The Mind Control Telepath

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The Mind Control Telepath Page 6

by Evelyn Lederman

  Jeryl Jarlyn finally entered the room and joined her. A rather short man accompanied him, he took the seat next to the Prime Ruler. No introductions were made, which was odd, since Jeryl was obsessive about social etiquette.

  The stranger addressed her, with no greeting whatsoever. “I have been informed the Childers have decided that you will no longer be lodging with them. They are used to living alone and now both sons have brought girlfriends into their home. They thought they had room, but they re-evaluated their situation.”

  The man’s words did not ring true. There was a nuance she had picked up, it almost sounded like a bad note sung by a singer. She had similar reactions in the past, but disregarded how she felt because the topic had been unimportant to her.

  “He’s lying,” JoAnna said.

  “How do you know?” the Prime Ruler asked. He seemed genuinely interested in her answer. Jeryl Jarlyn leaned forward in his chair, focusing on her. He barely hid his excitement.

  She momentarily struggled with how to answer. How do you translate something that just sounds off in your mind? “The pitch my brain heard was off,” she simply said. There really was no other way to describe it.

  “Excellent,” Jeryl stated, while clapping his hands. “You may retire from my presence.” The little man rose and left the room. It had been a test and it appeared she passed with flying colors.

  Her uncle got up, placed her favorite pastry on a plate, and then passed it to her. “Precisely,” he said, as she accepted the plate. JoAnna felt like one of Pavlov’s dogs. Actually, she was too hungry to be insulted, she bit into the buttery goodness with relish.

  “It is that anomaly of sound that tells you someone is lying,” the Prime Ruler continued. “Only a lie can generate that type of sound. The more you use your telepathic gifts, the faster you will pick up on them. Unfortunately, a half-truth is undetectable. That is why one asks the same question in different ways so they can catch someone in a lie.”

  “Does it work on a mind control telepath?” she asked. The whole lying thing made her uneasy, especially since she generally was so good at it.

  “Absolutely,” Jeryl answered. “There are rare exceptions, where someone can close their mind to a telepath, as you did the first day we met. I continue to try and connect with you and have been unsuccessful each time.”

  JoAnna did her best to hide her emotions from both men. “What about you, uncle, can you enter my mind?”

  “It seemed unlikely I could, if Jeryl could not,” her uncle replied. “I tried regardless and was unsuccessful. You have a powerful gift, my girl.”

  JoAnna did not like when the Prime Ruler or her uncle referred to her in that manner. Although the term was an endearment between an older gentleman and a younger female, she felt no warmth from either man when they addressed her in that fashion. When Zane Childers, Tarsea’s father, called her ‘my girl,’ JoAnna felt genuine feelings from the man. She did not know if it was an aspect of her telepathic gift or instinct.

  “Perhaps you should reside here in The Palace, so we can spend more time together honing your skills,” Jeryl Jarlyn commented. JoAnna had an inkling how the creature from Frankenstein felt. The offer was not made related to her comfort, but as a means to manipulate the power she would ultimately possess.

  “That is a very generous offer, sir,” JoAnna finally responded to Jeryl’s suggestion. “But, it has been so nice becoming re-acquainted with Candy again and Shirl is expected back this evening. I would like to continue living with the Childers for the time being.” JoAnna held her breath, she hoped the Prime Ruler would honor her request. The prospect of staying behind these walls seemed more like a death sentence.

  “Yes, yes,” Jeryl Jarlyn responded. “I am glad you have reconnected with your old friends. Besides, we should give your mind time to rest, as you start to enhance your skills.”

  The Prime Ruler seemed to be hatching something else in his devious mind. All signs indicated to her he had just one agenda, whatever would give him more power. For some reason, JoAnna could see past the charismatic exterior to the evil man who resided within his soul.

  “I have been unable to spend time with your friend Shirl. If you could find out how her powers have evolved since she mated, I would be extremely grateful.” JoAnna must have gotten a funny look on her face, since the Prime Ruler quickly tried to temper his words. “She has traveled so much, I fear she may be overtaxing her brain using her abilities.”

  JoAnna’s uncle continued to sit beside her, mute. He perked up a bit when Shirl’s name was mentioned. In what little JoAnna had been able to discover, Shirl had been with her cousin in the Nightshade universe and had returned Chartail temporarily back to the Troyk universe. Prime Adholm had met briefly with his daughter before she was sent to the Troyk penal colony.

  “It is time to work on your persuasion capabilities,” the Prime Ruler stated. “This is a skill you must master. Three people will join us and I want you to convince them to support Prime Adholm in his quest to be re-elected.”

  “I am sure my uncle does not need to use mind control to get people to vote for him.” JoAnna felt it was obscene manipulating her power in such a manner. It was obvious Jarlyn did not like her response. “Besides, since Shirl returns shortly, I am so excited, I am having difficulty concentrating.”

  “Let her go, Jeryl,” her uncle finally spoke up. Turns out her uncle had a backbone after all. “Perhaps we can sanction a trip for JoAnna and me to visit Chartail in the penal colony. Shirl managed to liberate Candy and the Childers’ boy without any prisoners escaping.”

