Black as Night_Black Star Security

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Black as Night_Black Star Security Page 15

by Cynthia Rayne

  Nox had texted her a half an hour ago, letting her know that Amy was okay. Maeve had dissolved into tears and Savvy had mistakenly assumed Amy was dead, until she’d read the text.

  Maeve had been beside herself ever since, waiting to see Amy.

  Amy hopped out of the car and ran into her arms. Maeve held her tight, clutching her sister, squeezing her tight.

  “Oh my God, Amy. You’re safe. You’re alright.” Maeve cupped the back of her head. She could scarcely believe her sister was here.

  “I thought I’d never see you again.” Amy buried her face in Maeve’s neck.

  “It’s okay, Amy. I’ve got you.”

  Nox stood by the car. He was bloody, exhausted, and he’d never looked more handsome. She wanted to run toward him, wrap her arms and legs around him, kiss Nox breathless for saving her sister.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed. While Maeve would cut the team a big, fat check, she’d never be able to repay this debt.

  He nodded.

  They had a lot to discuss. But, once again, this wasn’t the time.

  She pulled back from Amy but clutched her sister’s hand. Maeve had a feeling she’d have trouble letting Amy leave her sight for a while.

  “What happened?” Maeve asked Nox.

  “We got the bastards and turned them over to the police.” Nox grinned. “I think Huck’s gonna get a promotion out of this one. They’re wanted by the FBI for trafficking and they’ve been huntin’ them for a couple of years.”

  “And the women?”

  “Safe and sound. They’re contactin’ their families right now.”

  Maeve breathed a sigh of relief. So, everyone got a happy ending today.

  He turned to Amy. “West wanted me to get some information before the cops interviewed you. Are you up to it?”

  Amy nodded.

  Maeve noticed she wasn’t speaking much. Who knows what trauma Amy had gone through?

  They headed back inside and sat at the kitchen table together. Amy sat so close to Maeve, she was practically on her lap.

  “Tell us what happened the night you were taken,” Nox prompted.

  Amy took a deep, shuddering breath before she began. “Three cars followed me down the road, bumping into my car.”

  “Did they surround it?” Maeve asked.

  “Yeah, I was in the right lane. One was in front, one on the side, and one in back.” So, they’d blocked her in and she had nowhere else to go.

  “Was anyone else involved in your kidnappin’? Besides those bastards, we found at the warehouse.”

  Amy fell silent, thinking it over. “I never saw anyone, but they kept saying I’d been identified by a spotter as a target. Apparently, it was a big deal, because…” she trailed off. “Because they charged more for me.”

  “A spotter?” Maeve didn’t understand.

  Nox frowned. “According to Storm, some of the high-end traffickers have ‘talent scouts’ for lack of a better term to identify women who’d bring in a lot of money.”

  “So, somebody sold Amy out?”

  “Yeah,” Nox said grimly. “Chances are, it’s someone you know, Amy. Any ideas?”

  She swallowed loudly. “No.”

  “Can we find him?” Maeve wanted to make the bastard pay.

  “I hope so,” Nox said. “They’ll turn on each other eventually. Someone will give up the spotter, and we’ll catch him, too.” He locked eyes with Maeve. “You’d better take her to the police department. They’ll wanna ask her some questions. And then, I think she could use some sleep.”

  “Absolutely.” Amy had been through an ordeal, and she needed some TLC.

  Nox stood. “Want me to come with you?”

  “No, I’ve got it.” Maeve wanted to give Amy some space. “But can I call you tomorrow?”

  “Of course.”

  They stared at one another for the longest time, until Nox cleared his throat.

  “Anyway, I should be headin’ upstairs. I’ve gotta do some paperwork.”

  And then he walked away.


  “Amy, it’s me. Open up.” The next morning, Maeve knocked on Amy’s bedroom door, waiting for her sister to answer.

  After Amy had spoken with the police and gone to the emergency room, Maeve had driven her sister to the family home so Amy could sleep in her own bed. She thought the familiar surroundings might do Amy some good.

