Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 1

by Remy Marie

  Table of Contents

  Jason’s Awakening: Moon Hunters Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  About the Author

  Author’s Note

  Jason’s Awakening: Moon Hunters Series

  By: Remy Marie


  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distrusted or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission

  Publisher Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales, products, and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by: Penny Morgan and Dominique Scott

  Beta Read by: Christine M Miller and Michaela Haze

  Cover by: Lejla Ahmedspahić

  Table of Contents

  Jason’s Awakening: Moon Hunters Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  About the Author

  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  How long is this shit going to take? I hope you didn’t forget to text your dealer again?” Trini growled as she looked at her boyfriend, Kyle. He smiled back at her and pushed his long blonde hair back behind his ears.

  “It shouldn’t take too long, Trini. I mean, there’s always something we could do to pass the time while we wait,” Kyle touched Trini’s bare tattooed shoulder. Trini made a face of disgust as she wiped Kyle’s hand away.

  “Are you fucking serious, or did you already start getting high today? We’re just going to wait, and that’s it,” Trini commanded. She began to drum her fingers on the steering wheel of her four-door sedan. Trini looked around at the half-empty parking lot of the mall. The large city mall was just beginning to open, as the store clerks walked briskly towards the back entrance with their coffee in hand. Trini wanted to go to work with her coffee in hand as well, but she didn’t feel comfortable leaving her boyfriend alone during a drug deal, so she had decided to wait in the car with him.

  She took a sip of her coffee and then looked at her boyfriend, who was playing Tetris on her smartphone. Trini wouldn’t trust Kyle with his own phone; he would have sold it for cocaine in a heartbeat. They have been dating for the past five years, or as she likes to call it, three years too long. Their relationship had started off great. Kyle was a handsome guy before his heavy drug use. He stood at about six foot tall with a lanky build like a college basketball player. He wore his black store uniform, a t-shirt with Geek Haven written across. His jeans were ripped at his knee, showing the skin underneath. Trini watched as his checkerboard Vans danced to the tune of the Tetris on top her dashboard as he continued to play the game.

  Trini sighed as she reminisced about the past. Kyle used to be outgoing like she was, never afraid to back down from a challenge; not to mention the sex had been amazing. Oh God; did Trini miss the good sex. It had been the toe-curling kind, where she could forget who she was and where she was. Now, she would be lucky if Kyle could even get it up for the occasion. The fact that he had offered a few seconds ago was comical, Trini thought as she watched her boyfriend mess up a straight piece on Tetris.

  Trini’s car began to shake as the sound of heavy rap music filled the parking lot. A large black SUV with tinted windows pulled up beside Trini’s blue sedan. The engine of the SUV stayed running when Trini looked at Kyle.

  “You know, that guy is waiting for you in there,” she said.

  “Can’t, I need to finish this game. Drew can wait, or he can get out of his fucking car and get in here for a fucking change. He needs to learn some damn customer service.”

  Trini rolled her eyes and exhaled in frustration as she pulled down her sun visor. She opened the visor mirror to review her rushed make-up job that she had performed that morning. She used her fingers to brush black hair. Trini smiled as she inspected her Powerpuff Girls five-millimeter plugs, one in each ear. Jason had given them to her for her birthday, three months ago. They were her favorite pair of plugs. Her store uniform from Geek Haven was wrinkled, but she wasn’t a stickler for creased clothing. However, mother Davos was, Trini joked to herself internally. Trini straightened her skirt and looked back towards the loud SUV.

  The music stopped as the car engine was shut down. A heavyset brunette man walked out of the driver side of the SUV. He wore a red and black football jersey that was a size too large with baggy jeans and steel-toed boots. Drew spat out a wad of chewing tobacco as he neared Trini’s car. While he walked to her car, his eyes were constantly scanning the environment. The dealer tapped lightly on her car window, indicating for her to roll it down. Trini lowered her window and smiled at the large male.

  “Sorry officer, I left the license and registration at home,” Trini said with a smile. The drug dealer’s lips didn’t twitch as he looked at Kyle.

  “You know the rules, Kyle. When I pull up, you get the fuck out and get in my car. I am not supposed to get out.”

  The game Kyle played made an error sound, as Kyle frowned after losing his round of Tetris. “Well, damn Drew. I was planning on seeing you. I just wanted to finish the game,” Kyle responded.

  “You can kiss your shit goodbye if you keep acting stupid. Get in the damn SUV, let’s do this.” Drew growled as he walked back to his tinted SUV. Kyle exhaled and handed Trini her cell phone. Trini looked at the home screen of her phone. It was a picture of Jason, Mohinder and herself. They just got back from whitewater rafting as they each still wore their life vests and helmets. One of th
e few instances she felt free from her nightmare with Kyle.

