Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

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Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1 Page 24

by Robin Helm

  Elizabeth, I am God’s shield for you. He is your Jehovah-Magen, your God Shield. Elizabeth, I love you, and I will never allow you to be hurt while I draw breath. I will always watch over you as God has charged me to do. I will never leave you, no matter how difficult it becomes for me. Please, Elizabeth, my little one, be at peace. Sleep. You are safe.

  Xander spoke softly to her until she calmed and relaxed. Somehow, she knew the threat was gone; she felt safe, her breathing slowed, and she slept. The massive angel did not move from her for the rest of the night.

  Downstairs, directly under her room, her parents drifted off to sleep.


  Xander lifted his head the next morning as the sun’s rays broke over the horizon. The alarm clock by her bed sounded all too soon, and Elizabeth’s eyes opened wearily to face the school day. Xander stood to his feet, and Elizabeth sat up.

  Now that was a strange dream I had last night. It all seemed so real, but it couldn’t have been. I must have let my imagination run away with my good sense.

  She dressed and rushed down the stairs, convinced that all she had lived through the previous night had been a terrible nightmare.

  Xander followed her closely. Think that if it gives you peace. Let me handle the demons for you.

  As she hurried into the kitchen for a quick breakfast, Lynne stopped her. She touched her daughter’s arm and asked, “What happened to you last night? God woke your father and me in the night, and we prayed for you for hours.”

  Concerned by the shocked look on her daughter’s face, Lynne questioned her further. “Are you all right, El? What happened?”

  Niall and Xander exchanged dark looks. They will never know the battle that was fought for her, thought Niall.

  They do not need to know. If humans ever saw what was happening all around them, they would be paralyzed with fear. They would never sleep.

  Elizabeth could not speak immediately to answer her mother’s question, but she now knew that she had not dreamed or imagined what had happened. She was in danger of choking on the fear that had returned full force. She had not dreamed what had happened. She had lived it. Her mind screamed, It was real! It was all real! There was something horrible in my room last night!

  She began to tremble, and Xander stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as Lynne embraced her from the front. Yes, evil was there, but I was there as well. He quoted Numbers 6:24-26 into her mind. ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’ After a few minutes, Elizabeth calmed and was able to tell her mother everything she could remember about her terror the night before.

  Lynne never questioned the veracity of her daughter’s story. She knew the power of evil only too well. Every night for the next week, David and Lynne put a sleeping bag for Elizabeth at the foot of their bed, and she slept there on the floor. Elizabeth was glad to revert to her childhood habit and have a “sleepover” with her parents each night that week. It took that long for her to enter her room without feeling as if someone was looking over her shoulder, watching her.

  Chapter 22

  “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast.”

  Revelation 13:3

  As two dark guards raced through the night sky carrying Gregory, a third guard was on a mission to awaken a doctor, a servant of Satan who had cared for Gregory since his infancy, and the fourth was flying ahead at flash speed to give instructions to Cathy and George Wickham.

  Lucifer was indulging his appetites when Gregory’s guard flew through the ceiling at the Wickham home, interrupting his master’s pleasure. Lucifer’s eyes flashed a warning red as he glared at the demon; the young actress he was using pulled a sheet around herself and ran to the adjoining room. It was well-known that Lucifer was particularly likely to inflict pain when he was distressed, and she did not care to be the object of even more of his abuse than usual. An extra measure of his sadism was a high price to pay for her career.

  “There had better be a most pressing reason for this unprecedented intrusion, Crevan.”

  The dark one went immediately to his knees, bowing low before Satan. “My lord, the reason is grave indeed. Your son is severely injured, perhaps unto death. Jolon and Braeden are even now speeding with him to Dr. Brone’s office. Duglas is with the doctor, making certain that he is ready to care for the young lord and preparing a place for his recovery. Dr. Brone will likely need to call another surgeon to assist him.”

  The Prince of the Power of the Air fixed the huge demon with a cold stare and spoke distinctly, clipping his words. “Exactly what were you guards doing when my son was injured?”

  The guard cleared his throat. “The four of us were in a tree outside of Elizabeth Bennet’s bedroom.”

  Lucifer’s voice grew deceptively softer. “And where was Gregory?”

  “He was in her room in demonic form, my prince.”

  “Alone with Xander?” The soft voice rose a quarter step in pitch.

  “Yes, my lord. The young prince ordered us to stay outside. He assured us that he would not engage Xander in battle.”

  “Obviously, all did not go according to his plan. Did Xander attack without provocation? Did he break the rules of engagement?”

  The demon heard the warning in his master’s voice, but he knew that a lie would not save him. Beelzebub wanted him to blame Xander, but to do so would be unwise. If Lucifer went before God to accuse Xander, the truth would be shown. No matter how he answered, his master would be angry, and Lucifer always needed a target for his wrath.

  The guard cringed and kept his head bowed. “No, my sovereign. Xander’s sword was still sheathed when the young lord struck at him. Xander taunted Prince Gregory, but he did not attack him.”

  Apollyon stood, imperiously raised a brow, and asked with contempt, “Give me one reason why I should not send you to the pit this instant.”

