Family Matters

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Family Matters Page 6

by Aiden Vaughan

  “The Feraducci family was relatively well off because during the war we had actively cooperated with the allied forces. We considered the fascist forces of Benito Mussolini to be our enemies as much as the Americans and British did. Other families had not fared so well during and after the war, and were jealous of our successes. Francisco Feraducci, my father, tried to keep a low profile in the community and played down our wealth and influence so that it wouldn’t seem that the family was boasting about our success. But that didn’t matter to one of our rivals, the Anzalone family. They were actively fighting with our family over turf and control of the communes in the Palermo region. There were a number of skirmishes between their men and ours. For the most part, the Feraducci family held our own, and the Anzalone family’s attempts to take over our territory were unsuccessful.

  “Then the head of the Anzalone family decided to take a new approach. He decided to strike directly at the heart of our family. They had several of their henchmen start watching our family activities and saw that I would walk to school in the company of several friends but no adult supervision every morning. Under our traditional code of honor, this would not have been a problem, because women and children were considered off limits in the struggles between rival families. Since they were not succeeding in the traditional ways, the Anzalone decided to break the code and kidnap me. They would hold me for a large ransom payment to equalize the financial gap between the two families and to send a message to the Feraducci leadership that no one in our family was safe anymore.

  “I’ll never forget that day I was kidnapped. It was the end of my age of innocence, the end of my true childhood, and a very brutal introduction to the world of rival families. The Anzalone family was very cruel in the way that they engineered the kidnapping. As was my usual custom, I was walking to school with a few of my good friends, talking and joking with the typical banter of young boys. All of a sudden, the four of us were set upon by a gang of older kids who were paid by the Anzalone family to come in, harass us, and create a diversion. My friends and I were taunted, our book bags were grabbed, and they started fighting with us, punching and kicking my friends, hurting them and making them cry. In the commotion, I was grabbed by two men. One of the men twisted my arm behind my back and put his hand over my mouth, while the other man grabbed my feet and lifted me up. I was quickly whisked away to a waiting delivery van.

  “Inside the van I was tightly bound, gagged and blindfolded, and then placed in a large burlap sack. I tried to scream and protest through my gag, and struggled to get out of the ropes binding me, but the kidnappers had done their evil work well, and I was unable to break free. Even if I had been able to cry out, my screams for help wouldn’t be heard over the noise of the engine and lurching transmission gears of the truck. The truck traveled steadily for a long time, at least an hour, then came to a stop. I heard doors open, and the burlap sack holding me was lifted up and hauled out of the van. It was then placed in the back of a cart, which was being hauled by a slow moving tractor.

  “Slowly and painstakingly, the cart climbed through what turned out to be mountainous farm country in the middle of Sicily. Eventually we arrived at an abandoned farm. I was taken out of the cart and brought inside an old and decrepit barn. I was pulled out of the sack and released from my restraints. I was brought into a stable inside the barn. I was given a cup of water to drink, and some bread and cheese to eat. My captors showed me where there was a chamber pot I could use for my personal needs. They left the burlap sack there, and told me to use it as a blanket when it got cold at night. My leg was chained to a large beam in the stable, and I was warned not to try and escape. I was then left alone in the dark and drafty stable.

  “The week that I spent there was one of the worst times of my life. I was torn away from my family, the care of my mother, and the companionship of my friends and family members. There was absolutely nothing to do except to sit around and wait for someone to come with food which only happened twice a day. After the men who kidnapped me left, I was looked after by a family who were apparently being paid to watch me and were staying in the small farmhouse nearby. Most of my meals were brought to me by a broken down, sad faced woman, who was so ashamed of what she was doing she would never even look me in the eye. There was a young boy who probably was told to stay away from me, but being a boy, curiosity took over. He would come and spend some time with me, until his mother or father would yell for him, and he would hurry back to the farmhouse.

  “The worst days were when the father would come out to the barn. That usually meant that my kidnappers were aware of search parties in the area looking for me. On those days I would be taken to the barn loft and my wrists would be tied above my head to a chain suspended from the ceiling beam. The man would then gag me with rags so that I couldn’t cry out if someone approached the barn. I had to spend the greater part of several days trussed and gagged this way. My only relief again came from the young boy who would sneak in the barn to check me out. He would stay with me for a while, pull my gag off, talk to me, and give me water and food. I begged him to go and contact the authorities for me. I told him that my father would pay him a fortune if he would do so, but it never happened. Most likely the boy’s family had already been threatened with death by the kidnappers if they tried something like that.

  “Eventually a large ransom was paid for me about a week after I was kidnapped. I was unchained from the stable beam, taken inside the farm house, and told to take a bath and clean up. My clothes were cleaned and I was given a decent meal for the first time in a week. Later I was blindfolded and brought to the exchange place. Luckily for me the exchange was handled without incident and I was free again. When my father Francisco heard about my treatment during my captivity he was furious. The turf war between the Feraducci and Anzalone families was turned into a full vendetta. There was much bloodshed and retribution. The Anzalone family and their allies paid a terrible price for their treachery. My father then had his men go into the hills where I had been held captive. They set fire to and burned down to the ground the abandoned farm where I had been kept prisoner, along with every other farm and building in that entire area.

