“Just give me a reason Karl,” he said between gritted teeth.
“You guys are so full of shit, you know that?” said Karl clearly reaching the end of his chain. There was only so much he was going to entertain. There was a serial killer on the loose who needed catching; instead he was going to be burnt as the proverbial witch.
“Until you can get copies of the traffic cameras which prove my whereabouts I refuse to answer any further questions as my right under the 5th amendment.”
Rivers watched the interrogation from the adjacent observation room. He knew Karl had been framed but he had to wait for contradictory evidence to prove otherwise.
“From the DNA and hair samples it’s not looking so good for Karl,” said Police Captain Reed quietly to Rivers. He was both Karl’s and Rivers’ boss.
Rivers knew it did not look good but he knew the truth.
“The Hacker told me he would frame Karl. He showed me the evidence he would plant in my vision!”
“It has to be done by the book Rivers. Look at it from a legal perspective, how do we know you are not trying to cover for your friend Karl? Who it so happens is your best friend! Of course you would say he is innocent, who wouldn’t in that situation!”
“If I knew he was The Hacker I would bring him in myself. That man has killed my sister and aunt, let alone a string of other murders.”
“This is our only suspect Rivers. Since you have been off the case things have been moving slower than they were before. Would be a lot simpler if it was Karl so we can get the whole mess tidied up.”
“And imprison an innocent man whilst The Hacker remains on the loose?”
The Captain rubbed his eyes as he felt the guilt over what he had just said. Although it would be easier, it would not solve things. He needed The Hacker caught before he discredited anybody else on his team.”
“I know you’re too close to the case Rivers and I’m sure my judgement will be called into question but I need you back on the case. You’re the best man on it and have the most knowledge let alone your gift. Anyway The Hacker has taken your removal personally and my wife will hopefully sleep better knowing you are on it…”
The Captain reached into his pocket and removed a folded piece of paper which he passed to Rivers.
Rivers looked at the Captain then at the piece of paper before opening it.
Dear Captain Reed,
Let me be Rivers, well no actually let Ian be Rivers, and myself, well you may call me The Hacker.
I feel your investigation lacks lustre without Ian at the helm. So much I wish to incentivize his return.
Return him to the case and I will provide evidence clearing Karl Peterson’s name of any involvement in my work. The alternative is rather less pleasant, where your wife will become my next victim.
Apologies over the inconvenience, but I find it a bore without Ian Rivers plodding along behind me. His visions and our conversations can be so insightful!
Yours Affectionately,
The Hacker
“As much as I hate to say it, you will be giving into his demands returning me to the case. It may be best I stay at a distance as his obsession with me could be a detriment to the case.”
“His obsession could also be his downfall. It’s time we used his obsession for our own advantage. At the very least we would be able to clear Karl’s name without a long drawn out legal process which would delay the investigation.”
“What evidence do you think he has got to clear Karl’s name?”
“I don’t know, but anything right now would be better than what we got. Even if these traffic cameras have his car on them it proves nothing, the details on the old system is grainy and won’t be able to prove he was at the wheel.”
The next morning the requested security recordings were brought directly to the station. The majority of the cameras they required video from were older systems that unfortunately could be directly accessed from the station and were managed by a private contractor.
Rivers sat in a video examination suite to observe the video evidence as he was now heading up the case. Although Steve and Troy were heading up the investigation into Karl it was still Rivers’ right to observe the evidence collected.
A large box was brought by the contractor who operated the traffic cameras. They were largely used for number plate recognition but video was stored for several days on recycled video cassette tape. The constant re-use did degrade the quality of the image.
Steve carefully opened the box and subsequently unpacked the cassettes one by one.
“Good luck to you guys searching through those. The quality is far from the best available these days,” said the contactor as he handed a clipboard over to Troy.
“Here is a list of times and tape numbers his plate was detected at. Should be able to speed the process up for you.” Finished with the delivery the contractor left them to it.
“You know Rivers these tapes are going to prove shit all,” said Steve mockingly as he pushed the first cassette into one of the video examination suite’s many video decks.
“Well it’s your job to find it. Perhaps you would be best to shut the fuck up and prove Karl’s innocence!”
Steve looked shocked at Rivers outburst. He knew they were friends but there was some strong evidence implicating Karl to the murder.
“What if he isn’t Rivers? There’s every chance he did murder your Aunt and all the others linked to the case. Are you too blind to see what Karl could have been capable of?” argued back Troy.
“I’ll show you who is blind to the facts,” said Rivers as he took to his feet. It was clear he was getting angry at what he saw as prejudice by the two officers.
“Search this video and let me know of anything you find where Karl’s vehicle is visible. If I find you missed anything useful I’ll be on you like a ton of bricks.”
Leaving them to it Rivers left the room and slammed the door behind him. His chest felt tight as he leant back against the wall of the corridor. His face was wet and clammy. Rivers loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top button. He felt as if he would swing for Troy or Steve at any moment. They had already made their decision on Karl and they would find anything no matter how irrelevant to make that stick. Rivers just had to hope The Hacker would remain true to his word and provide evidence to show Karl was not involved in the murder.
