Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 27

by Remy Marie

  “Walker, you will be missed; however, we all know that you are in a better place now.” The priest paused and grabbed a handful of dirt from the mound beside him. “Rest in peace Walker Murphy,” The priest created a cross over his chest before tossing the dirt onto the coffin. Dennis sobbed loudly as he reached towards the mound and grabbed a fist full of dirt. He looked at the crowd with rage and sorrow.

  “We have captured who killed you, my love. Justice will be served. I pledged that I will end this violence. You will always be in my heart until I die, my love.” Dennis tossed the dirt onto Walker’s coffin and walked towards Jason and Trini. In the background, the other attendees threw dirt over Walker’s coffin. Dennis crouched and got eye level to Jason. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. It’s my fault you’re in that chair, and Walker is down there. If I have found Jasper sooner-“

  “Just stop,” Jason interrupted. “You had no idea where Jasper was. Walker died for what he thought was right. You know him.”

  “Yeah, I remember. Always thought of himself as a hero. Listen after Jasper’s hearing; I want to talk to you. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah sure, it’s nothing bad is it?”

  “No, trust me. I just want to go over a couple of things. I’ll see you in front of the cabin,” Dennis said as he got up and walked away.

  “What did you think he wanted to speak to you about?” Trini asked.

  “I’m not sure. Do you mind pushing me to the dirt to throw over Walker’s grave?”

  “Sure thing, Jason,” Trini replied as she pushed Jason’s chair towards the mound. Jason slowly grabbed the dirt and spoke quietly before tossing the dirt onto the coffin.

  It’s strange that Jason didn’t say anything out loud.

  Trini then grabbed a handful of dirt as well and sprinkled it over Walker’s grave. The couple left the dirt mound and watched as Harry and Roy filled the hole back up.

  Trini pushed Jason back to Greg’s cabin, and the couple was quiet the majority of the trip back until Trini spoke up. “Jason, if you don’t mind me asking, what did you say back there?”

  Jason looked up at Trini and smile. “I thanked him for the life lessons he taught me.”

  “He meant a lot to you, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, he is the sole person responsible for us being together. When I was down in the dumps, he pushed me to reconnect with the people I loved. He told me no matter what, always love the person you claimed to love. His words repaired my relationship with you and Mohinder.”

  “Oh wow, I didn’t know that.”

  “Yeah, I owe that man so much,” Jason responded before looking ahead of him. “It looks like King Bidziil has arrived. I guess today is also the day that Jasper dies as well.”

  Chapter 37

  Jason and Trini were outside the cabin, sitting in a semi-circle looking at Jasper. The rouge wolf was tied to a post. Jason didn’t know who looked worse, as he sat in in his wheelchair looking at Jasper. His eyes were swollen shut, and his lip was busted. His naked body had bruises over the majority of his body. Dennis did not take his eyes off of Jasper. He had changed from his formal suit into a tribal loincloth. His stone carved chested, shined in the late September sun. King Bidziil sat in the corner next to Greg, he was accompanied by his guardsman, Pierre. Jason was relieved that Rose did not accompany Bidziil. However, he was curious if she told her brother about her encounter with him. He would hate to be on his bad side. However, when they shook hands when he first arrived, he didn’t mention Rose one bit. He just smiled and apologized for Jasper’s actions.

  Perhaps, there was no bad blood between us. I don’t care though. Even if he gave me the king’s justice for breaking his sister’s heart, I would let him. I love Trini, and there isn’t a damn thing he can do about that. I will kill, steal, and commit thousand other crimes for this woman beside me. At the end of the day, the king’s justice would be a welcomed friend, in trade the protection of my love for Trini. Jason thought as he looked at Trini who continued to stare at Jasper. Jason watched as Bidziil and Greg whispered until Greg nodded and stood up in front of everyone.

  “We are gathered here today, to celebrate life, and to punish the person who took that life. Jasper Dixon has committed several crimes against the Mantra Treaty. With King Bidziil as a witness, Jasper Dixon, I charge you with multiple counts of murder of werewolves, multiple counts murder of humans, and endangerment of our werewolf secret. How do you plead?”

