Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 24

by Remy Marie

  “You will find me. I know babe.” Dennis let out a loud howl and transformed into his wolf. Walker moved closer and pet Dennis’s wolf’s snout. The two shared glances once more before Dennis barked and the foursome ran into the woods.

  Watching the two embrace and love each other, Jason missed that same connection with Trini. He would trade anything in the world to have that feeling once more. Jason looked back at Trini. She was adding her items back into Walker’s truck. As Jason watched her, he knew that he wanted whatever was between them to end in Korywen. He wanted to be with her like it was before when they got back home. This is my chance to make it right, Jason thought as he moved forward to Trini.

  “Trini,” Jason asked as he stood in front of her.

  “Not now Jason,” Trini snapped as she walked away. Jason could tell she was not in the mood to deal with him. Ordinarily, he would have turned and walked away, but the passion he saw between Walker and Dennis lit a fire inside him and burned for Trini. He knew he had to say his piece now.

  “Trini, just listen to me. Just one minute. Look at me and listen to me. That is all I ask for!” Jason roared. This caused the entire pack to turn and look at Jason and Trini. Mohinder and Isabella had curious glances as they looked at their two friends. Trini turned around and looked at Jason. Jason had a hard time trying to gauge her mood. It looked like a cross between relief and hostility. The cold stare of Trini’s grey eyes didn’t scare Jason. He knew he had to empty out his heart to her.

  “Trini, I love you,” Jason began. Trini rolled her eyes at his response. Jason took a deep breath and spoke again. “I know it’s a bit cliché, but what else can I say. You make my heart burn. I know I made a mistake. I am going to have live with that mistake for the rest of my life. I shouldn’t have lied to you. That was my fault. I own up to that fact. I don’t know why I lied in the first place. Honestly, it was mostly fear.”

  Trini narrowed her brow and looked at Jason, “Why fear? If you loved me, you shouldn’t fear telling me the truth.”

  “I know it’s not an excuse, but that is the truth. I was afraid of what would happen to us if you knew we weren’t soulmates. When we started our relationship, it was amazing. Even better than I’d dreamed of. Then the whole mate situation arose, and I was scared. I panicked, I knew that you were the woman for me, but I hesitated on that fact. Now I know, though. I know that you are the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to grow old with you. I want to raise our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. I want to watch the Earth change over five hundred years while holding your hand. You are the person I want to be with, no one else,” Jason stated as tears began to fill his eyes. Jason reached out for Trini’s hand. He grasped it slowly and felt whole again as he managed to create skin on skin contact. “Please Trini, just give me one more chance. The last chance I will ever need to make it right,” Jason concluded.

  Trini stared at Jason, her eyes searching to see if there was truth his words. She gave a heavy sigh and pulled her hand away. “I can’t Jason. You broke my trust when I asked you not to lie to me. How do I know you’re not lying to me right now? This could just be a ruse to get back with me. Who says in a day you won’t go crawling back to Rose?”

  “Trini, I’m not perfect, but I’ve learned that keeping secrets from you is bad. In which, I’m going to tell you my last secret. After this, you will know everything from here on out. Not a secret will be withheld from you.”

  “You can save your breath Jason, this isn’t a confessional.”

  “Just, please Trini. Here me out.” Jason took a deep breath and looked at Mohinder.

  Mohinder is not going to enjoy this news, but I have to make things right with Trini, Jason thought as he looked back at Trini.

  “Jennifer is pregnant with Mohinder’s baby. She told me before we left on the trip to Korywen.” Trini’s eyes grew wide as she learned the secret. Mohinder and the other Meekins citizens looked stunned as they heard the news as well.

  “Jason, why didn’t you tell me this? We are supposed to be brothers, and you didn’t tell me. You didn’t even tell David. I am responsible for writing Jennifer’s death ticket, and you didn’t tell me!” Mohinder growled and charged at Jason. His eyes were red and were filled with rage as he tackled Jason. He delivered two good punches before two other werewolves dragged him off Jason.

  Jason wiped the blood from his mouth and looked back at his friend. “I’m sorry. She made me promise not to tell anyone.”

