Black as Night_Black Star Security

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Black as Night_Black Star Security Page 2

by Cynthia Rayne

  “This is insane. Reggie’s dead and buried.”

  “Yeah, but he publicly humiliated Deville. He lost everything, including his reputation.”

  She supposed it made sense. Deville wanted to burn what remained of Reggie’s life down to the ground.

  She sat there in silence for several minutes, trying to come up with a plan.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know yet. Our profits have been down, but not by much.” She’d figured it was a hiccup, and their stock would go up. “And I thought the board was going to give me the time and space I needed to get up to speed and formulate new initiatives.”

  Maeve had to flesh out some ideas and sit down with them at the next meeting. With any luck, she could gather their opinions, and create some buy-in.

  But would it be enough to save her job?

  As if she didn’t have enough to worry about.

  What if she lost Reggie’s company? Maeve would never forgive herself. At this rate, Maeve was going to drive herself insane, contemplating all the “what ifs” if she didn’t stop.

  “Hey, we’ll get through this.” Jim grasped her hand, and for once, she didn’t pull away.

  “You think so?” Because she wasn’t very hopeful. This had all the makings of a disaster.

  “Yeah, I do.” He stood, tugging on her arm. “We’ll work on the problem tomorrow. But for now, let's try to enjoy ourselves, anyway. Care to dance?”

  Dinner was nearly over. The band played “Isn't She Lovely?” and a few couples had moved onto the dance floor, including Kiki and Perry.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Come on, it’s only a trip around the floor, and I promise to behave myself.” This would be an exercise in torture, but she found herself nodding and going along with it.

  Jim pulled her close, and Maeve tensed.

  Maeve hated to admit it, but the man could move. And she fit easily, comfortably into his arms.

  Dear God, he smells so good. The scent of pine and musk and man all wrapped up into one heady mixture.

  If I don’t have sex soon, I’m gonna lose my mind.

  Before her father’s death, she’d had minor responsibilities at the company and a lot of free time she’d frittered away. She’d been wined and dined by handsome, accomplished men. Her nights were spent having fun. Lately, she curled up with expense reports and human resources files.

  Maybe Amy and I aren’t so different.

  He tugged her closer, and she hissed out a breath.

  “What’s wrong?”


  He chuckled knowingly.

  “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “I didn’t ask.” Jim pulled back so he could look down into her eyes, and his hands rested on her sides.

  “Not this time, no, but you already have. Repeatedly.”

  “Come with me.”

  And then he pulled her down the hallway into a secluded corner. Maeve was about to protest when he pressed her against the wall.

  “God, you look beautiful,” Jim murmured against her neck. He nuzzled her, kissed the space just below her ear.

  And, just like that, her willpower crumbled.

  She leaned into him, closing her eyes and let herself go. He wound his arms around her waist.

  “This waiting game we’re doing drives me mad.”

  “We’re not waiting,” she muttered. “This is going nowhere.”

  “Oh really? This certainly feels like somewhere to me.” He pressed in against her, settling Maeve more firmly against his body. She could feel his warmth, his strength.

  It would be so easy to tumble into bed with Jim. And she could forget her troubles for an hour or two. Despite her best intentions, Maeve was curious. Or maybe she was just sad and needed a pick me up. Sex always relieved her tension and served as a break from her troubles.

  Maeve leaned into his embrace and let him fondle her, touch her breasts through the fabric of her dress.

  And what about the fallout?

  This would be really messy.

  “Jim, come on, cut it out.” Maeve pushed him away, but he didn’t let go.

  “I want you so badly. You’re driving me wild,” he muttered, lost in his own persuasions. “Come home with me.”

  “I can’t.”

  Jim kissed her neck, tempting her with the promise of an easy orgasm. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, letting it take her over. He pushed her bodice down, and more of her breasts were revealed to his avid gaze.

  “I want to fuck you, Maeve.” He stared down at her, his eyes glittering in the darkness.

