London Calling

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London Calling Page 5

by Karen Booth

  The flat seemed strangely empty without her in it. He tossed the condoms into the small drawer of the bedside table and flopped onto the bed. It was nearly midnight and he was totally wired. Now what? His cock answered with a drum-like beat. He struggled out of his jeans, dropped them off the edge the bed and stroked himself through the smooth fabric of his boxers. His eyes closed as he imagined it was Jenna’s hand.

  Kissing her had been even better than he’d imagined. Sweet and delicate but with unmistakable passion, as though a fire burned deep within her. The thought of being inside her made him groan and he stripped away his shorts.

  Finally free from the confines of clothing, his cock pulsated, begging for release. He could still feel Jenna’s lips on his, gentle but insisting, her fingers working through his hair. Pulses of electricity zipped through him, his balls drawing up tight as the pressure built.

  Just as he reached for his cock, his phone buzzed, vibrating across the hardwood floor. Dammit. Gavin. He leaned over the edge of the bed, fumbling through the pockets of his jeans. Two missed texts.

  Still with the girl or busy wanking?

  How does he do that? Gavin had some sort of sixth sense and somehow managed to interrupt whenever Tim was having quality alone time. He’d long ago given up denial and embarrassment.

  Either way, call me, it’s important.

  Knowing Gavin would text again within minutes, Tim called him.

  Gavin answered on the first ring. “Took you long enough.”

  “I…never mind.” Tim massaged his forehead and lay back against the pillows, feeling more than a little frustrated.

  “Is she there?”


  “Aww, struck out, eh?”

  “What? No. I walked her home. Like a gentleman.”

  “Isn’t it customary to let them stay the night, you know after…”

  “There was no after.” Tim scrubbed his hand through his hair. “All we did was kiss.”

  “Bad kiss, then?”

  Tim smiled, recalling the feel of her lips. “Not at all, she’s quite lovely.”

  “I meant you.”

  “Funny. No. She seemed right pleased. I’m just trying to take things slow.” He paused, an unfamiliar sensation tugging in his stomach. “I like her.”

  “Well, just remember, when you do win her over with your charms, use protection.”

  “Did you call to discuss my dick?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. We’ve hit a snag with the adoption.”

  Tim heard the change in Gavin’s voice, the joking gone. “What happened?”

  “Seems the agency isn’t certain where our child has been placed. Something about government funding causing some centers to close and children getting shuffled about. They’ve misplaced our baby.”

  “Christ. Sorry. They’ll sort this out, I’m sure.” How do you lose an infant?

  “I suppose. Just bloody aggravating.” Tim could hear frantic typing. He imagined Gavin must be sending off some heated emails. “Speaking of babies, I ran into Jane.”

  Tim’s ears perked up. “Really? How’d she look?”

  “Fabulous. Positively glowing. And her tum’s getting nice and round.”

  Tim let out a slow breath. “Good. Really hope she doesn’t have any problems this time. Arthur’s traveling so much and she’s got so much to do taking care of Lucy. I worry about her. Don’t think she could handle another miscarriage.”

  “Don’t worry, mate, I’ll pop in on her from time to time. She knows she can always ring me or Phillip if she needs something.”

  “Keep reminding her. She hates asking for help.”

  “Yes, your whole family is annoyingly independent. What time is it there, anyway? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

  “I might be if my phone hadn’t gone off.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry. Not used to having you in a different time zone.”

  “When have you ever stopped to consider what time it is before you ring me?”

  Gavin laughed. “On that note…”

  Tim rolled over, his eyelids feeling heavy. His thoughts drifted straight back to Jenna. Her soft hands, her sweet scent, her laugh. He couldn’t wait to see her again. To touch her again. His cock eagerly seconded the thought, throbbing in agreement. He wrapped his fingers around himself, realizing if he was going to think about Jenna this much he was going to need to find a laundry, fast.

