money 69–70, 106
My Philosophy 30
‘noisy investigations’ 118, 257–8, 270
occult activities 31–2, 133
Operation Snow White 157, 167–8, 173–5, 193, 197, 227, 263, 321
outrageous claims 105–6
‘Project Celebrity’ 146
‘Project Psychiatry’ 116–17, 182
‘Public Investigation Section’ 116, 117
Saint Hill Manor 69, 73, 93, 98, 113, 115, 117, 120, 124, 140, 145, 228, 259
Scientology and Your Children 130
Science of Survival 52
Scientology: A History of
Man 54, 55–6
scientology theories 55, 123
Spain and Morocco trip 122–5
The Special Zone Plan: The Scientologist’s Role in Life 88
success of Dianetics 45–6
US Naval Reserve 26–31, 41
views on Australia 110–11, 143
violence 33–4, 50–2
Hubbard, Mary Sue (née Whipp) 53, 54, 55, 57, 69, 98, 117, 122, 124, 154, 157, 164, 167, 173, 175, 227, 231–2, 284
Hubbard, Nibs 26, 33, 55–6, 232
Hubbard, Polly 26, 33, 39, 44, 52, 61
Hubbard Professional Auditor courses 56, 68, 69, 89
Hubbard, Quentin 126
Hubbard, Sara see Northrup, Sara Hubbard, Suzette 232
Huckabee, Mike 257
Hughes, Tom 152, 188
Hunt, D’Arcy 48–50, 56
Hunt, Dorrie 48, 49
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) infiltration by Scientology 167–8, 173
‘Project Beetle Clean-up’ 168
review of Scientology 252–3, 277, 298
International Association of Scientologists (IAS) 16–17, 273, 286, 296
International Association of Scientologists Administrations (IASA) 16, 17
International Subversives 258
Irwin, Gale 231
Jago, Harry 138, 139
James, Haydn 317
James, Lucy 311–13, 317
Jarvis, Anne 218
Jarvis, Pat 5, 212–15, 216, 217, 218–19, 220, 223, 224–5
Java 27
Jensen, TM 154–5
Jentzsch, Heber 119, 246
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 31
Johnson, Charles 174
Johnston, Brian 218, 220–1
Jones, Captain John 124–5
Journal of Clinical Medicine 44
Joyce, Cherie 150, 307
Joyce, Doug 149
Just, Gordon 105
Kember, Jane 140, 145, 154
Kemp, Raymond 57
Kempley, Rita 276
Kenja 72
Kennedy, President 29
Kent, Professor Stephen 11
Kerr, Robert 1–2, 200
Kidman, Dr Antony 277
Kidman, Janelle 283
Kidman, Nicole 5, 247, 249, 274–9, 283
alienation of children 294–5
Days of Thunder 274, 276
Dead Calm 276
divorce from Cruise 291–4
Eyes Wide Shut 289
Far and Away 287
introduction to Scientology 278–9
marriage to Cruise 279–90
To Die For 288
wiretaps 291–3
withdrawal from Scientology 283–90
King, Richard 102
Kirby, Victor 169
Kissinger, Henry 175
Kleitsch, Eric 150–1, 297, 304–6, 314
Kleitsch, Liz 315
Klowden, Barbara 53
Kobrin, Helena 258, 261–2, 263, 264, 265, 266–7
Koppel, Ted 254, 281–3, 322
Korean War 45
Krenik, Pat 70
Kubrick, Stanley 289, 290
Lake, Eric 73
Lake, June 73
Lang, Janette 332
Las Palmas 122–3, 124, 125
Lawrence, Joey 208–9
Leahy, Bert 319
Lebanon 207–8
Lenske, Sherman 276–7
Lerma, Arnie 263–4, 266, 271
Lesevre, Guillaume 323
Lewis, Tom 136
London 20, 28, 120, 124, 132, 144–5, 154, 289, 309, 325, 326
Los Angeles Times 31
Lubow, Dave 249–50, 251–2, 254
Lutshetshko, Lubomir 100
Lyons, Gerald 79
McAdoo, Heather 318–20
MacArthur, General Douglas 25
MacArthur, Helen 191
McCarthy, Anne 311
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 45
McClellan, Anthony 190, 309
McClintock, Sarah 2
McDermott, Quentin 1
McEncroe, Frank 48
McGinnis, Julia 284
McKenna, Owen 78–9, 80