  “Are we in primary school, Jason? You’re a grown ass man. You should have told me, or at least told David, her bloody father! She is going to die in nine months, Jason! Jennifer is going to die because of me! “Mohinder yelled at Jason while the two werewolves struggled to hold him back. Mohinder pushed both werewolves off him with ease and glared at Jason as he walked towards Greg. “Greg, can we send someone out to David in the hunting party to let David know about his daughter?”

  “We can’t do that. David needs to stay focused. With the news of his daughter, he would lose that focus. While Jennifer’s loss is sad, David needs to keep his wolf in an aggressive state. If things go according to plan, the hunting party should be back within a week. That should give enough time for David to say goodbye to Jennifer. “

  Mohinder opened his mouth to protest but realized Greg was not going to budge from his position. Mohinder turned and looked back at Jason and gave a dirty look. “I need to head back to help Jennifer with her research.”

  “Jennifer requested that I help as well,” Jason added as he moved closer to his friend. Mohinder responded with a loud roar as he charged back into Jason’s face.

  “I think you helped enough Jason. I don’t think we need any more. If you want to help, how about you piss off. ” Mohinder then turned and transformed back into his wolf and ran ahead of the group.

  “Mohinder, wait!” Jason shouted as Mohinder ran away. Jason looked back at Trini, and her eyes were filled with tears. “Trini listen, I’m-“

  “Just stop, Jason. God, for a guy with a high IQ, you can be such a dumbass. I think we should sleep in separate rooms when we get back to the house. I’m sorry; I’m just not ready yet.” Trini turned and transformed. Isabella looked at Jason as if he stabbed her in the back as well. She shook her head and transformed into her wolf and followed Trini. The remainder of the Meekins wolves followed suit, leaving only Greg and Walker. Greg moved closer to Jason and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “You did the right thing, Jason, telling everyone. As for Trini and you being together, I suggest you let that go. There’s a woman back in Korywen who would take you back in a heartbeat if you asked. I think that you would make a fine match. You’re a wolf now, don’t you forget it. Your relationship with Trini was built off of your old life. Rose is your future now. With that said, let’s head back.”

  “You’re wrong,” Jason replied.

  “Excuse me?” Greg asked with his eye cocked.

  “Trini is the woman for me. You should understand that based on what I just said to her. It hurts me to hear you say to forget her. I’m not giving up that easily.”

  “Son, you get to my age. You learn a thing or two about love.”

  “Love is always changing Greg. A person who is four hundred and sixty-seven years of age should be able distinguish this fact,” Jason rebutted. Greg smiled at Jason’s comment and nodded.

  “It sounds like your heart is in the right place for Trini. Don’t listen to an old fart like me then. Go get her, and don’t give up. ” Jason smiled back at Greg and nodded. The two wolves proceeded to transform and run behind the remainder of the pack.

  Chapter 33

  J ason took a deep breath as he looked in the mirror. He made sure his forest green bowtie was straightened and then smiled at the mirror. He turned off the bathroom light and walked out of the smaller bathroom into the living room of Walker’s and Dennis’ house. Walker was sitting on the edge of the couch watching the morning news. Once he noticed Ja
son, he smiled and turned off the TV.

  “You look nice Jason, are you ready for your big day today?” Walker asked.

  “Yeah, it feels like I’m going to kindergarten for the first time. I’m just missing my mom and the awkward pictures.”

  “I can help with the awkward pictures. I’m not too sure about the mother part.” Jason gave a light smile and grabbed his cloth briefcase, and inspected the contents. “Is something bothering you Jason, that’s the fifth time you checked your bag.”

  “Yeah, it’s just that I miss Trini. She would have liked taking me to class.”

  “Jason, you and Trini haven’t been on the same page for the last four months. After you talked to her outside Korywen, things haven’t been exactly right. Things with you and Mohinder have been bad as well. The only time you guys talk is if you’re requesting research materials for Jennifer. Not to mention, you’ve moved out of the cabin and are living with me now. You barely talk to anyone in your pack, besides Greg and Allison. I’m just concerned that’s all.”