Rivers felt a vibrating sensation in his pocket. Reaching into the pocket he pulled out his cell phone and pressed the answer button.
“Yes?” answered Rivers.
“Detective Rivers?” asked a voice at the other end of the phone.
“Speaking,” replied Rivers gruffly.
“A package has been dropped off for you at the front desk.”
“When did it arrive? Did you see who brought it?” Rivers began to run towards the stations reception. Although it might not be it was possible it was a package from The Hacker.
“One of the officers found it by the station’s front door. It’s addressed for your attention only…” Just as the reception officer finished her sentence Rivers burst through the reception doors.
The reception officer smiled at Rivers as she reached towards the strange package.
“Here you are Ian…” she said as her hand neared the brown paper wrapped package.
“Don’t touch it!” shouted Rivers as he ran to a stop at the desk. With his right hand he grabbed hold of the receptionist’s hand as he moved it away from the package.
The reception officer looked shocked as Rivers released his tight grip from her wrist.
“I’m sorry I had to stop you but you may contaminate evidence.”
Reaching down into a draw next to the receptionist, Rivers removed a plastic evidence bag. Placing a latex glove on his right hand Rivers then carefully placed the package within the specimen bag and sealed it.
With the package now secured Rivers wiped his glistening forehead. For all he knew there was a bomb within the package. Although that would n
ot be The Hacker’s style he was not going to put anything past him right now.
“Get forensics on the phone,” panted Rivers to the receptionist.
“Tell them we may have a package from The Hacker…”
Chapter 8
Rivers sat quietly outside the clean room as forensics examined the package. The package itself was wrapped neatly in plain brown paper and simply addressed ‘For the immediate attention of Detective Ian Rivers.’
Rivers was unsure what to expect. The Hacker had said he would provide evidence to clear Karl should he be returned to head up the case again, but how could he possibly know that he had been? It had not even been announced yet. The only way this could have happened would either be a leak or more possibly he had been able to read it directly from Rivers’ mind. No wonder he wanted Rivers to head up the case again, that way he would be able to keep track of how close they were getting to him.
Rivers wondered why the Captain would have given in to The Hackers demands, knowing he had already visited Rivers in his visions. There was obviously the threat made against the Captains wife, but that could not be the only reason. Especially when having Rivers reviewing the evidence would no doubt indirectly inform The Hacker of their progress.
“The package seems to be clear of explosives. I will now begin to remove the brown wrapping paper,” said one of the two forensic experts assigned to examine the package. Using a scalpel he careful cut through the tape the held the paper in place.
Rivers felt anxious as to what would be found inside the package. He hoped it would be what he needed, but The Hacker considered himself a trickster and with his obsession with Rivers, who knew what he could be up to.
“Rivers, I came as soon as I heard,” said Police Captain Reed as he placed one hand on Rivers shoulder.
“What have we got?”
“Forensics are examining it now. Apparently it was left outside the station addressed for myself this morning. Nobody saw who dropped it off. So far there is no sign of explosives or anything else nasty.”
“So The Hacker may be keeping to his word?”
“Captain, The Hacker would not be doing this unless he benefited directly from it. He wants me back on the case so he can keep one step ahead of us. He can read it from my mind. Having me heading up the case gives him an advantage! He will have access to everything we are doing.”
“Not everything Rivers. His apparent advantage will prove to be his undoing. That’s all I can say. The less you know the better for the investigation.”
Rivers looked puzzled then realised what the Captain meant. No doubt things would be kept back from him so it was not leaked to The Hacker or false information provided to him. Either way if Rivers had his suspicions no doubt The Hacker would too.
“The brown paper has now been removed,” said one of the forensic examiners as the other examiner placed the paper into a plastic evidence bag.
Now on the examination table was a plastic container. Visible through the semi-transparent container was a black video cassette along with a folded piece of paper.
“What have we here?” said one of the examiners as he began to pry open the plastic container. Carefully and slowly he removed the plastic lid to reveal the contents inside.
With the container now open, the other forensic examiner swabbed the container in an attempt to get a DNA sample from The Hacker.
Rivers was very dubious that The Hacker would have left an accidental sample but they had to hope that it was possible. The only samples he left were that of people he wanted to frame for his crimes.
One of the suited forensic examiners spoke loudly so that it was clearly picked up by the room’s microphone.
“Item 1, a folded piece of paper.” The examiner carefully opened the letter to reveal its contents. As he did so a small bag fell free of the folded letter and land on the examination table.
“Item 2, a small plastic bag appearing to contain several human hairs?” said the examiner ending in a question as he looked closely at the bag.
“Possibly the same hair planted at Karl’s crime scene? He asked as he passed the plastic bag to the other examiner.
