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Steel Rain: A Military Romance Collection

Page 22

by A. Gorman

Someone slipped in next to me and sat down. Duke! The two days I’d not been able to see him had been awful. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand and I held onto his tightly. His hand was warm and I just wanted to snuggle into his chest and tell him how happy I was he was here. I settled for the hand-holding. For now.

  I watched as the Watsons’ attorney said something into the suspect’s ear and he shook his head, an angry look coloring his face. The attorney sighed dramatically, then whispered something else.

  The suspect stood up and I noticed he had handcuffs on behind the back of his orange jumpsuit. His bald head reflected the lights from the courtroom. “Fuck you! I ain’t no rat! Fuck all of you!”

  The judge pounded her gavel. “Bailiff, remove him immediately!”

  Two uniforms came over and dragged him out of the courtroom.

  “The prosecution calls Rayanne Lynch to the stand.”

  I flinched at hearing my name. Duke let go of my hand and nodded at me in support. I walked woodenly to the stand, wondering why I hadn’t been briefed on this.

  After asking me to state my name, and informing the court that I had already sworn in during these proceedings, he asked me to sit.

  “The young man who was just removed from the courtroom, did you recognize him?”

  Shit. “Um, not really.”

  “Can you answer yes or no, please?” he asked.

  “No, I did not.”

  “Did he look familiar to you in any way?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I just don’t know why.”

  “Did you get a good look at the men who were chasing you and Special Agent Hawthorne in Virginia after the assault on Special Agent Morris?”

  The Watsons’ attorney stood up. “Objection. Leading the witness.”

  “Sustained,” the judge said. “Reword, Counselor.”

  The prosecutor nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Ms. Lynch, could you describe those who were chasing you to the cliffs when you and Special Agent Hawthorne had to run?”

  “No, I’m sorry I can’t. I only recognized Shane Watson because I had met him previously, as I said in my previous testimony. I did not get a good look at the other two, as they had hoods on. And I was scared out of my mind.”

  “Just one more question,” the attorney said. “Were they all males?”

  I wrung my hands together and glanced at Duke. He just looked at me but didn’t make any motion to help me out. “I don’t know.”

  “Thank you, that’s all.”

  Relieved, I left the stand and went to sit back next to the new love of my life.

  * * *

  I watched Dockins and Jones sitting on my new sofa watching some kind of sports on TV and hoped it would be the last time I’d have to look at that. Both sides had made closing arguments today, and the jury immediately went into deliberation. I was hopeful we’d hear something by tomorrow. I couldn’t take much more of this intrusion on my life.

  I’d tried to argue with the agents that since Shane and his friends had been caught, that the threat was over. They’d explained that until a verdict was reached and the Watsons were sent off to prison, that I still needed to be looked after, as a precaution. I hadn’t even bothered to argue.

  “I’m going to bed,” I called out to the two agents.

  They both waved and kept their eyes on the TV. I shook my head and went into my room.

  I waited a couple of minutes, then I reached into the nightstand and pulled out a small prepaid smartphone. Duke had slipped it into my jacket pocket sometime when I was on the stand today. I was glad I hadn’t discovered it until I’d gotten back to the condo.

  When I powered it up, I had three texts from “Cowboy” – I had immediately laughed. He programmed my name into the phone as, of course, Blondie.

  Blondie, keep this phone a secret. Do not take it out of the house.

  I just need to know you’re safe.

  I miss your beautiful ass.

  I texted back immediately: You surprise me, you know.

  Cowboy: How’s that?

  Me: I think you know, Royal.

  Cowboy: Don’t call me that if you want me to keep responding.

  I chuckled and texted back: Okay, you win, cowboy.

  Cowboy: Get some sleep. I will be there tomorrow, as long as no emergencies come up. Goodnight, angel.

  I grinned and then sighed like a schoolgirl and replied: Goodnight, my knight.

  God, we were so disgusting already. I flipped the light out, powered off the phone, and put it back into the nightstand under my journal.