  “I told you, old friend, I will consider your request.” There was a crispness in the Prime Ruler’s voice she had not heard before when he addressed her uncle.

  “You should run home,” Jeryl Jarlyn finally said, excusing her from his presence. JoAnna left the room immediately, before he could change his mind.

  She had witnessed firsthand how quickly Jeryl Jarlyn turned on his oldest friend. It was clear he did not like Prime Adholm sticking up for her or desiring something that was not on his agenda. What would happen if JoAnna pushed him too far?

  JoAnna decided to do a little shopping on her way back to the Childers’s residence. She had worn the clothing she had purchased with Candy and Alex, but was dissatisfied with their quality. There were some upper-end stores she had passed numerous times as she walked to The Palace, but had not the opportunity to stop in and check out what was available.

  As she continued to walk, she had a strange sensation she was being followed. JoAnna casually glanced behind her, but did not notice anyone who stood out. She listened to the communal pathways, in case someone commented on anything suspicious.

  The first store JoAnna came across had a porter at its entrance, a positive sign she would find exactly what she was looking for. JoAnna entered the store and could tell immediately they would have more suitable clothing for her needs. She headed to the women’s clothing department, located on the second floor. She walked up the marble stairway, taking in the elegance of the store. There was a large crystal chandelier which hung from the center ceiling that she admired as she continued up the stairs. JoAnna wondered if Shirl had seen the lovely piece of art.

  She had not noticed anyone as she entered the store or someone loitering outside. It was possible she had imagined the whole thing. Perhaps she spent too much time in The Palace, honing her telepathic gift. She was seeing intrigue, where none existed.

  As she reached the landing on the second floor, a woman approached her. She presented her card and asked her if she could be of service. JoAnna was used to working with personal shoppers at home and decided to take advantage of what appeared to be the same service in this world.

  “I am the protégé of our Prime Ruler and am looking for clothing suitable to reflect my status.” JoAnna knew she sounded snobbish, but s
he did not want any misunderstandings about the quality of the clothing she desired to purchase. She had become accustomed to having the very best.

  The sales associate perked up. JoAnna was not sure if it was because of her status or the commission the clerk thought she would make on the sale. People tended to work harder when there was something in it for them.

  “There are some lovely outfits in our backroom, reserved for our upper-tiered customers. However, I can tell you do not want something you can purchase off the rack. I can take your measurements and we can design a textile, unique to your personality.”

  “That is exactly what I am looking for.” JoAnna followed the woman to a private lounge where they spent the next thirty minutes selecting various designs. The clerk checked the fabric availability, and she created several outfits of her own designs. She could not remember the last time she had so much fun. If the mind control gig did not work out, she might consider becoming a personal shopper herself.

  Although she spent a small ransom, JoAnna did not have any packages which weighed her down as she arrived at the Childers. The clothes she purchased would be created and delivered in several batches. This time, she had not felt she was followed. As she entered the home, JoAnna heard voices coming from the kitchen. It did not take a rocket scientist to determine who she would find there.

  “Hi,” Alex greeted her. “Where have you been? Solfa communicated ninety minutes ago that you had left the Palace.”

  JoAnna was taken aback by the tone in Alex’s voice. There was definite concern and anxiety laced in her speech. Her old friend must have been worried sick.

  “I am sorry, Alex,” JoAnna said. “I am not used to communicating telepathically, so I was not actively involved in the conversations taking place. Guess you can say, I traveled under the radar. Jeryl gave me money for more appropriate clothing, so I went shopping.”

  Alex unconsciously looked down at her own clothing. “Candy and I are not exactly fashion icons. We should have waited for Shirl to come back to take you to buy clothing.”

  No one mentioned where Koel had been, since he had not made an appearance since she arrived. JoAnna hoped he had been traveling with Shirl and would return with her tonight. Although Alex and Candy had been more than welcoming, their lack of trust in her created a gulf between them. JoAnna hoped that once she was reunited with Koel, she would finally have a confidant to unburden all her doubts and fears about her new home. It was clear Jeryl Jarlyn had plans for her and without Koel’s assistance, JoAnna feared she would fall prey to the manipulations of the Prime Ruler.

  Chapter 7

  Koel once again stepped onto the soil of the mountain trail, just west of the capital city of the Troyk universe. After spending time in the Nightshade world, he was relieved to be home. He had rarely traveled to parallel dimensions, he preferred his own world. Even with the mind control telepathic rule, his home was superior to any other universe he had seen.

  “I still do not like having left Afton in that terrible place,” Shirl commented. She was the mated crystal telepath, who could now navigate natural portals with just her mind. With the crystals that hung around her neck, she could create a portal to anywhere, requiring little energy from her stones.

  Portal travel was monitored, so they needed to lie when they reported back to crystal telepathic headquarters. With Jeryl Jarlyn’s orders to find dissidents who escaped into other worlds, it was easy to say they had explored other dimensions to determine if they were likely locations to discover these traitors.

