Calla's Kitchen

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Calla's Kitchen Page 8

by Teresa Crumpton

  “I already started looking this morning,” Adam informs me. “I have it narrowed down to three different ones. Do you want to look at everything?”

  “Nope, it’s your call.” I glance up just in time to register the shock on his face.

  “Calla, are you sure?” he questions, shifting from foot to foot.

  “Yes. The bar is yours. The only thing you might want to think about is asking Rex who his suppliers are.”

  Adam pulls his phone out of his breast pocket and starts dialing as he heads out of the kitchen.

  “What happened this morning?” Trey asks me as he finishes the squash he was working on.

  “I’ll tell you later. I want to finish this and get dinner started for the meeting. At least cooking is distracting me from the commentators discussing Ben facing J.J. next Sunday. Their last game was ugly.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Trey sighs.

  Once the prep work is complete, Trey takes a back seat for most of the cooking, leaning back against the prep table and watching me work. I keep twitching, the back of my neck prickling from the awareness of someone watching so closely. Trying to ignore Trey is difficult, until he turns off the music and turns on Sports Center. Before long, talk of the game catches our attention, and we both start yelling over the announcers.

  “What the fuck? He’s been throwing like shit!” Trey roars.

  “Right!” I scream over him.

  “What’s going on?” Wes demands, and I spin around.

  I finally notice that he is in his Cowboys t-shirt and ass-hugging jeans. My mouth waters.

  He’s not interested, or he wouldn’t have set you up with Torrance all those years ago.

  “Tonight's game! And Calla’s not letting me do anything more than prep work.” Trey crosses his arms over his chest. “Granted, watching her fine ass move around the kitchen is hot. But, I want to get my hands on something.” He winks at me.

  “Didn’t think you saw Calla like that,” Wes bristles.

  “Well, until about ten minutes ago, you’d be right. But the ass shake she just did while making that heavenly smell is doing strange things to me. Did you know she dances around the kitchen, or at least swishes her hips, when she’s happy? I don’t think I’ve ever even noticed that before.”

  “Hey Trey, can you start the grill? I need to cook the shrimp and prawns, and this is almost done,” I interrupt.

  “You got it, cutie.” He grabs the bowl filled with the seafood and heads for the grill.

  “Thanks, Trey.” I turn on Wes. “I’ve had a shitty day, so whatever has you in this grumpy mood, can we deal with it after I finish cooking? I think this is actually going to turn out the way I envision.”

  Wes moves closer, stopping once he reaches the metal counter between us.

  “It does smell wonderful, Calla. Is there anything I can help with?” he asks. The edge that had been in his voice with Trey is now gone.

  “Yeah, can you get out the bowls? I need to put the pasta on.”

  “You got it.”

  I place two big, white pasta bowls in the middle of the round table that is beginning to fill with the main kitchen staff, along with Adam, Nessa, Trey, and Wes. Wes sits first, taking the chair to my left. Wes does this at every meeting. It’s beginning to feel like some unwritten rule that only he can have that seat. Granted, Adam and Trey trade off as to who takes the chair to my right. Today it is Adam, and Nessa slides in next to him, leaving Trey next to Wes. With his Houston t-shirt on display, Trey is getting evil glances from Adam, Nessa, and Wes. The last two remaining chairs are quickly filled. The seat next to Trey is taken by Forest, our pastry chef who just got back from vacation, and the other by Nick, the lead sauté chef. Plates are passed around the table, as is the pasta, followed by the butternut squash alfredo, and the grilled prawns and shrimp.

  In my periphery, I notice Trey nonchalantly pass part of a newspaper to Wes. Wes unfolds the paper, is quiet for a few seconds, sucks in a breath, and slams his fist on the table. Everyone at the table shifts to face him.

  “Calla, have you seen this?” Wes shakes the paper at me.

  “Is that the one Torrance’s friend wrote?” I roll my eyes.