  Amy had climbed into a hot shower, eaten a peanut butter sandwich, and then taken an anti-anxiety pill the doctor had prescribed for her, before drifting off to sleep.

  Maeve had checked in on her several times during the night. She’d kept having nightmares about someone abducting Amy from her bed.

  “Come in.”

  Maeve found her on the bed. She had her legs pulled up to her chest, and her eyes were wide and wary.

  “How are you doing?” They hadn’t gotten much of a chance to talk last night, there’d been so many things to do.

  “I’m fine.” She shivered. “Mostly.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Going to work?” She gestured to Maeve’s suit.

  “Yeah, I have a board meeting.” And a plan to save their company.

  Amy frowned. “I thought those were on the first Friday of the month.”

  “Well, I’ve had some trouble recently. This is a special session, but I don’t want you to worry about it.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Amy shook her head. “I should’ve been helping you. Since Reggie died, I’ve been such a mess, and I pushed everything off on you.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry. I haven’t been there for you.”

  “You had a lot to deal with.”

  “Yeah, but you should’ve come first.” Maeve held out her arms and Amy went into them. She kissed the top of her head. “We have to be here for each other. We’re the only ones left, and I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  “You don’t have to worry. I’m right here.”

  “Did they…hurt you?” Maeve had to ask the question, had to know what Amy suffered through.

  Amy bit her lower lip. “Depends on what your definition is. They didn’t rape me if that’s what you mean. They didn’t want to devalue the merchandise,” she whispered bitterly.

  Amy had witnessed things most people hadn’t, and she wondered if Amy could get past it. From what she’d read, trauma was difficult to deal with, and sometimes it took years to come to terms with an experience.

  “Maybe you should speak to a therapist.”

  She nodded. “I think so, too.

  “Okay then, we’ll find a trauma counselor for you, and I’m always here for you if you need to talk.”

  “I know.”

  “Maybe we can start again?” Maeve offered. She and Amy had a lot to work through, and their issues wouldn’t be solved easily.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out. If you wanna be involved in the company, you can be, and if not, that’s fine, too. And after I get everything sorted out, I’m gonna take a couple of weeks off. And then you and I are gonna spent time together.”

  “Maybe we could go to the cabin again? Spend some time fishing.”

  “I’d love to. It sounds like fun.” Amy smiled tremulously.

  Maeve checked her watch. “But for now, I should go to work.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “Of course, but are you sure you’re up to it?”

  “Yeah, the office is safe, and I’ll be with you.”

  Maeve read between the lines. “You don’t want to be alone, huh?”

  Amy shook her head. “No.”

  “I’d love to have you with me. Get dressed. We’re leaving in twenty minutes.

  Apparently, the road to recovery would be very slow. But Maeve would be there every step of the way.


  Nox woke up alone. Again.

  Only he didn’t want some nameless woman sharing his bed. He needed Maeve
by his side.

  The past twelve hours had been a whirlwind. After Maeve and Amy left, he’d sat down with the police, talked to the FBI, and did gobs of paperwork. Being distracted hadn’t helped matters.

  He’d left things up in the air with Maeve. Nox planned on getting in touch later in the day. He was torn, though. Nox wanted to see where he stood with her, but he didn’t want to push. She and her sister had already been through a lot.

  Storm knocked on his already open door. “Are you up for a mission?”

  “Yeah, I got a couple hours of shut-eye. What’s up?”

  His face had gone chalk white.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I fucked up.”

  Dread creeped over him. “How?” Nox was already on his feet, dragging a shirt on, ready to run out the door.

  “I got nosy, and went over the case again, making sure everything lined up, just right.

  “And? Bottom line it for me. I don’t get all day.”

  “I checked out everyone in Maeve and Amy’s life, as part of our standard practice. Nobody raised any red flags, until I double checked. I found evidence of several deposits.”

  “Yeah, but we were looking for payments to a kidnapper.”

