Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2)

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Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2) Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  “Tate?,” her voice sounded breathless. Her question nervous.

  She dug her strong nails into the muscles on his shoulders. But he didn’t mind. His upper body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat, but she held on as his hands gripped her upper thighs.

  He spread her legs apart even further and looked at her. She was gorgeous. Tate always thought of a woman’s body as some sort of magical mystery. But here he was, looking at the very center of Cat. And loving every inch of her.

  He reached out to part her, there. Her strangled cry was nearly his undoing. He looked at her reverently. He felt something stir inside of him, his Wolf, down to whatever magic or mysticism bound them together. Something profound. Mine.

  “Oh, baby. You’re beautiful. Fucking beautiful. And now, you are finally mine,” he whispered the last as he moved his dark head closer to her. His long tongue snaked out of his mouth and he tasted her. His entire being was completely focused on her in that moment.

  Cat moaned aloud. The feelings coursing through her were unfamiliar and yet instinctually she circled his head with her legs and pumped her hips. God, he was making her burn in places she didn’t even know she had.

  Would he believe she had never allowed anyone such privilege with her body? Would he think she was wanton for throwing her head back even as she opened her legs and screamed his name?

  Cat asked herself these questions only briefly. No. Tate was a Wolf like she was. He knew she didn’t lie. And if he didn’t know it yet, he would soon find out if they went any further that Cat was as untouched as she was the day she dropped her dress at the beach.

  How could she allow anyone else to do this to her? Not when her heart, mind, soul and Wolf belonged to the man on his knees. And how she wanted him to stay there! Yes, please, oh, oh yesssss.

  Her screams were delightful to his ears. His fingers held her thighs tightly. Maybe too tightly, he worried he might bruise her milky white skin, but the Wolf inside him howled his pleasure. Mark her. She is mine. Pure unadulterated instinct drove Tate. He lifted his head, his fangs a little longer than usual, and he bit down on her inner thigh.

  Blood filled his mouth. The blood of his mate. And he swallowed. Both their scents grew stronger then. A new smell. Part him part her. He moved frantically. Sucking, licking, taking, consuming. His Wolf had claimed her. As for the man, well, he sure as hell wanted her. Mine.

  Only when she cried out and shuddered beneath his tongue did he lift is head. Despite her frantic attempts to tug him up. His lips curled into a half-smile half-snarl as he rose to his feet.

  Tall, naked, and proud. He looked every inch the warrior. And she wanted him to claim her so badly. She purred and bucked. Her teeth snapping as she lifted a hand to his chest and his stomach.

  His black eyes glowed. His Wolf as close as he had ever felt him before. The rush was exhilarating and frightening all at once. An incredible feeling.

  Tate fit his swollen head to her center. His need to take her stronger than his need to breathe. One last time, ask her one last time.

  “Cat?,” he could hardly make out the words. His voice an almost unrecognizable grumble. Low and deep. More Wolf than human.

  “Tate…now, I need you now,” she answered him softly. Her Wolf as in control as his it would seem.

  Her whole body felt as if it were on fire. She had just shattered beneath his mouth, but this, this would be something else entirely. She needed him. Wanted him. Now. Oh God, now.

  He pushed inside of her. His raised his eyes to meet her wide ones. She was tight, so tight. Hot too. And very, very wet. Virgin? His head begged the question, but his Wolf didn’t need him to voice it. He knew she was meant for him and him alone.

  Pride made him move faster than he intended too. She cried out his name. It was a breathtaking combination of pleasure and pain. A beautiful sound, he thought. Just before he lost the ability to think at all.

  His first few thrusts were hard and slow. He plunged himself all the way inside of her agonizingly tight body only to come all the way out again. Slowly at first. Sweet torture. Then a steady pace. Oh, God. Finally, he moved with frantic urgency. Grrrr...Mine.

  White hot light erupted behind his eyelids. It encircled her entire body as both he and Cat came together in chorus of growls and cries.

  Tate couldn’t think straight. He didn’t even want to try. His whole body, both his beings, seemed to rejoice in the knowledge that he had just experienced true ecstasy.

  Their sweat soaked bodies were prone in an exhausted heap on top of the thin blankets that he had put down for them earlier. Just on top of the rug by the softly glowing fireplace.