  “Thanks, Walker, but I’m fine. I was just saying I wish Trini was here. As for staying here, someone has to stay here and watch out for you while Dennis is still out hunting. Greg says last he heard from the group, is that they are still out searching for Jasper near Alabama.”

  “Thanks, Jason. I’m surprised it’s taken this long to find Jasper. Where the hell is this guy? Are you sure they are in the right location?”

  “We believe so; most reports say that he is in West Alocenia.”

  “Dennis needs to find him soon. I miss him, badly,” Walker mentioned as he looked at his watch. “Shit, we’re going to be late, we better head out.” Walker smiled and walked out the door. Jason strapped on his cloth briefcase and walked outside as well.

  The fall air felt warmer than usual as Jason walked outside. He was unsure if the warm temperature was from him being nervous about teaching or just the North Carolina fall season. In his mind, he reviewed his class lecture, hoping he didn’t forget anything. In silence, Jason hopped in the car and locked in his seatbelt. Walker started the car and drove down the country highway to Meekins High School. Jason looked out the window watching the trees go by. Walker looked back at Jason and frowned.

  “Are you going over your lecture, or thinking of Trini?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “It is, you look like a love-struck puppy. Love is complicated, you know? If it doesn’t hurt, then it isn’t love, you know.”

  Jason shook his head negatively and looked out the window. “What do you know Walker, I mean you and Dennis are perfect. Not once have you guys ever fought, or got angry with each other. Twenty years and you guys still can’t get enough of each other. Walker laughed and turned on his blinker.

  “You think that our relationship is easy? Hell, Dennis and I have our scraps on a daily basis. We are two different people. Every couple has their fights or differences. It’s simply because each person is different. Whenever we fought, we always made up in the end. That’s what matters. We never went to bed mad at each other. Did I ever tell you about Dennis’s mate?”

  Jason narrowed his brow and looked at Walker, “You’re not Dennis’s mate? I thought-“

  “Hell no, Dennis mate’s name was Helga Gier. She was some blonde bombshell. We were dating for three months when I first meet her. She acted a bit like Rose. She was all over him; he pushed her away as much as you did.”

  “Were you jealous?” Jason asked with curiosity. Walker turned into the Meekins High School parking lot and turned off the car. Dozens of students walked past the parked truck as Walker looked back at Jason.

  “Hell yeah, it pissed me the hell off. But it was what Dennis said to me, calmed me down eventually. He told me love is a gamble. You can’t only put a few chips in and expect it to work out. If you’re going to love someone one, you go all in. That’s what he did. He proved that he was committed to me. Maybe I was still pissed at him, but he proved himself to me. Over and over again, until his contagious love slapped me across the face. Right there, I realized how much he admired me. My advice to you is to keep on loving Trini. Even though she ignores it, you love her. Prove your worth. Don’t give up on her. Don’t mope in the truck like you’re doing now. Man up, go prove to Trini that you deserve to be with her. It may take a month or a year, but if you present your love to her, she will come along. Trust me, don’t give up on her. If she loves you, she will come around.” Jason stared at Walker; he felt the tears grow in his eyes as he looked at Walker.

  “Walker, thank you for the advice. Did anyone tell you that you have a way with words?”

  “Don’t make me blush. Now with that said, let’s get inside and rock this first day of classes.” Jason wiped his tears and smiled.

  “Yeah, let’s do this,” Jason said as he hopped out of the truck with Walker heading into the classroom.

  Jason watched as the last student left his afternoon class. He smiled to himself as he cleaned the lab equipment from each desk.

  That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, Jason thought as he placed a beaker into the glass cabinet. Jason heard footsteps and smelled Walker approaching. A few moments later, Walker walked into Jason’s classroom with a big smile.

  “I heard some new teacher had rave reviews in the hallway today.”

  “Really, that’s good. I was hoping my lesson plan wasn’t too complicated.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve never seen some many students’ walking out of the classroom with smiles. You did well. Listen, I have to go to a senior leadership meeting. Jennifer and Mohinder are already in my lab, starting up their research.”

  Jason nodded, as he packed away his materials in his briefcase. “I was thinking of going over some of the assignments the students turned in.”

