Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend

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Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend Page 13

by J. L. Beck

  Swallowing heavy, she sat down on her bed, her heart pounding in her ears. “Like gone as in…”

  Walker’s eyes widened as he rushed over to the bed and grasped her hands. “No, no. He’s alive.”

  Her breath whooshed out of her as she had trouble speaking “W-why do you do that? J-just blurt shit out! No preamble…” Her shoulders dropped as she fought a panic attack.

  “He left the mountain yesterday.”

  She blinked her eyes at him. “B-but why? He knew I was coming back.”

  “I don’t think he did.” Walker patted her hand.

  “What? I’m confused.”

  “Well, you knew the man. He’s impossible. I tried talking to him several times about you and he shut me out. We took care of the cleanup and set everything to rights. I’ve never seen him so angry. He maybe spoke five whole words to me the entire time.”

  “I don’t understand, Walker.”

  He shrugged. “Remember what he said in the copter the day we flew off?”

  Her eyes rounded. “Yes! That 550…700 number code shit. I meant to ask you—”

  “Well, I said I would be back in two days. He replied he was leaving in three. I knew then he was done with the mountain. I think he just assumed that you were with Adam and that was that.”

  Furious, she stood up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Walker shook his head. “When he said it in code, it meant he was keeping it between us. We have a code of honor, Riley.”

  “Fuck that code of honor shit! You should have told me he was leaving!” She sighed as sadness filled her. “I’ve been broken up with Adam for almost 6 weeks.”

  Walker shook his head. “Neither of us knew that.”

  Her breathing sped up, as she felt angry now. “He didn’t even give us a chance?” She remembered the way he’d acted and the nagging fear she had all this time. It was because he never intended to keep her.

  “I can’t tell you what the man thinks, but I know the way our life is. We never stay anywhere. And he is worse than most. He’s always been a loner. He must have figured you wouldn’t want that kind of wandering life. You would want the lawyer, a normal life.”

  “Bullshit!” she yelled. “We talked about it. I told him I-I would go anywhere with him!” Tears rolled down her face.

  Walker looked sympathetic as he stepped over and embraced her. “He’s not the marrying kind, sis. Not—”

  She pulled away. “He is all I want!”

  Walker sighed. “Well, you will never find him.”

  Her chin rose up. “I found him once and I will again.”

  “Sis, he’s a ghost and I mean for REAL!”

  “Well, I am going up to the mountain. I will find some clue.”

  Walker shook his head. “The man wouldn’t leave any. Training remember?”

  “I don’t care. If I can’t find anything, I will wait till he returns.”

  “Are you nuts?” Walker threw up his hands. “Fuck, what am I thinking? Of course you are!”

  She scoffed as she grabbed her suitcase and a bag. “Grab those boxes and that other bag, big brother. I have a dammed mountain to climb!” She stomped out to the living room. “And you are gonna be my cab to the rental office.”

  “Riley!” he called after her.

  No, she wasn’t listening. She had a ghost to track down.


  A month later…

  Noah looked out at the jungle landscape below. Entirely different than…the cabin in the snow. He shook his head. Again, with the dammed mountain, with Ridge. He should’ve forgotten her by now. No, he realized she would stay with him for a long ass time.

  Brazil was pretty, but god dammed boring. He thought about maybe hunting, but it was too much to take down a powerful cat or some other magnificent animal that deserved to remain free and alive. They already had too many predators.

  This set up with his Brazilian villa was similar to the one in the woods, except the perimeters went off all the damn time. Too many wild animals and Brazilians that wandered in and out. Then there was no snow of course. The height was great, but it just wasn’t the same. Yes, there were flowers, fauna and some god dammed glorious torrential rains that cooled the place off a little. But there were too many bugs and some were the size of your fist.

  He had full central air and all amenities here so he didn’t give a good God damn, but he missed that fresh mountain air.

  Yes, he thought about returning to the mountains. Like every damn day. But he just couldn’t face it. It would drive him insane being there where he’d spent that week with her. He’d almost been to the point of stark raving mad, just a few days after she left in the helicopter.