  Chapter Four

  “I figure it’s a fifteen-minute walk to the restaurant, so we don’t have a lot of time to figure out what’s going on with your love life. I hope you’re ready to spill it.” Natalie wrapped her black trench coat around her.

  “Why don’t you buy a coat that fits?” Jenna asked. “You’re swimming in that thing.”

  “If I had five minutes to eat, it might fit better. Now stop trying to change the subject. I want to hear everything about Brit boy.”

  “His name is Tim. And why are you so concerned?”

  Natalie smirked. “Jenna, honey. You don’t have the best record with men. I’m here to point out the warning signs. Somebody’s gotta be looking out for you.”

  Jenna frowned and wrapped her arms around her waist. The coming scrutiny of Tim made her feel as if the other shoe was about to drop. If there was something wrong, Natalie always saw it. Jenna picked up her pace. “I really think you’re going to like him. He’s not like other guys.”

  “You always say that. Now let’s get specific. Who paid for dinner last night? Did he just happen to forget his wallet? Did his credit card have a mysterious problem with the magnetic stripe?”

  “It was his treat and I tried to split it with him. He wouldn’t let me. He also went to the grocery and bought beer for us while I waited for the food.”

  “One point for Brit boy.”

  “Nat, please. Tim.”

  “Got it. Tim. How quickly did he try something?”

  “He didn’t try anything, all we did was kiss. That’s what was throwing me. I was going crazy trying to figure out if he liked me.”

  Natalie cleared her throat. “Interesting. Maybe we’re talking cultural differences.” She hitched her purse up on to her shoulder. “That doesn’t make sense though. The British are obsessed with sex. Okay then, another point for Tim. I don’t want to say anything, but he’s already running circles around every other boyfriend you’ve ever had. Not that any of them set the bar particularly high.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “But you like him. A lot. How long have I known you? Eight years? I’ve never seen you wear a dress.”

  Jenna had stayed up until two in the morning trying on virtually everything in her closet, looking for the perfect thing to wear. She had decided on a clingy black wrap dress she’d bought at a designer sample sale for fifty percent off and it was still expensive. It still had the tags on it. At the time, she’d figured it would be a good investment, a classic. From the way her butt and boobs looked in it, she knew she’d been right.

  “I’ve worn one around you before.”

  “I don’t mean the ten-dollar-vintage-dress-with-tights look. I mean a real one. A push-me-down-on-the-bed dress.” Natalie stopped and grabbed Jenna’s arm. “Seriously. One look at you and it’s all over for him. There’s no way you aren’t getting lucky tonight.”

  “He thinks I’m going home with you.”

  “Uh huh. That’s not going to happen. That’s why I’m being such a hard-ass about making sure he’s the right guy for you.”

  Jenna smiled, leaned over and pecked Natalie on the cheek. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” They began to walk again and Natalie continued. “Okay, did he pout when you put on the brakes last night? Because you know you probably sent him home with a boner.”

  Jenna blushed and a tingle made its way up her spine. “I did. I felt it against my leg. And he was the one who put on the brakes. He kissed me good night on the cheek. He said he might not
be able to stop if we kept going. We’re here.” Jenna came to a halt in front of Tim’s new place of employment.

  The street and front of the restaurant were magical at night. It was exactly what Jenna loved about living in the city. The cool little places tucked into side streets, the hidden gems. The massive limestone archway of the restaurant façade stood above a pair of wood carriage doors and black wrought iron lanterns. Light shined through wavy antique glass.

  Natalie started to giggle as Jenna reached for the door. “It just occurred to me. The name of the restaurant.” She pressed her lips together.

  “One If By Land, Two If By Sea? What’s so funny about that?” Jenna asked, annoyed. Now that they were so close to seeing Tim, she couldn’t wait to get inside.

  “I think you may give whole new meaning to ‘the British are coming’.” Her shoulders jerked forward as she cackled, making Jenna roll her eyes.