  “Exactly. The small amounts of money didn’t set off any alarm bells until you told me a spotter was involved. There are a half dozen wire transfers just like it, all to the same account.”

  “Whose?” Nox demanded.

  “Her CFO, Jim. He—”

  Nox didn’t even wait around to hear the rest.

  He was already on his way to Maeve.


  “Hey, Jim, do you have a minute?” Maeve stopped by his office on the way to her own.

  Amy was in the bathroom, freshening up. Maeve would be making a presentation in less than an hour and she was nervous.

  The door was open, and he was seated at his desk, rubbing his temples. Last night, she’d texted him, letting Jim know Amy was home. He hadn’t replied, which wasn’t like him.

  Maybe he was sick? After all, Jim partied like a rock star. Maybe he’d stayed out all night with a new woman.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just fighting a headache.” His lips twisted into a pale imitation of a smile.

  “I’m sorry.” She walked in and sat by his desk. “Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m fine.” And yet he didn’t seem like it. Upon closer inspection, sweat beaded at his temples and his skin had a gray cast. “Do you need to take the day off?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “What did you want to see me about?”

  “Oh, I have a proposal for the board. I thought I’d run it by you and see if you have any insights I could use.” She handed him a manila folder, with all the information.

  He glanced at it. “You’re going to sponsor a tour.”

  “Yes, and I’ve already done a preliminary meeting with the singer.”

  His lips thinned. “I’ve got to hand it to you. This should impress the board.”

  Funny, he didn’t look impressed. Jim seemed pissed, for some odd reason.

  “Thanks. Think it will be enough to stop a hostile takeover?”

  “Yes. Unfortunately.”

  “Unfortunately? What do you mean?”

  Just then, Amy walked in the office.” “Hi, Jim. How’s it going?” Amy shut the door and leaned against it.

  “Nice to see you, Amy.” His eyes had gone cold, and Maeve tensed.

  I’m missing something here.

  And then Jim pulled a gun out of his drawer.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Maeve stared at the gun. She had trouble believing her own eyes.

  “You’re coming with me.”

  “What’s it look like?” He lifted the weapon. “The three of us are going on a little trip.”

  Amy cried out.

  “If you make another peep, I’ll shoot you. Understand?” Jim asked, training the gun on her.

  Wide-eyed, Amy nodded.

  Maeve stepped in front of her sister. Amy had been traumatized enough. If the bastard wanted to shoot her, he’d have to go through Maeve first.

  And then it all made sense.

  “You’re the one who had Amy kidnapped.” Maeve thought back to the night of the wedding. He’d been almost desperate to sleep with her. “What were you planning?”

  “You’re just now figuring it out, huh?” His chin jutted.

  “You thought I’d fall into bed with you?”

  “Please. We both know you were begging for it.” He sneered. “I was gonna comfort you about the loss of your sister, be there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on, and all that crap.”

  “Were you trying to manipulate me into making you a partner?”

  “Yeah. No point in lying right now. If it didn’t work, maybe I’d steal the CEO job from you. After all, I’ve been putting in a lot of hours.”

  What a low-down snake in the grass!

  She should be afraid, but Maeve was furious. She’d been duped by someone she’d trusted, and the betrayal stung, blocking out the fear.

  Maeve balled up a fist. She’d always assumed violence was never the answer, but Jim deserved a punch in the face. Or a swift kick in the balls.

  “You’re delusional.”

  “No, you are. You’re going to give that spoiled brat everything. But I’m the one who worked by your father’s side for years, and I’ve been by yours for the past twelve months. You should’ve made me your partner a long time ago.”

  “Amy’s twenty-one years old. She doesn’t know what she wants, but it’s her decision. It’s our dad’s company, not yours.”

  Amy clutched Maeve’s shoulders from behind, staying close, but not speaking. Maeve wondered if she was having flashbacks to her abduction. She had to get both of them out of here alive.

  And then she’d call Nox.

