Her Two Alphas

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Her Two Alphas Page 96

by T. S. Ryder

  His lips danced against hers slowly, refusing to move away. There were tears in his eyes as he held her close, praying for a miracle.

  Eventually, he pulled away, breathless. To his amazement, her lips had turned a bright red color, like a blossoming rose. Slowly, the rest of her body shifted to a natural color and her chest started to move ever so slightly. Sullivan’s eyes widened. Was she coming back to life?

  He stared at her in disbelief. Had his kiss been enough to revive her? Hope sparked in his chest. Suddenly, her eyes opened. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, pinning her to his chest. “Cynthia… I’m so sorry…” he sobbed into her soft hair, caressing it gently.

  “Sullivan?” she asked in confusion. She looked around the unfamiliar landscape, trying to remember what had happened.

  “Shh, don’t talk,” Sullivan said, laying her head on his chest. “It’s all okay now.”

  “What happened?” she asked, regardless.

  He sighed and pulled away, looking into her hazel eyes. He thought about crafting a lie to ease her mind but thought better of it. He was done hiding the truth. She had every right to know. “There are some things I never told you…” he started. She looked at him and nodded. She had expected as much. “I’m not just a simple dragon… I’m a dragon prince, one destined to claim the throne.”

  Cynthia’s eyes grew wide. She was dating a dragon prince? She stared at him in disbelief. “And?” She was dying to know more.

  “And, I was exiled from the kingdom a long time ago.”


  “Dragons are required to find a lover by the time they reach their two hundred and fiftieth year. I never did, so I was banished,” he explained, running his fingers through his thick, dark hair. “But, then I met you and now, you’re carrying my child… which means I have the right to go back home if I so choose. My brother somehow found out about this and decided he would have to kill you if I was to remain in exile. That way, he could claim the throne for himself.” Sullivan frowned. “I’m sorry I put you through all of this, Cynthia. I wasn’t sure whether any of it would happen, but nevertheless, I should’ve warned you. I can understand if you no longer want to be with me…”

  Cynthia just smiled at him. “Now why wouldn’t I want that? You came all this way to rescue me. Where are we anyway? I have a feeling we aren’t in Seattle anymore.”


  Cynthia’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Bulgaria? You crossed half the world to come and get me?”

  “I would’ve traveled to the ends of the Earth to be with you,” Sullivan said confidently. “I love you.” He looked into her eyes, his words ringing true.

  Cynthia smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Their passion flowed from their souls into the kiss. They were both glad this whole ordeal was over. Cynthia’s heart pounded and eventually she pulled away. “Where do dragons live?”

  “Northern Ireland,” Sullivan told her.

  “Then let’s go make you a King,” she said, grabbing his hand.

  “You mean, you want to go back to my land and be my Queen?” Sullivan asked, a little surprised that she was so eager.

  “I would never want to be anyone else’s Queen.”


  Two years later, Cynthia and Sullivan were sitting together in the royal throne room. Their thrones, however, were empty as they played with their child on the large, fox-pelt rug in the center of the room. The beautiful baby girl had been born into the world very healthy and magically charged.

  Anytime she hiccupped, something would go astray in the room. Sometimes vases would shatter or flowers would bloom. As little Kailey grew older, she started to do such things on purpose, clapping to herself whenever she made a door fly open.

  Sullivan and Cynthia found themselves with their hands full, taking care of her. If they took their eyes off of her for a moment, she would disappear, crawling at a breakneck pace down the hall, hiding under the dresses of some of the royal servants.

  Now, however, little Kailey was experiencing one of the most important milestones of her early years. On her back, tiny dragon wings had sprouted overnight. Her father beamed down at her, pride in his eyes. It was rare to have a dragon’s wings appear so soon. His little girl would grow up to be a very powerful dragon one day, he was sure of it.

  “Come on Kailey, you can do it,” Cynthia said, holding Kailey in a standing position. Kailey’s tiny fingers were tightly wrapped around her mother’s, moving up and down on her tippy toes, trying to steady herself. Slowly, her wings started to flap and suddenly, she was hovering off the ground for a moment before falling back down. Sullivan caught her, spinning her around.

  “You did it!” he cooed at his daughter who giggled at him, playing with the crown on his head which she loved so much. He held her in his arms. Cynthia walked over to them, wrapping her arm around his waist, laying her head on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her, thinking his life had never been better.



  The Alpha's Secret Son


  A curvy single mom PLUS a hot alpha coming home PLUS a secret child

  Jace and Amanda were high school sweethearts. Until he got accepted into Harvard and she stayed behind.

  One passionate night left her with a surprise... but she couldn’t tell him about it. So he left.

  Now, six years later, everything comes falling down...

  Jace is a big-shot lawyer, a billionaire, and the Alpha of his werewolf pack. He has it all, including a son that he doesn’t know about. But he’s about to find out. His father is retiring from his Alpha position and Jace is taking over. So he returns to his hometown... with his girlfriend in tow.

