Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 20

by Barone, Cenz

  Kenny sighed in reply to Elise and sat back in the chair and said “I just did not want to let her kill him, he has a right to last as long as possible, at least until help arrives. We still do not even know if this thing is just a virus which can be cured. Anyone of us could be in that guys position at any time”. Kenny then looked at Grant who appeared lost in thought and said to him “You asked me upstairs how I would feel if you had my attitude about going to help those people when you saw me on the side of the road”. Grant broke his dazed facial expression and looked at Kenny who continued to whisper and Kenny said “Well how would you feel if you were bitten by those things and someone wanted to put a bullet in your head without giving you a chance. Everyone has a right to try and last as long as they can, at...” Kenny paused as his words trailed off and then he added “At least until they die. So do you want someone to try and kill you when your time comes Grant without waiting until you at least pass out?”

  Grant just nodded and answered “You were right to do what you did. I just did not expect Cherie to react the way she did”. Elise defending Cherie said “She is just scared, we all are. You can’t really blame her”. Grant swiftly and defensively answered Elise “I am not blaming her Elise. I am just saying she could have behaved better and handled her concern far more subtlety”. Grant then with concern asked “Where is Cherie anyways? Is she okay or she still, you know”. Elise knowing where she was informed Grant and Kenny “She is in the dining room. She is very tense, I do not want to get involved with her when she is like this. She just needs time to cool off” Elise said as she wiped the sweat from her brow as she interjected as Grant stood up as though going to see her “I would just leave her be Grant. She needs time to herself. This is taking its toll on all of us” Elise calmly reminding him. Elise now looked at Kenny and said “I will explain to Cherie why you did what you did later on, and the fact you are not likely bitten but unsure, just leave her be” Elise glancing to Grant and Kenny as she strongly said “Both of you” Elise did not wish to provoke anymore drama and neither Kenny or Grant objected.

  Silence occurred amongst them, as Grant rubbed his eyes as Kenny was still relaxing in the sofa chair and Grant said “I just hope I did not make a mistake bringing these people in here. I did not think to screen them for being injured by those things before coming in here. I mean what the hell am I even saying? Asking if they have been bitten in case they turn into one of those monsters, those people, whatever the fuck they are”. His frustration obvious as he realised his voice was slightly raised so he lowered his tone and said “I just wanted to try and help others is all”. Elise wanting to reassure Grant said “It has been done now. Let’s just hope help comes soon. Okay”. Kenny agreed and also reassured Grant “You were right to try and help, don’t worry about it. We just have to keep an eye on the ones who said they were injured by those things”. This did help to calm Grants nerves as he sat back down.

  About a minute had passed when one of the new arrivals had come up to Elise, Grant and Kenny, he came from the kitchen direction and he introduced himself, offering his hand as a gesture of thanks “Hi, I’d like to thank you for helping us the way you did, it really is good of you and the food and drink you have offered us, so thanks”. Grant shook his hand and replied “Don’t mention it”. He offered it to Elise who shook his hand and came to Kenny who the man was hesitant about doing so to due to what Kenny said about being bitten but he did it nevertheless and everyone shook his hand. The new arrival spoke “I am also sorry about the problems we might have caused you by coming here, it is just...” he went quiet and his frightful facial expression was hard to shake so he changed what he was going to say and added “We were so frightened in there. Hearing the noises outside, we thought we were done for. It was hard to keep up with what the television and radio was saying and the internet was worse. I and my friends are having trouble with wifi to and it’s hard when information is too forthcoming when it is all so different. But thank you”.

  Elise, Grant and Kenny were just quiet in their own thoughts as the guy said “My name is Billy by the way, on behalf of everyone, even though they have not said it yet, cheers and I just want you to know I am here to help so if there is anything I can do, to help you, I am here and ready”. Grant looking at the clock on the wall and then at Billy replied “There is nothing to do, just hold out here, until you know help arrives, which I hope it will”.

  Billy leaned on the coffee table with his fists, as he went onto his knees before the short heighted table, Billy made himself comfortable, as he said “I cannot believe only 6 of us came over here, the party was full. I don’t know where the others are. I hope they are okay”. Again there was silence as Billy added “So it really is just waiting. It is amazing we have just crossed the back lane into this house but I feel better, it was horrible over there being stuck in the middle of all the infighting and shouting, everyone trying to take charge”. Elise said to him with exhaustion “Well let’s hope this lives up to your expectations”. Billy nervously laughed and then silence overcame the four until Billy spoke up, he had something heavy on his mind and he said “The guy who has been bitten, his name is Paul, he err, he is getting really bad by the way and if he does not get medical help soon. It might be too late. Is it true what that girl said, do people who get bitten really change, start attacking people”.