  Jasper gave a maniacal laugh as he spit red blood towards Greg, “I plead not guilty of course. That was my cousin. You got the wrong guy,” Jasper joked.

  “Jasper, we caught you red handed. We have several witnesses to your crimes. Jason alone saw you attack a human and kill him,” Greg said as he pointed to Jason. Jason felt shame, as he lowered his head. The flashback of Walker dying and screaming from Jaspers violent jaws gave him shivers. Jason noticed Trini’s hand grab his and gave it a light squeeze. Jason looked up and saw Trini give him a smile.

  She’s always there for me. This is why I love her. Jason looked at Dennis to see his reaction to Walker’s reference. His violent eyes did not deter from looking at Jasper. It looked like only the will of God, kept Dennis from charging towards Jasper and sticking a knife into his stomach.

  Greg looked at Bidziil, and the king nodded and stood up and walked towards Jasper.

  “Jasper I have heard your crimes, and your plea. I am committing you to death. Your death will not be carried out for by my hands. A request was made by our brother Dennis. He will be carrying out the punishment.” Bidziil looked at Dennis and nodded. “My brother, you may carry out the punishment as you see fit. How would you like to proceed, execution or combat?”

  “I choose combat,” Dennis shouted as he walked forward. King Bidziil nodded and untied Jasper. He pushed Jasper towards Dennis and walked away.

  Jasper smiled at Dennis, “Oh you did it now, boy. You should have just chosen execution.” Dennis didn’t say a word as he charged towards Jasper. Jasper did not defend himself as he stood and accepted his fate. Dennis transformed into his wolf and knocked Jasper off his feet. Dennis growled and mauled Jasper’s body. Jasper did not scream in pain. Instead, he gave an evil laugh which sent shivers down Jason’s body.

  “You think I’m the last?” Jasper shouted as the blood drained from his body. “I’m just the beginning. Just you wait. Death will come for all of you! If you can’t handle me, just wait until you meet the man behind the curtain!” Jasper shouted until the blood gargled his speech. He coughed blood before slipping into his dark death. Dennis transformed back into a human and got off of Jasper. He kicked him once then looked towards Roy and Harry.

  “Get this shit out of here,” Dennis said as he wiped Jaspers blood from his mouth. Harry and Roy picked up the body and carried it to the woods. Jason wondered where they would take Jasper’s body as they disappeared into the woods with him. Dennis walked back to Jason and smiled at him and Trini. “Hey Jason, can I talk to you alone right now?” Trini gave Dennis a curious glance. “Don’t worry Trini; I’m going to return him in one piece.” Dennis took the handles of Jason’s wheelchair and pushed him to another area, away from everyone. He ended their trip in front of a tree. Dennis rubbed his blonde hair and looked back at Jason.

  “Jason, listen, I’m going to be to be going away for a while. I’m not sure where I’m going. I just got to leave town. Too many memories here. You understand right?”

  “Yeah,” Jason replied.

  “Good, as I understand over the last four months, you moved in our place?”

  “Yeah, but I can move my stuff out once the full moon comes in two days. Still healing,” Jason replied with a slight smile.

  “Don’t bother, keep it there. Also here are my keys, you can give these to Trini.” Dennis added as he handed Jason the house keys. I’m going to get a lawyer to sign the house over to your name.” Jason stood there shocked as he looked at the keys.

  “Dennis, I-“

nbsp; “Let me stop you right there. Over the past year, you have been so kind to Walker, almost like a son to him. I know that he would have wanted you to have these keys. Jason, when you get as old as me, you start learning that life is more precious than material things like money and a house. Yes, they supplement life, but having someone special in your life makes it even better. You should ask Trini to move in with you as well,” Dennis added as he looked towards Trini. Jason looked back and spotted Trini laughing with Isabella.

  It’s good that she is laughing, after all of this shit. Laughter is defiantly needed.