  “So my young guests, I know from personal experience the horrors of being a young boy who fell victim to kidnappers! The helplessness and impotence you feel as a kidnapping victim is a knowledge that we both unfortunately share!” Feraducci continued. “More important then that, I am sure you know what I mean when I tell you what an incredible feeling it was to have my freedom back after being kidnapped. I was so grateful to be back home again and in the arms of my parents! I had never experienced such a feeling of elation before.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” Jason said with emotion. “There is no feeling like that in the world. And Daniel knows it also. I still remember seeing the look of pride on his face after he found and released me from the horrible captivity I had to experience.”

  “Being kidnapped is a life altering experience,” Mr. Feraducci continued. “It shaped my young life and changed my attitude and perception of life just as it did yours, Jason. I used the hatred of my kidnappers to succeed in my family’s business, and make sure that the enemies of our family would never be able to threaten us again. You and Daniel have taken the experience of your kidnapping and used it to help other teenaged victims of crime and to fight against predators. Your cause is noble and just. What you have done has been remarkable and incredibly brave and selfless. Even in my world, which is very different from yours, your actions garner the utmost respect!

  “That is why it is so important me, why it is critical that my grandson Nicolo does not suffer at the hands of kidnappers or predators! That is why I brought you here and bared our family history to you. I am imploring you to help my grandson! There is nothing more important in my life right now than his safety!”

  “I think we understand your concern for your grandson, but you are asking a lot from two teenagers and for that matter, two strangers!” Da
niel exclaimed.

  “Have you expressed any of these concerns to the police?” Jason asked.

  “The police are not going to take what I tell them seriously,” Mr. Feraducci replied. “I’m sure there are probably those in the police department who would think that my concerns are in some way poetic justice. Even if the police were to take what I had to say seriously, there really is no way that they could prevent a determined criminal from committing a crime if that person was not worried about the consequences of their actions!

  “The reason I have contacted you is so you can get to know Nicolo on a personal basis. He needs someone of his generation that he can talk to and confide in. He needs that kind of support in his life.”

  “Again I think you presume too much! There is no guarantee that Nicolo will want to confide in us or even want to be our friend,” Daniel countered. “It seems like a lot to expect that Nicolo would want to discuss his fears and anxieties with two guys that he is just meeting for the first time.”

  “I think you are underrating your abilities. You are both very personable young men. From what I understand, Daniel, you are a talented musician also. I am sure that you would have a lot in common with Nicolo.”

  “Just how exactly are we supposed to meet and become friends?” Jason added. “We don’t exactly move in the same circles.”

  “Nicolo is giving a recital this Friday evening along with some other students who take from the same piano teacher. These events are relatively informal and there should be a reception afterwards. It would be a perfect opportunity for you to at least make an acquaintance with Nicolo. I understand that I am asking a lot of you, and that it is a long shot. But I can’t think of any one else who would be better suited to helping out my grandson in his time of great need.”

  “So your entire purpose in bringing us here to this meeting was so that we would attend a piano recital to meet your grandson, Nicolo?” Jason stated.

  “That would be a good start, Jason. But you must know that I am asking more. I am desperately hoping that you will somehow take Nicolo under your wing and offer him your friendship. I am asking that you two provide him with your support and the protection of your company in his struggle against whoever is trying to hurt or abuse him. If you agree to help him, you would be helping a truly deserving young teenager like yourselves who is facing the advances of an evil predator. You would be doing a great service to the Feraducci family and would be suitably rewarded. If there is anything at all you would need to support this goal, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “We don’t need your money. We have our own resources if we decide to pursue a case!” Daniel said emphatically.

  “I didn’t mean to insult your honor in any way. But there are other things I can provide besides money should the need arise,” Mr. Feraducci replied. “Not the least of these is muscle!”

  “I think that we need to take everything you have told us under advisement, Mr. Feraducci,” Jason stated. “We have heard you out very politely considering the manner in which we were both brought here. What you have told us is very compelling, and I do give you credit for being honest about your family history and your concerns. Before we make any decision, Daniel and I need to consider everything, and we need to do it on our own, in our space at our own homes.”

  “I totally agree with Jason,” Daniel added. “It is time for you to let us go, so we can return to the Silicon Valley. And no restraints this time!”

  “All right, my young friends. I appreciate your patience and cooperation.” He handed Daniel a poster for Nicolo’s piano recital and a small card to Jason. “If you ever need anything at all, just call this telephone number day or night. State what you need and it will be made available to you as soon as possible.”