  “Come to think of it, neither one of you deserves it.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s ours anyway.”

  “Get going.” He gestured to the door. “You’re gonna empty out your bank account and give me some traveling money. It’s only a matter of time until the police figure this out.”

  “None of that matters.”


  “Money, power, influence. You know what’s really important? Friends, love, and family. Those are real. The rest? It’s nice. Money’s nice, but it’s not what’s really important.”

  “Thanks for the sermon.” He snorted. “But you don’t know what it’s like to grow up without those resources. Turn around.” Jim gestured with the gun.

  They followed his instructions.

  Jim wrapped an arm around Maeve and placed the gun against her side. To anyone else, they’d look friendly, chummy.

  “If either one of you says a word, I’ll shoot. Now, get a move on.”

  “You don’t have to do this, Jim.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  When they stepped into the hallway, she heard a distinct click behind them.

  “Get away from her.”

  Maeve would know that voice anywhere. Nox.

  Jim whirled around, keeping Maeve and Amy in front of him.

  Her knees nearly buckled. Suddenly, she could breathe again. Nox had come for her. Somehow, he’d found her, and she just knew everything was going to be fine.


  “Everybody get back into the office. Now,” Nox ordered.

  Luckily, the hallway was clear, so he didn’t have to worry about other civilian casualties. Nox could concentrate on freeing Maeve and Amy. Evidently, Maeve had figured out some of the bastard’s plans. Nox had nearly gotten here too late.

  “Step aside. I’ve got a gun on her.” Jim jammed it into Maeve’s ribs.

  “And I’m a former sniper who has a clear shot. If you pull the trigger, you’ll be dead, too.”

  Jim didn’t respond. Nox could tell he was mentally calculating his odds of getting out of here alive. They were
slim to none. Nox had no intention of letting Jim leave.

  “Go back in the room.” Nox gestured with his gun.

  Jim reluctantly stepped back inside, taking Amy and Maeve with him. They were both scared, and Nox wished he could reassure them, but he couldn’t split his focus.

  Nox kicked the door shut behind them.

  “Let them go, Jim.”

  “No. I need hostages.”

  “One of my teammates, Storm, already called the cops. They are on their way over here, along with the rest of my security team.”

  A white line formed around Jim’s mouth.

  “Do you know what he’s been up to, Maeve?” Nox asked her, keeping his weapon trained on the fucker.

  “I’ve got some idea but tell me.”

  “Jimmy here’s been supplyin’ girls to these human traffickers. Not just Amy.” He glowered at Jim. “And he’s been gettin’ a big fat finder’s fee every time he hands one over.”

  “How could you?” Maeve gritted out.

  Jim sneered. “Turn over spoiled rich girls? It was easy. They needed to learn what life is really like.”

  “You’re a monster.” Maeve shook her head in disbelief.

  Nox knew she was having a difficult time understanding the betrayal. When someone you love hurts you, the damage is extensive. A part of him had never gotten over his parents’ abandonment, and never would.

  “You didn’t always think so. Maybe you need a reminder.” Jim wrapped an arm around Maeve, pawing her breasts, rubbing the barrel lewdly over her body.

  “Stop it,” Nox growled.

  His trigger finger twitched. Nox didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with him. Normally, he got real calm and quiet in these situations. When he was about to pull the trigger, the world fell away.

  Right now, he had a lump in his throat. His insides felt like they were being ripped apart. And he couldn’t concentrate on anything but Maeve’s frightened face.

  What if somethin’ happens to her? I don’t wanna be alone again.

  Focus, dammit.

  “Make me.” Jim laughed. “I’m leaving here with them and there’s nothing you can do about it. Not if you want your girl back in one piece.”

  “Jim, you don’t need us both. You can take me,” Maeve offered. “But leave Amy. She’s been through enough.”

  “No!” Nox shouted.

  Maeve’s eyes were wide, sparkling with tears, silently pleading with him. Saving her sister was more important to Maeve than protecting herself.


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