Karek (Warriors Of Ition)

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Karek (Warriors Of Ition) Page 5

by Maia Starr

  “I understand,” she said, wiping a tear away from her face. I put my hand on her back to console her. We walked together in silence. I could not stop looking at her face. Her fear and sadness was getting to me. I wanted to hold her close and take her pain away. It was hard for me to do my job, analyzing the perimeter fence. No matter how much I looked at it to get an idea of what I was dealing with, I kept looking back at her face. Every now and then she wiped a tear away. I regretted asking her the question that made her so sad.

  I needed to take her mind off of it.

  “So tell me what you have heard from the humans since we showed ourselves to them. When do you think it would be possible to shift into dragon form in order to fly around this perimeter so my soldiers could get a look at it?” I said.

  She perked up. She liked work. She liked thinking. I could tell this much.

  “That is a good question. I think we should wait two or three days so that they can get used to having your presence here. Maybe in the evening I can walk with the three of you into the town square. That is where they gather to speak and socialize. I think that if they speak to you in person they will see that you are just a caring being. Keeping yourself a mystery will only cause rumors. Then maybe a day after that, you can show them how you shift. I am sure they will find it fascinating. More than that, it is something entertaining. This town is very boring considering that we all know each other and do the same thing every single day. Even though it is a big village we do live in a prison. It is hard for us; you must understand,” she said.

  “Yes, I do understand. I have all the freedom in the world to fly around on our planet. I can get in our ship and go from a galaxy to galaxy. If I had to live in one small space my soul would crumble and die. I feel for you and the humans,” I said.

  “That sounds amazing. Being able to travel from galaxy to galaxy and have adventures and see the universe. I can only imagine,” she said with a smile on her face. The sadness was gone.

  “I think this plan of yours is a good idea. We will follow it. We will not shift until we have made friends with the humans of the village. We will take it slow,” I said. We were now in the forested the area of the village. Tall pine trees surrounded us. We were alone.

  “Karik, do you think that I could see yet?” she asked.

  I stopped walking and looked at her. “See what?”

  “Do you think that I can see you shift?”

  “You are interested in that? Will it not frighten you?” I asked.

  “No. I don't think so. I think it is fascinating. I would very much like to see it, if you don't mind,” she said.

  “All right, Vanessa, if that is your request, then I will grant it,” I said with a smile.

  “Move back,” I said as I backed away from her, putting several feet between us.

  She stepped back as well. This was going to be fun. Then in a flash, I shifted into weredragon form. My wings folded out from behind me, stretching the full five feet. I felt the rapid change of my skin hardening into a form of dragon scale on my chest that was barely visible to the human eye but was evident upon touch. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her mouth was wide open. She said nothing but looked at me up and down. Then she walked to me slowly. I stood proud and tall at my full nine feet. She got closer and closer. Then she stopped inches in front of me. She walked around me, slowly looking at my form. It was starting to turn me on to be examined by her. I remembered kissing her, and I strained myself to not do it again.

  She came around and stared directly in front of me. She tilted her head back and looked up at me. She looked so small and delicate underneath me.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said, and the sound of my voice was thick and husky; I did not expect it to be.

  She picked up her hand and placed the palm of her hand on my chest. She gasped.

  “It is hard. It is sparkly like glitter, but it is hard to the touch,” she said.

  “Yes, it is our armor. Dragon scales,” I said.

  Then she moved her hand as she walked around me to the right. Her hand trailed down my abs and back up to my chest as she walked around and then her hand was on my arm, then on my back. Soon both of her hands were on my wing, touching and caressing it. She continued moving around me until she was on my other arm. Finally, after this slow torture, she came around to face me once more. Both of her hands were on my chest and moved up to my shoulders and back down again. I didn't know who was touching me. Was it the doctor touching me out of medical fascination or was it the human woman touching me out of desire?

  “Vanessa, your touch is… Your touch is driving me crazy,” I said in a whisper. She tilted her head up and locked eyes with me.

  “Me too,” she said. That was the only validation I needed. I put my arms around her back and pulled her body against my chest. My lips pressed upon hers. But this time, I was not going to let her get away.

  Chapter 8

  Dr. Vanessa Lopez

  I could not believe that I had told Karik about my husband and how I came to be at the village. I had not told anyone except those that were there to experience it with me. It was something that I had tucked away into my mind never to think of except when I laid down at night to sleep. I would think of my husband Blake and cry myself to sleep. But then I would get up the next day and go on; it was all that I could do. So it shocked me that I so easily told this alien. Maybe that was why I felt comfortable telling him. Because he was not of Earth. He would not be here long. He was not someone that would be in my life forever, and because of that, I felt some freedom in telling him.

  But it was soon out of my mind when I saw him shift. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was. He shifted in a flash. It happened so fast that I didn't see the transformation. It was a quick blur, just the way they moved. One minute he was like a man and the next he had wings and hardened scales.