  Wes hands me the review before taking a bite of his food, watching me as I read. My jaw drops halfway through, and I glance up to find everyone at the table holding their breath and staring wide-eyed at me. Adam looks back and forth between Trey and Wes for answers.

  “What is it?” Adam asks.

  “A new review on Calla's cooking,” Trey responds before taking his first bite of the pasta.

  “It's that bad?” Nessa wonders, adding fettuccini to her plate.

  Wes takes the review out of my hands.

  “It seems Belladonna's head chef and owner, Calla Bond, is not cooking to her full potential. Will Belladonna last past the dreaded two-year mark, or will the pressure get to Calla?” Wes holds my hand as he reads.

  Wes lays the review on the table and rubs the top of my hand before taking a drink and finishing his meal. Everyone watches and follows Wes's lead to finish their dinner. We all sit in silence for about twenty minutes. The clanking of silverware is the only noise. Eventually, Wes nods to Adam, and he begins the next conversation they want to hit me with.

  “Calla, there's something the guys and I would like to talk to you about,” Adam breaks the silence.

  I look up, giving Adam my full attention.

  “How do I say this?” He sits up straight and reaches for Nessa.

  “Spit it out, Adam. What the hell are you trying to tell Calla?” Nessa places her napkin on the table and turns toward him.

  He pauses, and I shoot him a questioning glance.

  “A little help here please,” he implores to the guys.

  “What Adam is trying to say is that, maybe we should think about changing the menu?” Trey says tentatively, taking over the discussion.

  I blink a few times, taking in what the guys are asking. I turn to Wes, and he smiles at me in agreement.

  “Um, guys… We already discussed changing things yesterday, so I’m not sure why we’re talking about it like this is a new topic. I’m ready to make big changes around here.”

  “Calla, we need to get Torrance out of the menu. He's why we keep getting these shitty reviews.” Wes glances down at his almost empty plate and back at me. “We need more comfort food like this on the menu. Damn woman, this is delicious!”

  Everyone chuckles. I smile slightly and slowly push my chair out and stand.

  “Duh, if I could burn Torrance out of this place I would, but I like the location, and I don’t want to go to jail for arson. So, yes! Changes, across the board, need to happen.” Picking up my dishes, I head away from the table. “Goof balls, I thought I made that clear.”

  “That went better than I thought it would,” Wes mutters, almost out of my hearing.

  Everyone at the table follows my lead, cleaning their dishes and heading to the kitchen.

  Chapter 11


  The kitchen is in full throttle. Servers are coming in and out, and flames are rising as Trey and I try to perfect two different dishes. Neither of us talked to Calla after the dinner meeting. She’d turned up the music and started working at her prep station, getting into her zone. Her creative magic ends up producing a new dish.

  She starts dancing to the music as her excitement takes over. We laugh and begin to joke.

  “Calla!” I call out over the noisy kitchen and the music playing in the background.

  The sound of my voice startles her, making her jump, and she blushes.

  “What?” She turns toward me.

  “I want you to take another night off,” I tell her as I cross the kitchen.

  She glares at me while I move closer to her.

  Trey snickers, stepping around his prep station to watch the show.

  “Why do you want me to take a night off again?” She cocks her hip and crosses her arms over her chest, giving me
a “what the hell” look.

  “It's been a year since the dumbass cheated.” I smile my crooked smile at her.

  “I don't need this from you. I saw the announcement this morning. Not to mention, I ran into his ass, with her, this morning while I was out on my run. Now, let me get back to work.” She starts to pivot away from me, but I grab her arm, holding her in place.

  She’s biting her bottom lip in an attempt to keep from telling me to fuck off, and all I want to do is kiss her long and hard, possibly sucking on that lip in the process.

  “I don’t want you to take the night off because of that fucker. And we’ll get back to the announcement, and you running into him today. I just want you to get laid,” I state matter-of-factly.

  The room goes quiet.

  “What? You want me to be like all of you man-whores?” Calla yells. She rolls her eyes and tugs her arm to get out of my grip. But I pull her closer to me.

  “You need to get him out of your system, so you can move on,” I whisper in her ear.