  The Troyk government had cut off relations with the Nightshade universe. The general populace of the Troyk universe were horrified to discover that world was populated by vampires. Worse, Troyk convicted prisoners sentenced to die, had been sent there to be slaughtered. It was unclear how much the Prime Ruler knew of what happened when their people were condemned to that world, but he had little choice but to cease the practice.

  “It was her choice, love,” his cousin Starc replied. Starc was Shirl’s soul mate. Their coming together made Shirl one of the most powerful beings in any world. “We should head back to town and see what has happened in our absence.”

  “I am going to head home to shower and then find Darden. The two of you can provide our report to the authorities. It is time I bring my soul mate home.” Koel had thought of little else while he was in the Nightshade universe on their rescue mission. The fact Afton had chosen her vampire soul mate over returning to Ginkgo Terra gave him fleeting hope about his own relationship.

  They were nearly to the location on the trail where he would be able to communicate through the warrior pathway. He wanted to spend as little time as possible here before he headed back to Ginkgo Terra and claimed his soul mate. The doubt JoAnna would accept him this time around had plagued his mind.

  “Darden,” Koel pushed communication through the warrior channel. “I want to return for JoAnna. Meet me on the mountain trail in two hours.”

  It was not long before Darden replied. “There has been a development. Meet me at the safe house.”

  Koel, Shirl, and Starc exchanged glances. It was a rare occurrence for them to meet at the safe house, rather than the Childers’s residence. The safe house was used to temporarily hold dissidents before they were taken to the portal if their immediate escape was not possible. It was also used for the occasional tryst. When they rescued Chartail from the Nightshade universe, it had been her temporary home until she was discovered and arrested.

  “What has happened?” Koel inquired.

  “Just meet me there,” Darden answered. “Shirl and Starc should accompany you.”

  “This can’t be good,” Shirl commented under her breath. “I checked with Alex and Candy, through our closed channel, to see what was going on. They would not provide any information. Candy is at crystal telepathic headquarters training, but Alex will join us.”

  A number of scenarios ran through Koel’s mind. They were all unwanted distractions from his number one mission. One thing after another had prevented him from claiming JoAnna, including his own soul mate.

  It did not take long to reach the safe house. The dwelling was strategically placed not far from the mountain trail head. He had surfed various communal channels, attempting to pick-up chatter that would give him a clue about what Darden wanted to discuss.

  Alex and Darden were already in the common room when they entered. Tolfer entered from the kitchen, he carried a platter loaded with sandwiches. Before he placed the tray on the center table, Alex grabbed one.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” Alex said, as she bit into a sandwich. “Tolfer had just finished preparing lunch, so I told him to bring himself and the food with him.”

  Koel could not help but smile. The young woman in front of him was probably more likely to have thought of her own hunger than be concerned that they had returned from their mission hungry. Alex continually ate and had not gained an ounce. Now that she was pregnant, he imagined she would start filling out.

  “That was very considerate of you, Alex,” Starc said, as he grabbed a sandwich. He consumed it in two bites and reached for a second.

  Growing impatient, Koel finally said, “What has happened?” He did not want to eat, he wanted answers.

  Alex gazed in Darden’s direction. He did not like the expression on her face. Koel knew this was not about some future mission, it was personal.

  “Jo Jo is in the Troyk universe,” Alex chirped out. “She is a mind control telepath and has been training with Jeryl Jarlyn. Candy had a premonition about her. We are not sure she can be trusted.” Alex fell back in her chair as she completed sharing the information.

  There was momentary silence after Alex finished. Koel’s usual tactical brain had momentarily shut down. His soul mate was home and embedded in the enemy camp. Would she have fallen prey to the Prime Ruler had he been here to p
rotect her, rather than rescuing another woman?

  Darden leaned forward, noticeably ready to share some tidbit of information about what had transpired in Koel’s absence. He knew his cousin well enough to know he was not going to like what he had to say. “She is staying with the Childers, but has spent most of her time at The Palace.”

  “Has she said or done anything to indicate she cannot be trusted?” Shirl chimed in.

  “Not so far,” Alex responded. “We have been walking on eggshells since she arrived. Officially, I was introduced to her as Alexia Montiff, but I think she knows who I really am. The looks she gives me breaks my heart. I want to tell her the truth, but I know I can’t. Even before I fell through the portal, I often thought of Jo Jo and now I’m afraid to acknowledge who I am.”

  “We have no idea what powers she will possess once she is mated. Until we know what side of the war she is on, you cannot have sex with her.” Darden verbalized exactly what Koel had thought. His soul mate was finally home, and Koel knew he could not touch her.

  Koel did not bother to tell Darden he did not know what he asked of him. No one but Darden could have delivered those orders. His cousin had known his soul mate since she was ten years old and had maintained a platonic relationship with her for eight years. Even once she turned eighteen, Darden had held off having sexual relations with his soul mate. Things were still unstable related to Benko and Cassandra Jarlyn’s place in this or any other world. His cousin did not want to complicate matters or place Cassie in any more danger.

  “Koel, I can take you to the penal colony world,” Shirl offered. “You can spend time with Benko Jarlyn, planning our revolution. Plus, they could use your help to rebuild after their battle with the portal guardians.”


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