Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 29

by Barone, Cenz

  Kenny had gone back to sit on the edge of the bed and dialled the number, he could not get through it was the same dead tone on the other end, he tried several times as Nancy observed him, she felt sorry for him like so many others who they had brought in from the streets, the truth was she was herself far from sure if the situation would be contained even though there was many military and government agents outside. Kenny tried for the fifth time and then said angrily “I tried them dozens of times back in the house you found us in” Kenny went back to the cell door and passed the phone to Nancy through the gap, Nancy took the phone and said to him “Maybe they are in the rescue station in the university, there are many people here”. Kenny answered “They wouldn’t be here. I am from the outskirts of Bristol. There is no reason for them to be here. I am down here for exams”.

  Nancy had nothing else to say and went back to another desk, she noticed a remote control and lifted it up and put on the television in the corner of the room. Nancy sat on the chair as she flicked on the TV, Kenny and her seeing the scenes still being streamed by the 24/7 news stations, all channels appeared overtaken by this. They watched for a few minutes in silence but then Nancy turned it off due to the scenes being shown, it was horrific and just brought home how uncontrolled everything was. Nancy hopelessly muttered to herself “It is everywhere, whatever it is”. Kenny appreciated her hopelessness and he added “It is all over the country, it is global to, I heard...” Nancy interrupted him, she wanted to keep him relaxed, she had enough of hysterical civilians because it was getting to her so she told him “It’s disgusting, whatever is going on, but the police nationwide are being deployed to set up centres like this, the army are guarding us, so rest assured your parents are probably safe”.

  Kenny decided to just get some rest and had nothing more to say except “Whatever you say” Kenny finally felt like he could rest and lay down on the bed in the open cell and stared up at the ceiling. Nancy realised he was going to rest which was encouraging for her so she could now focus more on what was happening outside. Kenny turned over on the hard mattress, and he yawned facing the wall. Eventually he closed his eyes and finally fell asleep. Nancy waited a few minutes as it was dead quiet where Kenny was, she sat facing the window watching the occasional helicopter zoom by overhead and hearing the noises and shouts from outside. She too found herself after a shift of over 30 hours falling slightly asleep, her radio turned right down and she allowed herself the opportunity to seize a light nap. But on the situation went for those beyond the small office.

  Chapter 19 - Into Custody

  Steve was out in the courtyard of the university, nearby the wide spacious car park and was met by an Army Captain who also had alongside him two other military officers “Are you Officer Hamilton, Officer Steve Hamilton” asked the army captain. Steve nodded and replied “I am”. Steve was familiar with the army insignia having served in the military for over 10 years before joining the police force. The army captain in a serious tone said “I am Captain Johan Kyle. Leader of Army group A charged with the protection of this region and the outlining districts. My men are positioned on various rooftops throughout the complex within and outside the university grounds” as Steve replied “I have noticed”. The Captain now said “I am here requesting from you and your men some information” they spoke aloud over the sound of a hovering helicopter which was now 30 meters in the sky. “Anything we can do to help” answered Steve as the Captain pointed to a more remote area away from the loud noise made from the helicopter and he shouted “Let’s go over here”.

  Both of them found a quiet place under a shelter outside a building which was a science block of the university, and was located around 20 meters away from where they stood. Both men spoke amongst each other, Steve told him he had 50 people locked up for various crimes, including looting and murder and Steve was mainly thinking he would be having instruction from the military about what to do with them. Johan though was not interested in this and told him it was imperative that he and the police organise civilians in the main HQ of the building and let his army soldiers have free reign on the outskirts. He also made it clear as long as people were not injured by the attackers with bites then they should be placed into quarantine with the rest of the civilians.

  Captain Kyle also mentioned that more soldiers will be coming shortly, but the situation around the area they were in was stable. It was true because there were hardly any of the people attacking the compound and the military and police, with the assistance of a directive for martial law that had began making make-shift safety zones outside designated rescue centres, they also had sturdy barricades in said places with heavy weapons providing protection.

  What the Captain had left out was the losses going on within Oxfordshire and especially Oxford city were astronomical with many army teams lost and no communication with them for a significant period of time. These army groups were in the most vulnerable areas of the city and with no communication as it was obvious like in other parts of the country the city centres were most violent but also deemed by the government to be the most important to regain control. Steve then asked “What of the civilians I have arrested for murder, in that building I have around 50 of them. Caught committing crimes, I need guidance on what to do” then the Captain said “Sir, that is a policing issue. I am here for military support. My advice is to do what I have said providing civilians are not injured by the attackers keep them in the rescue central zone, those injured separate them but my men will take over the injured so you need not worry about those bitten by those things” Steve nodded and answered “I have followed that directive Captain”.