MacKinnon, Graham 141
McLaughlin, Colm 17–18
McLaughlin, Janet 17–18
McMaster, John 117, 120, 130, 131
Macmillan, Malcolm 104–5, 112, 155
McPherson, Lisa 322
McShane, Warren 262
Mack, Andrew 151
Madeira 159, 162–3
Malcolm in the Middle 222
Malouf, David 25
Maltby, George 58
Manila 27, 49
Manne, Robert 269
Many, Chris 147
Many, Nancy 61, 245, 247
Markham-Smith, Ian 250–2, 254
Marsh, Peter (pseudonym) 169–70, 183, 186, 193
Martin, Ray 190
Mason, John 136
Masters, Roy 215, 219–20, 221–2, 223
Masterson, Alanna 223, 224
Masterson, Carol 222
Masterson, Chris 222
Masterson, Danny 222
Masterson, Jordan 222, 224
Mathews, Race 68
Mathison, Volney 54
May, J 100
Mayo, David 232, 250
Meadmore, Clem 67
Meadmore, Roger 57, 67–9, 73, 86, 87, 88
Meagher, Richard 77
Meares, Jodhi 298
Meisner, Michael 166–8, 174–5
Melbourne 4, 48, 56–7, 65, 67–8, 84, 101, 103
Melbourne College of Personal Efficiency 147
Melbourne University 68
Mexico City 15
Miami 33
Middleton, Roger 257
Miles, Carol 20
Miller, Russell 45, 53, 108–9, 119, 334
Bare-Faced Messiah 29, 334
Minchin, Reverend James 149, 150
Minchin, Tom 149–52, 155–6
Miscavige, David 12–13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 74, 226, 227–37, 240, 243–4, 247–8, 249, 250, 252–3, 254–6, 273, 274–84, 287–91, 295–6, 297, 302, 308, 313, 321, 322, 323–7, 333
Australia as dumping ground for miscreants 13, 20–1
Cruise/Kidman and 16, 247–8, 249, 274–80, 283, 285, 287–91, 295–6
introduction to Scientology 228
nickname for 17
Packer’s recruitment 297, 301–2, 304, 312
punishment orders 17–18
Rathbun and 233, 242, 244, 250, 252–3, 276, 281, 290, 297–8, 327
Rinder and 228–9, 281–3, 322–7
takeover as leader 226–37
Terri Gillham and 226, 228, 229–31, 234–7, 240, 243–4, 247, 250, 252–3, 254–6
violent temper and abuse 230–1, 240, 248, 250, 313, 322, 323–7
Miscavige, Ronnie 228, 240
Mitchell, Alex 32, 131–3
Mithoff, Ray 232, 243, 279, 285
Moon, Doug 56, 58, 66, 72, 75, 88, 90, 100–4
Moore, Peter ‘Bullfrog’ 223
Moore, Tim 170
Morocco 157
Mortimer, Steve 221, 223
Moskowitz, Sam 60
Moulton, Captain Thomas 27
Movimento das Forcas Armadas (MFA) 161
Mullins, Bill 208
Murdoch, Lachlan 299, 301, 302, 308, 313–14
Murdoch, Rupert 5, 76–8, 136, 137, 138, 299, 301–2, 314
attack on Scientology 76–83, 138, 302
Murphy, Lionel 148, 152–4, 156, 157, 169
Nairn, Charlie 61–5, 161
Scientology – A Faith for Sale 62
The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard 61–2, 65
Nairn, Lady Helen 62
Nashville 242
Nation Review 170
National Association for Mental Health (UK) 115
The Natural 217
Navarro, José 9–24
Neall, Gail 66
New York Times 45
News Corp 76, 307
News of the World 137
Nicholson, Rosa 180–4, 187, 192–204
Nightline 254, 281–3, 322
Northrup, Sara 32–4, 38, 41, 46, 50–3
Norton, Ezra 77
Norton, John 77
NSW Association of Mental Health 138
Oat Knoll Naval Hospital 30
O’Brien, Helen 45, 46, 59, 60
Dianetics in Limbo 46
O’Brien, Ian 66
O’Brien, Mark 308–9, 310
O’Connor, Michael 212, 218
O’Donovan, Gráinne 23
Oliver, Frank 270
Omega Oil 53
O’Neill, John 191–2
One.Tel 5, 298–300
Ordo Templi Orientis 31–2
Orr, Dr Scott 138
Ortega, Tony 7, 158, 235, 276, 288, 320, 322, 327, 328, 331
Oz 188
Packer, Frank 77, 299–300
Packer, James 5, 296, 297–308, 310–13
auditing 298, 303