  “Jason one last thing, make sure you make it special. Don’t just casually ask her. I know you two were on the ropes before, but from my twenty-year experience with Walker. It’s worse when you don’t put any effort into it. Spice it up. Make it an event she is going to remember.” Dennis smiled at Jason and hugged him. Jason could feel the passion from Dennis as he squeezed his body hard. In the middle of the hug, Jason realized that this could be the last time he sees Dennis. “Be good, and for Christ sake, don’t break that girl’s heart again,” Dennis added as he turned then transformed into his wolf. With a howl, Dennis set off running across the grass plains, and into the woods, starting his own journey.

  Chapter 38

  Jason, it’s getting dark soon? Are you ready yet?” Trini asked as she poked her head into his room at Greg’s cabin. Trini noticed Jason was shuffling with a small item as he quickly hid it from her view.

  What in the hell was that item?

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” Jason added as he shifted in his wheelchair. Trini looked back at the wheelchair that Jason was bound to the last week and was happy that was the last time she would see it. It was a constant reminder of Walker and Jasper. She was looking forward to setting the horrible night in the past. Trini walked over to Jason and slung his arm over her shoulder, then lifted Jason up in a fireman’s carry.

  “Thanks for taking me out to the woods tonight, Trini.”

  “Yeah, sure. Are you sure you just don’t want to change here? A lot less for me to carry.”

  “No, I wanted to go back to where we first changed. It’s sort of a rebirth for me. You know since I’m paralyzed.

  “Well, I could just drop your ass here and insist that you transform now. So I don’t have to carry your ass.”

  “If you do that, you will ruin your surprise.” Trini stopped where she stood, and frowned.

  “Jason, this last week has been good, but I’m still warming up to you. Please don’t rush it.”

  “I’m not rushing it. I’m just saying. Take me to the woods first, and then we will go from there.” Trini moaned and rolled her eyes. With a quick dash, she was off running. As they ran out of the cabin and across the plains, Trini thought about Jason and his surprise.

  While I like the idea of him doing something for me, I still feel as if it was too early for him to plan anything. We just started talking a few days ago. I know he is my soulmate, but it’s too soon just to jump right where we left off. However, that’s the wise old Trini talking. The other part, the horny, sinful part of me wants nothing more than to jump his bones again. God, I miss his stone-carved body. I haven’t been with anyone else. Even with him being paralyzed from the waist down he still turned me on. I’ve had active fantasies of me jumping on top of him and checking out the hardware. Paralyzed or not, I’m sure I would have made him get it up in no time. Trini realized her mind went straight to the gutter as she shook the comments out. Be strong; do not fall into that rom-com cliché! Don’t go running back to him. Let him come running back to you. Trini reminded herself as she carried Jason into the woods.

  However, Trini hoped with all her might that he would come running back. The thought of being with Jason again was making her thighs moist. The duo arrived to the clearing in the woods, just as the full moon above circled their heads. The full moon seemed closer than usual as its pale light lit up the woods. Trini lighted placed Jason onto the grass and lay down beside him.

  “When was the last time you looked at the moon?” Jason asked as he looked at the grey globe.

  “I’m not sure. It looks like a grey planet to me. Nothing too special.”

  “That is where you are wrong. The moon and the Earth are both needed to sustain life on this planet. You see the moon is orbiting Earth; it always follows her path around the sun. Never breaking, always staying near. Without the moon, the Earth would have strange tidal effects and would be thrown off its normal course around the sun, which could result in strange climate changes, either making our planet too hot or cold. You see the moon, grounds the Earth and helps it support the life that it contains. Trini to me, you are my moon. You are my stabilizer when times get tough. I still remember when you leaped over my body to save me from Jasper. You were the one who stepped up and saved me. I love you deeply. Without you I am thrown off course, heading down a path where I won’t be able to sustain my life. You are my soulmate, Trini. Forever and ever, until the day I die,” Jason replied as he leaned in and kissed Trini. Trini couldn’t help but blush from Jason’s statement. Her heartbeat quickened, and she felt the butterflies in her stomach. The feeling was familiar but strange as the passion returned to Trini’s lips.