“It looks remarkably similar to what we found at the crime scene,” answered the other investigator as she too looked closely at the plastic bag’s contents.
“I will now read the message written on item 1,” said the lead examiner as he held the letter in his right hand.
My dear Detective Rivers,
May I pass on my feelings of joy that you have been reinstated to head up the investigation into The Hacker, namely myself.
As promised to Captain Reed who no doubt has told you about my recent communiqué with him I enclose evidence to clear the name of your good friend Karl Peterson.
May he hold no hard feelings against me, but I prefer you to be in charge of my investigation. I find Mr Peterson to be a bit of a bore.
Yours truly,
The Hacker
The forensic examiner passed the message to the other who placed it in a plastic evidence bag and again sealed it.
“Item 3, a good old fashioned video cassette,” announced the examiner as he held the cassette in his right hand.
“Written on the label it would suggest the video cassette belongs to a popular gas station and monitors security camera number three.”
The cassette as the other items was placed into an evidence bag. Where as the rest of the items were neatly placed into a box the cassette was passed out of the examination room directly to Rivers.
“Its all yours Ian,” said the male examiner as he passed the cassette to Rivers.
Rivers looked to the captain as he took to his feet.
“Hopefully this will clear Karl’s name, then we can focus on finding this bastard.”
Leaving the Forensic Examination Room Rivers walked briskly back towards the Video Examination Suite where he had left Troy and Steve examining the traffic cameras. They still had hours and hours of tape ahead of them. Rivers had no intention of letting them finish the mammoth task early, even if Karl was proved innocent by the tape he now held in his hand.
Entering the room Rivers found Troy asleep in his chair. Steve was barely awake and sat slumped back in his chair with his feet resting on the video examination desk. They did not even acknowledge Rivers as he entered the room. Ignoring them Rivers walked to the back of the room where a portable television and video recorder were kept. Reaching into the plastic evidence bag, Rivers pulled out the video cassette and noted the tape had not been rewound. There was every chance it had been purposefully left in a precise place. Plugging the system into the mains, Rivers inserted the video and pressed play on the video cassette recorder.
The television crackled into life. Firstly it spluttered with static before the cassette began to spin inside the machine. As the magnetic tape made contact with the video cassette recorder’s reading head, the screen began to display what was stored on the magnetic medium.
The screen displayed what appeared to be a security camera from behind a cash register at a gas station. The sales assistant stood patiently in the bottom corner of the screen serving individuals purchasing gas and other goods. The cash register was clearly visible which no doubt the camera was there to monitor. Either side of the register were small stands that held various small goods and candy.
The video had no sound. Behind the cashier’s counter a small queue was formed as people waited to pay for their gas. At the bottom of the screen the date and time was displayed. The date was yesterdays and the time 15:04. Standing at the back of the queue was an obvious face, that of Karl Peterson. He stood patiently as the small queue slowly moved forwards towards the cashier.
Reaching into his pocket Rivers removed his cell phone and opened up an internet program. Slowly a page loaded to a popular search engine. Unfortunately he had a weak signal as the video equipment interfered with it.
When the page finally loaded Rivers searched for the gas station named on the tap
e. As he waited for the results to load he looked back at the video as Karl neared the front of the queue. Smiling to the cashier, Karl paid for gas only, by credit card. With that he thanked the cashier and departed the gas station.
Looking back to his phone Rivers found the results had loaded. The gas station was located near the old Industrial Site on the Westside of town.
Smiling to himself Rivers removed the video cassette and unplugged the television and video cassette recorder.
“I’ll leave you boys to it shall I?” asked Rivers as he left the room.
“After all, I don’t want to interfere with your clearly superior methods of police work!”
Neither of the officers responded to the remark. The only sound was that of Troy who snored noisily as he lay asleep in his chair. Rivers was not going to waste his time with these pair. Things would move more swiftly for Karl if he took them straight to Captain Reed. Perhaps he would like to take a walk down to the Video Editing Suite to see how dedicated two of his Officers were to an in-depth investigation at clearing one of their colleague’s names?
Chapter 9
“Come in!” barked Police Captain Reed as Rivers knocked at his office door.
“Sir,” said Rivers as he opened the door.
“The video cassette recovered from the package is that from a gas station security camera. It clearly shows Karl purchasing gas at 15:04 yesterday on the west side of town.”
“Fantastic news Rivers. Have you shown it to Troy and Steve yet?”
“No Sir. They are still hard at work in the Video Examination Suite. I asked them to look at the video but they were both adamant on viewing the traffic camera footage first.”
“I’ll take the cassette down to them myself,” said the Captain as he got to his feet.
“To be honest I have found their attitude over the whole affair quite frustrating. Leave it with me Rivers and I’ll get the charges dropped.”
Thanking the Captain, Rivers left the Captain’s office closing the door behind him. He was pleased that Karl would be cleared of the murder charges but the real killer of his Aunt, The Hacker, still remained at large.
Mind of a Killer Page 5