  Steve could see the Captain was anxious to go so he said “We will keep in touch, my people will continue to speak with yours” the Captain was about to walk away when Steve now demanded “How long will we be here for?” as the Captain responded “Your guess is as good as mine” then the Captain nodded and walked away, leaving Steve stand there thinking what he now had to do. Steve thought he needed to organise those civilians under his care better and as this thought crossed his mind, both him and the Captain and their people in the courtyard stopped moving as they heard a loud explosion, with a massive fire ball going high into the sky, it was so loud and due to the buildings travelled faster with the speed of sound as the echo felt like the ground was shaking. It must have been coming from within the city, maybe a mile or a few miles away and it was terrifying, already this would be another issue for the police units and military groups to be scrambled towards.

  The explosions reigned on and most within suspected what it was as petrol stations had been exploding since the mayhem took over. People fighting over the petrol pumps, or fighting the security personnel designated there to provide order, even though many were overrun with those things. Steve watched the Captain and his people move away and now he thought of the civilians.

  Steve went on his radio and informed his people that he wanted the recent people who arrived with him brought to the security station with the rest of the people he had arrested, this was the building where Kenny was with Nancy. Steve wanted to take their statements about events in the house immediately, despite what the Captain had said Steve wanted to maintain his civil authority over civilians. He knew he had to provide order within and so the orders went out, he was angry they had been let go in the confusion of the arrival back at the rescue station, but all the civilians were cocooned inside the same place within the large university so it would be easy enough to find them. So Steve began issuing the instruction over the radio, not just about locating new arrivals like Kenny’s group but also beginning to put in motion moving the 50 arrested civilians in the same building to a designated part within the university rescue station, as well as making sure the lines of co-operation between the military and police is enhanced upon.

  Inside the rescue centre of the university Grant and Elise knew pretty quickly their partners were not present, nor their family and they both drank coffee in the café ar
ea alongside the rest of the people who had been brought to the university. Most people were grubby, clearly they had been living their life as normal as the madness plucked them out of it allowed. With 100s of people in differing parts of the centre, it was like a cross between an airport, a shopping centre and a refugee camp. There was makeshift canteen’s serving hot tea, coffee and sandwiches with small snack bars and soup also served. There was a makeshift medical centre with nurses, some trainee student doctors and qualified doctors providing assistance, and the big notice board with names and pictures which grew by the hour it seemed as people entered the rescue station. Elise and Grant sat on one of the mobile cafe tables in silence.

  “What are you thinking Elise” asked Grant over the quietness. Elise sipped the steaming hot coffee and replied, he noticed her euphoria of coming to the rescue station had quickly evaporated as she realised she might have been safe but not her husband. She answered “My husband Grant. I wonder what is he doing, why has he not called my mobile. I am scared Grant. I thought he might be here, maybe he had come into the city to look for me and he might have ended up here, or maybe a note. But nothing” Grant took hold of her hands affectionately as he answered “Don’t worry Elise, you will see him again, I heard there are other places like this in other parts of the county, I imagine he like Kirsten is there” he tried to say it sincerely but could not, it seemed awfully unlikely this was the case. There were people all around them, some crying, others silent, some were talking and others were laughing at jokes being made, everyone seemed to be dealing with it individually as best as they could. It was truly like a refugee camp.

  “I wish I was home” Elise said thoughtfully. Melissa and Laura then walked into the hall, they looked around unsure what to do, both of them had like Grant and Elise been unable to get into contact with their family. Melissa turned to Laura “Let’s get something to eat” Laura nodded, even though food was the last thing on her mind she needed something, both made their way towards the food stall. Then Elise saw them over Grants shoulder as they made their way to the food stall, she said “Grant, it’s those girls, Laura and Melissa” Grant turned around and spoke as he observed them “They must have been unable to find their family like us, we are not alone”. “Their families aren’t from here! They go to another university in this part of the country. Same boat as us, by the looks of it they haven’t found any of their friends” Elise reflecting on some of the conversations she had with Melissa and Laura back at the house as well as what she deduced by them being in the rescue station.

  Melissa and Laura put some food and some hot coffee onto their trays, and then they looked for a table but most were full. Grant said “They can sit with us” Grant stood up and caught their attention. Laura noticed him first and said “Look. It is that guy from the house. Grant isn’t. He is waving at us”. Grant called out “There are seats here” some people nearby looked at him as he called out to them but so many chattering conversations were happening, it was just one of many words heard spoken.

  Elise sipped her coffee lost in her thoughts. “Why not” said Melissa about Grants offer, she just wanted to eat, even though they had only known Grant briefly, he was the only person within who they recognised beyond those they arrived to this place with, who were taken from the same street as they but in differing houses. As they got closer Grant said “Girls here, sit down” they both sat down. Melissa had prawn crackers, some noodles and some beef stew, while Laura had fries and a burger “It is not bad food, considering the circumstances” Grant said trying to lighten the mood but neither girl was interested in being light-hearted. Laura said indifferently “It is lucky they took over a university. The food they have here must be vast. Amazed they are being generous. It is better food than at our university for sure” referring to the university Laura and Melissa attended which was within this county also.

