleman with a thick accent. His face is flush and covered with sweat. Bains notices, but doesn’t speak on it. She is obviously annoyed with the breach of protocol and the presumptuous call.
“Nice of you to join the party, Captain Bains,” Captain Yuri says.
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