  * * *

  The jury had deliberated less than a day. I think the testimony from the nurse and a couple hospital staff, and the capture of Shane and Eric had sealed it. Then I found out the third suspect had been a female, and she had sung like a canary in exchange for no prison time.

  “Please rise for the reading of the verdict.” We all obeyed. I was so nervous. I held my breath as the jury foreman read from a paper in his shaking hand.

  “We, the jury, find the defendant, Elmo Gerald Watson, guilty of failure to pay corporate taxes in excess of one million dollars. We, the jury, also find Elmo Gerald Watson, guilty of murder-for-hire in the murder of Angela Silvey.”

  Elmo’s wife began crying hysterically, sobbing into her daughter’s arms. The judge shot her a warning look.

  Then I saw Angela’s husband and mother hug each other, they were both openly crying. I had to look away and swallow down the lump in my throat.

  “Please continue,” the judge said to foreman.

  He nodded. “We, the jury, find George Edgar Watson, guilty of failure to pay corporate taxes in excess of one million dollars. We, the jury, find George Edgar Watson, not guilty of murder-for hire in the murder of Angela Silvey.”

  George hung his head and I could see he was weeping. Elmo just looked livid. His face was red and he was shaking.

  “Thank you for doing your civic duties, ladies and gentlemen. Court is dismissed. You are free to go.” Judge Johnson pounded her gavel.

  I openly hugged Duke and he squeezed me back.

  Duke, myself, Dockins, and Jones stood outside of the courthouse in the sunshine. Dockins ended the call he was on and smiled at me. “You are free, young lady. It’s been a pleasure.” He shook my hand.

  I smiled at him in gratitude. “Thank you, both of you.” I looked at Jones, too. “I appreciate all you’ve done.”

  “Just our jobs, ma’am.” Dockins winked at me, then looked at Duke. “You got this, Hawthorne?”

  “Yeah,” Duke practically growled.

  I bit back a smile.

  We walked slowly to his car in the parking garage of the federal building and he opened my door. “No need to guard me so closely anymore,” I teased.

  Before I could get in, he gently yanked the back of my hair, looked around the garage to ensure we were alone, then growled into my face, “I will always guard you closely. Too bad if you don’t like it.”

  His lips were inches from mine. And how did he know I liked to have my hair pulled? I tightened my grip around his bicep. “You are bossy.”

  “You like it,” he whispered into my mouth.

  I wanted to jump him right there in the parking garage. I wanted to pull open his pants and get on my knees and thank him for his chivalrous actions. But I restrained myself.

  I got in and he closed my door, then went around to the driver’s side and started up the loud car. As we drove out of the lot and onto the main street, he said, “I hope you cleared your schedule for the rest of the day.”

  I laughed. “I’m unemployed. I have nothing else to do. We going to your place?”

  “No, yours is closer, and I’m in pain over here.”

  I looked down at the bulge in his pants and my eyes widened. He gave me a sideways glance that was colored with hunger and possessiveness and I was glad my panties would be coming off soon. They were soaked.

  He slammed the door to my condo and fastened the deadbolt, then ripped my purse fr
om my shoulder and tossed it onto the sofa. He turned and faced me, more animalistic hunger dancing in his fiery eyes. I had no doubt mine reflected back the same.

  Pushing me up against the wall, he ran his hand up my bare thigh under my beige skirt and kissed me. I gasped when his hand reached my panties, then I felt him smile. “Ready for me, I see,” he said. He then ran his tongue around the shell of my ear. My body erupted in flames as he began kissing down my neck and his fingers snaked into my panties. I still had on a pair of nude colored pumps so I wiggled my panties off and they dropped to land on top of them. I kicked free of them and giggled.

  With my trembling hands, I unbuttoned his dress slacks and ran the zipper down. Then I reached in and untucked his dress shirt and loosened his tie enough that I could pull them both off over his head. I tossed them to the floor. I ran both hands around to his backside and put my fingers into the waistband of his pants.

  “Fuck, woman, your touch, God…”

  “Shut up,” I said to him, proceeding to crush my mouth back onto his. Placing both meaty hands under my bare ass, he lifted me up and I put both legs around his waist. He carried me to my bedroom and set me down on the bed and ripped my shirt off, then my bra.