  Kenny did not know the real answer to the question, despite the fact he had seen it happen he still did not want to believe it, he morbidly wanted to believe those who die turn which was even more irrational for him. Grant then said “We are unsure but anyone bitten or injured severely will likely turn but we don’t know if they need to die first or could just snap. The thing is it might be a virus or chemical weapon doing this so we are... Elise spoke up by interrupting Grant and said “We have no idea what it is Grant, there is no point speculating”. Grant then shook his head and looked at Billy as he added “But we do know being bitten has dire consequences especially when people die from those wounds. So if there is not any vaccination, it will happen, and by the looks of him he is getting worse”. Billy then turned to Kenny and said to him “You said you were bitten, and you look fine”. Kenny sat up and whispered to Billy “I don’t know if I was bitten. I am not 100% sure, me and one of those people got into a scuffle, and I fell on the floor and might have banged my arm”.

  Then sternly Kenny said “Just so you are aware, your bitten friend he can stay here as long as he is conscious but if he goes unconscious he will have to go outside okay. Do you understand that?” Billy was astounded at what Kenny said but he had no reason to argue and just said “I don’t understand but I believe you that he should go outside, he does not look like him at all. His colour is changing and so on”. Billy was wrestling with accepting this and it was obvious how hard it was for Billy to believe, so Billy asked “Is there anything else we can do though, put him into another room in the house?” Grant had to speak up considering it was his idea to bring these people into the house, so Grant stated “Billy, putting him outside is all we ask for you and your friends staying here. We cannot take a chance of locking him into a room in the house, the doors inside are flimsy, it is too much of a risk, so just trust us. So when the time comes, we will have to put him outside, when he goes unconscious because I don’t how long it will be before he turns. But only when he becomes unconscious or dies, that is my promise”.

  Billy knew he was in no position to argue just nodded then Kenny asked “There was a girl to who said she was bitten”. Billy answered quickly “Yes, her name is Claire. Pay no attention to her mate, she is a little tipsy and I cannot see any bite marks on her like Paul has and she doesn’t look as bad as Paul does”. Kenny replied swiftly “We cannot take the chance Billy but if the time comes that is what we will have to do to her, to anyone who has been bitten who passes out”.

  Billy’s other friend came over at this point, Mark was his name. Mark had his shirt ripped from the struggle bypassing the things in the gard
en and guessed the conversations topic as he asked “Is this about Paul”. Billy nodded and answered his friend “We have to do something about him Mark, look at his face changing colour”. Mark curiously asked “Do what though Billy?” Grant said “We’ll put him outside, only when we are sure he is dead in case he wakes up and tries to attack us”. Mark could see they were all serious around the table and Grant asked him “Do you have a problem with that?” Mark sheepishly shook his head and answered “No, I don’t if I am being honest I don’t think he will last much longer, he has really deteriorated quite quickly to”. Elise feeling justified she was not just imagining things, as she mentioned this to Grant and Kenny before Billy appeared, Elise being the one who was checking in on the new arrivals the most frequently.

  Grant then asked Mark “Has he moved from where we put him in the kitchen”. Mark shook his head and replied “No, he is in the same spot, I have wrapped him up to make him warm but his body is so cold. It is not doing much good. Laura is with him right now”. Mark who had been in the kitchen overlooking Paul as the group in the lounge went quiet again and at this point a mellow song was heard coming from another room at a low volume. The song was a Beatles song called “Let It Be”. Everyone stopped what they were doing and quietly listened. Cherie was the one who had put it on in the dining room, using the CD player beside the table and she was standing by the music player looking at the back of the CD but not really reading the track listings, just dreaming of a better day. As the song played Grant said “I have not heard this song in years”. Mark then stated “Who the fuck is playing music”. Elise knowingly answered “It is Cherie”. “Yes but shouldn’t she put it off” asked Mark as Elise said “It is not that loud, it is relaxing anyways”.

  The music played for a full two minutes when Laura who during this two minutes was deeply thinking about the past two days began to whimper, her whimpers arose from noticing something peculiar about Paul who she was overlooking, she was shaking him as Paul’s eyes were changing colour and as she was sitting next to him she became extremely conscious that he was not breathing. Rather than scream she needed to be sure, so she stood up trying to find her bearings and then went down on the floor and came close towards his face, as she placed her ear near his nose and mouth, she just hoped to feel a sign of breath, Laura now whimpered “Paul! Paul!” she said his name softly but he was non-responsive and then she then placed her hand under his nose and near his mouth, his breathing was definitely no longer present. She then moaned quietly to herself and placed her hands over her mouth as she fell backwards from grief.

  Laura brushed her blonde hair over the back of her head and sitting with her knees resting at an angle on the floor wiped her tears staring at Paul and then she looked at Claire who was sitting in the furthest part of the kitchen near the radiator and sink “He is dead Claire. He is gone”. Claire meanwhile was not replying just staring ahead, she was partially drunk but was also partially aware what was happening. Laura then tried to find her resolve and stood up “I will go tell the others”. Laura looked down at Paul again and then turned to inform the others, she made her way towards the lounge and as she walked inside it was Elise who noticed Laura first as Elise was facing the kitchen direction Laura entered from. Elise stood up and as she did so the rest of the people around her followed her gaze. Laura stood there with tears streaming down her eyes “Paul is not breathing, I think he is gone”.