  Amanda is struggling to get by, sharing her rent with another woman and taking care of her son. She’s never been able to forget Jace. How much longer can she keep her secret from him now that he’s coming back to town? And who’s that woman by his side? She’s not his mate, she can’t be... right?

  Chapter One

  High school graduation. Parents were hugging their grads, friends were promising to stay in touch, lovers were telling one another that they would always be together, no matter the distance between them. Amanda Fenning wound through the crowd. She smiled and congratulated her fellow grads when they acknowledged her, but for the most part, she was able to fly safely under the radar.

  The smell of bodies heated by the blazing sun and heavy black gowns filled her nose, and the sheer amount of noise made her want to press her hands over her ears. Sometimes the advanced senses of being a Wolf were highly unpleasant, especially when she didn't like crowds to begin with. Where was Jace?

  Nausea that had nothing to do with the nerves of being in such close contact with so many people churned her gut. She had been meaning to tell her boyfriend about it for nearly two weeks now, but always found an excuse not to. It wasn't the right time because of college applications, or final exams, or getting ready for graduation. As the Alpha's son, he was expected to meet a lot of people.

  He didn't need the added stress that his girlfriend was pregnant.

  Amanda made a conscious effort not to cup her belly protectively as she moved past a group of her human classmates. As one of the few Wolves that had been sent to public school instead of being kept on the packlands, she had always felt like an outsider. To make it worse, her natural disposition was shy and withdrawn. She never was really able to fully integrate herself into the school's society, unlike Jace.

  Jace. A smile blossomed over her face as she caught sight of her boyfriend, surrounded by his many friends and admirers. As always. And yet, being around so many people wasn't so bad as long as Jace was with her.

  He had everything going against him in this school. He was a Wolf from the low-end of the income scale, just like Amanda. Raised on a farm in the packlands.

  Whether it was his own personal charm or because of the natura
l Alpha instincts in him, he was insanely popular. He led all of the school fundraisers, organized social outings, and had even arranged the most successful dry prom the school had ever seen. Everybody loved him, and Amanda was no exception.

  "Let the lady through," he called as Amanda attempted to wade through his gaggle of friends. The group pressed back as he strode through them to meet her. He gripped Amanda's hips as he kissed her deeply.

  She had seen boyfriends swinging their girlfriends around all day and almost wished that Jace would try it, too. But even though he had started working out and his shoulders were getting broader, she was still too chubby to lift. It would end up just embarrassing both of them. So she satisfied with the rumble of pleasure that he growled, and the second and third pecks on the lips that he gave her before he pulled away.

  Jace grinned broadly at her as he slung an arm around her shoulder. "Let's go somewhere we can talk, okay?"

  Amanda nodded, letting him lead her away from the press of people. They were stopped a lot on their way out by people giving Jace congratulations and ignoring Amanda, but she didn't mind. She was happy being invisible by Jace's side. It was where she felt the safest, next to him. They were soon in Jace's car, pulling away from the school.

  Her mind turned back to her pregnancy. How was she meant to tell him? She knew he was looking forward to university and college, but given his family's financial situation, he probably wasn't going to be able to get anywhere except the local community college, which had free programs for Wolves. They could make that work, the two of them plus the baby. Amanda knew she would have to work instead of pursuing her own education further, but she didn't mind. His or her parents could watch the baby while he was at school and she was at work, at least until they were settled.

  As long as the two of them were together, it would be okay.

  "You look beautiful today," Jace said as he parked.

  Amanda started. She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't realize that they had driven out to their special spot, where they liked to go hiking when things got a little too stressful. She breathed in the smells of the forest, wondering if they could go camping before their summer jobs began. She loved running through the trees in her Wolf form, Jace by her side.

  Jace turned to her and smiled, but the smile wasn't as happy as it had been at the graduation ceremony. "Amanda, I got some news yesterday."

  Did he know about the baby? Amanda silently nodded for him to continue, her heart pounding.

  "I applied for a scholarship, and I got it. And I got accepted to Harvard. The scholarship will pay for my first year."

  Amanda stared at him, not comprehending what he was saying. "Harvard?"

  Jace nodded. "Yeah. I never thought I'd actually get in, but I did. Starting this fall. Surprising, but not unwelcome."

  Amanda got out of the car, sucking in deep breaths. She wasn't expecting this, but that didn't mean things had to change. They’d just have to adjust their plans a little bit. The scholarship meant that he wouldn't need anything extra in order to get by. She would still have to work, though, to help cover the extra expenses of the baby, and help pay for his next year, in case he didn't get another scholarship. But that didn't matter, she would support him. She could get a job in New York. With all those crowds of people…

  Was Harvard even in New York? Where was it?

  "This is really exciting," she said trying not to let her pounding heart betray her. "Harvard! You've wanted to go there for years. You're going to be a big-time lawyer and earn a billion dollars by the time you're thirty, just like you always said you would."

  Jace circled the car and gently pulled her into his arms. "It's a great turn of events. I didn't think I'd ever be able to afford school, if I'm honest."