  “Damn you’re so gorgeous,” he murmured, pulling his pants off. I gazed down at the large, angry red scar on his right thigh. It extended from above his knee almost to his groin area. Of course I had to keep my gaze traveling north. I hadn’t forgotten how big he was, but it was still a shock to see it spring free. I glanced at it with hooded eyes, then back up to him.

  “You have one and only chance to tell me you don’t want this,” he murmured, staring hungrily at me.

  “Come here,” I said, up on my elbows.

  He climbed onto the bed and pushed my legs apart, sank himself between them, and pushed into me. No condom, nothing this time, and at that moment, I didn’t care one bit. He felt so good stretching me as wide and hot.

  He groaned into my ear as he stroked in and out. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, meeting his hips thrust for thrust. The buildup was almost too fast and as the wave of ecstasy washed over me, I gripped his body with mine, I cried out. “Oh, my God. Duke, oh… my… Duke…!”

  “Yes, that’s it, baby,” he said between kisses.

  With my neck tilted back and eyes closed, I didn’t see him pull out of me, but I suddenly felt his loss. He flopped onto his back next to me and reached over and grabbed my hip, rolling me on top of him. I placed both feet flat on the bed and smiled down at him as I slowly lowered myself, impaling my wet core onto his thick cock.

  I used that leverage to ride up and down and he stared into my eyes, the storms in his now raging out of control. His breathing was hard and he closed his eyes when I went back down to my knees and stilled on top of him. I slowly leaned forward, brushing my breasts over his hard chest.

  He began to move his hips up and down and I again met his thrusts. I sat up straight and he opened his eyes, both of his large hands covering my small breasts. His thumbs ran over my rock-hard nipples and I groaned. I was going to come again, I could feel it building quickly.

  “I love you,” he breathed out, his eyes trailing from my breasts into my eyes.

  I smiled and panted out, “And I love you. But I think you know that.”

  His eyes closed and his head jerked back into the pillow. “Oh fuck…”

  I felt him stiffen right as my second orgasm hit. I screamed out as I spasmed all over him, riding out the wave. I finally collapsed on his chest, our hips still moving slowly together.

  He wrapped both arms around me and we stayed latched together, breathing heavy. Reaching around to a blanket draped over the side of the bed, he pulled it over us and I closed my eyes, sighing happily.

  Chapter 31


  The pretty nurse is in the first thing I see when I open my eyes. She looks down at me with big brown eyes and says, “Welcome back, Sergeant.”

  I squint against the harsh light and confusion, my head feeling foggy. “Where am I?” I groan.

  “Military hospital in Germany, hun.” She is writing on a clipboard.

  The reason I’m in the hospital comes back to me quickly. “I can’t look. Do I still have my leg?”

  She sets the clipboard down and gazes sympathetically at me.

  Shit. No. Fuck. Please no…

  With a coy smile, she flips back the blanket to expose my leg. It is twice the size as the other, and the top half is wrapped in lots of bandages, but it’s still there. I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Yes, Sarge. You still have your leg. Lucky Dr. Singh was on duty. The guy is a miraculous surgeon. You’ll have a nasty scar and probably a limp, though. He had to take a lot of muscle.”

  I close my eyes. Bye bye, Marine Corps. They’re gonna discharge me. Oh well, I can’t worry about that right now.

  “Thank you, nurse,” I murmur and fall back to sleep.

  Suddenly I’m not in the hospital anymore. I’m on the battlefield again, hiding behind an outcropping of dirty buildings surrounded by sand. My leg is killing me behind my camouflage uniform, but I keep shooting my rifle at the insurgents who are shooting back to us. “We need to get the fuck outta here,” Ellis says next to me as he keeps shooting.

  I shake my head. “No, we kill these bastards first.”

  “No, Duke, come on, we need to go.”

  Right then, Ellis drops to the ground, a bloody round hole in his forehead, his dead eyes open and staring into nothing.

  “No!” I screamed. I bolted upright in my bed and gasped hard. I realized where I was quickly and scrubbed a hand over my beard.

