Fool Me Twice

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Fool Me Twice Page 28

by Aaron Klein

  Hamas: ix, 12, 16

  Harkin, Tom: 14, 125, 145

  Harris, Beverly: 170–171

  Hart InterCivic: 171

  Hart, Gary: 14

  Harvard: 165, 167, 169

  Harvey, Philip: 70, 80, 81

  Hatfield, Mark: 14

  Health Care for America Now (HCAN): 142

  Heather Podesta and Partners: 30

  Help Wanted: 51

  Hendricks, Bracken: 23

  Heritage Foundation: 2, 78, 111, 119, 129, 155, 162

  Herndon Alliance: 143, 154

  Hill, The: 105, 118, 136,

  Home Star: 74

  Hoover Institute: 176

  House Ways & Means Committee: 139

  Huffington Post: 142, 146, 149–150, 153

  Human Rights First: 13

  Hunter, Duncan: 43


  Immelt, Jeffrey R.: 32

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): 39

  Independence Institute: 60

  Inslee, Jay: 72

  Institute for Policy Studies (IPS): 1–2, 5, 8–9, 13–16, 67

  International Conference on Climate Change: 26

  International Criminal Court (ICC): 13, 16

  Iran: 4–5, 7

  Iraq: 18, 94

  Irons, John: 128, 132

  Israel: ix, 16

  Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System: 27


  Jarrett, Valerie: 61

  Jerusalem: viii, 12

  Johnson and Johnson: 33

  Johnson, Brad: 36–37

  Johnson, Ileana: 35

  Johnson, Lyndon: 78, 119

  Jones, Paula: 167

  Jones, Philip: 26

  Jones, Van: ix, 9, 19, 23

  JSM, Inc.: 175

  Judicial Watch: 40, 140


  Kaptur, Marcy: 88–89, 95

  Kennedy, John F.: 78

  Kennedy, Ted: 125

  Kerry, John: 104–106, 108, 147, 161

  Khalidi, Rashid: ix

  Kim, Anne: 114

  Kimberling, William: 159

  Kinetic Energy Interceptors: 5

  Klein, Ezra: 140

  Know Your Care (KYC): 141, 143–148 154–155

  Koenig, Brian: 94

  Koff, Stephen: 143

  Kofi, Annan: 16

  Kornbluh, Karen: 73

  Korten, David: 68

  Koza, John: 161

  Kragie, Alex: 23

  Krugman, Paul: 85

  Kyoto Protocol: 11, 34


  Late Amnesty: 41

  Lautenberg, Frank: 84–85, 87, 92, 95

  Leonard, Herman B.: 100 150–152

  Lew, Jacob: 130

  Libya: 15–16

  LIFE Act Amnesty: 41

  Lind, Michael: 168–169

  Los Angeles Times: 59, 149

  Loudon, Trever: 14

  Lowrey, Annie: 129


  Making It In America: 117

  Making Work Pay (MWP): 69

  Malanga, Steve: 53–55

  Manchurian President, The: ix, 121

  Mandell, Michael: 161

  Manhattan Institute: 53

  Mankiw, N. Gregory: 97

  Margolis, Jim: 146–147 171

  Marshall, Will: 177

  Marx, Karl: 14, 53, 67, 119–122

  McAuliff, Michael: 142, 153

  McCain, John: 41, 62, 176

  McGurn, William: 96

  McKinnon, Mark: 176

  McMahon, Tom: 151

  Medicaid 139–140, 142, 146, 149

  Medicare: 133, 138–140, 142, 146, 149, 151

  Medina, Eliseo: 47–48

  Medvedev, Dmitry: vi, 4

  Menendez, Robert: 81

  Meriam, Lewis: 86

  Miller, Bob: 153

  Mishel, Lawrence: 88

  MIT: 119

  Mitchell, Dan: 132–134

  Moody’s Analytics: 62, 128

  Moran, Ellen: 147

  Moran, Rick: 157

  Morner, Nils–Axel: 26

  Morris, Dick: 137

  Morton, John: 39–40

  Moscow: 5 142, 147, 151–152

  Munoz, Cecilia: 40

  Muskal, Michael: 149


  Nader, Ralph: 54

  Napolitano, Janet: 40

  National Economic Council: 65, 71

  National Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (NEERS): 75

  National Infrastructure Bank (NIB): 81, 98–106, 108–109

  National Park Service: 71

  National Popular Vote (NPV): 158–164, 167, 169–170, 177

  National Review: 122

  National Voter Registration Act: 48

  NATO: 18

  Nauta Capital: 170

  Nelson, Bill: 146

  New America Foundation (NAF): 101

  New American: 94

  New Deal: 80, 81, 84, 88, 94, 101, 106–107, 109, 116

  New York Post: 63

  New York Times: 85, 96, 129, 143–144, 155–156

  Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act: 41

  North Korea: 5, 8

  Norway: 16, 173

  Nuclear Security Summit: vi


  O’Neill, June: 126

  O’Sullivan, Terence: 72

  ObamaCare: vii–viii, 42, 75, 80, 107, 133, 137, 139–141, 143–144, 148, 150, 152, 154–157, 160