  I could not help myself I wanted to touch him. At first, it was out of scientific fascination. But the more that I touched him, the more I found myself growing aroused by it. His body was just so perfect. It was beautiful to look at, like glitter. I could feel the heat of his body through my fingertips as I caressed his skin. Wings on his back were like sparkling emeralds flattened out to make wings. His long hair was rugged and dangerous looking. His light brown eyes had a glow in them when he was in dragon form. They drew me to him.

  Before I knew it, I was kissing him. Moisture between my thighs was out of control. My nipples were hard as they pressed against the fabric of my maroon sweater and grazed against his hard dragon scales on his chest. I was moaning. I was wild. I was making out again with this alien weredragon. This time I was not afraid that Dr. Douglas would catch us. This time we were in the isolated area of the woods. No one ever went there. Everyone was too afraid to be in the woods because it was too close to the fence. It was my place of solitude. So I knew that I could keep going further and further. My mind told me that I shouldn't be doing this, but my body was yearning for it.

  I did not want to stop. I had no control over myself. I felt his hands move on my back and around my bottom. He pulled me to him and pressed me harder against his hard body.

  “Take me, Karik,” I whispered.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want to know what it is like to be with you,” I whispered. He growled. Before I knew it, he was on his knees before me. He picked up my skirt and pushed it all the way up to my waist as he caressed my legs. I moaned in pleasure. His touch was hot and masculine. Then he grabbed the hem of my skirt and pulled the entire thing down to the ground. I stepped out of it. He grabbed my leg and held it. Karik grabbed my panties and pulled them down my legs slowly. He picked up my leg and then pushed his face into my already wet center.

  “Oh god, yes,” I whispered. I looked around at the forest. We could be caught at any time, but I couldn’t stop myself. His tongue felt so good licking my slit up and down. I was in a state of blissful lust.r />
  “I’m going to cum, King Karik,” I whispered.

  “That is good, Vanessa. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am. I want you to cum and let me taste you,” he whispered.

  His words were dirty and just what I desired to hear at that moment. I felt exposed in this position as he watched, looking up at me every now and then. It was hot.

  “I’m cumming. Oh yes, I’m cumming,” I moaned as my figure blasted into quakes. I bit down on my lip to control the noises coming out of me.

  He groaned. “Yes. You are so beautiful, human female.”

  I was lost in the frenzy of the minute as I exploded into release.

  I thought I would fall down with my knees so weak from my orgasm and he held onto my waist as though sensing that I was going to fall over. He stood up in front of me. He pulled off my sweater and bra with ease. I now stood naked in the forest in front of this alien weredragon as my body still pulsed in orgasm. He looked at me with arrogance. It brought me back to the moment.

  “This needs to come off,” I said tugging at his trousers.

  “If that’s what you want, Vanessa, then that is what you shall have,” he said.

  He pulled his boots off. I kissed his strong, sparkling shoulders as he did so. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled them off. I was hungry.

  I moved my mouth up and down, kissing every inch of his brawny form. He was naked in front of me. I looked down at his long, thick cock. He was so damn hard. He was so much like a human man. I smiled in happiness that it was the case.

  I looked at him and smiled.

  “What? What is that smile for, Vanessa? A beautiful smile,” he asked.

  “For this. I want to do what you did to me,” I said as I kneeled in front of him. He sucked groaned a growl. I put his cock in my mouth. I sucked on the tip.

  “Fuck, that feels very good, Vanessa,” he groaned.

  I pushed more of his hard, long cock into my mouth. He groaned again, and I was satisfied that I was doing a good job. He was an alien, after all, and I didn’t know what he wanted. His emerald wings spread out behind him. He looked badass like this.

  I moved my mouth back and forth, teasing and sucking. He whimpered and pushed his long fingers into my hair. I wanted him to be inside of me.

  I enjoyed tasting him in my mouth, but I also wanted to sample him. He felt so robust and masculine under my hands as I grabbed onto his hips. He was powerful.

  “I don’t know how much more I can handle of this sorcery that you are doing to me. I want to be inside of you, Vanessa,” he said.

  “If you demand me, then cease me. Claim me,” I said looking up at him.

  He let out a soft snarl. He picked me up from the forest pine needles.

  My hard, bare nipples brushed against his dragon-scaled chest. Then he kissed my lips, firm and wild.

  “I want you to. Don’t hold back, Vanessa. Let go. Be a wild human female for me,” he whispered.

  “Take me. I want your fat cock inside of me, my king,” I whispered.

  “Damn. I like hearing you say that. I want you too,” he responded. He laid me down on the pine needles. His long and broad body pushed its way between my thighs. His emerald wings sparkled as they stretched out behind his back.