  Hell, she was better off. She had a life before him. He kept telling himself this same thing over and over. Still, he wondered if he should have waited for her.

  Okay, so he ran. God dammit, he did. He was in love with someone for the first time in his life and…it scared him. He wanted the best for her and he, the bastard that he was…wasn’t it.

  Adam Groves would be the perfect guy for her. Smart, rich and fucking normal. Oh, yes. He had checked him out. Not that he didn’t believe Walker. Just to be sure himself.

  It was for the best. For Ridge. But God dammit, he missed her—her scent, her smile that sass. Her body, her laugh.


  He whirled around. He would have to get drunk again to even sleep for a few hours. His nightmares had stopped but not the dreams of her. The odd thing was that they’d replaced the nightmare. Her face, those big blue eyes full of questions and curiosity gazing up at him in awe.

  Haunted, he was a ghost, haunted.

  The way she’d looked at him when they had sex. Like he was a god. He’d felt like one. Yes, other women adored him as they acted excited, thrilled and wanted to worship him, but it never pierced his tough skin. She had. She’d gotten under his skin and crawled right into his heart while he hadn’t even known it. Then he just sent her off with the damn lawyer. Gave up like a pussy.

  He growled. He should just go and get her. Punch GQ in the fucking face, pick her up and fly her back to that mountain. Lawyer be dammed.

  But that would be selfish…

  He knew his life was hard. Well, not now. Apparently, he was retired. Especially, after speaking to the general. He hadn’t had to kill him, the man had bled to death a few minutes after he got into the holding room. He’d gotten him with the second shot, as he must have hit an artery. Faulkner knew he was going to die, so he told him everything. It had been Blade. Blade, one of the team members. He was selling off secrets. Noah didn’t believe him, but he didn’t get to find out either way. The man died a few minutes later.

  So, he still remained in hiding. While Walker and him thought Faulkner was alone in it, one could never assume when it comes to preserving your life. So here he was, simply surviving again. Not living, like he did with…

  He clenched his fists with frustration. He needed something to do.

  He might even do some soldier of fortune shit. But not for the money. Like go and get hostages being held even in this country for ransom. Set them free and deliver them to their families. Yeah, that might be challenge enough and it would distract him from thinking of her. Or being tempted to just go and get her.

  He had net here, so he deiced to troll the dark net. Scare up a job or two. Busy work. He laughed a little. Yeah, heading into dark places, loaded for bear, taking out kidnappers with relish, spill some bad blood, grab up some good people, and drop them back into the safety of their old lives with family. Yeah, sounds doable. It’s certainly fucking better than him sitting around like a wounded animal licking his wounds until he went mad.

  Fuck it.

  Instead of the dark net, he went to the airline site and bought a ticket back to America. Using one of his many identities, he booked it for day after tomorrow. He’d never had to fight for a woman before, but he had no choice if he wanted to remain sane. Fuck Mr.
GQ, he has nothing on me. I will give her everything he can’t. He paused as he realized the gravity of what he was doing. So, stealth mode then. Maybe get into her apartment and wait for her. Convince her to leave with him.

  The perimeter alarm went off again. Dammit…What is it this time? A cheetah, monkey, snake? Fuck, this place may just drive him crazy! He went to his scope on the balcony. Tipping it down, he spotted a small figure. It was a woman. His heart beat picked up as she walked with a sway to her hips. Her head was covered, like most of the women here did when they traveled.

  For ten minutes, he watched her tread the slopes. He couldn’t see her face. What would a woman be doing in this jungle by herself? He swiveled the scope over to see if someone else was around. Like it wouldn’t be the first time this type of trap was set for an American in these parts. He saw nothing. But his senses tingled. Like he couldn’t pinpoint it but something was up.

  He grabbed his pistol and headed to the double door.

  The woman came up the path, up along the steps. Sexy walk. Hmmm…He looked around.

