Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 18

by Remy Marie

  I swear to God, Drew, you touch them. This is going to be the last night you ever draw breath.

  “Listen, Drew, we know Trini left you with a large debt of $1,500 to you when she died.”

  It was nowhere near that amount! Kyle owed Drew at least one hundred twenty dollars after, Drew pawned Kyle’s chain. That motherfucker!

  “We agreed to pay you each Friday. It’s Thursday, and we haven’t gotten paid yet. When we do, I will personally drive to give the cash to you when it's in our bank. We haven’t missed a payment yet. All we ask for is more time.” Robert Davos added.

  “Not good enough, I want it now, or you know what’s going to happen.”

  “Please no, we can make a deal,” Susan squealed.

  “That’s it, I’m going in!” Trini shouted as she placed her ski mask over her face. As Trini rushed towards her trailer home, she could hear Jason call her, but her mind was made up as she charged into the trailer. Trini pulled the trailer door hard, nearly ripping the door off its hinges. “Don’t you fucking touch them,” Trini roared as her voice was muffled by the cloth.

  Drew placed his gun back in his waistband, to appear innocent, as he turned around to look at Trini. A smile showed on his face as he looked at her. She could tell he could not recognize her.

  “This doesn’t concern you girl. Run away before one of my guys has to rough you up.”

  “No, it concerns me,” Trini shouted as she leaped at Drew. Drew as not ready for Trini’s surprise attack at she managed to lay a swift punch on his face. With her increased strength, her punch sent Drew backward, knocking him off balance. Drew touched his face as he realized he drew blood from her punch.

  “Grab her!” Drew commanded. Drew’s two goons attacked Trini at once. She managed to dodge the first attacker and counter punch him in his gut. However, she was too slow for the second. He wrapped her up in his arms and lifted her high in the air. Trini kicked, but because she was lifted, she had a difficult time trying to break his grip. Before the first attacker, could regroup from Trini’s initial punch, Jason tackled the goon from behind. While his face was covered by his ski mask, Trini could tell he was angry by the shape of his eyes. Jason punched the enforcer multiple times in the face, rendering him unconscious. Jason’s arrival caused the second goon carrying Trini to break his concentration. She used the distraction to her advantage as she broke free from his hold. With a swift punch, Trini turned the tide of the fight in her favor. Trini was still fighting the second goon when she heard the click of the gun. By the time Trini heard the gunshot, she was already pushed out of the way. She froze as she realized that Jason pushed her out of the way from Drew’s shot. Jason stood clutching his stomach. He turned at Trini coughing up blood.

  “Stop him,” Jason moaned before he fell to the ground.

  “No!” Trini growled as she lunged herself towards Drew. “I’ll kill you!” Trini shouted as she attacked Drew. Drew fired multiple times, but Trini managed to evade the shots until she was face to face with him. She knocked the gun from his hand and delivered a powerful haymaker to his face. Drew whipped around from the impact, dropping his gun across the room. He tried to adjust himself as he spat out teeth and blood from his mouth. Staggered, he brought out a knife from his back pocket.

  With blood-stained teeth, he screamed, “Come on bitch, finish this!”

  His words were all the motivation Trini needed as she charged towards Drew. She was blinded by rage as she attacked. She felt a white hot pain on her mid arm, but she didn’t flinch as her hand clenched Drew’s throat. With all of her strength, she gripped, snapping his spine and ending the life of Drew. His limp body dropped like a sack as she stood over him.

  “Trini?” A voice called. Trini turned and searched for origin. She realized it was her mother. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at her daughter. “Trini, is that you?” Trini was silent as she stared at her mother.

  How did she know it was me? She felt the pain in her arm once more and looked down. Her black sweatshirt was ripped from the wound, and opened was her outline tattoo of her favorite cartoon show as a child, Powerpuff Girls. The tattoo was the first she’d got, she’s taken her mother for support when she got it. Trini covered her wounded and stared at her mother. In her heart, she wanted to tell her that her daughter was still alive, but knew with one answer came more questions. With tears in her eyes, she walked past her Mom and lifted Jason’s unconscious body up. She placed him in a fireman’s carry, and looked back at her parents before leaving.

