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Mind of a Killer

Page 10

by Emerick, Lee; Robinson, Matthew

  Reed who sat twisted sideways to the steering wheel whilst wrestling The Hacker for the gun crashed hard into the airbag but in his awkward position his head missed the protective measure making contact with the dashboard. The shock of the impact rendered him unconsciousness.

  Smoke billowed out of the engine bay as the engine revved loudly. Pulling himself up on the seat in front of him, The Hacker dragged himself out of the vehicle and collapsed on the concrete ground beneath him.

  Karl staggered along the slip road towards the freeway. The sun beat down on him as he did so, making it more and more uncomfortable as he sweat heavily.

  Not too far in the distance he could see the glinting of the sun on metal as a vehicle drove towards him. Removing his badge from a pocket in his jacket, Karl stepped into the road as he flagged down the approaching vehicle.

  Seeing the police badge the car came to a stop by Karl and the driver rolled down the window.

  “What can I do you for officer?” asked the man who drove the vehicle.

  “It’s a police emergency. Do you have a cell?”

  Reaching across to the passenger seat, the man rummaged through the vehicle’s glove-box before removing an ancient looking handset.

  “Not much good for personal calls but you can dial 911 on it,” said the man gruffly as he handed over the cell phone.

  Karl opened the door on the passenger side and boarded the vehicle whilst attempting to operate the archaic mobile device.

  “I need you to head towards the old Industrial Site and step on it,” ordered Karl as he dialled 911 into the handset.

  “I have a feeling that’s where they are heading. Just hope we can make it in time…”

  Chapter 17

  Captain Reed slowly came too as an unusual sensation forced him back into the conscious world. He could feel himself moving although not through his own actions. He could feel a sharp pain in his head and an irritated sensation on his back. Focusing on the pain to his head he recalled what had happened. He had crashed the car. Although he could not remember the incident clearly, he could remember the events that led up to it.

  Reed attempted to move a limp arm but it refused to function. He tried again and again but it would not budge. Trying the other arm he was met by the same problem, although this time he could feel there was resistance against his movement.

  Blocking out the pain as best as he could, Captain Reed opened his eyes to find a familiar face looking right back at him. The world around him was moving in one direction. The irritated sensation on his back was due to his flesh being grated against a rough concrete surface as he was dragged along by The Hacker.

  “Glad you could join us Captain,” said The Hacker as he smiled at Captain Reed.

  “I hope you do not feel too badly about the restraints but after your little overpowering bid back there in the car I thought we best take precautions.”

  Reed did not give The Hacker the pleasure of a response. Remaining quiet he observed his surroundings as he was dragged along the concrete flooring.

  They were in a large derelict building. The walls were tall, holding up a high ceiling. Birds could be seen nesting in the rafters. Debris and rusted metal lay all around mixed with water and sludge.

  Coming to a stop The Hacker grabbed Reed by the arm as he dragged him up onto an old rusty chair. The corroded chair groaned under the strain of Reed landing heavily on it. The chair and now Reed were illuminated by a beam of light which shone through a hole in the deteriorated ceiling. Reed felt very much under the spotlight now.

  Able to clearly see where he was now, Reed took in his surroundings. The old building was bleaker than he had imagined. Mostly it was a large empty warehouse except for various piles of garbage scattered here and there. Inside, it was quite dark and damp; illuminated only by sporadic holes in the ceiling which allowed beams of sunlight to be cast down.

  Standing in front of him, The Hacker looked him up and down.

  “Captain Mark Reed, I’m glad that you could make it.”

  Reed struggled against the restraints but was unable to free himself.

  “I had little choice…”

  The Hacker laughed to himself as he adjusted Reeds ropes and tied him to the rusty chair.

  “You see Captain, it’s time I fully enrolled Ian. I have given him extensive coaching over the years but now it is time to test his metal.”

  “Test his metal? You have destroyed everything he loves and cares about!”

  “I freed him captain. I have relieved him of everything that held him back from reaching his potential.”

  Reed grimaced as The Hacker pulled tightly on the restraints ensuring he was securely fastened.

  “After all, I think it is only natural that he learns the family business.”

  Karl Peterson sat in the small car which travelled at speed to the old Industrial Site. Sitting in the front passenger seat he frantically tried to get the emergency services officer to put him through to his station. Finally he got his call connected to the right extension.

  “Steve McMorris,” answered Steve loudly on the other end of the phone.

  “Steve its Karl,” hastily replied Karl.

  “Where the hell are you Karl? Are you planning on speaking to this guy or have you three decided to take some quiet time together.”

  “Cut the shit Steve. It’s Rivers; he’s taken Reed hostage…”

  “Reed, Captain Reed?”

  “Yes Captain Reed. Listen, Ian Rivers is The Hacker and he has taken Captain Reed hostage. I’m on my way to the old Industrial Site where I believe he has taken him to. I need you to get a team over there to meet me.”

  “I knew it was him all along. Call yourself a detective…”

  “Get a team down there now Steve, otherwise you will have Reed’s blood on your hands.” Before Steve could reply, Karl terminated the call. There was no time for a blame game or who the best detective was; Reed’s life was at stake.