  The demon kept his head bowed in submission, thinking quickly. His chances of survival had been nearly nil since the moment he had entered the house, finding Lucifer instead of the Wickhams. His only, very slim, hope of avoiding oblivion was to tell the truth.

  “Because I was obeying you, my master.”

  Lucifer exploded in rage, his eyes fiery, roaring, “When did I ever tell you to allow my son to face Xander alone? When did I ever instruct you to leave him?”

  The guard spoke with great respect and caution, his voice barely above a whisper. “You told the assembled congregation to obey your son as if it were you speaking. You told us to follow all of his commands as if they came from your mouth, my lord. The young prince told us to wait in the trees for him. He wanted to go in alone.” Crevan held his breath and waited for the Dark Lord’s strike.

  Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons, did not speak for a long moment. The only sound was his accelerated, forced breathing as he considered the words of one of his most trusted guards.

  “Come with me to Dr. Brone’s office. Let us see what Gregory has to say about this. However, should he die, nothing will save any of you,” he said malevolently, turning and taking flight, followed by Crevan and the rest of his attendants.


  Xander and Edward walked with Elizabeth and Charlotte to the Converse dining hall on Monday. The guardians watched as the girls went through the line making their selections, and then made their way to sit at their usual table.

  “Have you seen Gregory today, El? I expected him to be flying high after all the attention you two are getting on YouTube.” Charlotte picked up an apple and began to munch.

  Elizabeth picked at her salad, lost in thought. “No, he’s missed every class we have together. It’s really weird. We texted a few times last night before I went to bed, and he said he’d see me today. Everyone’s been asking me where he is.”

  I would like to
know where he is as well. He should be in the abyss. Something is definitely odd about this.

  “That is strange. He loves to be the center of attention, and he’s missing it all,” answered Charlotte.

  “Yeah. He hasn’t answered any of my texts today, and he usually replies right away. I hope he’s okay,” Elizabeth said a little sadly.

  Only you would be concerned about the well-being of the son of Satan, thought Xander. Spare him no sympathy, for he will hurt you in any way that he can, and the perverse delight he will take in your pain will be great.


  A month later, Gregory suddenly reappeared at Converse as if he had never been absent. Elizabeth was surprised to see him in their first hour class and took her seat beside him.

  Xander watched his guards with interest. How did they survive the wrath of Lucifer? I am shocked that he did not kill them himself.

  “Gregory! It’s great to see you again. Where in the world have you been hiding yourself? What happened? You didn’t answer any of my texts or calls.” Her eyes expressed her genuine concern.

  “Hi, El. It’s so good to be missed. I’ve had a few health issues, but nothing to be overly concerned about. I had to have some surgery, but everything is fine now.” He smiled at her, glancing over her shoulder and up at Xander with a malicious glint in his eyes.

  Nothing to be overly concerned about? You come back from the dead and act as if it were nothing?

  Xander crossed his arms over his chest and moved even closer to Elizabeth. Gregory’s guards stepped up behind him.

  “Surgery? That sounds serious, Gregory. What about your classes? Aren’t you behind?”

  “Don’t worry about me, El. I had tutors while I was recovering. They got my assignments from my professors, and my absences have been excused. It’s as if I was never gone at all. Nothing has changed. I’ll pick back up right where I left off.”

  When the professor began his lecture, Elizabeth turned her head away from Gregory to look toward the front of the room. Gregory rested his elbow on his desk and held the side of his face with his hand, tilting his head to look directly into Xander’s eyes. The guardian warrior held his stare and returned a look that issued a challenge of his own. Gregory’s guards muttered, unhappy with the situation.

  Finally, seeing in her peripheral vision that Gregory’s face was turned in her direction, Elizabeth glanced at him, and his gaze was redirected toward the professor.

  Xander placed his hands protectively on Elizabeth’s shoulders. There are no lengths to which I would not go to protect you, my Elizabeth. He will never harm you as long as I exist in this world.


  Fall, 2007

  Xander stood in his usual silent vigil by Elizabeth’s bed, listening to her mind still praying until she drifted off to sleep. Michael flew quietly through the bedroom wall and approached Xander. He wore the tunic of a guardian.

  Xander was not surprised to see him, but he waited for Michael to speak, never removing his eyes from Elizabeth.

  My brother, you have been summoned, said Michael softly, a crease forming between his eyes. I will guard Elizabeth until you return.

  I have long been expecting this, Michael. Do not be anxious for me. Had I not been summoned, I would soon have asked for an audience. Xander squared his shoulders and looked at Michael. I am sorry that I have failed you. If I do not return, I know that you will keep her safe.

  Michael put his hand on Xander’s shoulder. You have not failed anyone. She is well protected and happy. She daily increases in wisdom and in favor with God. You have fought and won battles for her. I know that all will be well, Xander.

  You do not know my heart, Michael, but nothing is hidden from Jehovah-‘Uzam. I would rather be unbodied than to grieve our Maker. Xander’s eyes glistened, but he held his tears.

  I may not know all of your heart, Xander, but I know the boundless love of Elohim. Go to Him. You need the rest that only He can give to you.