  “Jim, we shouldn’t—”

  To silence her, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her mouth, once, twice.

  “Come on.” And then he started dragging her to the back exit.

  A ripple of unease swept through her. Why was he so intense about this all of a sudden?

  She shook her head. “No. Stop.” Maeve slapped at his hand, pushing him back.

  He gripped it tight. “Are you some kind of tease?”

  Stunned, she could only stare at him. And then down the hall, Deville loomed, watching their every move, like a hungry hawk watching tasty mice.

  “Let. Go.” Maeve added a little steel to her voice.

  Jim did, instantly.

  “Maeve, I—”

  “We’ve got company,” she hissed.

  He whirled to see Deville, who walked off, but he’d seen them in a compromising position.

  Oh shit.

  Maeve clasped a hand over her own mouth. A tawdry office romance between the CEO and CFO looked bad. Really bad. Maeve had a morality clause in her contract. Basically, she could be fired for bringing unwanted publicity or shame to the company.

  And while her father had wild affairs, he’d never screwed around at the office. Not to mention, Reggie was a man, and he was considered a “stud” while the board would think she was a “slut” instead.

  Could this night get any worse? Scratch that. Maeve didn’t want to know.

  “He didn’t see anything.”

  “Because I stopped you. And by the way, no means no.” Jim had gotten overly presumptuous.

  He pushed a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come on so strong.”

  “Yeah, well, you did.”

  “Again, I apologize.”

  “We can’t do this. Ever. Understand?” she snapped. Maeve felt like slapping him, but it would be a step too far. She still had to work with the man.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Maeve blew out a breath, calming down.

  He lifted a shoulder. “Although I’m disappointed. I figured if we kept it discreet and casual, it wouldn’t be an issue.” He wore a little boy pout on his mouth. “I’m not such a terrible guy.”

  Her anger evaporated like so much smoke.

  It was hard to stay mad at Jim. They’d both had a lot to drink, and they’d been pushing themselves for months. They were on edge, and out of sorts.

  “I never said you were.”

  He beamed. “Wanna kiss and make up?”

  “Do you ever stop?”


  Maeve would be willing to bet a hundred bucks he was hard and ready for her.

  Don’t think about his dick. He’s your employee, for pity’s sake.

  “Sorry, but I made myself clear. Let’s never talk about it again.” Maeve pushed a hand through her hair. “I’m gonna go to the restroom. I’ll meet you back at the table.” And she got the crap out of there before she made another mistake.

  Maeve headed to the ladies’ room. Once inside, she splashed some cool water on her face and glanced in the mirror. Her normally pale skin was flushed a hectic red.

  She glared at her reflection. You’re doing a shitty job of keeping this professional.

  And Maeve knew who was to blame for her scandalous behavior. Amy. If Amy had been here, this evening wouldn’t have been so awkward. They would
’ve had a third wheel to cool the sexual tension.

  She checked her phone again. Still no message.

  Wait until I get my hands on her.

  "Is everything all right?" Jim asked, as she joined him at the table once more.

  "Yes, it's just fine."

  “And we’re okay…?”

  “Of course.” She glanced out the window. “Looks like everyone’s gathering outside to see the newlyweds off.” Once Perry and Kiki left, she planned on going home, taking a hot shower, and crawling into bed.

  “Then we’d better join them.” They both ambled out the door onto the patio. The wedding planner handed them two mesh nets full of birdseed. And then they waited awkwardly for the couple to appear.

  Jim frowned. "Hey, I thought Amy was coming."

  “I know. I’ve been messaging her, but she hasn’t responded.”

  “Hmm. When’s the last time you talked to her?”

  “Last Sunday.” They typically checked in once a week.

  “I’m sure she just forgot about it.”

  At one time, Maeve had been a free spirit as well. She'd gotten kicked out of three boarding schools, nearly flunked her freshman year of college, and got fired from a series of summer jobs. By the time her sophomore year rolled around, Maeve had come around.