  Finally, she he stood on the porch. Pulling her scarf back, he saw her dark eyes. His body sagged with disappointment. What had he expected? For it to be Ridge? Up here in the Brazilian jungle? Maybe he was crazy finally. Gone around the bend. Of course, it wasn’t her.

  The woman stepped close. She smelled of flowers. It was heady. Her skin looked flawless and bronzed. Still, it didn’t do a thing for him. No hard cock, no nothing. He might become a monk since no woman would do it for him except for the one he let get away.

  “I hear you are an American, up here alone.” Her eyes swung up and down along his tall form. “Ohh, you are big. Grande.” She stepped up close and reached toward his crotch. “I bet you really big.”

  “HEY!” a shout came from the bottom of the steps.

  Noah swung his gaze over.

  Another woman stood there with her face and head wrapped.

  Great, dueling prostitutes that was all he needed.

  This woman marched up the steps with a purpose.

  He blinked. That walk, that sway.

  She barreled on up close, grabbed the dark woman by her hair and tossed her down the steps. Not pausing at all, she ran down and kicked her.

  Her scarf fell away and Noah gasped.

  Chestnut curls cascade all the way down her back.

  “Get the fuck away from him, you skank!”

  “Please, please, no hurt me!” The scared female scurried away.

  The violent woman spun around and blazing blue eyes pinned him with a vengeance.

  He held his breath. How the fuck did she find me?

  Enraged, Ridge strode up the steps and pushed his chest with both hands. Her eyes were cobalt sparks of fire. “You chicken shit!”

  His eyes rounded.

  “You scared son of a bitch!” She pushed him again.

  Of course, his body didn’t move an inch. She would be the fly pounding against an oak tree. Not that this woman ever cared how big he was when she was angry.

  “Ridge!” He exclaimed with joy and grabbed her up, swinging her around. His heart pounded in his chest like a god dammed freight train. Adrenaline sparked in his blood as elation flooded his senses. He took in her scent and breathed it in deep.

  “Put me down you big beast. I am so not done!”

  He laughed and tossed her over his shoulder easily as he strode in through his door. No need to entertain or scare the parrots and monkeys with this explosive reunion scene. Noah set the perimeter alarm, and slammed the huge doors shut behind him.

  “Oooh! I mean it. You are in so much trouble!”

  He kept laughing.

  “Oh, oh and it isn’t funny, soldier boy!”

  He made his way upstairs with her kicking and screaming.

  “I am going to scratch those pretty green eyes outta your head, Harris!”

  Yes, she was beyond furious. Harris thought maybe his grin might just remain on his lips permanently as he tossed her onto his bed.

  Immediately, she rose up and faced him, her cheeks pink, her chest heaving. “Do you know what I had to go through to find your yellow ass?”

  He bit at his lip. God dammit, she was gorgeous.

  “Are you even listening? You ran away. You coward!”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Ridge, I am only going to put up with this for a few minutes as is your due, but…You best be warned.”

  “Warned! Fuck warned! I had to bribe people and make deals to track you. I slept on a dirty boat with a gun, so men wouldn’t… then I trek through this God forsaken jungle with the heat and the snakes.” She threw up her arms. “I just wanted to face you and ask you what the FUCK you were thinking! But I finally get here and what do I see? You, sidling up to a fucking slut!”

  Noah stared at her. Man. Just fireworks. He licked his lips in anticipation. This was going to be fun. Fun, he’d missed so badly. “I wasn’t sidling! And what the fuck does that even mean?” He chuckled.

  “Oh, and you’re gonna laugh at me too?” she accused as she stepped off the bed. “I just came to tell you off, and that is all!”

  He cocked his head. “You traveled halfway across the world to tell me to fuck myself?” Doubt rippled in his voice.

  “No. I wanted an explanation too!”

  “Mmm, I see.” He nodded his head. “Well, you were better off with the lawyer.”

  Nearly breathing fire, she put her hands on her hips. “Oh! And YOU decided this for me?”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. Yeah, this was going to get nuts before it got better.

