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Mick: CAOS MC Page 7

by KB Winters

  “Outlaw vote.”

  One hand went up and the others pounded a fist on the table, all the way around the fucking table. “Toro meets the Outlaw,” Rod said with a grin.

  Torch, the crazy motherfucker that he was, brought out two bottles of the good shit. Whiskey bottles were passed around, the mood somber and jubilant. We hated that any CAOS member had to meet the Outlaw, but we were all happy to get rid of the toxic parts of the club. “We ain’t leaving ‘til the bottles are empty,” he yelled and let out his signature howl.

  “Looks like we have a few seats to fill,” Rod said, calling attention back to Church. We were down one prospect, but there were plenty of men on the other side of that door we could trust to be loyal and honest. Who’d been to battle with us and come out the other side. “Mick, I want you as my VP, all in favor.”

  Everyone was on board, but I looked to Dagger who didn’t seem to have a problem with it. “I’m happy with my weapons.” He grinned, his smile streaked with filth and blood.

  I grinned back, still smiling like a giddy teenager when Torch removed my Treasurer patch and gave me the VP patch. “Congrats, brother.”


  “Get Cash in here,” Roddick ordered when we voted him in as club Secretary. “Rich, too,” he said of our newest Road Captain.

  I smiled, looking around the table at our newly assembled club, whole and happy. We had a long night ahead of us, and though I was instrumental in everything that would happen before the sun came up, all I really wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed with Talon.

  Chapter Nine


  I didn’t think I would ever get sick of the view from my back deck. Early mornings like this were my favorite. A slight chill in the air as the sun rose at her leisure, slowing warming everything she touched. Rays of pink and orange dotted the sky, making the world come alive before my eyes. Maybe it had to do with the news I’d gotten two days ago that had given me the rosy glow of life. Of Brently. Of love.

  Yeah, I was also deeply in love with Mick, and though he said it last month before all the shit with CAOS went down, he hasn’t said it since which made me think he’d said it because he thought there was a good chance he wouldn’t come back to me. But he had, and he’d spent nearly every single night since in my bed. In my home. We were solid. Together.

  And I had news to share with him. Big news. But I had no clue how he’d react. Hence the sitting on my deck watching the sun come up. He was due back today from a trip to Colorado to deliver a few custom bikes, and I’d spent the past twenty-four hours trying to gather my courage. While I thought Mick might be happy about my news, I couldn’t be sure. I mean, I thought Damon and I were solid until I found him fucking my so-called best friend on my kitchen table. So, what the hell did I know about men?

  But I had high hopes and positive thinking and all that crap. If things didn’t go as planned, I had a backup plan that included staying in Brently and running the diner. Maybe even putting up a greenhouse on my property. Anything to make my life normal. Our life normal.

  The sun rose high in the sky, and I pushed off the cushioned Adirondack and went into the house to make some lemon ginger tea and biscuits. Coffee would be sorely missed, but giving it up was worth it. While the tea brewed, I made breakfast and sat down with my tablet, going over new menu additions. I liked the greasy spoon feel of Black Betty, but I figured by changing it up we could increase the revenue as much as was possible in this small town. Nothing too dramatic, I’d read and watched enough small town stories to know change was received better in small doses.

  “And here I was expecting a coming home party.”

  I froze and looked up at the big gorgeous man with flaming red hair and a scruffy beard that almost hid the seductive grin he wore. His emerald eyes sparkled with amusement. “I’m here, isn’t that enough of a party?”

  “Depends. What’s this party of one entail?”

  That lazy grin always made my pussy clench, and this morning was no different. “Well, you’re here so it’s a party of two. Technically.”

  “I like where this party is headed.”

  “I thought you might.” Mick had an insatiable sexual appetite. It always amazed me just how many times he could go in a night and how he was always ready for me. I stood and leaned against the table. “So, what kind of party were you hoping for?”