  Everyone went quiet and after what they discussed with the urgency of the matter, they all knew what they had to do and without a word Kenny, Billy, Grant and Mark all looked at each other as if knowing it was time to act, and act fast. Elise watched as four of them brushed aside Laura almost ignoring her sadness and grief and Laura was floored at how quickly they moved past her. Laura followed them into the kitchen and saw the four men go on either side of Paul, grabbing a limb respectively, be it the legs or arms and Laura was asking “What are you doing?” none answered as they spoke amongst themselves how best to drag him out. Kenny was saying to avoid his mouth but it was clear he was dead and Kenny had no idea how quickly it would happen “We have to hurry. Put him out the front, the backyard we will need that free in case we have to get into the van” Grant offered. Billy and Mark just followed Kenny and Grant’s instruction and conversation. Shutting themselves off from what they were doing to their friend, both upset but accepting of the situation as there was no other explanation, and Paul did not look normal at all anymore.

  Laura was growing irate as she was contending with tears for her fallen friend and was unaware of the plan to deal with him when he dies. Laura not getting an answer went to stop them “What the hell are you doing stop it. Don’t you have any respect, he is dead” she shouted. They had him up and were moving with him as Laura wrestled with them but she was too weak to stop them and she demanded “Where are you taking him you bastard” she shouted at Kenny, as Billy told her off “Laura stop it. It has to be done”. Laura shouted at him “Billy what the fuck, what has to be done?” Elise was standing there watching Laura lose her mind at what was taking place. Claire was still in a 1000 yard stare ignoring the commotion in the kitchen as Grant called for Elise “Elise control her please”.

  Elise went to pull Laura away but Laura fought with her, shouting for them to stop moving Paul. Elise was shaking Laura and demanding her to be quiet and let them do what they had to do but Laura was herself tipsy from not just the party but during their time hiding upstairs in the house they came from many had been drinking alcohol to numb their fear. Laura shouted at Elise “Mind your fucking business, all of you stop this!” Elise was pushed away towards the wall by Laura who continued to shout at them as Mark let go of Pauls left arm and went towards Laura, he grabbed her aggressively but trying to talk sense into her “He’s my friend too Laura, but look at him, he looks exactly like those things that tried to attack us outside. He is going to be like them” she objected and pointed to Claire and shouted “Claire has been bitten, she has not changed, he is dead he is not going to attack us you idiots. Let him go. None of you have even checked to see if he is still breathing I might be wrong for fucks sake!”

  Laura tried to fight but broke down in tears as she knew it was no use and they were going to take him as Mark held her back and Elise came back to Laura and offered to embrace her to which Laura pushed Elise away once more and she went to strike Mark who blocked her and pushed Laura aside. Grant and Kenny were just looking at each other and knew they had to continue to move “Mark hold her back” Kenny demanded as Mark did so holding Laura as she continued to get angrier and wailed at them “Where are you taking him” shouted Laura again. Elise then said “They are taking him outside” making Laura more wound up as Laura screeched “Outside with those things, how can you do such a thing”.

  Mark cleared a path as Kenny by this time was holding Pauls left and right legs and was back tracking out of the kitchen. Billy and Grant meanwhile held Pauls upper body to hurriedly move into the lounge, all were conscious of watching Paul’s face for any sign he would wake back to attack them. Claire during period of time felt the unintended cold shoulder from Laura’s words as if knowing it was a matter of time before it happened to her, because Claire knew for sure she was bitten. Yet Claire remained in the background and when everyone was distracted dealing with Paul and over the noise made by Laura who hurled abuse following them moving Paul towards the front door, and Mark along with Elise doing their best to hold her back. Claire in this furore had managed to slip out through the backdoor and headed into the back garden of the house.

  From upstairs, Melissa the other girl in the new arrivals group had heard the shouting now it had moved towards the front door and was standing at the top of the stairs. Melissa had taken to resting in one of the bedroom and so made her way down towards the stairs, where she saw Kenny, Billy and Grant carrying Paul towards the front door. Mark and Elise were backtracking with Laura making her way forward, shouting as Mark and Elise separated Laura from the body of Paul
which was almost at the front door. Cherie had stood out from dining room and watched quietly on with her arms folded, as Melissa noticed Cherie and both made brief eye contact until they watched the situation continue with the group moving Paul. Melissa herself was confused but noticed Paul did not appear to be moving but looked dead, she could just see he was different, for one since she last saw him which was not that long ago before moving upstairs his skin colour was now greyer and paler overall.

  They placed Paul down beside the front door as Kenny opened the door and then they lifted him back up and together Paul was carried outside and placed below the house front door. The group were exhausted, not just physically but mentally drained by this time even though it was a short carry from the rear kitchen to the frontal area of the outside. Cherie continued to watch them without saying a word and moved back into being alone with her music in the dining room, she was thinking and dreaming of faraway times and better days, and she was clinging to those happier moments before all this began. Melissa had walked down the stairs and asked “Why have you put Paul outside”. Billy breathing deeply from carrying Paul and realising what he had done said to Melissa “We had to put Paul outside Melissa. He is dead Melissa, he was bitten he could come back as one of those things”.


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