  Rayanne sat up and took the sheet to cover her chest. She rubbed my arm, blinking at me with worry. “Are you okay?”

  I looked into her beautiful eyes and sighed with relief that it was just a dream. I’m not back on the battlefield and Ellis isn’t dead. I need to call that kid and see how he’s doing.

  Nodding at my beautiful woman, I said, “Yes. I am now.”

  It had been two weeks since the trial. We were both glad the ordeal was behind us and we hadn’t spent one night apart, trading nights at each other’s houses. She’d found a job here in Tampa at a law firm who was happy to hire her with all her experience.

  Pushing some of her blonde hair out of her eyes, I laid her back down and covered her body with mine, my mouth gently finding hers. I quickly began making love to her for no other reason than I selfishly needed the comfort. Not that I’d ever admit that to her, but somehow I think she knew. She most certainly didn’t protest.

  * * *

  I waited nervously for the door to open, my hand grasping Rayanne’s. I looked over to her and smiled, and she returned it. My God, she’s so gorgeous, and I can’t believe she puts up with me. I’m so far from perfect, and she’s nothing but. I’m never letting her go. I don’t deserve her, but she doesn’t seem to grasp that.

  A very pregnant Talia opened the door and smiled, brushing a red curl from her forehead. “Hi, Duke!” She widened the door to invite us into the new townhouse she and Ellis shared.

  “Talia, this is my girlfriend, Rayanne Lynch.”

  “Nice to meet you!” Rayanne said cheerfully, smiling at Talia.

  “Duke!” Ellis said, walking into the living room in a pair of dark blue tactical uniform pants and a light blue polo shirt with an official-looking seal on one side of the chest. “E. Anderson” was embroidered on the other side.

  He saw me looking at his clothing and turned a little red. “Sorry. I just got home from work. Make yourselves comfortable, I’m gonna go change.” I shook his hand and nodded.

  Talia led us to the kitchen and dining area where there were fixings for hamburgers, a salad, a fruit plate, and plenty of drinks spread out.

  “This all looks great,” Rayanne said, handing Talia a plate. We had brought our own meat to share.

  “Yes, I love to cook,” she smiled, rolling a hand over her large belly as she took the pl
ate and unwrapped the foil. She began rubbing spices over it with her clean, bare hands.

  “When’s the baby coming?” I asked, taking a handful of barbeque potato chips and popping one into my mouth.

  “Six more weeks,” she replied, smiling.

  “Boy or girl?” Rayanne asked as she sat down.

  Ellis came out wearing shorts and a T-shirt and put his arms around Talia’s belly. “It’s a boy. We don’t have a name yet, because I know that’s going to be your next question.”

  I chuckled. “I see.”

  Ellis picked up a plate of meat, indicating for me to follow him out back to a small but spacious patio that was decorated with planted flowers and shit. A barbeque pit was built into the corner of the yard and the grill was smoking and ready to go. He began placing the meat on the grill and said, “So how are you doing, Duke. I mean, really?”

  “Great. Really and truly. I met Rayanne on a case, because I know that’s going to be your next question.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow, his light blue eyes staring at me. “Seriously? Isn’t that against the rules or something?”

  I laughed, because I was never, ever gonna live it down as long as I was with her. “Yeah, sorta. I was put on a protection detail and fell in love with the victim. The bureau kinda frowns on it.”

  His eyes widened.

  “No, they’re not gonna fire me,” I replied before he could ask.

  “That’s not what shocked me. You said you were in love.”

  I hid my smile, which is all I’ve been doing it seems since Rayanne has been in my life. “So fucking what?”

  Ellis grinned and flipped over one of the steaks, and I watched as he held the spatula with four fingers, since his pinky was missing. He smiled and shook his head. “I’m happy for you.”

  I clapped him on the back. “Thanks, man.”

  He pointed at my mouth. “Where’s the dip? I got some Styrofoam cups in the kitchen if you want one.”

  “I quit.”

  Ellis froze and pretended to bring a two-way radio up to his mouth. “Repeat, over?”


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