  “Trini, are you coming with me?” Kyle asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll follow you,” Trini responded as she rubbed Jason’s gleeful face on the screen. She stared at it once more, before shutting down her phone. Trini hopped out of the car and followed Kyle into the SUV. Kyle took the front seat, and Trini settled in the back seat. Once Trini sat down on the leather interior, she smelled the heavy stench of weed and alcohol. Under the driver’s front seat, Trini spotted an empty condom wrapper. Trini hoped to God she didn’t find the used condom anywhere in the vehicle. Overall, the state of Drew’s SUV depressed her. She felt like she would need twenty showers to get the stench off of her after Kyle and Drew’s meeting.

  “Do you have what I asked for?” Kyle asked.

  “Let’s see, you wanted two Miami Vices,” Drew said as he pulled out two small sandwich bags of cocaine from his center console. “Two mushroom pizzas,” Drew pulled another two bags of shrooms out. “Last, but not least, one side order of salad.” Drew withdrew a kilogram bag of weed. Kyle smiled at the drugs that were laid out before him. Trini thought he looked like a kid at Christmas. Kyle inspected each package and began to open up the bag of cocaine before Drew stopped him.

  “Easy, buddy. I need payment first,” Drew said as he lifted up his football jersey to brandish the pistol in his waistband. “Five hundred for everything.”

  Kyle’s eyes widened. “Five hundred? What the fuck? It was three fifty a month ago.”

  “Price of inflation. You’re going to snort, eat and smoke me out of business, homie. It is supply and demand, economics 101.”

  “All I have is the three hundred and fifty,” Kyle pulled out a wad of cash.

  “That buys you one bag of cocaine and the weed. I’m not running a fucking charity here,” Drew responded with a snap and began to place the other materials back on his console.

  “Wait, please Drew. Just hook me up, man. You know that I’m good for it. I’ll get you the money when I can.”

  “No. You know the rules, cash or ass. Unless your friend back there is down for some fun,” Drew turned to the backseat and groped Trini’s upper thigh. Before Kyle could respond, Trini narrowed her brow and grabbed Drew’s hand tightly. The dealer’s face winced in pain as Trini clammed down on his hand.

  “Do not fucking touch me! I will fucking break your hand if you touch me again, got it?” Trini growled as she threw Drew’s hand back him.

  “You need to control your bitch, Kyle.”

  That was the final straw for Trini as she got out of Drew’s SUV and slammed the door. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she walked back to her sedan to grab her purse.

  “Trini, wait!” Kyle shouted as he hopped out of the SUV. Trini ignored Kyle’s call as he chased after her. Kyle caught up to Trini with a few strides and grabbed her arm. Trini looked into Kyle’s eyes with fury.

  “Get the fuck off me, Kyle,” Trini roared. It was loud enough for several of the later arriving employees at the mall to notice them. Kyle smiled nervously at the spectators, and he turned his attention back to Trini. He loosened his grip and placed his hands up in defense.

  “Listen, don’t let Drew get to you. I was never going to let him have sex with you.”

  “Really Kyle? Thanks, that is reassuring. I’m glad you won’t sell me like some fucking whore for your addiction,” Trini shouted.

  “I wasn’t going to do that. I just didn’t have the money. I’m going to come back and make a deal. I promise he won’t touch you. I love you,” Kyle said as he pushed Trini’s hair behind her ear. Trini stopped Kyle’s hand and gave him a cold glare. The longer she stared into his eyes, the stronger the urge to break down and cry became. Her body shook with rage and despair as she removed his hand from her face.

  “I have to go to work and open up Geek Haven. You can go do what you want. I’m just not going to be a part of it.” Trini’s tears rolled down her face as she glanced up Kyle. Kyle’s face showed pity as he looked at his girlfriend.

  “I truly am sorry, I didn’t—”

  “It’s fine, Kyle. Go do what you need to do. I need to open up the store anyways. It’s a quarter to ten,” Trini sniffed and wiped the tears away.

  In silence, Kyle nodded and walked back towards the SUV. Trini watched as he hopped inside the vehicle without looking back. With a swift turn, she headed towards the mall. As she walked towards the doors, she felt bloated with emotion. Regret, anger, confusion, but most of all, loneliness. She needed her person, and that person was Jason.

  Trini took her phone out of her pocket and turned it on. Jason’s face on her home screen glowed back at her in the morning light. Trini admired Jason’s photo on the screen. Although Jason would never win the ‘sexiest man of year’ award anytime soon, he had decent qualities. What Jason lacked in looks, he made up for with his sharp mind. He had one of the most gifted minds that Trini had ever met.

  It also helps that he has a dreamy smile and a cute ass too, Trini thought as continued to admire Jason’s face. God, I miss him.

