Virgin Cowboy

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Virgin Cowboy Page 8

by Lacey Wolfe

  “I hope he’s nothing like that Tucker.”

  “He’s not at all like him.”

  “Don’t go falling in love. There is no place in one’s life for love, except for kids and grandkids of course.”

  Her dad had been saying for years that love ruined relationships, but she wasn’t sure anymore. “I know, Dad. I really like him and I think it could be so much more.”

  “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Me either, but it might be a risk I’m going to take.”

  He was silent a moment. “I’ll be happy for you if it does work out. I didn’t teach you right all these years. I made you feel the way I did about things, but that was wrong.”

  “You made me a strong and independent woman. Because of you, I didn’t fall apart after Anna’s dad left.”

  “Thank you, honey. I’d like to meet Braden.”

  “As long as Anna gives her approval, you’ll get to.”

  Her dad chuckled. “She’s already told me about him when I’ve watched her, I just didn’t tell you. She also suspects you’re dating him because of the way you two look at each other.”

  She smiled as warmth filled her chest. “We’ll see.”

  “Go get ready for your date. Will Anna be here after school tomorrow?”

  “She will.”

  “Good. I have a surprise for her.”

  Her grin spread. Her father loved Anna so much. She was the one person her father let his guard down to. “I’m sure she’ll love it. Bye, Dad.”


  She pressed the end button then slid the phone into her back pocket. Braden would be there any moment. She was a bundle of nerves, but that was okay. Once they got past tonight, she felt like they could actually act like boyfriend and girlfriend—as long as Anna approved.

  * * * *

  “Can you put this shoe on her?” Anna held out the Barbie and black shoe to Braden.

  “Sure.” He took the doll and squeezed the shoe onto her pointed foot.

  Courtney stood to the side and grinned. Dinner had gone well. Anna had talked Braden’s ear off about him babysitting her as he’d promised to do at some point. And she wanted to see the horses again. They hadn’t told her that they were dating yet. That was coming with dessert.

  “Anna, can you clean up the Barbie clothes? It’s time for cake, and then I have something to talk to you about.”

  Her daughter groaned, but bunched doll clothes up in her hands and tossed them in the basket.

  “A little less attitude please.”

  Anna grunted.

  Why did kids make those noises? She couldn’t imagine doing that to her dad, but it didn’t matter how many times she told her daughter those noises were disrespectful, she still made them.

  Once the small mess was cleaned up, she asked, “Would you like to help me get the cake ready?”

  “Yes.” Anna hopped up from the floor, a new spring in her attitude. “You stay here, Mr. Braden. We will bring you a big slice.”

  In the kitchen, Courtney sliced the cake while Anna grabbed forks. The two carried them out and Anna proudly gave Braden his. She resisted the urge to laugh at her daughter. Courtney took a seat next to Braden while Anna plopped down on the coffee table. The child loved to sit there with her feet on it.

  “While we eat, is it okay if we talk to you about something?” Courtney asked.

  “Okay.” Anna took a big bite of the chocolate cake.

  Courtney squeezed Braden’s knee.

  “You sure about this?” he asked.

  “I am. Are you?”

  He nodded.

  “I wanted to let you know that Braden and I are good friends.” This was harder than she imagined. “But we like each other a lot.”

  Anna giggled. “Is he your boyfriend?”

  Braden chuckled with her, and Courtney jabbed him with her elbow. “Yes, he is. Are you okay with that?”

  She nodded big. “Yup. I like him.”

  “I like you too.” Braden set his fork down.

  “Are you two gonna get married? I hope so.”

  “Oh gosh.” Her cheeks warmed. “I don’t know. We’ve not even talked about it.”

  Braden smirked. “Your mother is a wonderful woman. Any man that marries her is going to be lucky.”

  “I hope you do. Then I can have my own horse.”

  “Anna.” Courtney was slightly embarrassed, but she wasn’t sure why. “Let’s not worry about that right now. I wanted you to know, in case you see me and Braden kiss. But we’ll try not to do it in front of you.”

  “Eeew.” She scrunched her little face.

  Braden chuckled. “I still do that when my parents kiss.”

  The conversation quickly changed, back to Braden and Anna chatting away about all the things he did on the ranch. Courtney was pleased Anna had been okay with it. She finally felt like things could progress to the next level with him. Maybe she could get the one wish she always wanted, which was for Anna to have a family with siblings.

  * * * *

  Courtney turned the TV off and turned to face Braden. Her green eyes had a seductive look to them, and she moved a little closer to him.

  “Good movie,” he said. He needed to leave soon. Chores on the ranch would come earlier than he liked. “I guess I need to get home.”

  She licked her lips, and he could see the desire in her eyes. “I’d like to play a little first.”

  “Anna’s here.”

  “And she’s asleep. That girl crashes at night and doesn’t get up until morning.” She stood and held a hand out. “Come on, we’ll go to my room and lock the door.”

  Did she want sex? What the fuck was wrong with him? Of course she did. That’s what people did in a relationship. Was he ready? If he could groan, he would. He was acting like a fifteen-year-old boy. If Courtney was willing, so was he. It was time to take that step with her.