  Xander gazed solemnly into Michael’s kind, green eyes. The archangel faced the Chief Guardian and grasped his shoulders, speaking forcefully. He has a plan, Xander. I know that all things have happened for a reason. Trust Him.

  With his voice breaking, Xander lowered his eyes and replied, I trust Jehovah-Bara, but I no longer trust myself.

  He turned and fled the room, speeding away as if fleeing his own personal demons.


  The cleansing, beautiful light of Jehovah-Hoshe’ah was in the throne room awaiting Xander as he walked dejectedly through the arched entryway.

  Xander sank to his knees and covered himself with his snowy wings before Elohim.

  “Xander.” The most beautiful voice in the universes caressed his name. It broke his heart, and he wept, great sobs that wracked his body. He fell prostrate before his Maker, arms and hands laid straight out from his torso.

  “Xander, tell Me what troubles you.”

  Xander rose to his knees with his head bowed and began to quote Psalm 69, “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my soul. I have sunk in deep mire, and there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and a flood overflows me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched; my eyes fail while I wait for my God. O God, it is Thou who dost know my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from Thee. May those who wait for Thee not be ashamed through me, O Lord God of hosts; may those who seek Thee not be dishonored through me, O God of Israel. I have become estranged from my brothers.”

  “Xander, what have you done that distresses you so? Have I dealt harshly with you? Have I been displeased?”

  With his head in his hands and his shoulders shaking with his grief, Xander exclaimed, “Oh, my God! I have failed in my duties. I do not deserve Your mercy. I am unworthy to be in Your presence.”

  The voice continued to speak gently to the immense angel. “Xander, I know all things. I know of nothing in which you have failed Me. Tell Me of your tears.”

  Xander could barely speak. In a voice choked with emotion, he said, “I love Elizabeth. I am no better than the fallen ones. I have been jealous and proud. I have been angry. I have sinned.”

  “Did you think that I did not know that you love Elizabeth, Xander? Did you suppose that you had hidden your anger and jealousy from Me?” God’s voice was tender and loving.

  Xander was silent. He had realized long before this time that the Almighty had known his innermost thoughts. Why has He not destroyed me for my sin?

  “Xander, if you could have anything that you desired, what would you ask of Me?”

  He was surprised by the question. “I want more than anything to serve you well, my Master. I do not know what to ask for. My love for Elizabeth is a part of me. To remove it would kill me now. I cannot ask for that, but I would do anything to be able to serve you and to love her without sinning.” Xander paused for a moment as he collected his thoughts. “What I would ask would be impossible.”

  The voice laughed gently, and the wondrous sound caught the attention of every holy angel, both in heaven and on earth. They listened to His plan unfold. “Impossible? Nothing is impossible for Me. ‘Behold, I Am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?’”

  Xander raised his head a little, an awareness dawning as he recognized the words of Jeremiah 32:27. “Could I become human?”

  “You would want that? You would take a lower position, give up the powers that you have, live a mortal life, grow old, and die for Elizabeth? You would sacrifice everything for the love of her?”

  The Chief Guardian answered without hesitation and with great conviction, “I would.”

  “You have pleased Me greatly, Xander. You could have asked for more power, for worlds to rule, for wealth and honor – yet you request to sacrifice yourself for the one you love. What if I grant your request and she does not return your love? You know that I will not force Elizabeth to love you against her will.”

  Xander bit his lip. I thought that she could not love
me as an angel, but I never considered that she may not love me as a human, either. “I am willing to risk that, my Lord. It is the only chance I have to win her favor and gain her love. At least I would be able to love her openly, without guilt and without sinning.”

  Xander was truly stunned when God Almighty laughed aloud. It was a beautiful sound, pure and wonderful, and the holy angels radiated His light and joy throughout heaven and earth. Every light being had heard Jehovah’s astonishing questions and Xander’s amazing answer. Creation reflected the laughter of its Maker. Birds ceased their singing; wolves did not howl; no dog barked – all animals were silent, listening to the joyous voice of their Creator. The sun burst forth through every cloud, and the moonlight grew in brilliance until believers everywhere looked to the heavens in wonder, praising His name for the sheer power and beauty of His creation.

  “Xander, I Am so delighted with your request that I will give you what you asked and more, just as I did with Solomon. From this moment, you will possess a dual nature. You will be fully human, yet fully angel. You will have all the attributes of a human man as well as all that is angelic. You will still be Elizabeth’s guardian, but I have an addition to your assignment, My guardian warrior in whom I am well pleased.”

  Xander was so overwhelmed that he struggled to form words. “I will do whatever You ask of me, my Lord and my God.”

  Elohim spoke from the light. “When you were given this charge, I gave you the capacity to love Elizabeth and experience human emotions. Though you have had free will in this, Elizabeth was formed to be the perfect mate for you, and it would have been extremely difficult for you not to love her. It was in My will for you to love her, and you have not sinned in that. You fear that you are like the Nephilim; you are not. The fallen ones never loved the women they took nor the children they created from the satisfaction of their lust. Their motives were completely selfish, and their actions were abhorrent to Me.


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