  It was powerful. I opened my thighs wide to welcome him. He placed the tip of his alien cock inside of me. I braced myself to be fucked by this massive weredragon.

  He pushed himself inside of my pulsing, wet slit. Damn. He felt so damn good as he entered with slow tenderness. I arched my back. I moaned raucously at the lovely sensation. He moved deeper. Then deeper still. He looked down at me as he towered above me. Then finally, was deep inside me.

  “Oh yes. Yes,”

  I felt his hips move in a swaying motion and his cock slid in and out of me. I held on to him on the side of his muscular torso.

  It was erotic, scorching, and sexy. I was with this hot alien weredragon that was trying to protect us from deadly Clenok cyborgs.

  There was nothing hotter than that. It felt wonderful. He looked at me with those stunning brown eyes of his. Strands of black hair fell over his masculine alien face. He smiled. He moved faster and faster until he was pounding me

  The sound of our skin slapping together made me grow wild.

  “Yes! Yes! Fuck me, King Karik!” I shouted. He growled in response. It was a low growl that was more beast than man. It was sexy.

  He was inside of me for so long. He fucked me hard and long, and I lost track of all my troubles and any thought of the murdering Clenok cyborgs beyond the wall.

  I ran my hands down his strong chiseled torso, and I could feel every ripple of the hard and toned muscles and hard dragon scales. He was the perfect alien beast.

  Then he stopped fucking me and slid out of me. I didn’t know what he was doing. Did I hurt him?

  “What is happening?” I asked.

  He just looked at me as he got onto his knees.

  “I’m not done with you yet; do not worry, Vanessa,” he said. He picked me up and turned me over onto my hands and knees in the soft pine needles. I felt his large cock against my wet slit again, and then he pushed inside of me.

  “Oh fuck. Fuck,” I whispered. In this position, he went even deeper. He moaned as he slid inside of me. Then he pulled out and in again and again. It was overwhelming.

  I felt safe as he leaned over me and kissed my back up and down. I liked feeling the heat of his body and dragon scales on my back. I felt very protected this way.

  He kissed my neck. This was sexy. He groaned. His hair was falling on my shoulder tickling me. I was in complete ecstasy. I wanted this alien weredragon more than ever and as often as I could have him. He had the heart and passion of a dragon and the physical body of a man. It was so hot, and I found all of it enticing.

  Karik moved quicker with hunger, hammering me. I was about to lose it again.

  “I’m going to release again. I can’t help it,” I whispered. He moaned and moved faster against my body. Then I felt the explosion of pulsing and tremors rock through my entire body. I shivered. I orgasmed, one after another.

  I felt Karik’s body tense, and his grasp on my hips tightened.

  “Fuck. I’m going to cum,” he whispered. But I could only concentrate on my own orgasm beating my body.

  His heavy breath was on my back as his growling and groaning grew louder. Then a giant tremor shot through him and shook my body. I felt the warmth of his release flow through me. He roared.

  He moved his cock inside of me. Then he stopped. We said nothing. He pulled out of me, and we laid down together in the pine needles looking up at the tall pine trees over us.

  “That was incredible. I have never felt anything like that before,” he finally said in a way that sounded like he was still catching his breath.

  “Yes, I was thinking the same thing,” I said.

  He kissed my arm over and over. I was in a state of such gratification, unlike any I had ever felt after sex. He smiled. His eyes grew wide as he had this strange look on his face. It reminded me of someone getting presents on Christmas morning. He was so damn happy.

  Chapter 9

  King Karik Korinth

  “Vanessa, there is something wrong with me,” I said as I rolled over to face her as we laid in the thick pine needles on the ground. I propped myself up on my elbow looking at her.

  “Oh no. What is it? Is it the symptoms of the blackness?” she asked quickly sitting up. Her breasts bounced as she did so and I felt myself growing hard once more.

  “No. It is the opposite. I feel extreme euphoria. I feel like I have been injected with some sort of drug. It is hard for me to describe to you. I feel like the world is a fascinating place. I feel extreme peace, like everyone can get along, even the Clenok cyborgs. I feel like there will be no more war ever again in any galaxy. I feel like my heart is filled with love and happiness. Extreme joy is running through my veins,” I rambled on and on trying to describe to her what I was feeling. But
I could barely understand it myself.

  “I think it is just the adrenaline and after moments of having an orgasmic release,” she said.

  “No, it is not that. Trust me. I know what a sexual release afterglow feels like, and this is not that. This is completely different. There is something going on inside of me. Deep inside my core.

  “I don't like the sound of this. Perhaps it is the illness giving you an extreme high feeling before it gives you a very extreme low, a crash. Let's get dressed and get you back to the house,” she said standing up.

  “Fine. Let's do that, but I am telling you that I feel like I have never felt before in my life,” I said as I jumped to my feet in a flash with more energy than I had ever had in my life.


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