  Her chin lifts slightly, exposing her neck, and it takes everything in me not to lean in to caress the tender flesh with my tongue.

  There is a new energy in the kitchen now, and the staff begin goofing around with each other. Forest throws the first verbal volley, and Trey decides to take it to the next level. They tease each other with everything related to sex. Who is getting it, and who is not.

  Laughter fills the kitchen as Adam walks in.

  “What the hell is going on in here? I can hear y’all all the way over at the bar,” Adam demands, glancing around the room.

  Staying close to Calla, I keep her focus off what the others are saying and on my whispered words.

  Calla’s skin flushes, and a slow, mischievous smile builds as she leans into me. How dirty is she going to play?

  “Why do you think I need to get Torrance out of my system? I have moved on. I’m not pining over him, I just don’t trust anyone at the moment,” she says so low I’m not sure I hear her right.

  You can trust me.

  “Wes, you’re one to talk. You just told Calla to get laid, but don't you need some too?” Trey retorts, catching Calla’s attention, breaking the spell between us.

  I quickly walk over to Trey's station and lightly punch him in the arm. I know exactly what he is trying to do. The staff laugh as we throw a few punches and more insults.

  After a few minutes, I yell, “I give,” as I throw my hands up and head back to my workstation.

  “That’s right pussy,” Trey responds to my back.

  “I’ll show you who’s a pussy Sunday night when I take all your money.” I blow Trey a kiss.

  Trey flips me off before going back to his dish. Smirking at us, Adam shakes his head and walks back out of the kitchen

  The night speeds by, and soon the chefs are finishing the last orders that come in before cleaning their counters. The jokes continue during the cleanup, and even as the staff head out for the night. Calla, Forest, Trey, Adam, Nessa, and I are the last to leave. We gather at the bar for a quick rundown of the night.

  “Y’all up for getting a drink tonight?” I ask.

  “Not tonight,” Adam replies, taking Nessa’s hand. “We have plans.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Get a room!” Calla, Trey, and I say, simultaneously.

  “Oh we will.” Adam grins. “See y’all tomorrow.”

  “Night y’all,” Nessa throws over her shoulder, as she and Adam head out.

  “Night,” Calla calls back.

  “Count me out too,” Forest states as he hugs Calla. “We just got back, and after visiting the family, I need to relax.” Looking down at her he continues. “You were amazing today. I’m glad you’re coming back to us,” he whispers.

  “I’m glad I’m back too,” she whispers. “Give Ella a big hug from me. I miss her.”

  “Will do. I may have her come in with me on Sunday,” Forest tells her before kissing Calla’s cheek and walking out.

  “Y’all suck. I guess I’ll just head over to Rex’s,” I grumble.

  “I don’t want to walk to Rex’s, but if you want to go to the bar down the street, I’m game.” Trey pushes off the bar moving for the door.

  “I’m up for that too,” Calla agrees, and we lock up before walking down the street.

  As Calla, Trey, and I enter the bar, all three of us are dragging, but one or two drinks to let off some steam won’t hurt. We wind our way around the bar before finally finding a table that has just been vacated. Trey walks quickly to the bar and orders three whiskeys. I excuse myself when my phone rings, leaving Calla at the table alone. George Strait's Wrapped plays overhead.

  “Hey Rex, what’s up?” I ask into my phone.

  “Have you left Belladonna?” Rex wants to know.

  “Yeah. Calla and Trey didn’t want to walk all the way over to your place, so we’re at the bar down the street. Why?”

  “Fuckhead’s here with his girl, so I didn’t think it would be good for y’all to come here,” Rex answers.

  I watch as three drunk college guys sidle up to our table, one crowding Calla’s space.

  “Fuck. Rex, I need to go help Calla. I left her at a table alone, and three fuckers are trying to talk to her.”

  “Wes, before you go. Zoe is here too. She’s talking with Torrance and his fiancée. What all does she know besides that you’re into kink? Does she know that you own part of this place and Crave, and that you have money in Belladonna?”