  She led him down the hallway to her bedroom and shut the door. She stood before him in a tight pink tee and hip-hugging jeans. This woman wanted him, and he fucking wanted her. He yanked her by the waist to him and captured her lips with his. The kiss was hot and greedy as he walked her backward to the bed. He pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it across the room.

  She made him feel confident, even though he felt like he was fumbling around in the dark.

  She toyed with his jeans until she had them undone. He kicked them off then cupped the back of her head, kissing her hard again. His cock urged to be deep inside her. To know what that would feel like. Blow-jobs were warm, but he could never control the speed he wanted. What would it feel like to be inside a woman? Her insides would hug him tight as wetness glided him to the edge.

  Courtney sat on the bed and removed her pants, then lay back in just her bra and panties. Her red hair fell behind her shoulders.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.” He pulled his shirt off.

  She tucked a finger in the waistband of his boxers. “I can’t wait to be with you, Braden.”

  He couldn’t wait either.

  She grasped his cock and stroked. “Does this feel good?”

  “Fuck yeah, but let me touch you before I embarrass myself.”

  “There are so many things I want to do with you. So many dirty things.”

  “We have plenty of time for that.” He crawled on the bed next to her, pulling her hand away from pleasuring him.

  “But first, we need to do one big thing.” She unclasped her bra and dropped it to the floor. Then she took his hand and placed it over her pussy. “Do you feel how wet I am? I’m ready to burst. I’d come if you even placed a finger inside me.”

  He took a deep breath and gently rubbed, feeling the wetness of her panties. Could he do this? He took one of her breasts in his mouth, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth. She ran her fingers through his hair and moaned.

  Tonight was a sure thing. He could finally feel like a man and discover wh
at it was like to be with a woman. But something was holding him back.

  He glanced up at the beautiful woman, hating what he was about to say. “Damn it, Courtney. I want to be with you so bad, but our first time can’t be when your daughter is down the hall sound asleep. It just doesn’t feel right.”

  She cupped his face. “I kinda agree. I want to fully let go with you.”

  He rolled beside her and caressed her cheek.

  “How about this?” She scooted down the bed and pulled his cock through the opening in his boxers. “I give you payback now.”

  Before her words registered, her mouth was wrapped around his length, taking him in as deep as she could. He moaned, closing his eyes. There was no way he could stop this, her lips stroking him was too pleasurable.

  She cupped his balls and swirled her tongue around the tip before bringing him deep again. Her pace quickened, but something in him needed it faster and harder. He gripped the bedspread, trying to steady himself from the need to thrust.

  Courtney must’ve sensed it. She took one of his hands and placed it on the back of her head. He stilled her movement and ground into her mouth. She wrapped a hand around his length and stroked.

  “Fuck.” He grunted as his release hit before he could warn her.

  She took it all, swallowing each spurt of liquid. He pulled himself from her mouth and pushed her onto her back. He yanked her panties to the side and slid his fingers through her slit. She was dripping.

  “Braden.” She panted as he pressed two fingers into her opening.

  It didn’t take her long before she held his shoulders and cried out. She hadn’t been lying when she said she was that ready.

  Next time they did this, it would be his cock she’d release around.

  Chapter 13

  Forgot I have to be at my parents’ tonight. Nathan and Angie leave early tomorrow morning. Braden sent the text to Courtney.

  No problem.

  How about I help you close tonight?

  Pack a bag. Anna is going to my dad’s this weekend.

  He grinned. Will do, sweetheart.

  Spending the night with Courtney sounded like the best plan. He hated stepping away from her the night before, but he’d done the right thing. When he slept with her, he wanted them to be able to concentrate just on each other. There was no way he could’ve fully enjoyed himself not knowing if Anna would wake. Hell, for his first time, he deserved no interruptions.

  He needed to get ready to head over to his parents’. He hadn’t spoken with his mother since he’d asked her to leave his house. What tonight held in store at the family dinner, he had no idea.

  An hour later, he entered his parents’ home. His brothers and father were lounging in the living room.

  “What’s up?” Tucker raised the beer in his hand.

  “Not much. Sounds like a party going on in here.”

  “Mom and Lauren are showering Angie with baby gifts,” Nathan said.

  “Ah, guess I should’ve gotten something.”

  “Nah.” Nathan waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “How’s it going, son?” his dad asked from his recliner.

  “It’s going.”

  His dad cleared his throat. “Boys, would you give me a moment with Braden?”

  His brothers shrugged and headed toward the back of the house where all the noise was coming from.

  “Have a seat.” His dad pointed at the couch.

  Braden sat, not being able to help feeling like a teenager again. Often times, he’d get too emotional and burst out with how he felt. His mom would get upset and his dad would sit him down for a talk. Things didn’t change, even as an adult.

  “I had a talk with your mother. She’s very sorry for how she acted.”

  “She should be.”

  “She loves you very much.”

  Braden looked up toward the ceiling so he could get his emotions in check.

  “I know you two have never seen eye to eye, but she wants what is best for you.”

  “What if Courtney is best for me?”