  The restaurant was exactly what Jenna imagined a classy but centuries-old British pub might look like. The bar was long, dark wood, and rustic, old-world chandeliers illuminated the dining room ahead. There were modern interpretations of royal portraits in crimson and gold.

  Jenna and Natalie checked their coats and made their way to a pair of leather stools at the center of the bar. Waiters in white shirts and bow ties circulated through the dining room while well-dressed patrons clinked wineglasses and bustled with conversation.

  The baby grand piano sat in the corner, at the transition from bar to restaurant. Jenna was disappointed there was no sign of Tim. She’d waited for this moment all day.

  “What can I get for you this evening, ladies?” the bartender asked.

  “What’s good tonight?” Natalie asked.

  Jenna couldn’t even think about a drink order. Preoccupied with scanning the room, she chewed on her lip, crossed her leg and bobbed her foot.

  “We’ll have two margaritas on the rocks, with salt.” Natalie said, turning to Jenna. “He hand squeezes the limes.”

  “Great.” Jenna felt a hand on her shoulder and shuddered as she turned and saw Tim next to her. He was breathtaking in his new black suit coat, dress shirt, and deep blue tie. “Hi. I was wondering where you were.”

  Tim rubbed his hand across her upper back several times and every part of her became aware of his presence. Her lips twitched at the corners, excited to see their new playmate again.

  Tim extended his hand. “Natalie, nice to see you again.”

  Natalie shook his hand and her cheeks became pink. “Nice to see you as well.” She ogled him, not blinking at all.

  So it isn’t just me who can’t stop staring at him.

  The bartender set down their drinks. “Would you like to start a tab?”

  “Peter, please,” Tim said, “put it on mine. Thanks, mate.”

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get here for the first set.” Jenna took a sip of her cocktail.

  “It’s my fault,” Natalie said. “I was running behind.”

  “How did it go?” Jenna asked.

  “They didn’t throw tomatoes at me.” Tim reached down and took Jenna’s hand, his soulful eyes on her. “You look lovely tonight.” He grinned. “I’d love to chat, but it’s time for me to go on. Wish me luck.”

  Jenna felt her insides melt. “Good luck. We’ll be here when you’re finished.”

  Natalie knocked Jenna on the knee with her fist as he walked to the piano. “If you don’t sleep with him tonight, I will.” She licked the salt from the rim of her glass and took several big swallows. “Sweet Jesus.”

  The next fifty minutes passed like the most enticing dream Jenna had ever had. The minute Tim began to play, he became like a different man, and to her amazement, that new man was unbelievably talented. He mesmerized her as his long fingers floated over the piano keys as though it took no effort at all, as though he’d been born doing it. No wonder they said they’d take him for only two months. He’s incredible.

  He directed his sight to her as soon as he finished. Jenna smiled proudly, sitting up straight and feeling as if her heart was about to leap out of her chest. I am in so much trouble and I don’t even care.

  Natalie finished her drink and stood, putting her purse over her shoulder. “I should go,” she whispered to Jenna.

  Tim came up behind her. “You aren’t leaving us already, are you?”

  “I am. Congratulations. You were incredible. Very impressive.” She shook his hand and then turned back to Jenna. “Have a great night. I’ll see you tomorrow. You can come in at six instead of five. I can manage by myself until then.”

  “Are you sure?” Jenna asked.

  Natalie looked at Tim and then at her. “I’m sure.” She leaned down and kissed Jenna on the cheek before walking away.

  “Well? What did you think? You’d tell me if you thought it was bollocks, wouldn’t you?”

  Jenna laughed and felt bold enough to reach for his hand as he took Natalie’s seat at the bar. “I don’t even know what to say. I’m speechless. I figured you were talented, I just had no idea you were going to be so amazing.”

  Tim rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand. “Would you like to go somewhere? I mean, for coffee or something.”

  “My place?” she asked. “My roommate is working late tonight.”

  “Smashing. Let’s get your coat.”

