I still have a hard time believing Needles was the man who starred in the movie with King and I, but what’s even harder to believe is the fact I felt something between us last night. He’s loud, arrogant, and an overall asshole . . . but the way he rammed his cock into my body last night like he owned it . . . it was . . . hotter than I can describe. Sure, King has fucked me numerous times. But, never has he fucked me like that. King basically uses me as a human Fleshlight, but not Needles . . . it was totally different with him. Different enough that I selfishly hope we film another scene together. If the man doesn’t open his mouth we get along just fine.
I turn and reach for my phone on my bedside table, pick it up and as the screen brightens up, I see it’s a little past six in the morning. I don’t usually wake up until around seven-thirty, but what the hell, it can’t hurt to get an early start on the day.
Pulling back the duvet I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. Pulling my arms above my head I stretch and head to the bathroom that connects to my bedroom. I walk over to the shower and turn it on, scorching hot, just the way I like it. I’ll wait a few minutes and then I’ll hop in.
Heading over to the vanity, I pick up my brush and pull it through my thick, long black hair. My eyes are bloodshot, showing the lack of restful sleep the night brought upon me. With any luck, a hot shower will do me some good.
Water hitting the tile in the background takes my mind back to a place that I never wanted to go, and before I realize what’s happening, I’m on the floor, struggling to breathe. It feels like the walls are closing in around me. The sound of the water set me off, a sound I’ve heard thousands of times, but nonetheless a reminder of the trauma I’ve been through.
I picture the hose on the ground, remembering the way the pain bringer would put his finger over my nose so I couldn’t take in a breath. He’d shove it in my mouth and close his hand over it, so I couldn’t spit it out easily. I remember the way my body would naturally go into panic mode, how I’d thrash against him, coughing with only a bit of water able to get out of my mouth. But more than that, I’d remember him yanking the hose out and the way my body would shake as I coughed up the water, he was so intently trying to fill my lungs with.
The pain bringer brought me pain, that’s a fact, but I sometimes really believe the person responsible for my suffering is someone I love—Benita.
She had the power to end it all.
She knew where he would’ve been.
And yet she didn’t say a damn thing. I’ve tried to put our past behind us, but there are times like this where it creeps up out of nowhere.
Chapter Seven
Shut up and drink
~ Unknown
“I’m halfway through the edits now and fuck if that isn’t the best movie you’ve shot,” Sly tells King.
I lift my eyebrows up and listen to their conversation from the metal chair I’m sitting on in our clubhouse. King chuckles and wipes his hand over his face in amusement. “So, I guess this is you finally admitting you like my dick.”
“Dude, what the actual fuck!? I’m talkin’ about the shit between him and Flora.” Sly points over to me. I get up from the chair and walk over to where they’re standing.
“Care to elaborate?” I question, crossing my arms over my chest.
Sly narrows his eyes in on me. “You and that girl have some intense sexual chemistry. I’ve edited every single video here, every single one that’s been uploaded online. And never, not once have I seen shit like I did this morning.”
“Cute joke,” I mutter with a laugh.
“I’m not jokin’, brother. She looked at you like she wanted to fuck and slap you at the same time,” Sly adds.
“Isn’t that Flora’s personality in general?” I cackle, knowing she’s gotten into a couple catfights here at the club. Most of the time it’s her and Jugs getting into it. Something about their personalities just don’t mesh. They were getting along fine at first but since we’ve been in Delaware, they’re at two opposite sides of the spectrum. No matter what, we just try to keep them separated. It’s not too difficult since Flora is a porn star and Jugs is a clubwhore.
“Yeah, for the most part.” King chuckles alongside me.
“I can assure you, there’s nothin’ else to that movie besides some good acting.” I won’t even lie about it, dominating the bitch who always has something smart to say felt really good. I’m still on a high from it, from the way her eyes would expand when I pounded into her pussy, and the way her walls tightened around me like a snake does to its prey.
Sly shakes his head and huffs, “Yeah, well, you could’ve fooled me.”
I don’t pay his comment any mind and walk over to the makeshift bar, grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and pick up a short glass. Twisting off the cap, I start to slowly pour the amber liquid out and someone clears their throat from behind me. Turning back, I look behind me and see Mugshot. He’s in civilian clothes, not wearing his cut, which isn’t usual at all.
Cocking a brow, I take the glass of Jack Daniels and down it. Mugshot smirks. “I’m glad you took a drink. You’re gonna need it. Now put the glass down and follow me. We’re takin’ a ride.”
“For real?” I furrow my brows and look at the clock on the wall. It’s a bit past six right now and I know we’re havin’ a party around nine tonight. I really wanted tonight to be about relaxing, not club bullshit, and I’m one-hundred percent certain Mugshot has something mischievous planned.
Figuring I don’t have much of a choice, I follow Mugshot out through the clubhouse and follow him as he heads to the garage. I start to head for the bikes when he calls me over, “No, brother, over here.” Mugshot’s leading us over to the grocery-getters and picks the club’s Dodge Ram. He hops behind the driver’s seat and I open the passenger side door, getting in beside him.