  Rivers came too on a cold, white surface. Looking around him he could see the familiar white walls and white ceiling. Sitting up he found he was now on the other side of the imaginary room. To the side the large screen showed what was happening in the real world. To Rivers’ shock he could see that Reed had been bound to an old chair.

  Taking to his feet, Rivers felt a sharp pain in his leg. Crimson red blood had soaked the leg of his pants which had been a perfect white in colour. From the pain Ian Rivers knew that it was broken yet he struggled to comprehend how, when he was in an imaginary world.

  “Ahh, I think somebody is awake now Captain. Please excuse me a moment…” said a voice which emanated from the other side of the room.

  Reed looked puzzled as Rivers’ body became motionless; the eyes stared into the distance.

  Watching the large viewing screen, Rivers observed The Hacker walk straight through it into the imaginary world leaving Reed behind him.

  “You’re awake Ian, just in time I might add!” said The Hacker enthusiastically.

  Ian sat in the only chair in the room. His leg hurt from the injury so he took the weight off it.

  “Why don’t you let Reed go? It’s me you want…”

  Captain Reed sat puzzled as The Hacker, Ian Rivers or whoever it was conversed with himself.

  Taking the opportunity Reed tried to loosen the restraints but they would not budge. Examining his surroundings he found nothing of use to help his situation. It appeared he was stuck here, forced to view this crazy display.

  Ian Rivers was clearly insane Reed mused as he watched the man before him have a full-scale argument with himself.

  “Captain Reed is essential to you and me both Ian. His death will help you move on but only if you kill him.”

  “Kill him? Why the hell would I kill him…”

  “After everything I have done you still don’t understand!”

  “What you have done, you lost me my job”

  “That so call job was a waste of your potential talent.”

  “Murdered my family,”

  “They held you back from the greatness you could achieve,”

  “Nearly ruined and have lost my best friend.”

  “I liberated you from the parasites which sucked your very life blood.”

  Ian shook his head in disbelief. He seemed to have an answer for everything and in a very frightening way seemed convinced this was in his best interests.

  “Please tell me who you are”

  “I’m you Ian. I’m a part of you. You made me when you needed me and I have protected you throughout your life.”

  “Protected me?”

  “They were going to have you committed you know, your parents I mean. If I had not helped you that day, to free you from them, you would have been locked up long ago.”

  “I don’t see how you have protected me. You have destroyed me and destroyed my life. As if my life has not been tormented enough with this useless gift”

  “You still do not get it Ian. Your gift? You have no more of a gift than Reed does, poor pathetic Reed; restrained in his seat. If he had the chance he would kill you right now…” The Hacker looked at Reed through the image. As he looked at Reed disgust began to envelope his face before he looked back at Ian.

  “The murders you witnessed, or should I say psychically witnessed were no more mystical than watching it on TV. You see it is easy to help a murder investigation if you actually witnessed the murder.”

  “Witnessed the murder?”

  “It was you, or should I say me. I killed them by your hand. Whilst you are away dreaming in cloud cuckoo land you labelled it as a psychic vision. You were witnessing murders remotely. The truth was it was you all along, you in body and me in mind.”

  “This here is your right of passage. If you wish to exist then you do so on my terms. If you do not kill Reed then, well the body would not be big enough for the both of us any longer.”

  “I won’t do it!” shouted Ian.

  “I’m nothing like you so you will just have to get rid of me,”

  “You are me Ian, I am you! You are just as responsible for all the murders as I am, time you stopped pretending. Kill Reed, then we can move on from this shit hole…”

  Ian Rivers continued to argue loudly with himself. Limbs flailed around and fingers pointed as the argument raged on. Working on the restraints, Reed had managed to loosen them off somewhat but he was still far from being free from them. He just hoped Rivers’ breakdown continued long enough for him to escape.

  Just as he neared freeing one of his hands, a cell phone began to ring loudly breaking his attention. Rivers continued to argue but after several rings took attention of the cell phone.

  “Just shut up a moment I need to take the call.”

  “They are going to kill you, I mean us, you know. You won’t be able to make it five feet from this place before they take you, I mean us down. You’re best off surrendering right now...”

  “Surrender? No chance Ian. We have too much important work to do.”

  The Hacker attempted to leave but Rivers took hold of his arm. Looking irritated, The Hacker shook him off before stepping through the large view screen and regaining control of Rivers’ body.

  “Good to see you are still with us Reed,” said The Hacker as he reached into his pocket removing Reed’s cell phone.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of recovering your cell from the car wreckage. Never know who might be calling…”

  Pressing accept on the mobile device, The Hacker answered the call.

  “Captain Reed is indisposed at the moment, can I help at all?”

  “Ian its Karl. I need to know if Reed is alright.”

  “It’s a pleasure to hear from you Mr Peterson. I hope you forgive me for pushing you out of the car back there?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Why it’s The Hacker.”

  “Ian, please. We know you are The Hacker. We need to know Captain Reed is unharmed…”

  “I assure you he is in fine physical form; you do not need to trouble yourself. He is a guest of mine and Ian’s. Really you should not be concerned.”