  Mr. Feraducci then pressed the call button. Instantly Benito came into the room. “My guests are now ready to leave.” Feraducci then looked at Jason and Daniel. “It was a pleasure to meet both of you. I hope that you will be able to help my grandson. I wish you both the best of luck in your endeavors.”

  Benito then opened the door to the room, and led the boys down the hall.

  Chapter 9

  Jason and Daniel Regroup

  (Monday Afternoon)

  Benito walked the two boys down to the end of the hall, where there was an elevator. When they arrived, he pushed the down button, and quickly the doors opened. “This is where I will take my leave of you. When you arrive at the bottom floor, our chauffeur will take you home.”

  Jason and Daniel walked into the elevator, and the doors quickly closed. As the elevator began its descent, Daniel remarked to Jason, “All of a sudden, I feel very light headed.” Before Jason could even reply the two became very dizzy and fell to the floor of the elevator car. Within seconds, both boys were knocked unconscious by an odorless gas that had permeated the car of the elevator.

  After what turned out to be several hours later, Jason and Daniel found themselves in the back of the limousine that was used to bring them up to San Francisco. Jason was the first to wake up. After he became fully conscious, he jostled Daniel’s shoulder to wake him up. “Daniel, are you okay? Are you awake yet?”

  Daniel began to stir, and then his eyes fluttered open. “What happened? Where are we?” He stretched a little as his senses came back into focus.

  “We are in the back of the limousine that was used to bring me to that warehouse in San Francisco,” Jason replied. “How are you feeling, Daniel?”

  “I’m still a little groggy but am okay, I think. Can you believe what we have just been through?”

  “When you told me that you had won some new games, I never dreamed it would be a live version of The Godfather!” Jason responded.

  Just then the sliding glass window between the back seat and the front opened up a little. The driver of the limousine had noticed that the boys were awake. “Jason and Daniel,” he said. “Welcome to my limousine. My name is Hector and I will be returning you shortly to your homes in the Silicon Valley. I want you to relax and enjoy the ride. If you are thirsty or hungry at all, there are drinks in the small refrigerator back there, and snacks in the little cupboard. Mr. Feraducci wanted me to personally remind you that you are in no danger whatsoever. He also has a taped message for you to listen to, and I have been instructed to play it for you before we leave. When you have heard the message and would like to start the trip home, just knock on the window.” Hector then shut the small window.

  A few seconds later the tape from Enrico Feraducci began to play back through the speakers in the back seat doors.

  “Jason and Daniel, if you are hearing this you are now awake in the back of the limousine. The way you were brought back to the limousine was unconventional, I realize, but I did keep my promise to you of no restraints. Otherwise you would have had to be blindfolded for the trip back to the limousine, and I didn’t want to upset you any more than I already had with the manner in which you were brought to my residence. Its location is carefully guarded, which is why no outsider is permitted to see where it is.

  “Again I would like to say what a pleasure it was to meet the two of you and have our discussion. You are indeed young men of honor. At the same time, I know you may want to strike out against me as a way of protesting the manner in which you were brought to me, and for the deception that was used to trick you into coming in the first place. If you do make a fuss about things, you will find that it is a waste of your time.

  “The people at the software company will say you were with them, and as proof, they will point to the boxes of games and equipment that have been placed in the trunk of the limousine for the two of you and the pictures that were taken when you arrived. And my men are very loyal to me, so no one will corroborate your version of the story.

  “Please accept the games and gaming equipment as a small token of my appreciation for meeting with me, and for the discomfort and rough treatment you had to endure at times. Again I apologize to you both for that; it was never my intent t
o hurt either of you in any way. I hope that you both realize that the safety and well being of my grandson Nicolo is very important to me. Please do not hold him responsible for anything that I have done.

  “As to what I have asked you to do, I realize that once you are back home you have no obligation to follow through on my request. If that is what you end up deciding to do, that is your business. I gave you both my word that I had no intention of harming you, and my word is good. I believe that both of you are young men of honor, and as such, will at least meet Nicolo and check out his situation for yourselves. If you do this and decide that there is nothing you can personally do to help Nicolo, you will have followed through on my request, and I will have no complaint about your actions. If you do end up assisting Nicolo, remember that extra help is available just by dialing that telephone number I gave Jason.

  “I have taken the liberty of sending Nicolo a card congratulating him on his recital this Friday and mentioning that the two of you may be in the audience. So your meeting is set up, should you wish to pursue it. Our business is now completed. Just knock on the driver’s window, and he will take the two of you back to the Silicon Valley. Goodbye, Jason and Daniel. May the twin swords of justice and vengeance remain at your sides!”

  After the tape ended, Jason looked at Daniel and said, “I wish I could tell you that this was all a dream but I can’t!” After he said that, he leaned over to Daniel and whispered in his ear. “Don’t talk about anything important. This limousine might be bugged!”

  Daniel nodded, knocked on the driver’s window to start their trip home, and then sat back in the comfortable leather seat. “Well, I’m going to sit back and enjoy the ride. You do pay a price for these limo rides!”


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