  “Tell them it was self-defense. You didn’t see us here,” Trini growled with her voice muffled. She wanted to add she loved them, but she knew that would be a grave mistake.

  Trini took Jason deep into the woods and placed him against a tree. She inspected his wound on his stomach and frowned. He was losing a lot of blood, he would need to transform into his wolf to start the healing process. Trini gently rubbed Jason’s face as she kissed him. Jason showed a weak smile as he opened his eyes.

  “Hey you,” Jason said. Trini broke down crying as she looked at Jason’s state. With his limited strength, Jason lifted his arm up and wiped away her tears. “Don’t you start crying on me. You’re supposed to be the strong one. I guess we won? Any other injuries besides mine?”

  “Drew is dead. I killed him. He had to be stopped.” Jason had a serious face as he stared at Trini.

  “I understand. He had to be stopped. We can’t tell Greg or Allison about this. I’m not sure how they would take us sneaking off and killing a human.”

  “I agree,” Trini added as she rubbed Jason’s coarse hair.

  God, I love this man so much. He understands me so much. He doesn’t even bat an eye for my past sins.

  “I love you so much, Jason. You took a bullet for me.”

  “I would take a thousand bullets for you, Trini. I love you more than you know.”

  “Awe, babe,” Trini replied as she gave him another kiss. “You need to wolf up now, to heal.” Jason nodded as he stood up. Jason staggered as he attempted to run. He fell to the ground once, but with a loud howl, Jason transformed into his wolf. After transforming, Jason collapsed onto the ground. Trini watched as the moon healed Jason’s wound, and within minutes Jason stood back up as his wolf and howled. He walked over to Trini and licked her face.

  “That’s my Greywolf, now let’s go home,” Trini said as she petted to Jason’s thick grey hair. Trini released a howl and transformed back into her auburn fur wolf, and then the two ran back to the cabin, howling as one.

  Chapter 24

  Wow, you have gotten ripped,” Trini replied as she stared at Jason’s defined abs and sculpted chest Jason gave a cocky grin as he looked for a clean set of clothes in a pile. Jason stopped looking for a clean shirt to inspect his physique in the mirror.

  “I guess I have. I look pretty good, don’t I? I could pass for a football player with my physic. My eczema is gone as well. I’ve never seen my skin so clear before. I guess with the training and four moon cycles, our bodies have changed. We could make a fortune with a new workout plan. Thirty-minute wolf abs. I can already see you in some tight yoga pants, doing some squats.” Trini gave a sarcastic laugh at Jason’s comment.

  “I would never be caught dead looking like some bimbo in yoga pants,” she grinned.

  “Oh, I know it’s not your style, what happens if the yoga pants were all black?” Trini looked at Jason like he was an idiot and shook her head in a negative manner. Jason laughed and changed the subject “You’ve gotten more defined as well. You look like one of the female comic book heroines we always read about.”

  “You would fantasize about that, how about we just focus on the real thing. Get that muscular ass over here,” Trini said as she got up and kissed Jason. He accepted her kiss as he rubbed his hands on her soft skin. Jason looked deep into her grey eyes and rubbed her cheek as he leaned in once more for a kiss. The couple caressed until Trini stopped their actions, “Hey now, Greywolf, I just gave you t
he ride of your life. There’s no need to start that up again.”

  “Are you sure? I can go again,” Jason replied as he started to kiss multiple spots on her body. Trini let out a soft moan and Jason could feel the soft hairs on her body start to rise. Jason lifted Trini up, while she wrapped both of her legs around his waist. He carried her back to their bed and laid her down gently. Jason looked into Trini’s grey eyes and pushed her black hair behind her head. He kissed her once more before disappearing past Trini’s waist. Jason performed fellatio on Trini’s sex. Trini closed her eyes and moaned from her boyfriend’s pleasure. She rubbed Jason’s thick, coarse hair as she kept his head below her waist. With each lick from Jason, felt like a powerful shock to Trini’s undercarriage. Her legs were uncontrollable as they jolted from Jason’s increased speed. Once Jason began to toy with her clit, Trini arched her back. The female wolf looked to be possessed as she was superficially lifted out of the bed from the morning delight.