  He dropped down in the chair across from me and grabbed a slice of bacon from my plate. Before he bit down on it, his stomach rumbled and we both laughed. “I guess I’ll need actual food.” He leaned back with his trademark predatory grin. “And here I’d planned to eat you first.”

  A shiver shot through me that I couldn’t stop, and he laughed. “Well I might taste good, but I doubt you’ll get much sustenance.”

  “Making you the perfect dessert.”

  Damn this man and how hard I’d fallen for him. “So…breakfast?”

  “To start.”

  I loved cooking for Mick. Unlike Damon, he appreciated my downhome cooking and didn’t require me to cook sophisticated food I’d never eaten before. Not that I didn’t like to experiment, I did, but at my own comfort level. A quick meal of bacon, eggs and toast and Mick was happy. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks, babe.” He pulled me down for a kiss that stole my breath and wet my panties, which made me think of the thing I really needed to tell him. But I wasn’t ready yet.

  “Eat.” I sat and finished my own food, thinking of how much we seemed like an old married couple, sitting here quietly eating breakfast like we’d known each other forever. When we hadn’t. “Can you believe it’s been just four months since I met you? It feels like longer.” Abby and Damon and Chicago seemed like a lifetime ago because I’d jumped into my new life with both feet.

  He laughed. “I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing.”

  “It’s great. I feel like you’ve been in my heart for as long as I can remember.” He didn’t speak for a long time as he made quick work of his breakfast, but I saw the different emotions play out on his face. “I love you, Mick.”

  “I love you too, baby, and if we’re gonna get mushy, I think I should be holding you.” Since his arms were my favorite place to be, I went willingly to him, and he scooped me in his arms and settled us on the sofa. “I never thought I could love anybody as much as I love you.”

  I needed to hear those words, and they caused a reaction throughout my body. I felt emotional, turned on, fulfilled and so full of love I thought I might burst with it. But sitting here in his lap, I felt something long and hard pressing against my ass. “I didn’t think I wanted love again, but I find myself loving everything about you. Your smile.” I kissed him slow and sensual. “Your heart. Your kindness.” I laid a hand over his heart. “I love the feel of you in my hand. My pussy.” I leaned forward and whispered, “My mouth.”

  He groaned and stood. “I love it when you talk dirty to me. Your sweet little mouth saying nasty shit to me gets me so fuckin’ hard.” He walked us down the hall and to the bedroom. “I need to rinse off two straight days of road, and when I get out I want you spread across the bed naked and dripping for me.”

  “Not a problem,” I groaned, my gaze riveted to every inch of skin he revealed. I felt moisture flood my thighs, and I squeezed them tight. “I’ll be right here. Warming up.”

  “No. Mine.” He disappeared into the bathroom and I listened to the shower start, picturing his naked body slick with water. I had to tamp down my arousal because I needed to tell him the news. I couldn’t make love with him again before he knew.

  Could I?

  My body was hot and heavy, pulsing with desire that warred with my need to do the right thing. But when he stepped from the bathroom—totally naked—with a hungry look in his eyes, I knew I needed just a taste. In case it was the last I had. “Mr. Vice President, you are looking mighty delicious. And so, so far away.”

  He walked to the side of the bed and st
ood there, staring at my naked form. “I’m closer now.”

  I reached out and wrapped my hand around the hard length of his cock and squeezed. Tugged. He groaned, and I leaned forward until I could wrap my mouth around him instead. His taste was pure maleness. Earthy and musky and delicious. Closing my eyes, I sucked him hard, took him deep, and made love to his cock with my mouth. Every groan he released, every muttered curse word made my pussy flood.

  “Talon,” he groaned, but I already felt it. He grew harder and then the hot jets shot into my mouth and down my throat while I licked and sucked slower and slower. “Talon.” He held my head as his hips jerked a few more times before he pulled out and collapsed beside me. “I love your mouth, almost as much as I love you.”

  I laughed. “High praise considering I just sucked you off.”