  Jenna felt as if her entire body was on fire as they walked back to her apartment. Is this going to happen? Am I imagining this? She’d picked up a box of condoms on her way home from work, just in case. She was ready to throw all caution to the wind. Even with the future uncertain, she knew one thing about tonight—she wanted Tim, badly.

  They took the corner on to her street and Jenna’s jaw dropped when she saw the lights on in her apartment. Rachel was doing her interpretive dance bullshit in front of the window.

  “She’s supposed to be working.” Jenna pointed up at the building as she searched Tim’s face. Her shoulders dropped and she groaned.

  He glanced up at the window. “You know, I don’t even know her and I already don’t like her.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess I messed up our evening.”

  Tim took her other hand and pulled her closer. “That’s not possible. Even if I had to go straight home, I would still say it was perfect. Especially after this.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up onto her tiptoes. Jenna’s back arched in surrender. He kissed her with abandon, showing far less reserve than last night’s good-night kiss. He stopped and pressed his nose against hers. “I really don’t want our evening to end. Would you like to come back to my place? I know it’s a bit of a walk. We don’t have to do anything more than talk. Whatever you want.”

  Jenna was still catching her breath from the kiss. She grabbed his hand, took several long strides to the curb and thrust her hand up in the air. “Taxi!”

  Tim struggled to get his keys out of his pocket. Jenna had spent the entire cab ride tracing her silky fingertips back and forth across his palm, sending shock waves through every nerve in his body. He was so hard he could barely see straight, let alone undo the multiple locks on the door.

  When the last latch clicked open, he breathed a sigh of relief, sweeping Jenna into a kiss as he maneuvered the two of them through the doorway. Her arms twined around his neck, her fingers burrowed into his hair. He couldn’t think of anything other than getting her to the bed.

  He shrugged out of his jacket, letting it drop to the kitchen floor as he walked her backwards toward the bedroom. His heart was pounding, his senses overloaded. Her tongue worked his in maddening circles.

  She paused when they reached the bed. For a moment he thought she was about to pull away, but instead she peeled off her coat and stepped out of her shoes. Without the heels she was even tinier, petite and fragile and ever so appealing. Her hands went to work on his shirt, dragging it up out of his trousers before starting to unfasten the buttons. She moved slowly, opening one at a time, brushing her mouth over each new p
atch of his chest as soon as it was bared. His cock throbbed in response to each touch of her lips.

  She eased his shirt off his shoulders and he couldn’t wait any longer. His mouth descended on hers with increased intensity. Her hands ran down the length of his torso, headed for his belt buckle, which she made quick work of before stroking her hand firmly against his groin.

  The groan that escaped him was far louder than he intended, echoing in the quiet of the apartment. She giggled and the sound trilled through him. He ran his hands up her back. “You’re wearing far too many clothes.”

  She pressed her palm against his erection. “So are you.”

  He fingered the long tie that seemed to be holding her dress closed. It released and the dress began to unwrap, as if he was opening a lovely gift. He eased the loose fabric off her shoulder, watching as each new inch of her was exposed. His fingers lingered as they passed over her smooth, warm skin. He gathered her satiny hair in his hand, moving it aside, peppering her neck with delicate kisses. The sensation of her pulse racing beneath his lips brought a new level of urgency.

  Her hair spilled over her shoulders as he pushed the dress sleeves farther down her arms. Her skin looked even paler than usual in the bluish light of the apartment. The black lace of her bra accented her magnificent curves. He reached behind her to undo the clasp, thankful that he got it in one try.

  She shrugged, causing the thin straps to fall away as the cups tipped forward, baring her luscious round breasts, which were even fuller than he’d imagined. He returned his mouth to her neck as his hands moved up her rib cage, his thumbs grazing the underside of each firm mound, inching upward toward the tightly puckered flesh of her nipples. She drew in a deep breath the moment he touched them. He nibbled his way from one to the other, sucking each into his mouth for just a second, her pleased gasps encouraging him to continue.


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