  “Uggh,” Trini groaned with pleasure. “When you put it that way-”

  Mohinder’s voice suddenly filled the air. “Mate, Isabella and I wanted to know if you all wanted to go on a quick run before breakfast.”

  “Or are you two planning on having breakfast in bed?” Isabella snickered. Jason halted his actions and looked up at Trini. She shrugged and gave a quick wink, and she mouthed the word, “afterward.” A guilty smile appeared on Jason’s face.

  “No, we can do a run. There goes sleeping in, and I guess I don’t need a t-shirt,” Jason said as he tossed the clean shirt back in the corner.

  “That’s why I sleep in the nude,” Trini chimed in. “I like to sleep ready roll. Come on, let’s go!” The couple left Jason’s room and ran down the steps to meet Isabella and Mohinder outside.

  Four months ago, it would have bothered me that Trini and I are running around naked in the house, Jason thought as they made his way outside. Now it’s simply a daily routine. As they made their way outside, the house was quiet. Jason assumed Greg and Allison were on a patrol. Over the past months, they have increased their patrols since the attacks at the Sawmill. It’ been quiet from the West Alocenia side of the line, and perhaps they are preparing for another attack. If they are, my friends and I would be ready, Jason thought as he followed Trini outside.

  It was a cold spring day, and the local vegetation around Greg’s cabin was turning a bright green. Mohinder and Isabella sat on the porch’s post as they waited for Jason and Trini to arrive.

  “It’s about damn time,” Isabella grinned as she hopped off the porch. Over the last four months, Isabella’s plump size shrunk and turned into muscle, and she was equally stronger than most of her male partners. In addition, Isabella changed her hairstyle and sported a long Mohawk.

  “Oh, come on Isabella, don’t be a bitch. If it was you and Allison up there, we would be waiting twice as long,” Mohinder said as he defended his friends. Mohinder showed the most change in the group. His awkward body fat was gone as his body looked like a professional weightlifter. His strength grew over the four months, to grow into one of the strongest in the pack. Mohinder also grew his hair and facial hair out. His friend had a shaggy beard and cropped shoulder length hair. Jason never got used to seeing Mohinder with longer hair.

  “Alright, so new bet for the same stakes? The last one to circle around the forest cleans up the cabin? Greg’s been giving us shit for a while to clean it,” Trini grinned.

  “Hell no, you would win easily with your speed,” Isabella chimed in.

  “We should just do the regular bet. First one who changes back into a human loses, eh?” Mohinder suggested.

  “That’s fine with me,” Trini replied.

  “Alright, then it’s settled first one- There’s a human approaching us. He smells familiar,” Isabella replied.

  Jason’s heart started to beat rapidly as they prepared for the incoming host. Jason got into a fighting stance preparing to transform until he recognized the intruder. A truck pulled up to Greg’s cabin, and Walker came out of the truck. He wore a designer jacket and blue jeans and had a large smile as he walked away from his vehicle.

  Jason gave a peculiar look at Walker as he approached the group. “You guys go ahead; I’m going to see what Walker wants.”

  “You sure?” Trini asked concerned.

  “Yeah, I’m going to skip out on the morning routine.”

  “Alright see you soon, mate,” Mohinder said. Jason turned his back and walked towards Walker. Behind him, he heard the transformation of three werewolves as they howled and ran the opposite direction.

  “Hey Walker, is everything okay? Dennis isn’t here right now. He is out on patrol with Allison.”

  “I know Jason, he told me this morning when he left for work,” Walker paused and looked at Jason’s nude body.

  In the past, the stare would have bothered Jason; however, Jason has gotten comfortable in his own skin and did not care for the casual glance.

  “I still can’t get used to your kind walking around naked. How are you not cold? It’s like forty degrees out today.”

  “It’s not that cold. As for why I don’t get cold, it’s hard to explain. Just think of it as my nonexistent wolf fur is keeping me warm.”