  She'd buckled down, gotten better grades, and managed to graduate with a decent if not stellar GPA. And Amy would, too. Eventually. Although, she’d better hurry up. Amy was in her senior year of college. It was time to get serious and make school a priority.

  Maeve frowned. “Maybe I should check on her?”

  “She’s probably at a party or a friend’s house.”

  “Yeah, she’s somewhere having fun.” Amy had an impressive social life, and she Instagrammed every second of it.

  Hmmm, speaking of…

  Maeve scrolled through the app on her phone, searching for pictures of Amy, but her sister hadn’t posted any new images since Sunday. That, too, was unusual.

  And now I’m worried.

  Their father was gone, and their mothers had never been in the picture, which left Maeve as the only parental figure Amy had. At 21, Amy was technically an adult, but since Amy was still in school, Maeve felt responsible for her.

  “You’re anxious, aren’t you?” Jim watched her carefully.

  “Yeah, but it would be rude to leave before the bride and groom.”

  “Nonsense. I’m sure Perry will understand. Don’t worry about a thing, Maeve, I’ll make your apologies. Go track down your sister.”

  “Thank you.” Spontaneously, she looped an arm around his neck and kissed Jim’s cheek.

  When she pulled away, his eyes were hooded, and a muscle worked in his jaw.

  “If you need anything, I’m here for you. Let’s get together for dinner this week.”

  “Sure.” I’m gonna regret that.

  But she’d worry about it later.

  Maeve had a terrible feeling she had much bigger problems.

  What if something happened to Amy?

  Chapter 2

  Logan Knoxville woke up alone.

  Sleeping by himself wasn’t something he did often. Nox preferred to wake up next to a pretty girl. Sex before breakfast was his favorite. He yawned and stretched, before grabbing his cell phone off the nightstand.

  Nox scrolled through his text messages, deleting most of them. Nox always let women down easy, but he got regular booty calls, from women trying to reignite the flames.

  Too bad. So sad. I’m over it.

  Some people would say he had the attention span of a gnat, and maybe they were right. Instead of the flavor of the month, he had a flavor of the week, or the day, as the case may be.

  What can I say? I get bored.

  Not that he was one of those player, misogynistic douchebags. On the contrary, he loved women. Maybe too much. Which is why he didn’t make promises he couldn’t keep.

  The last text message got his attention. It was from West.

  Everyone else is busy with a case. You’re meeting with a new client at 9 AM.

  Typical. West hadn’t asked, he’d told him. Then again, he’s the Chief. They had just started Black Star Security a few months ago, but it was already taking off. According to West, they were finally in the black.

  Things are definitely looking up.

  When he’d taken this gig, he’d had some lingering doubts, but Nox was sure he’d made the right decision now.

  There was another message from the Chief. And don’t fuck it up.

  Nox chuckled. “Thanks, brother. I needed the vote of confidence.”

  West was technically the boss, but they were all brothers in arms, so he didn’t insist on formality. When he’d been in the Army, Nox had to salute and call everyone by their correct title. This was a nice change of pace.

  The text had been sent at ten thirty last night. So, whatever the situation was, it must be urgent. Nox hadn’t seen the text when it came in. He’d been at the local honky tonk, the Hooch and Scooch, chatting up the cowgirls, but he’d struck out.

  He checked the time. Damn it. It was nearly 9 o’clock.

  Nox got dressed and headed downstairs. His colleague, Mack, was seated at the table, surrounded by a mountain of paperwork. She didn’t even notice when he strolled into the room. She was squinting at her phone, as though willing it to ring.

  Mackenzie Pierce was thirty-one years old with curly red hair, a snub nose, and wide-spaced blue eyes. A light dusting of freckles dotted her face.

  Mack was a strange name for a woman who was only an inch or two over five feet tall, but it suited her. For what she lacked in height, she made up for in attitude. They were colleagues, but Mack seemed to think she was in charge of everything and everyone.