  Trini hopped on top of Jason and straddled him by kissing his neck and mouth. While Jason’s lower body was immobile, he shifted his upper body upwards to angle himself to Trini’s lips. Jason slipped his tongue into Trini’s mouth and massaged Trini’s tongue. It felt like seeing an old friend as Trini broke away and moaned. She could feel her panties get moist as she continued to kiss Jason. Jason pulled away and looked into Trini’s eyes.

  “I want to be with you right now, but I need to transform into my wolf to heal. Do you mind helping me with my clothes?” Trini smiled and nodded as she proceeded to help Jason with his shirt. In a sexual motion, Trini removed Jason’s shirt. She allowed her hands to rub over his washboard abs. Each crevice sent a desirable tingle to her sex. Trini tossed the shirt aside and looked at Jason’s figure.

  Over a year ago, Jason was skinny with bones sticking to his ribs. Now, look at him. Every inch of him, I want to eat up.

  Trini moved down to his jeans. She unbuckled the top button and shimmed his jeans and boxers off. The full nude image of Jason sent Trini over the edge as her heart tripled its current beat. She had forgotten how dreamy he was. If he wasn’t paralyzed, she would have hopped on him right there. Trini made eye contact with Jason. She could tell he was thinking the same thing. Trini gave a sexy grin, as she removed her top, and tossed aside her leggings. Jason’s smile grew even larger looking at Trini. His smile resembled the hungry coyote from the Loony Tunes, as he licked his chops.

  “Trini? Did I ever tell you how I felt when I first saw you naked?”

  “No, you didn’t. Our first time being naked around each other wasn’t exactly how most couples see each other naked.”

  “Yeah, that makes us special right?” Jason replied with a grin. “No, what I was thinking was this was the sexiest woman, I have ever laid eyes on. No one could compare to your beauty and the fact that you had an amazing set of tits. I had to go over the amino acids in my head to keep myself from getting a boner.” Trini laughed as she looked down at her breasts.

  “I guess I do have good tits.” Trini bent down and kissed Jason. She broke away from the kiss and gave Jason a grin. “Would you please fucking change? I want to fuck you so bad right now.”

  “Sure, but on one condition. Not here. Once we change, follow my wolf. I have a surprise for you.” Trini stood in shock. While she was happy Jason planned something, she hated surprises. She would rather just get whatever it was now than later. She loathed the fact that she would be thinking about what the surprise was going to be the entire time. Trini backed up and watched Jason transformed.

  His transformation looked more painful than usual as he screamed as his body morphed into the wolf. Seconds later, Jason became his full wolf but was unable to run. Trini stayed in he
r human state. She walked near him and petted his grey fur. Jason made a gleeful sound as Trini rubbed behind his ear.

  An hour later, the moonlight had done its job, as Jason was able to move his legs. It was subtle at first. Trini realized it was like watching a baby try and walk on two legs. Jason wobbled and fell several times, before walking normally. Once he was able to, he tilted his head back and gave a loud howl. Trini gave a mile long grin and transformed into her auburn fur werewolf. Once she was on all fours, Jason was off in a run. Trini stuck her tongue out as she chased Jason.

  I’m happy to see that he is back to his usual self.

  The duo chased each other while barking and howling as they made it through the woods. Thirty minutes later, Trini noticed the faint smell of food and wine. In the distance, she could see soft candlelight. Her heart began to leap as she realized that Jason had set up a picnic for them. At the edge of the clearing, Jason transformed back into his human form. He stood panting as he watched Trini do the same. Trini paused and took in Jason’s shivering body. It glistened in sweat from the candle and moonlight. Trini had to fight herself to keep from licking every inch of sweat off his body.

  “Jason was this set up for us?” Trini asked as she moved her attention away from his distracting body to the picnic set up. There was a bottle of champagne on ice along with two other wine bottles. On top of the red and black blanket were two silver domes. Based on the smell, Trini could tell it was steak along with asparagus. Beside the two plates was a bowl of strawberries.

  “Yeah, I wanted to do something special for us. Mohinder and Isabella help me set it up.”

  “Awe, Jason you didn’t have to do this,” Trini said as she sat down and placed a strawberry in her mouth.


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