  His body shook with laughter and before I knew what happened, he grabbed my thighs and lifted me until I was straddling his head. “And you did a great job, baby. Now it’s time for dessert. Hold on.”

  I held on to the headboard while his tongue darted in and out of my pussy, making stars explode behind my eyes. But when his tongue went flat and wide as it licked me from clit to opening, I held on tighter as my hips began to move in a slow grinding motion against his mouth. “Mick. Fuck yeah, Mick.”

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby, fuck my face.”

  His words more than the sharp smack to my ass spurred me on, widening my stance and moving my hips against him faster and harder as my orgasm began to build. One hand reached down to hold his head, and I moved even faster, grounding against him as pleasure shot out of every pore. Light and fire and electricity flew out of me as I cried out his name over and over. My hips slowed but his tongue didn’t, wrapping around my clit and lifting me up once again before I had a chance to get away from his magical mouth. “That was so dirty. And so fuckin’ hot,” I panted while he laughed beside me. “That’s just what I needed.”

  “Glad to be of service, darlin’.”

  I turned so we were face to face and rested my hands on his chest. He was beautiful and masculine. And perfect. “We need to talk.”

  He sighed and flung an arm over his face so I couldn’t see him. “I know, Talon. I promise we’ll talk soon, but I don’t have all of my shit together yet.”


  “You’re ready for the next step, right? That’s what all the talk was of being together for four months and the best blow job of my life, wasn’t it? So you could butter me up before telling me you’re ready to move forward.”

  I pulled back. “You think that’s what I was doing?”

  “I do and I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. I told you Talon, I love you. You’re it for me.”


  “But a man has to do this kind of thing in his own time.” He sounded so resigned to commitment that I almost had to rethink telling him. But I wasn’t a coward. “Just because you’re ready today doesn’t mean I’m ready to do it today.”

  “Oh my God, will you please shut up!” I stood and reached for my robe, suddenly feeling chilled.

  “Just sayin’.”

  “Stop saying anything! I wasn’t asking you for a ring, I just wanted one last memory before I told you I’m pregnant!” I stepped over his clothes and mine on my way to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. “Jerk!”

  His knock on the door was insistent as though he were trying to break it down. “You’re pregnant, Talon? For real?”

  “Yes!” I smacked the door angrily.


  “Nine weeks. Serious, Mick.”

  “Open the door.”

  I unlocked the door and slid against the tub. When the door opened, I refused to look up at him. “I know it’s soon. If you’re not ready for this then you’re not ready, Mick. It wouldn’t be the first time I had to handle things on my own.”

  “Of course I’m ready. I’m happier than hell about this.”

  “You are? Because you didn’t sound all that happy just a few minutes ago.”

  “Fuck yeah, I am. Get up.” He lifted me up before I could even process his words and set me on my feet. “Get dressed.”

  “Mick, what the hell is going on?” He turned me toward the door and pushed my shoulders until I started to move.

  “Get dressed and meet me in the living room. Hurry.” He strode out, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.



  “You kind of stole my thunder, babe, but I can improvise. Never let it be said that I’m a man who can’t think on his feet.” As the bike came to a stop on the overlook I took her to the first time we fucked, my heart raced so loudly I could hear it over the roar of my bike. Pregnant. I’m going to be a dad.

  “I think you’re pretty good at thinking on your feet, but I’m confused about why we’re here.” Big silver eyes smiled up at me while tiny ebony wisps blew in the breeze.

  “I know you are, and that’s okay. By the time we get back on my bike you won’t be.”


  I grabbed her hand, and we looked out over Brently below and the clubhouse in the distance just off the interstate ramp and beyond that, Tacapeo. “That first night up here with you changed my life for the better. I hadn’t realized that I was even looking for someone to share my life with until you refused to stay out of mind. I couldn’t get enough of you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  “Mick,” she whispered, all breathy and sexy before bringing my hand to her mouth and pressing a kiss to the center of my palm.