  ObamaLand: 2

  Occidental College: 116

  Occupy Philly: 152–153

  Occupy Wall Street: 69–155

  Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs: 27

  Ohio Casino Initiative: 175

  Open Society Institute: 2, 16, 64

  Ortiz, Solomon: 42

  Osterman, Paul: 51–52

  Ottawa Citizen: 17

  Ottinger, Richard: 14

  Overseas Private Investment Corporation: 116


  Palestinian Authority: 12

  Panetta, Leon: 2, 13, 14

  Partnership for Sustainable Communities: 22

  Patrick, Dval: 141–142, 177

  Paul, Ron: 149

  Paulsen, Michael Stokes: 165

  Paycheck Fairness Act: 123

  Pear, Robert: 155

  Pearson, Chris: 161

  Peck, Ben: 51–53, 56

  Pentagon: ix, 8–9, 15, 19, 121

  People’s Platform: 55

  People’s World: 58

  Pethokoukis, James (Jim): 63, 135, 156

  Pickens, T. Boone: 35, 37

  Pike, Drummond: 55

  Pitcher, Whitney: 30

  Podesta, Heather: 30

  Podesta, John: 30, 46, 73, 90, 132, 177

  Podesta, Tony: 30

  Politico: 84, 147, 177 32

  Pollack, Ethan: 82

  Powell, S. Steven: 14

  Power, Samantha: 16

  Presidential Climate Action Project: 19, 21, 25

  Project Vote: 172, 177

  Protect Your Care (PYC): 141, 143, 146, 153


  Ramirez Group: 153–154

  Ramirez, Andres: 153–154

  Ramirez, Jacqueline (Jacki): 154

  Rathke, Wade: 55

  Reagan, Ronald: 2, 25, 41, 116

  Rebuild America Jobs Act: 81, 84, 108, 117

  Red Army: viii, ix, 13, 16, 19, 42, 59, 117, 143

  Rediker, Douglas: 101

  Reid, Harry: 99, 119, 132, 146, 153–154

  Reid, Rory: 154

  Repanshek, Kurt: 89

  Responsibility to Protect (R2P): 15–17

  Restore the American Dream for the 99%: 69. 92, 139

  Richie, Robert: 161

  Ridenour, Amy: 33

  Robinson, Mary: 16

  Rogers, Jim: 32

  Romney, Mitt: 135, 148–149

  Romneycare: 148

  Roosevelt, Franklin (FDR): 85
–88, 116, 120, 122, 126

  Rosenfeld, Jake: 57

  Ross, Mike: 23

  Ross, Tara: 161–162

  Roundtable: 33–34

  Rowe, John W.: 32

  Rural Star: 74

  Rwanda: 16

  Ryan, Paul: 142


  Safeer Center: 12

  Salazar, Ken: 90, 94

  Salon: 176

  Sanchez, Linda: 115

  Schakowsky, Jan: 92–95, 130–131, 152

  Schmeckebier, Laurence: 86

  Schrote, Jens: 26

  Schumer, Charles: 135

  Schwartz, Eric P.: 13, 15

  Scientific Games Inc.: 161

  Scytl: 170–174

  Seidman, Larry: 67

  Service Employees International Union (SEIU): ix, 59

  Shapiro, Isaac: 128

  Shearer, Derek: 116

  Shierlolz, Heidi: 77

  Shulman, Beth: 51–52

  Sierra Club: 72–73, 91, 146, 162

  Simpson, O.J.: 167

  Slate: 129

  Small Business Administration: 116

  Smith, Ben: 147

  Smith, Erik: 147

  Smith, Pamela: 176

  Social Security: 67, 129, 133–134, 139, 142, 146, 151

  Socialist International: 50