  “She likes Courtney, please understand that. It’s just, you’re not like your brothers, or even Melissa. She worries you’re going to be heartbroken and close up like Nathan did.”

  “I got a handle on my heart. I think Courtney is serious about me. She hasn’t dated a lot either. This is a big step for her too.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think she’s right for you.”

  “Mack.” His mom entered the living room and stopped when she saw Braden. “Hey, honey. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He nodded, not sure he had the courage to speak to her at this moment.

  “Yes, dear,” his dad said.

  “The steaks are ready to go on the grill.”

  He rubbed his legs and stood. “That’s my cue.” He patted Braden’s shoulder and left the room.

  His mom stared at him. He waited for her to speak, but instead she turned and went back to the kitchen. He groaned. The sooner he could get through this dinner, the better. Hopefully, tonight he’d find the love and understanding he desired from Courtney.

  * * * *

  Braden pulled into Courtney’s driveway behind her and parked his car next to hers. He grabbed his bag from the backseat and met her on the front porch as she fidgeted with the key ring.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked as she unlocked the door.

  “A little. I’ve never had a man spend the night.”

  “I’ve never spent the night with a woman.”

  She closed the door once they were inside. “Maybe we should open a bottle of wine to relax a little first.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  In the kitchen, she pulled down a bottle of red wine from the top of her fridge. She spun around and shot him a flirty smile. “You know, you don’t have to do this.”

  He took the bottle from her hand and set it on the counter. “Are you having second thoughts about taking away my innocence?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “You’re not innocent.”

  He kissed her neck. “We’ll see if you still feel that way in a bit.”

  “I have a feeling you’re going to be a true natural at this.” She pushed him away. “Cups are in the cabinet above the dishwasher.”

  He took two out and brought them to her as she twisted the cork out.

  “I hope red is fine. I didn’t even ask.”

  “Anything’s fine right now.”

  She handed him a glass. “Let’s sit on the couch and talk a little.”

  “How about we talk in bed?” He winked.

  “Works for me. Less walking.” She grabbed the bottle and followed him toward the back of the house.

  He set his glass on the nightstand and then fluffed the pillows up. Kicking his shoes off, he sat down, and she joined him a moment later.

  “What did you want to talk about?” he asked.

  She sipped her wine then set it aside. “How have you envisioned your first time?” She ran a finger along his chest. “I want to make sure this is special for you.”

  He chugged the rest of his drink then set the cup down. Fuck, that stuff burned a bit. “You want to know how I envisioned this?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  After a deep breath, he said, “Would you believe it’s had you in it for a while?”

  She snuggled closer and let her hand glide under his shirt. “I would. What were we doing in those fantasies?”

  “There was a lot of kissing.”

  Her lips touched his. “Like this.”

  “Yes. And you’d be naked, your hair curly.”

  She sat back and pulled her shirt off. “Sorry, it’s straight today. Hope I haven’t ruined this.”

  “Anything, but.”

  She straddled him. “What else?”

  “I’d make you come, several times.”

  She kissed his neck before trailing her lips lower, making it hard for him to concentrate. />
  “I would last a while, because it would be all about your pleasure, not mine.”

  She whispered into his ear. “Screw my pleasure this time, Braden. I want to give you the best first time anyone has had. Trust me, when you enter me, I’m gonna come and call your name out. I don’t expect you to last a long time. I want you to engross yourself in me. We have plenty of time for marathon sex sessions, because this won’t be the last time we make love.”

  This was really happening. The moment he’d imagined all too many times. Tonight, there was nothing to stop them. “When you put it that way, should we skip the foreplay?”

  She got up on her knees, unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them down a little. “I want this as badly as you. You have no idea how much I want to have you buried deep inside me. There is nothing like being connected with someone you desire as strongly as I do you.”

  He groaned. “You really know how to stroke a man’s ego.”

  She sat back and kicked her pants off. “Only yours.”

  He grabbed her by the shoulders and forcefully pushed her back, kissing her as hard as he could. She held him tightly, and the only thing keeping him from sinking inside her was that she was half dressed and he was fully dressed, but he had to taste her, devour her, make her feel the things she did to him.

  If he was worried about falling too hard for her before, it was too late now. Tonight would seal the deal; he was falling in love with this woman. He intended to do whatever it took to make her his future wife. Courtney was his, and he didn’t care if anyone objected.

  He tore her panties down her legs. After tossing them, he cupped her warm sex. She was wet and tensed when he ran his finger through her juices. He’d be replacing his finger with his cock, just as soon as he got his own fucking clothes off.

  “Can I undress you?” she asked.

  “As long as you do it quick.”

  “How about I just make it worth it? Stand up.”

  He did what she asked. As she crawled toward him on all fours, she took her bra off. She was naked. Creamy white skin, rosy perky nipples, and a bare pussy, ready for his taking.

  She worked the buttons on his plaid shirt until she could slide it off, caressing his chest. She licked her way down his abdomen, while distracting him from removing his pants. He stepped out of them, along with his boxers. Gazing down, Courtney stared up at him as she knelt before him.


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