introduction to Scientology 300
motive for recruitment 301–3, 308
recruitment tactics 297, 303–7
relationship with Cruise 296, 300, 302–3, 308, 310
views on Scientology 310–11
withdrawal from Scientology 311–13
Packer, Kerry 298, 299–300, 305, 307, 308–10
Palestinian Liberation Organisation 208
Palin, Sarah 257
Panoussis, Zenon 264
Paquette, Ava 270
Paris, Valeska 18, 19, 20, 21
Parman, Sinar 279–80
Parsons, Jack 31–3, 60
The Book of Babalon 31–2
Pasadena 31, 32–3, 49, 56, 60
Patrick, Sergeant John 78
Pattakos, Brigadier Stylianos 144
Payne, Ron 150
Peale, Norman Vincent
The Power of Positive Thinking 66
Pearl Harbor 27
Pellicano, Anthony 291–3
Penny, Bob 264
Peters, Peter 215
Pfauth, Steve ‘Sarge’ 242
Phoenix 54, 57, 72
Podio, Miriam 179
Portugal 159, 161
Pouw, Marion 234–5, 253
Powers, Brian 310
Probe 89
Prouty, Colonel Leroy Fletcher 29–30
Purcell, Don 52–4
Quayle, John 207, 208, 210, 221
Rabi, Isaac Isidor 44
Radeski, Dr Carl 138
Rainer, Carmen 1–2, 4, 199–200
Rainer, Phoebe 200
Randwick Racecourse 77
Rathbun, Marty (Mark) 13, 17, 233, 242–3, 244, 250, 252, 253, 254, 276–7, 279, 281, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290–5, 297–8, 300–3, 308, 310, 313, 319, 321, 324, 327
Cruise’s auditing sessions with 295
defence of Diane Colletto 242
Ethics and Intelligence work 242–3, 276–7
Kidman and 284, 291–4
Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior 313
Miscavige’s lieutenant, as 233, 242, 244, 250, 252–3, 276, 281, 290, 297–8, 327
punishment in `The Hole’ 313
recruitment of James Packer 300–3, 308
undercover name 242
withdrawal from Scientology 313, 319
Raymond, Cindy 167
Reaiche, Kabalan 206, 207–8
Reaiche, Joe 205–15, 217, 222–4, 328
Reaiche, Tony 205
Reality 89
Red Cross 24
Redford, Robert 217
Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) 9–15, 18, 19–1, 228, 238–9, 242
creation of 164
punishments 164–5, 304–6, 314–15
schedule at Dundas 12
‘twin’ 12
Remini, Leah 295
The Retort 84
Rhodesia 119
Rich, Jodee 298–9
Richards, Keith 122
Rinder, Andrew 327
Rinder, Barbara 150, 160, 327
Rinder, Benjamin 335
Rinder, Cathy 326
Rinder, Ian 150, 160, 327
Rinder, Mike 5, 16, 18, 150, 159–64, 229, 252, 254, 281–3, 287, 289, 313, 316–28, 333–5
family, alienation from 326, 327–8, 335
introduction to Scientology 160–1
Madeira, in 159, 162–3
Office of Special Affairs (OSA) 5, 160, 320–1, 321–2
punishments in `The Hole’ 18, 323–5, 334
relationship with Miscavige 228–9, 281–3, 322–7
surveillance on 316–20
withdrawal from Scientology 316–17, 320, 322, 325–7, 333–4
Robinson, Kenneth 116, 139–40
Rodgers, Kevin 200, 201, 203
Rogan, George 149
Rogan, Pat 191
Rogers, Jim 276
Rogers, Mimi 274, 275–7
Rogers, Steve 215
Roosevelt, President 26
Roots, Ruth 156
Ross, Nick 310
Royal Australian Air Force 78, 85
Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security 171–3
Royal Scotman (Royal Scotsman) 62–4, 124, 126, 129–30, 132 see also Apollo
Rudd, Kevin 322
Rumble, Dr Leslie 79–80
Question Box 79
Ryan, Warren 221, 223
Rylah, Arthur 81, 83, 97, 106
Sackar, John 194, 199
St Clair, Arnold 181, 193, 195
St George rugby league club 212–13, 215, 217, 220–2
St John, Edward 188
St Petersburg Times 318, 327, 328
Saldarriaga, Eric 320
Salmen, Julia Lewis 131