  Trini switched to her contacts and scrolled down until she reached Jason Barton. She hit dial. Trini waited patiently; after the third ring, Trini cursed loudly as she remembered that Jason had his final class today. Perhaps, I could leave him a message.

  The phone ringtone ended, and a robot female voice spoke up, “We’re sorry; this person’s mailbox is full.”

  “Damn it, Jason, clean your inbox.” Such a Jason thing to do, I swear this guy has no street smarts. Trini thought. She took a breath and realized that her message wouldn’t reach Jason, but she didn’t care. She needed to vent.

  “Jason, God, it’s been a morning. Another round of Kyle’s shit, you know?” Trini began to say as she began to cry once more. She wiped her tears as she continued her message. “Jesus, my mascara is running, I’m going to have to touch it up. Anyways, I’m done with Kyle. He’s pushed me to my limits. My shits for Kyle are officially zero. I miss you. You are my rock for times like these you know? You’re the cheese to my macaroni. God, that sounds like a cheesy line to a rom-com. Seriously, you are my treasure, the most precious thing in my life right now. Besides that fact, I know you like me, mister. I can see the glances you give me all the time. We girls can tell, you know,” Trini giggled a bit before speaking up once more.

  “Part of me wishes you would make a move on me, but I understand how shy you get around me. Plus you’re loyal to Kyle. Loyalty is a good thing, but I think it’s wasted on your relationship. You’re up to bat, Jason Barton and it’s time to score. Just realize when you want to make a move, I’ll be ready for you,” Trini said positively as took the phone from her ear and looked back down at the picture of Jason. She smiled at his animated grin and clicked her phone off as she placed it back in her purse. She gripped the glass door to the mall with confidence and walked in with her head up, ready to start her day.

  Chapter 2

  If you can take one more thing from this class, remember humans who have power and abuse that power, never win. Think about this message and compare it to examples of political leaders in history who had power, but chose to lead their people down a negative path,” Professor Logan stated while looking around at the two hundred college students in the crowded lecture hall. He looked youthful for a man in his forties. He wore a white button-down shirt and grey slacks. His forest green bowtie matched his vest, as he walked away from his maple podium and made his way closer to the large class. His voice was not the loudest or the strongest, but each student diligently watched him speak. The professor pressed his brown glasses back into place and spoke once more

  “For example look at—”

  Jason’s attention was ripped from the professor’s speech as his best friend, Mohinder, poked him in the arm.

  “What?” Jason whispered, upset that Mohinder distracted him from the teacher.

  Mohinder pointed to the busty blonde coed, two rows below him. “Mate, check her out.
That bird is fit as fuck.” Mohinder whispered. “I would give anything for one night with her. Trust me, after I’m done, she’ll be crawling back.”

  Jason looked down at the blonde ‘bird’ that Mohinder was salivating over. It had taken some time to get used to Mohinder’s British slang. Fit meant hot, apparently. Said ‘Bird’ was wearing a tight pink spaghetti top that barely contained her breasts. With a slender face and blue eyes, the blonde seemed irked by the lecture as she listened to the professor. As she played with a mechanical pencil in her hand, Jason’s mind started to race while staring at the blonde.

  Mohinder was right, she was good-looking, but unlike Mohinder, Jason knew that she was way out of both of their leagues. Jason wasn’t a ladies man at all. His five foot six skinny frame didn’t fit in with college women. His only sexual experience involved his hand and staring at a computer monitor. It didn’t help that his extremely dark skin was a turn off for many women. Not to mention, the abundance of scars on his face and body from his eczema skin condition.

  Many of the boys at the orphanage had often mocked him, saying he was one of the children from the ‘Help Feed Africa’ campaigns. Jason didn’t really enjoy the particular joke.

  Jason looked at Mohinder and thought about Mohinder’s chances with the blonde. He was the same height as Jason, but instead of skinny, Mohinder was obese. He cared more about his hair than his body. Mo’s black hair was filled with gel and slicked back. He called it his signature look. Jason always hated waiting for Mohinder to get his hair ready in the mornings.

  If only he took care of his body like he did with his hair, he would have a chance with the blonde, Jason thought as he inspected his friend. Jason shook his head negatively as he noticed Mohinder shift his body weight, revealing his light brown gut. His large stomach hung out of his black graphic t-shirt as he continued to stare at the blonde.

  Jason met his best friend at the Johnson Wayne Orphanage, which they both called home. They were both left there at the age of fifteen and never got adopted since then. Jason never knew his father, but his mother had died of breast cancer. Not having any family left, Jason was sent to Johnson Wayne to wait out being adopted. Mohinder was originally from India, but he had been adopted by a middle-class English family. After living in London for thirteen years, he came to the states with his family. Jason always liked British accents and when Mohinder first spoke, they became instant friends.


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