  “Ian you need to let Captain Reed go now and surrender peacefully. Please Ian; if you don’t surrender peacefully you will be shot.”

  “Why do you insist on calling me Ian, I'm The Hacker. Ian is indisposed at the moment…”

  “Let me talk to him you bastard,” shouted Rivers. His voice sounded somewhat distant from the back of his vocal chords in the real world.

  “Quiet Ian, I’m speaking to the police officer, not you.”

  Although quiet, Karl could hear Ian speaking.

  “Ian, are you there?” asked Karl, confused by what he was hearing.

  “Please Detective; you are speaking to me, not Ian. It’s not polite to speak over me.”

  “Ian you have got to fight him don’t let him…” before Karl could finish his sentence The Hacker hung-up. Raising his arm he threw the phone hard against the concrete beneath his feet. The force of the impact shattered the phone into several large pieces.

  Karl looked at the cell phone in his hand. The display showed the call had been terminated.

  “Take it he won’t negotiate?” asked Troy. Steve stood close beside him surrounded by several other cops fully kitted out and ready to stage a hostage rescue. They had taken position outside of the large warehouse where they had confirmed The Hacker was holding Reed hostage.

  “I fear if we do anything he will kill Reed.”

  “If we don’t strike now then the Captain is as good as dead,” replied Steve.

  “Ian is still in there, its not just The Hacker. We need to get to Ian somehow, get him to take control and we should be able to end this peacefully. The difficult part is getting past The Hacker, whether he is a split personality or a psychic controlling Rivers he is the real threat to Reed.”

  “One clean shot from a sniper and its over, let me take the shot,” demanded Troy as he held tightly onto a scoped rifle.

  “And if you miss then The Hacker will kill Reed. I think we should try getting through to Ian first.”

  “How do you plan on doing that?”

  “I’m going to go in alone and reason with him.”

  The assembled team shook their heads in shock at the suggestion. They were dealing with a madman who was capable of anything.

  “What if he starts shooting as soon as you go in there?”

  “His profile would suggest he wants an audience to see his work. Keep everybody outside unless I give the order,” said Karl as he turned and made his way into the warehouse.

  “Are you going unarmed?” asked Steve almost shocked.

  “He’s not going to shoot me. I need to reach Ian on trust, not waving a gun in his face.”

  Chapter 18

  “It’s time Ian,” said The Hacker as he once again entered the imaginary world. Rivers stepped back, trying to keep The Hacker away from him but he kept on coming.

  “Time to make you a man. You can either come out peacefully or I’ll drag you kicking and screaming if I have too.”

  “I refuse to harm him. If you want him dead you can do it yourself.

  “No Ian. I’m not going to kill for you anymore. It’s time you did some of the dirty work yourself. We had the same conversation when we needed to kill your parents. You were just as whiny then as you are now. You knew your parents had to go with what they were doing to you. It’s me and you against the world and no one is going to stop us, but it’s time for you to get your hands dirty.”

  Grabbing Rivers by the arm, The Hacker dragged him towards the large image of the real world. Rivers fought back and tried to free himself but The Hacker was too strong.

  “Stop being a child Ian and do as you are told,” sternly said The Hacker as if he was a parent being strict with a child.

  Being pulled through the large image by The Hacker Rivers tried to grasp onto the edges of the imaginary world but his fingers passed through it as
if it was made of liquid.

  Leaving the imaginary world Rivers was surrounded by darkness and felt the sensation of falling. Holding tightly onto him The Hacker refused to let go. He was determined to pull him into the real world.

  Exiting the imaginary dream like state, Rivers found he was again in the real world although something did not feel right. He lifted his hands to find only one hand responded. His vision was disjointed as he examined his only working hand, he could only see through one eye. In fact he could only feel one side of his body.

  Rivers head spun at the surreal sensation; he felt like half his body was missing.

  “What the hell have you done to me?” he asked; confused by his predicament.

  “I’m afraid I do not trust you with full control Ian,” muttered The Hacker.

  “At least this way I can help should you get stuck!”

  Reed looked at the physical form of Ian Rivers standing before him. His demeanour had somewhat changed since The Hacker had apparently brought Ian back out although half his face was still as evil and twisted as before.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” asked Reed as he worked with his free hand behind his back to release his other wrist from the restraints.

  “Nothing is wrong with him old timer especially once he does what needs to be done.”

  “Ian, don’t let him do this. For your sake and mine…”

  “Shut it Reed!” Raising Rivers’ left hand which held Karl’s pistol, The Hacker cracked Reed in the side of his jaw. Blood sprayed from the impact as Reed’s head slumped forward.

  “Ian you need to stop this. Don’t let this evil son of a bitch drag you down with him.”

  “Do it Ian. Take this gun and finish him off…”

  “And if I refuse?”

  “There are far worse things I could do to you Ian. Terrible things.

  Placing the gun into the hand Rivers controlled, The Hacker grasped his hand over Ian’s as he ensured he held it tightly. Against Rivers’ resistance The Hacker lifted the pistol and pointed it towards Reed’s head.


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