San Gabriel Township Justice Court 34, 37
Sanborn, John 51
Sargant, William 178, 190–1
Saturday Evening Post 106–7
Savannah 38
Schomer, Homer 226, 230–1
Schroer, Lisa 324
Scientific American 44
Scientology see Church of Scientology
Scott, Ridley 294
Gladiator 294
Sea Org (Sea Organization) 1, 9–13, 17, 18, 21–4, 35, 124–32, 150, 159–61, 210, 220, 222, 223, 226, 228, 235, 236, 239–40, 244, 247–9, 254, 274, 278, 296, 297, 304, 315, 325, 335
contract 15
exposé 132
official establishment by Hubbard 125
overboarding 131
punishments 129–31, 132, 158, 164–5, 248, 304
Segal, Ron 151, 182–3, 184–5, 186, 193, 195–9, 202
Seymour, Bryan 327, 328, 329
Sharp, Annette 297, 306–7
Shea, Darien 12–14
Shepherd, Margie 158
Shovlin, Robert 262
Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles 46–7, 117
Siegel, Elaine 260–1
Singh, Simon 54
Trick or Treatment 54
Slattery, Justice 192–3, 194
Small, Thomas 262
Smart, Dee 308
Smith, Ian 119
Smith, Liz 289
Smith’s Weekly 77
South Australia 4, 141, 148–9, 155, 160
South Sydney Rabbitohs 205–6, 212, 294
Southen, Treasure 50, 56, 114
Spaink, Ka
ren 264
Sparshott, Peter 156
Speed, Samuel 111
Sperling, Hal 189–90
Spickler, Phil 275, 276
Springer, Jerry 251
Spry, Charles 91
Starkey, Norman 227, 230–1, 242, 243, 282
Stevens, Steve 210–11, 215, 216, 217, 220–2
Stewart, Kevin 186, 187–8
Stewart, Virginia 2–4, 11
Stone, Oliver 29
JFK 29
Storey, Haddon 265–6
Sturgeon, Theodore 60 258, 266–7, 269
Sullivan, Laurel 165
Summers, Anne 289
Sun Tzu
Art of War 118
The Sun 77, 140
Sun-Herald 77, 306, 307
Sunday 186, 189
Sunday Mirror 77, 138–9
Sunday Telegraph 77
Sunday Times 32, 131, 132
Support for Victims of People-Trafficking Program 24
Sutherland, Donald 29
Sutton, Robert 57
Sweeney, John 7, 322–3, 325, 326, 327
Sydney 9–15, 21, 50, 77, 101, 205–6
Advanced Organisation (AOSH ANZO) 13–14, 20, 21, 297, 303, 304, 306, 311
The Bridge: The Official Publication of Scientology in Sydney 142–3
Continental Liaison Office see Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF)
newspaper culture 77
Scientology early days 71
Scientology headquarters 135
Sydney Morning Herald 77, 180, 191–2, 289, 307, 313
Tabayoyon, Andre 274–5, 280
Tampion, Annie 113
Tampion, Ian 142
Tangier 122
The Tanner 84
Taylor, Frank 180
Taylor, Spanky 148, 245, 246
That ‘70s Show 222
Thomas, Sharon 166
TIME 76, 79, 264, 309
Scientology exposé 280–4, 296, 302–3
TimeWarner 76
Tisi, Pinuccio 279
Tobin, Thomas 318, 327, 328
Tooley, Marcus 66, 71–2
‘The American College’ 72
Transport Worker 84
Travolta, John 147, 148, 245, 281
Welcome Back Kotter 148
Tribune 81
Truman, Harry S. 45
Truth 72, 77–8, 83, 84, 88, 100, 172
exposé of Scientology 78–9, 80, 302
Turnbull, Frank 73
Turner, Ray 291
Tyler, Harold 173
Underwood, Carmel 200
United Kingdom 69–70, 113, 114–15, 120
parliamentary inquiries/debates into Scientology 115–16, 120, 139–40
United States
infiltration of government departments 167–8, 173
University of Sydney 66
Urquhart, Ken 165
Usenet newsgroups 260–3, 267
Fishman affidavit 263
USS President Polk 25, 27
Van den Brenk, Dr Hendrik 105
Vanity Fair 292
Vaughan, Patricia 190
Venter, Trudy 234
banning of Scientology 109, 111, 112–13, 118, 148, 152, 155
parliamentary debate 95–7
Fair Game Page 47