  “Interesting, anyways, do you remember the conversation we had at the party a couple of months ago?”

  Jason paused to think back to that night and remembered instantly. “About the teaching job?”

  “Yeah, since you are a wolf and the accolades you earned in school, the county is going to look the other way due to you not graduating with a degree. They are going to forge your name with the state, saying that you graduated. All you have to do is pass the state issued test, and after that, you are in.”

  “Wait, how that is possible?”

  Walker laughed at Jason’s question and smiled at him. “By now, you should know that your werewolf network is bigger than just Greg’s cabin folk. Werewolves are all over in the state and the federal government. How did you think your stay hidden so well? When you have werewolves in high positions, it’s easy to falsify a couple of documents, you know like death and birth certificates. That’s one way you conceal your kind. “

  Jason nodded his head in agreement. “When is this test?”

  “Sorry for the short notice, but since the school year is just about to wrap up, hiring has already begun for our county. The testing is actually today. However, I figured with your past, you should be able to pass a state high school test.”

  Jason laughed uneasily, “Yeah I guess I wouldn’t have too much trouble considering at one time, my professor thought I was going to cure cancer. Alright, well let’s head out,” Jason said as he began to walk towards Walker’s truck.

  “Jason, wait, this is embarrassing for me to say, but could you please put on some clothes? We are going to a public school.” Jason realized that he was still nude and smiled.

  “Whoops, yes you are correct about that. Give me a minute,” Jason said as he dashed back into the cabin. Under a minute, Jason returned clothed. “After you,” Jason replied as he extended his hand.

  Meekins County High School was a small rural school built in the 1950s. With a total class size of one thousand, it was easy to see why the school was so small. There were a couple of new technology updates like projectors in the classroom and a computer lab, but Jason could tell the school wasn’t a top of a line school. When Jason was in high school, his senior class was twice as big as the amount of students that attended the school. Not to mention, everyone at his high school received tablets to study with. They were mostly used to study with. A lot of people Jason knew hacked the tablet to show porn. It was a big deal in Jason’s school when the administration found out. At least three hundred kids got suspended. It had to be a record, Jason thought as he laughed at the memory.

  “I know what you’re thinking. How can you teach in a place like this? Easy, once you see the young minds grasp what you’re teaching, there’s no going back. It is not
the top flight high school with all the bells and whistles, but you can’t beat the feeling of seeing a student’s eyes light up once they learn or understand the lesson. You’ll see what I’m saying soon enough,” Walker explained. The teacher stopped outside a classroom and peered in. There were already five teachers taking the standardized test. An administrator slowly walked through the rows of the desks to monitoring each test taker. “It looks like they are already started. I knew I should have been at Greg’s earlier. Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay,” Jason replied as he reached for the door hand.

  “Jason wait, after you’re done, meet me in my lab. It’s room 312. Good luck,” Walker said as he grabbed Jason and gave him a big hug. Walker broke his embrace from Jason and then walked back down the hallway. Jason took a deep breath and opened the door to the classroom. The test monitor broke his attention from his observance of the other teachers and glared at Jason. He wore a navy blue sweater along with tan khakis. He was balding at the top of his head and didn’t bother proper upkeep as his brunette hair was combed over his bald spot.

  “Jason Barton?” he asked annoyed. Jason could tell he was irritated by his tardiness. The test monitor motioned Jason to come near his desk in the front. Once Jason arrived, he shoved a test hard into Jason’s chest. “Find a seat that’s at least two desks apart from someone else. You have less than forty minutes to finish the test. If you can’t finish the test, that is not my fault. Next time, arrive early,” The monitor growled. Jason raised his eyebrows at the test monitor’s confrontation and then turned to find his desk.

  He settled for a desk behind everyone else, in the far back of the classroom. Jason’s heart started to beat harder as he made his way to his desk. Even with an IQ of 201, and an advanced knowledge of chemistry and biology, he was still freighted by standardized tests. He would rather face a pack of lycan alone than to sit down and take a test. Jason’s hands felt sweaty as he gripped the pencil given to him. He used the pencil to open the test and looked at the first question.


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