  Solar Energy Regulatory Relief Act (SERRA): 24

  Solazyme: 30

  Solis, Hilda: 83

  Soros, George: 2, 13, 16–17, 23, 35, 37, 64, 67, 142, 161–162

  Soros, Jonathan: 161

  Sowell, Thomas: 83

  Spinnaker SCR: 170

  Sragow, Darry: 176

  SSN–774: 5

  St. Mary’s College of Maryland: 53

  Stabenow, Debbie: 72, 115

  Stabile, David: 53

  Stabile, Donald: 53

  Standard and Poor (S&P): 104

  Stein, Sam: 142, 146, 149–150, 153

  Stern, Andrew: 59

  Stockholm University: 26

  Stolba, Christine: 124

  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START): 4

  Straus Military Reform Project: 6

  Summers, Larry: 65, 71

  SunRun: 30

  Sunstein, Cass: 26–27

  Sustainable Defense Task Force (SDTF): 2–3, 15


  Tanden, Neera: 141–142, 144

  Thakur, Ramesh: 17–18

  Thiess, Becky: 82

  Think Progress: 36, 153

  Third Way: 114–116

  Thurow, Lester: 19

  Tides: 23, 55

  Tierney, John: 83

  Time Magazine: 2, 41

  Trade and Development Agency: 116

  Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC): 40

  Traub, Amy: 51, 53, 56

  Tree Army: 88, 94

  Trinko, Katrina: 150

  Trumka, Richard: 59, 105

  Tutu, Desmond: 16


  Unified Security Budget (USB): 1–3, 5–7, 13, 15–16

  Union of Concerned Scientists: 34

  United Kingdom: 16

  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: 11

  United States Citizenship and Immigrant Services (USCIS): 48

  United States Climate Action Partnership (USCAP): 31, 38

  Unity08: 175

  University of East Anglia: 24

  University of Illinois Sustainable Technology Center: 29

  University of Washington: 57

  U.S. Global Development Policy: 7, 9


  V–22 Osprey: 6

  Vale, Eddie: 148–150

  Van Doren, Peter: 98

  Venezuela: 5, 64 176

  Verrilli, Don: 140

  Veterans Job Corps: 94, 95

  Victims of Torture: 13

  Volcker, Paul: 32

  Volt: 20, 99

  Voter Action: 172


  WABC Radio: ix

  Wall Street Journal: 78, 96, 134, 162, 177

  Walter, Susan: 100

  Washington Examiner: 119, 130, 157

  Washington Post: 140–141, 151, 173

  Washington Working Group: 113

  Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP): 74

  Weatherman: 32, 55, 121

  Weekly Standard: 161

  Wellstone, Paul: 145

  Wenzel, Manfred: 26

  Werz, Michael: 10

  West Bank: 12

  Western, Bruce: 57

  Whitman, Christine Todd: 176

  Williams, Michael: 74

  Win the Future: 118

  Wolf, Jordan: 114

  Women’s Figures: 124

  Wong, Scott: 84

  Woolard, John: 28

  Workers World Party: 58

  Works Progress Administration (WPA): vii, 84–88, 91–92, 95, 108, 131


  Xerox: 33


  Yale: 165, 166, 168


  Zandi, Mark: 62, 128 63

  Zimmerman, Joseph: 161

  Zuccotti Park: 30




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