  “Talon, you give of yourself so freely. Your heart and your body, your laughter. Everything. You showed me I could live this life and have a woman like you by my side. You are everything I didn’t even know I was looking for, and I know I won’t ever be happy without you beside me. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby. More than anything.”

  “I love you, too, and our baby. Will you marry me?”

  She gave an amused grin. “And be your ol’ lady for life?”

  I smirked at her playfulness. “Hell yeah.”

  “In that case, fuck yeah, I’ll marry you.” She jumped into my arms and wrapped her body around mine, kissing me like her life depended on it.

  I held her tight and vowed to myself, as we kissed under the sun, that I’d never let her go. “A baby and a wife, must be my lucky day.”

  “Must be.”

  I felt like I was forgetting something but then I remembered. “Can’t have a fiancée without a ring, right?” I’d picked it up in Denver on my way out of town. The ring was simple—platinum band with an emerald cut pink diamond surrounded by smaller white ones—and perfectly Talon. I slid it on her finger and she gasped, tears shimmered in those big, trusting silver eyes. “One more time. Talon, will you marry me?”

  “It’s beautiful, Mick. I’m yours and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  Thank fuck. Looks like a guy like me can also get his happily ever after, too.


  Talon~ 3 months later

  “Damn, girl, you move fast. I’m impressed.” Minx grinned at me and bumped my shoulder. “A baby on the way and a husband.”

  I rubbed my slightly rounded belly and shook my head at her tone. “Not a husband yet, just a fiancé. That’s why we’re celebrating with our engagement party here tonight.” It was more like a backyard barbecue because no one here stood on ceremony, and honestly, I’d been craving barbecue all the time lately. With the weather slightly cooling, I’d been taking advantage of my craving with barbecue chicken, ribs, burgers and even sausages. It was getting ridiculous and if I didn’t get a handle on it, I’d gain fifty pounds before the baby got here. We’d opted for an engagement barbecue on First Street in front of the diner. Mick wanted it at the club, but I thought after everything that had happened we should make it a Brently thing. Besides, while I supported his club membership, I still felt a little weird being there.

�Either way, Talon, you’re the envy of every pass-around here.” I knew what she meant because I’d gotten more than a few nasty glares since I’d arrived. Especially Janine who’d been making snide remarks for the past few weeks.

  “I can’t worry about them when I have a wedding to plan and a baby to get ready for. Do you know anything about weddings or babies, because I don’t?” I hadn’t been around babies much in my life other than at amusement parks and restaurants. Not enough to actually take care of one. I was terrified.

  Minx laughed and hopped up on the stool beside me, looking amazing in short denim shorts, a plain white tee that hugged her gorgeous breasts and her ever-present cowboy boots. I wondered how many pairs she had. “I know more about babies than weddings. Somewhere in the world I have a kid brother and sister.” She said it so casually, but I could see the wistfulness in her eyes. She missed her family.

  “Does that mean you don’t want to be my maid of honor?” She was my only close friend and since she hadn’t ever fucked Mick, I figured we were solid.

  She turned to me, big brown eyes looking so vulnerable I wanted to pull her into a hug. “You want me to be your maid of honor? Why?”

  “You’re my friend. My best friend, and I want you beside me on this important day. You don’t want to do it?” Tears welled up in my eyes, and I was firmly blaming it on pregnancy hormones and not on the fact that she was rejecting me.

  She swiped a tear that I pretended not to see and nodded. “No, I do, it’s just… Don’t you want someone more, I don’t know, someone else?”

  I wrapped an arm around her. “No, I want you even though you’re so fucking hot you’ll totally upstage me on my wedding day. I still want you beside me. Say you’ll do it.”

  “I’ll do it.” She gave me a long hug, and I felt all the pain Minx had been through in her life. I thought I had it hard, but I didn’t know shit about hard compared to her experiences. Based on her reaction to something I took as a simple request between friends, I knew it was worse than I could ever imagine. I just hoped one day she’d confide in me about it. “How’d you get me a night off for this shindig?”


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