  “Jason, after the conversation we just had. No, be a man, go upstairs and show the love to Mohinder. He may be angry at you, but you need to be the bigger man. Show him the love.”

  “You’re right,” Jason replied as he took a deep breath. “I’ll head up there. Are you heading up after your meeting?”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you soon.” Jason nodded and walked outside his classroom. He walked up the stairs and then down the hall to Walker’s lab. Jason could hear Mohinder and Jennifer discuss a new procedure for a new blood simulation. Jennifer was still talking until Mohinder stopped. Jason knew that Mohinder smelled his scent. Jason opened the door to Walker’s lab, and Mohinder was staring at Jason. He had a look of confusion and aggression as if he didn’t want Jason to be there.

  Jason held his head up high and ignored Mohinder’s glances. Jason looked towards Jennifer. Her curly ebony hair was held in a ponytail, while her pregnancy was beginning to show through the dress she was wearing.

  “Jason, it’s good to see you. I thought you said you weren’t going to come by.” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “Change of plans, I have a couple hours today. Do you need a hand?” Jason asked.

  “Yes, that would be fine. Mohinder and I were testing batch ninety-three. Can you review the isotopes in blood simulation?”

  “Yeah sure,” Jason replied as he placed his lab coat on and secured his lab glasses.

  “Actually, it’s sorted, Jennifer. I was making my way to it. We don’t need Jason here,” Mohinder growled, not looking up from the computer he typed on. Jason paused and looked at his friend.

  “Mohinder, I didn’t mean to intrude. I just wanted to help, that’s all. Let me at least take some notes home. I could review them and give my input,” Jason pleaded as he walked towards a table with handwritten notes. Mohinder looked up from the computer and growled as he got into Jason’s face.

  “No. Like I said, we don’t need your help,” Mohinder roared as he looked at Jason.

  “That is enough out of you, Mohinder!” Jennifer shouted as she got up. She managed to push Mohinder away from Jason and looked into his eyes. “If you are angry at anyone, it should be me! Did Jason ever
tell you why he kept from you that I was pregnant?”

  “No, he didn’t need to. He should have told me anyways.”

  “He didn’t tell you because I asked. I made him promise me to not tell anyone including you,” Jennifer shouted at Mohinder. She grabbed his chin and brought his attention to her. “Listen, I’m sorry. I was scared. I should have told you. I wanted to tell you face to face. I just didn’t get the chance the whole thing with Jasper and Korywen. Then with Jason telling Trini about my secret, I understand. I understand why he had to say it. He loves her, just like I love you. Love makes you do crazy things, you know? For instance, I know love made this,” Jennifer said as she rubbed her baby bump. “I also know that love will keep this baby and me alive in the future. Now, I want you to promise me something. Don’t blame Jason, for how you found out about me. You two are friends. Friends don’t act like this. If we are going to find a cure, I will need the both of you working together, not apart.”

  Mohinder stared at Jennifer and pushed back one of her rogue hairs behind her ear. Mohinder gave a deep kissed to Jennifer and rubbed her check. “Oh love, “He then looked at Jason, his eyes showed regret as he looked at his friend. “Jason, mate, I’m so-“

  “Just stop Mohinder. I’m sorry as well. I love you brother.”

  “I love you too Jason,” Mohinder said as he broke his embrace from Jennifer to hug Jason. The hug from Mohinder felt comforting as he was connected to his adopted brother once more. Jason rubbed his friends back before breaking his embrace.

  “Now let’s get back to work, and save your gal.”

  “Fuck yeah mate,” Mohinder replied. The trio worked in silence, as they took notes and studied their simulations until the day turned into night. Mohinder broke away from the glass slide and rubbed his eyes. “Alright, I think it’s enough for today. Love, you shouldn’t even be working so hard right now. You have to work early tomorrow, let’s get you home.”

  “You’re right, babe. Alright, let me get my stuff,” Jennifer said as she waddled over to Walker’s desk to collect her purse. She grabbed her purse and walked towards Mohinder. He gave her a light kiss, and they both walked together towards the door. “Jason, are you leaving as well?” Jennifer asked.


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