  , “Did you have any luck finding family members” Melissa asked Grant who shook his head and sadly replied “No, I am afraid not. I cannot get through either on the phone. It has been the same for us since this started. Two days or is it just under two now, no means to get through. It rings sometimes but now it is just dead. I don’t know what is going on. But I spoke to a man who told me, up our way, mine and Elise is way the situation is just as bad as it is down here, you have had bad luck to I guess up your way”.

  Melissa nodded “I don’t know where my family are. I hope it isn’t as bad as it is here. But even here I cannot see anyone I recognise from university, nobody from the dorms, let alone those at the party with us who might have escaped. We are just numbers aren’t we?” Elise replied “At least we are off the streets, and hearing helicopters going up ahead and seeing the soldiers and police out there is a comfort”. Melissa just nodded as she ate her food, using the fork and knife to cut some of the beef and she muttered “Weird they did not charge me for this”. She ate as Grant sipped his coffee and then Melissa asked them both “Aren’t you two hungry?” Grant shook his head and answered “I cannot eat” then Elise said “Me neither”.

  Laura quietly ate and after the silence Laura wanted to change the subject from being focused onto their loved ones and friend’s being missing asked “What happened to your friend, Kenny wasn’t”. Laura was curious and herself like the others shocked he was arrested. Grant shrugged his shoulders and answered “We don’t know. They took him in another direction. It is hard to believe they have arrested him, I heard they have arrested other people to, for assault, murder and various other acts, it’s not just murder though, looting, arson and all kinds. Some other people I have spoken to here have said some of the people they were rescued with have been taken away and arrested, it is a very similar situation to ours I guess”. Melissa chewed on a prawn cracker and remarked “Don’t they know it is all self-defence, everyone is crazy out there”.

  A young man now approached the group, wearing glasses and having a nervy disposition, he spoke with an uncertainty to his voice “Laura?” he said. Laura like the others turned to him, and she recognised him hazily. The young man said “I recognised you from across the hall! You’re the first familiar face I have seen” Laura surprised said “Am I. Are you here by yourself” she asked inquiring to who he was with but really she was trying to work out who he was. The face of this person she recognised vaguely but his name, it was lost on her. This young man now said “I am alone. I was in the dorm this morning in the student village. I felt like I have been sleeping since this began and when I woke up, I woke up to this. Nobody was around in the dorms, the classes were empty and most people had gone. I learned something was happening though”.

  He stared around the hall and said “A madman on the loose it began with then a gang it progressed to. The information became more unbelievable as the day went on, thankfully the police found me! They came to the student village and brought me here. I came here with some people who came to the student village looking for help, and some other students who I don’t know were brought here. They brought us to this place. Our university is overrun and those things were around the student village. We were lucky to get out”.

  The young man was jumpy at this point as he asked “Can I sit with you and your friends?” Laura nodded and kept studying his face as he said upon sitting down “You don’t know who I am do you?” she smiled nervously and then apologetically said “I am so sorry, I do recognise your face, but your name slips my mind”. He sounded disappointed and felt embarrassed as she said “It is okay, I am Baxter. I am in your Humanities class”. Then it came to Laura who said oddly enthused “I knew you were in that class”. Baxter laughed nervously, as everyone around the table looked at him and found him very awkward. Melissa was in Laura’s university but was unsure of Baxter. “I have never met you before have I” asked Melissa. Baxter shook his head and said “No, Laura and I are just in the same class, we have never socialised outside of the class, hence why she did not know my name, but I have seen you around the university with Laura”.

That comment by him sounded odd, almost creepy as he said nervously “I don’t mean it like I was watching you both and following you” his defensive laugh did nothing to make out he was, he slightly blushed but then said “I meant I just noticed you around” then he added “Strange circumstances make strange situations possible, what is your name” he asked as Melissa replied, any other conversation with Baxter in normal circumstance she would be weary of, only because he made out like he watched from afar. Even though it could be forgiven for being clumsy and Baxter was a clumsy socially awkward person “Melissa” Melissa told him her name.

  Baxter turned to Grant and Elise who introduced themselves respectively, not going into detail beyond their name. Curiously Baxter asked “So how did you all get here”. Grant then began to retell his story and Elise imputed at points, until they described the events in the house when all of this was going on preceding their arrival in the university. But Grant spent much time on the events in the streets as Baxter listened fascinated at the descriptions Grant gave of driving around the streets in a van they stole from his workplace and hiding out much of the day due to being unable to find a road out of the city because of the traffic debris and the way it was cordoned off, with the military keeping people back. Plus the amount of those dead things made it hard to bypass to anywhere that appeared secure. And also their experiences looking into other rescue stations only to find it overrun. Baxter said appalled “That is horrible. I feel lucky to have spent my time in the student village” his comment might have been insensitive but nobody minded.


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