“Wanna tell me what the fuck we’re doin’?” I question while he’s already put his seatbelt on and is putting the truck in reverse. By the time he answers me, he’s pulling down the lane that leads out to the road.
“We’re makin’ a road trip down to the State Park in Rehoboth. I got a tip some shit was goin’ on and wanted to check it out for myself.” Mugshot glances over to me for a second, “You’re gonna need to take your cut off, and put this on.” He reaches across from me and opens up the glove box, revealing some weird . . . hair? I think.
“The fuck is this?” I ask.
He chuckles like a mad man. “A wig, the both of us gotta wear one. We’re going undercover, brother, and you’d best keep your cut in the car.”
I know sometimes we need to take our cut off for our safety, to look like a normal pair of citizens . . . but I don’t like to ever take my cut off. It not only shows I’m proud of the club I belong to, but in some areas, it could be similar to gangs having different colors. If we’re cool with another club it’s no big deal, but if we’re not, it’s raising an opportunity to start a war. We know for a fact the Beasts of Brutality are in Lewes, so Mugshot’s running on the side of caution.
“Tell me what the fuck we’re doin’ and I’ll decide if I’m takin’ my cut off,” I tell him as he pulls out onto the road we live on. He heads in the direction for Rehoboth Beach, which’ll probably take us around fifty minutes to get there.
Mugshot huffs, “You bein’ serious right now, or are you fuckin’ with me?”
“Do I look like I’m screwin’ around with you right now?” I retort, digging into my pocket to grab a piece of gum, I throw it in and chew.
“Damn, someone’s sassy today.”
“Just tell me what the fuck is goin’ on,” I snap.
“I got a tip that the Beasts of Brutality MC is meeting with an old friend of ours.”
“Oh?” Well, now I’m really interested in what’s goin’ on.
“Yeah, so, we’re headin’ to the State Park they’re supposed to be at to meet. If it’s legit, I’ll tell Gamble, but if not, I’m not gonna say we even went
out on this little field trip. She’s got too much other shit to worry about so I’m not gonna make her worry for no reason.”
I cock a brow. Is this dude serious right now? “Man, you’d better fuckin’ tell her regardless. She’s not a delicate little flower. She’s our Prez, and if it was Dog, you would’ve told him.”
Mugshot glances at me for a second and he knows I’ve got ‘em. I’m right, and he can’t even deny it. “Fine, I’ll tell her when we get back.”
Mugshot and I spend the next hour in the car getting to the State Park, barely speaking in the process. So much shit is going through my mind. Who is this friend? Why would they be coming out here? And most importantly, why in the fuck would whoever it is be meeting with the Beasts of Brutality MC?
By the time we entered the Beasts of Brutality’s territory I took my cut off, folded it up neatly and set it in between Mugshot and I. He put money in the park station’s slot and drove a bit slower as we made our way through the park. It was my first confirmation he’s never been here before.
After another five minutes and watching signs, he made a left and in the same parking lot we just pulled in, there was a blacked-out Cadillac and two motorcycles. Mugshot pulls on the opposite side of the parking lot, quick to not raise any suspicion.
Mugshot has some heavily tinted windows, so I turn and look out through my window, watching as the back door to the Cadillac opens and a man, I haven’t seen in nine months walks out. “What. The. Fuck,” I hiss.
Chapter Eight
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you
~ Maya Angelou
“Everything looks so good,” I’m not even hyping Maia or Cali up as I give them this compliment. For the most part, they’ve thrown the restaurant together and Gamble just named them the head managers of the restaurant. They’ll be working the bar on opposite shifts, ensuring that someone is always there who’s the boss. Some of the clubwhores said they’d work a couple shifts a week to get some extra money, but I wouldn’t count on them each working more than ten hours a week.
“Thank you. Now we just have to start calling a couple of the people who applied,” Maia says, while Cali makes a grossed-out face.
“I really don’t want to deal with annoying college students.” Cali makes her words abundantly clear as it comes out in an aggravated tone.
“At least they’re in college and not in high school. Plus, we hired that one older woman. What was her name?”
“Brittany,” Cali replies, but she doesn’t seem pleased. “One woman isn’t going to make up for the other three or four, trust me.”
“We’ll be fine, and if you want you can work the shifts that Brittany is on.”
Cali waves her hands up in the air in a fake excited manner. “What a joy, I’ll only have to deal with two who’re more worried about getting laid, going to call out, and are unreliable as hell.”
“Give them a chance before you judge them. You and I need to sit down and look over the rest of the resumes too, and Brittany will be coming in on Monday at five after the health department does their last check,” Maia tells Cali.
Figuring this is a good time to interject, I do. “Is everything else ready for Monday?”
Maia takes a quick look around the restaurant and nods. “I think so. There’s probably a couple boxes that need to be unpacked, but I think we’re as ready as we’re going to be.”
“Are you both excited?”
“Yeah, I mean the fact Gamble is entrusting us with this . . . it means a lot,” Maia instantly replies.
Cali nods in agreement. “That I have to agree with. While I’m not looking forward to the normal headaches, I’m really thankful to Gamble for giving us this job. I mean . . . Maia and I picked out almost everything here. Gamble gave us a budget for the renovations and everything, and we came out fifty-grand under the budget which is awesome.”