  “What’s all that for?” he asked.

  She blinked. “What?”

  He pointed to Mount Paperwork.

  Her lips thinned. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”

  “It’s about John Doe, isn’t it?” Nox could see right through Mack and her obsession with the robber. It’s not like he was judging though. Girls love a bad boy.

  John Doe was one of the escaped fugitives they’d been tracking. Unfortunately, he’d escaped to Canada, and they didn’t have the budget to go after him.

  No one even knew Doe’s real name. The FBI was forced to charge him under the alias because he’d refused to give them his real name. According to records, they’d interrogated him for days, but he never blinked. In other words, he was one tough customer, and his interest in Mack was troubling.


  He chuckled. “Don’t take this the wrong way, darlin’, but you’re a shitty liar.”

  “Actually, I’m a fabulous liar, when I have to be.” She smirked. “Part of my escape and evasion training.”

  Before she joined Black Star, she’d been an FBI hostage negotiator. It was a prestigious position in the bureau and Mack had never said why she walked away from it.

  “Yeah, I learned somethin’ similar in my Special Forces training.” Like most of the crew, Nox was ex-military, although he’d been an Army Ranger, a sniper, and a damn fine one, too.

  “Give it to me straight. What’s up with you and this Doe guy?” Mack was an attractive woman, and she could do a lot better than a fugitive.

  She shrugged. “Nothing. I’m merely trying to pinpoint his location so I can inform Canadian authorities.” Mack politely changed the topic. “I let the new client in. She’s waiting for you in the meeting room.”

  They’d had a security breach a few weeks back, and one of their colleagues, Stormy, had installed a state of the art security system. Nobody got in or out without a passcode.

  “Then I’ll head on in.” After grabbing a cup of coffee, he walked into the conference room, prepared to be polite and professional.

  Yep, it’s a plan. I got this.

  It was an eye-catching place. There were three brick walls, and one large floor to ceiling window, with a
breathtaking view of the woods behind the property.

  In the center of the room, stood a farmer’s table surrounded by several brown leather chairs. There were a series of framed posters on the wall, all of them featuring motivational sayings. In the center was the Navy warfare special insignia—a golden eagle clutching a trident, an anchor, and a rifle.

  He glanced at the sayings, seeking a little inspiration.

  The only easy day was yesterday.

  Don’t run to your death.

  All in, all the time.

  No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

  Standing in the center of the room was a tall, cool blonde.

  Stunned, Nox sucked in a breath.

  Everything about her was perfect, and he’d only got a glimpse of her features in profile. She wore a skirt with a matching jacket and high heels. She had a willowy body that wouldn’t quit, the kind achieved by putting countless hours in.

  Judging by her shapely legs, Nox bet she was a runner. Her champagne blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun at the base of her neck. She wore wire-framed glasses, which were perched on the tip of her snub nose.

  Just then, she turned to look at him. Her eyes were a grayish blue, like a winter sky.

  Christ Almighty.

  “Are you Logan Knoxville?” Her voice was cultured, imperious.

  Nox wanted to put her over his knee and smack her bottom.

  “Yes ma’am, but please call me Nox. And who might you be?” He held out a hand, and she shook it firmly.

  “Maeve Kent. You may call me Ms. Kent.”

  His lips twitched. Something else twitched in his pants, too. Maeve was beautiful, cool. Untouchable. And clearly used to being in control.

  Nox wanted her immediately.

  He had a kinky streak a country mile wide. Nox loved to dominate women, especially those who controlled every facet of their lives. The ones who were lawyers, doctors, leaders. Women who always got their way, who gave dozens of orders all day, every day.

  They needed the release, he could provide. And he’d only be too pleased to oblige her.

  Maeve didn’t know it yet, but he was going to seduce her. Just like that, Nox’s body had made the decision for him.

  Having kinky sex with a new client was a fucking terrible idea, even if she made his inner dominant howl. West would blow a gasket. His brothers would lose their shit.


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