  She marched over to him and poked a finger into his chest. “First off, you never gave me a chance. Adam and I were broken up for six weeks already!”

  His eyes rounded.

  “YEAH. Didn’t know that Mr. I know everything ‘cause I’m a spook. Spy or what the fuck ever! Then I had to be told by my brother while in my trashed apartment that you just up and left. You did NOT wait for me at all!”

  “Trashed?” he asked feeling concerned. “Did someone—?”

  “Fuck that! You weren’t around to care. They killed my fish!” she ranted. “You left and thought you were so clever. But you never knew what I did before I met you. I can find ANYONE!”

  “Are you done?” he asked quietly.

  Ridge looked red in the face as she stepped around him. “Yes. I am so goodbye!” She marched through the door.


  Harris grabbed her up before she even got to the doorknob. Of course, he did. Riley knew he would, but she wasn’t going to make this easy on him. The man better tell her what she needed to hear or—

  “Oh, no!” he whispered to her ear. “It’s dark out now and you cannot leave. It isn’t safe in the jungle at night.”

  “Oh, fuck the dark. I’ve been in it apparently, since I flew off your mountain! You just shut me down and shut me out the minute Adam showed up!”

  “Yes, yes I did,” he admitted calmly as he carried her across the room and to the dresser. Opening a drawer, he fished through it. Then he turned and walked back to the bed, dropping her down on it.

  Her eyes narrowed. What is he doing? And why is he acting so calm now? Before she could even take a breath, her wrists were tied up. “Oh. Fuck. No!” she shouted and struggled just as he finished tying her ankles.

  “Oh, fuck yes.” He grinned down at her.

  “This is not funny, Harris!”

  “Oh, yes it is.” He tugged his tee shirt off.

  “And you put that back on, Mister!”

  He kept chuckling as he lowered his hands unsnapping his jeans.

  “Oh, no. You are not going to use that magnificent body to worm our way out of this!”

  He kept on grinning.

  Dammit, she was losing this one fast. “I mean it. It will be rape!” Fear of losing this battle rampant now that he had her tied.

  Harris stared at her for a second. He tilted his head back and laughe
d hardily.

  She huffed. “You cannot just tie people up, Harris! Hasn’t anyone ever told you this?”

  “I do what I have to do. Do I need to remind you of that?” He lowered his jeans and his briefs with them.

  Huffing with disgust, Riley turned her head away and shut her eyes. She just wouldn’t look. She knew better than to look. He was built like a fucking tank. She knew this. All those hard planes, abs and powerful everything!

  He kept chuckling as his weight dipped the bed. “Ridge,” he whispered. “Come on. You know you did not come all the way here to…”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks.

  He halted. “Dammit Ridge.”

  She refused to speak and now she’d blown it. Crying like a little kid. Yeah, great way to keep your dignity.

  He grasped her face and lowered his lips to hers. “I’m sorry. I-I do love you Ridge.”

  Her eyes opened rounding as she gazed into those emerald depths of his. She’d dreamed of hearing this from those yummy lips in that deep voice and she never thought she would. But he couldn’t just say what he knew she wanted to hear and that be that. “You have a funny way of showing it!”

  “I’m holding you hostage. I won’t let you go ever again. I will shower you, feed you. Keep you.”

  She licked her lips at the memories these words brought. “Well, those are the strangest vows I ever heard.”

  He laughed. “God, you are beautiful.”

  “Well, apparently, a forgettable beauty.” She pouted.

  He caressed her face with gentle fingers. “I was tortured night and day. Every minute of every hour. I couldn’t get you out of my head or my heart. I think I was going insane.”

  Her eyes got beady. Still not good enough. If he only knew how much she’d cried. What she felt like when she got to the mountain to see the cabin empty. Her soul felt empty, barren. She’d never felt so alone like she did that day.

  He couldn’t help but smile at her doubtful expression. “Oh, you don’t believe me?”

  She pursed her lips. “Love them and leave them Harris. You just rolled me to get sex then you left!”


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