  Despite the fact that Jace was the son of the pack's Alpha, they weren't the most financially well-off members of the pack. Mostly it was because his father had to spend so much time taking care of the pack and mediating disputes that he had a hard time holding down a steady job. It didn't help that at the time when Jace's father was college age, they didn't have the same amount of scholarships that they had these days and hadn't gotten a degree. He had also become Alpha when he was only sixteen, so his high school grades had suffered a lot because he didn’t have much time for homework from that point on.

  But Jace was going to have all the opportunities his father never did. Amanda held her hands stiffly at her sides. Where did she, the chubby girl with no aspirations other than settling down with her mate and having a litter of children, fit into this? What sort of Alpha female hated being in the spotlight and avoided public interactions?

  An awful, sinking feeling filled her. Jace didn't bring her here just to tell her he was going to Harvard. He could have told her that he got his scholarship at any time. He could have announced it to his group of friends. He brought her to their spot to tell her that she wasn't going to Harvard with him. A small-town Alpha with a small-town job, sure, she could fit in there. But she didn't belong with the prestige of Harvard or his plans for the future.

  "So, where is Harvard, exactly?" Her voice trembled, on the verge of breaking down.


  "I can go with you. I'll get a job, and that way when you come home after school, I can make you supper and then you don’t have to stress about taking care of yourself as you do your schooling." Her eyes were burning. "I'll take care of you."

  Jace turned her around. Amanda refused to look at him. This couldn't be happening, this had to be some sort of bizarre stress dream. But as much as her eyes burned, she didn't cry. Maybe if she cried he wouldn't break up with her. Jace tucked his hand under her chin, trying to get her to look at him. She pulled away and shook her head. The lump in her throat made it impossible to speak.

  As she wrapped her arms around her stomach, she was reminded of the tiny person growing inside her. Would Jace stay if she told him she was pregnant?

  "Amanda, I'm so sorry. But you know where this is headed."

  She forced herself to nod.

  "I love you, but I have a chance to change things. Not just for myself, but for the whole pack. I have to be able to concentrate on the future."

  "Because you have no future with me." It wasn't an accusation, just a fact, and the lump in her throat got bigger.

  "That's not what I mean. It's not fair to you to drag you out to Harvard and then just ignore you. I'll be busy with my schooling; I'm not going to have time for a relationship." Jace touched her face and she moved back from him again. "Amanda, please. I'm sorry, but I'm doing this for you."

  She wanted to laugh, to tell him that it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with him. He had his plans, and she didn't belong in them. Not right now, at least.

  Amanda looked up at him and opened her mouth to tell him that she was pregnant. He would stay, then. She knew he would. He would stay, and they would be together. Their child would be the next Alpha…

  And then what? He wouldn't be able to be a lawyer. He'd get a half-rate degree from a half-rate community college, and all his dreams for the future would be over. His plans for himself, his plans for the pack, would never materialize. He wasn't going to be a lawyer just so he could get rich, he wanted to be able to serve the pack better, to be able to protect them in court as well as solving disputes between pack members. If she took that away from him, he'd never forgive her.

  At long last, the tears began to flow. She couldn't take that future away from him or the pack. Even as her heart broke, she nodded.

  "I understand, Jace. I'm sorry that it has to end, but you're right. It will be best for both of us if you go and I stay. I wouldn't want to be around all those people, anyway."

  Jace wiped one of her tears away with his thumb and embraced her. "It's going to work out, Amanda. You'll see. Everything is going to be fine. It's for the best."

  Amanda held him tighter, holding her breath, trying to believe him. But how could her life work out for th
e best if he wasn't in it?

  Chapter Two

  Six Years Later

  Amanda smoothed her long hair back from her face, hoping that she didn't look as stressed as she felt. It had been a long day at work. As the receptionist in a chiropractor's office, her job was generally low-key and easy. There wasn't a great amount of stress involved, and the clients were generally the upbeat, cheerful kind. There was just the right mix of dealing with people and working alone as well. Most days were relaxed enough that she could even get a little homework done between clients.

  She had been counting on today to be a quiet day. She had an exam coming up in the accounting class she was taking in college. But it had been one of the worst days of her life.

  To start with, everybody was talking about Jace. He had graduated his law program in two years and was now a bigshot, insanely successful lawyer. Just like he had always said, he was a self-made billionaire, and it only took him four years. He was driven, talented and lucky that all his dreams came true.

  And he was coming back to town. All anybody seemed to talk about was him and the human he was dating. There were a few people who remembered that she and Jace had gone out in high school. She had to repeat several times in the day that she was happy for him, and no, she didn't keep in contact with him.

  As if the talk about her ex-boyfriend wasn't bad enough, the Grumpies, a family unit consisting of parents and five ill-behaved monsters who all had permanent scowls, had come to the chiropractor’s office. The smallest child had thrown a tantrum when she wasn't allowed to play on Amanda's computer and ran around the office, howling at the top of her lungs, while her parents screamed at her to shut up.


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