“Holy shit. I bet she loved that,” I add, and both of them nod. “Do we need to do anything else before we bounce?”
“Yeah, grab some of those menus and put them over in the hostess station if you don’t mind. Cali and I will grab the small drink menus and put them on each table in the meantime,” Maia replies.
I head over to the bar, grab the maybe fifty menus in my arms, and head over to the hostess station. Getting down on my knees, I place them on the shelf underneath the tablet, making sure there’s an even amount on both sides. By the time I get up, Maia and Cali are almost finished setting the drink menus on the tables and I wait for them by the front door. I wait for a couple minutes before both of them meet me.
We all leave together after Cali locks the front doors and we get into Maia’s car. She drives us back to the club which takes around ten minutes and I can’t wait to get back to the house so I can get ready for the party we’re having tonight. I haven’t given much thought to my outfit yet per se, but my hair is already styled in a beach wave, so the hard part is done. The only other thing I need to do is add my signature cherry red lipstick.
As we’re pulling into the driveway, I remember I just got a new box of clothes in from a small online boutique. One thing I ordered was a t-shirt dress with Harley Quinn on it, saying something about being in the bad girls’ club. If I tie up my hair into a loose ponytail, add some hoops, and pair the dress with a set of knee-high leather boots it should pull it together rather nicely. Here’s to hoping the leather doesn’t make me sweat my ass off.
Maia pulls up to the porn stars’ house and we all go inside. Even though Maia and Cali aren’t in the porn industry, they came from Petros’ and most of the girls who came from the situation Petros saved them from stay here. So, naturally, Maia and Cali live here as well. They’re technically considered clubwhores, but I think they feel more comfortable with the women they were with for so long.
I head into my room and strip out of the pair of jeggings and my ribbed tank top. As I’m sliding into my t-shirt dress, I hear Nicoletta, one of the other porn stars, yelling about how she thinks the party started early because there’s three blacked out SUVs that’re flying up the driveway.
I go to the window of my bedroom and peer through the curtains, seeing she’s not wrong at all. Sure enough, there are SUVs pulling in front of the clubhouse, and groups of men come rushing out. But one of them . . . you can tell he’s insanely important by the way the men circle around him, almost shielding him from any imminent danger. Our house is too far away for me to get a good look at him, but the only thing I can make out from here is his dark hair. Soon enough I’m going to walk in that clubhouse and try to see if I can figure out what’s going on.
“I’m texting Gamble to see what’s going on,” Sasha tells the girls from the other side of my door.
I want to tell her it’s no use, how club business isn’t discussed with us, but I’ll only be wasting my breath. The only way to find anything out is to be privy to the conversation, so I’m going to make my way over there and see if I can hear something.
Chapter Nine
When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives
~ Lauren Eden
“Sorry, say that again.” Gamble’s shaken right now and it’s obvious as hell. We just got back from the State Park not too long ago and told her we needed to call an emergency meeting of church, that we saw someone we know with the Beasts of Brutality MC. She didn’t hesitate to get all of the full patch members in the chapel, even if it’s not complete. We have another two weeks of stuff to do in here at least, but, fingers crossed we’ll have our round table and will be up sooner rather than later.
“Needles and I, we saw Marcus meeting with two men from the Beasts of Brutality,” Mugshot repeats his words, but says them a lot slower, giving her adequate time to process the blow.
She blinks a few times and I can only imagine what’s going through her mind. Before we left, shit was a bit rough with Marcus and the rest of the gangs in Bal
timore, but I think we all assumed leaving would mean our problems would go away as well. After all, we’re not Royal Bastards anymore. We’re the Knights of Retribution.
“He’s not letting things go,” Gamble mutters lowly, so low I can barely make out what she said.
Butcher clears his throat from ten or so feet away. “Not tryin’ to be rude or anythin’, Gamble, but I need you to speak louder so this old timer can hear what you’re sayin’.”
“Marcus, he’s not letting things go. It seems to me like he’s trying to cause trouble for us here,” Gamble tells Butcher, speaking louder. She looks from Butcher to me, and then back to Mugshot. “Did you happen to hear what they were discussing?”
“No, I didn’t. Needles and I didn’t park close to where they were. We were trying not to be seen, you know? Especially when we don’t know much about the Beasts of Brutality,” Mugshot informs her.
Gamble nods in understanding. “It makes sense. I’m glad you guys had your wits about you.”
“I think I can speak for all of us when I say this reeks of shit. Marcus must’ve figured out where we went, and the fucker did some digging to see who our closest enemy was,” Sly speaks up.
A grunt of confirmation comes out from numerous men in the club.
“Why’s he coming all the way out here though? What’s the fucking point?” Butcher speaks up, rubbing his hand along his beard.
“I’m not sure . . . but one thing I do know is that he wanted me to stop selling drugs in Baltimore. Now, we didn’t do that. We sold them under the Incognito name . . . and then we left, and Incognito paused for what, three months before we got the supply back out there to our runners?” Gamble speaks up.
Hate on Me (Knights of Retribution MC Book 3) Page 4