  “She doesn’t know any of that. You’re the only one that knows it all.”

  I start back toward the table to help Calla. I’m close enough to hear the men talking to her, but the bar is filling, and I can’t make my way to her quick enough.

  “Hi, gorgeous. We haven’t seen you here before. Feel like dancing?” the guy next to her asks.

  “Rex, I really need to go. The fucker is hitting on Calla, and she doesn’t look comfortable. This place is packed.”

  “If you want her to get laid, let her be. See if someone picks her up.”

  “Not like this,” I growl into the phone.

  “I don’t,” Calla tells the guy. “But thanks for asking. I’m waiting for my friends to get back.” She sounds polite enough to my ears as she glances around the bar, most likely looking for me or Trey.

  “Maybe they’ll want to dance with my friends here.” He runs a finger along Calla’s forearm.

  I see red and push against the crowd.

  “Rex,” I growl.

  “Go. Before you do something stupid and get arrested.” The phone disconnects.

  I glance away and slip my phone into my pocket.

  “I don’t think your friends are their type.” She makes eye contact with Trey at the same time I spot him, and Trey’s pace picks up.

  “Why? You think you and your friends are too good for us?” the guy across from her asks.

  Trey is about a foot away now, and the merriment on his face is like music to my ears.

  “Here you go, Darlin’,” Trey greets, sitting her whiskey somewhat in front of her.

  “Dude, we saw her first. Get your own,” the guy up in her space spits out.

  “As I said, I don’t think your friends are my friends’ types. Thanks, Trey,” she smiles at him.

  The guy in her space turns slightly.

  “She’s mine, not yours,” Trey asserts as he steps forward, and the guy touching Calla backs away. “Now, you and your friends need to leave my girlfriend alone.”

  The three of them finally get a clue and stumble to the next single girl they see. They both shake their heads as the guys’ inexperience becomes crystal clear.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize I was leaving you alone. What happened to Wes?” Trey sips his drink.

  I hang back a few steps, and Trey gives me a barely perceptible nod.

  “Zoe called. At least you're not on a tight leash.” She takes a gulp of her whiskey.

  I wouldn’t have left you if
it had been Zoe. Hell, I wouldn’t have even answered in the first place.

  Trey laughs, twisting his fake wedding ring. Well... it’s not really fake. But we don’t talk about the accident that took Joe three years back. We are waiting for the day Trey will remove it, but we understand it will only happen when he is ready. Until then, he will fuck his one night stands, or the subs at Crave, without Calla being the wiser.

  A new college guy walks up to Calla, not at all intimidated by Trey.

  “So, you go to UT?” the new guy asks.

  Calla shakes her head no, and Trey chokes back a laugh. The guy looks at Trey.

  “Will your boyfriend here let you dance?” the kid tries again.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders. The college guy finally gets the hint and walks away as Trey and Calla both laugh.

  “Okay. You need better pickin's than this.” I remove my arm and walk around the small table.

  “I don’t need any pickings. How's Zoe?” she quickly changes the subject off herself.

  I roll my eyes, pick up my drink, and chug it. The whiskey burns going down, and I know Trey is going to give me shit for drinking it like a shot. Placing the glass back on the table, I take a slow, deep breath.

  “I think you should take tomorrow night off,” I respond while waving down a waitress.

  Calla spits out her drink, spraying the table. That’s the second time in two nights one of us has spit out a drink. Trey quickly tries to move out of the way as to not get whiskey in his face. He isn’t quick enough to completely dodge it all, and she sprays his left arm. The few strangers that are close to our table laugh.

  “Tomorrow night. Why? What the fuck is going on?” She glares at both of us.

  “Really Wes?” Trey grumbles.

  I shrug, as he orders another round of Witherspoon Single Malt.

  Trey sighs. “There's another new restaurant we want you to try out.”

  “Fine!” Calla finishes her drink and heads out, presumably before we can make her do anything else she doesn't want to.

  Chapter 12



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