  He added another log to the dying flames. Then he came back to Cat’s side and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She brushed his short hair away from his forehead. Her pink lips tilted into a smile that he reciprocated.

  He felt that smile all the way to his toes. She was beautiful like that. Stunning. A soft glow seemed to emanate from her entire body. Unlike the usual Wolf magic that seemed to light up every Werewolf he knew.

  It was as if their lovemaking had altered her chemical make-up. He didn’t think he’d ever grow tired of looking at her like that. Gorgeously rumpled and nude. In his home.

  He couldn’t put a word to the emotion he felt welling up inside of him. Happiness? Was this true happiness? He damn well thought so.



  “Are you okay?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Are you, uh, happy?”

  “Happy? Yes, Tate, I’m happy. Hmm, I’ve never been happier,” her smile was groggy and contented. She snuggled closer to him.

  Mmmm. He took a deep breath. He was so loving the erotic combination of his and her scents as they encircled them both.

  “I think,-”

  “Don’t Tate, please don’t overthink this, let’s just savor the moment.”

  Tate’s eyes narrowed. It sounded to him like maybe Cat thought this was a one-time thing between them? Doubts clawed their way into his mind. His Wolf bared his sharp fangs at them.

  No. It is done. Tate tried to regain control of the turn his thoughts were taking. And of his Wolf too. If and when Cat did have second thoughts, he’d deal with that then. But not before. Besides, it may very well be too late. Now was probably a bad time to tell her that he had marked her with that bite on her thigh.

  He gripped her waist with a possessive hand and swept it up and down the length of her body. His Wolf seemed to chant her name over and over again. Catriona, Catriona, Cat…

  Cat listened to the wind as it whistled through the trees surrounding the cabin. Her supernatural hearing picked up on things like that all the time. It eased her overactive mind.

  Was it her or was Tate brooding? She hoped he wasn’t regretting what they had just done together. It was better than anything she had ever imagined. She never imagined she would feel quite like this. Like she wasn’t alone anymore. Like she had another half. It was an intense feeling. A little scary too. But so very good. Prrrrrr.

  She pictured the surrounding woods. How she loved living in New Jersey! It had everything. Mountains, lakes, cities, beaches, hiking trails, state parks, quaint suburbs, and awesome restaurants. Seriously, the food was amazing.

  Cat loved being able to experience all of the seasons too. There was just so much to see. She never grew tired of exploring the region. And if she did New York City was a car ride away.

  She loved her job and hoped to elevate herself in the Sheriff’s department. Loads of opportunity for women there! She had no intention of leaving. She wondered what Tate would think of that? A lot of Wolves liked their women to stay at home.

  Cat saw nothing wrong with that. It just wasn’t for her. Besides she felt it should be up to the woman. Either way she wouldn’t want to leave Macconwood Manor. With New Jersey being a supernatural hub she needed to stay close to Rafe.

  Who knew, maybe he would see her new relationship with Tate as
all the more reason to make her a Guard? Lately there was loads of paranormal activity and it all seemed to be centered in the Garden State. Never a dull moment. That was for sure.

  She stretched out her long legs. Possibilities. Her head was swimming with them. Just outside the large windows it was dark and cold outside, but inside, with Tate next to her and the low fire still glowing, she was warm and feeling better than she ever had before.

  He ran a long lean hand up her thigh, around the slight curve of her buttocks to rest on her hip. Just right. His touch was perfect. As if he knew just how she liked it. She leaned into his caress, purring deep in her throat as she did. He really had great hands.

  “You’re still the only Wolf I know who purrs,” she heard the smile in his voice without opening her eyes, “You know something? I don’t think I ever heard you howl before. Do you yowl like a cat the way you purr like one?”

  “Prrrrrrr. My name is Cat, but I am all Wolf. And I only purr when I am really happy,” she closed her eyes as his hands found new, more interesting places to touch and rub.

  “I wonder, if I do this, will you purr louder?”

  Cat watched his fingers move down her flat belly to the soft blonde curls beneath. She sucked in a sharp breath. She was still a little tender from before. But it was so sweet. She couldn’t resist parting for him.

  She wondered if he would be gentle this time. Cat wasn’t sure if she even wanted that. Not when the Wolf inside of her was begging him to take her. Hard and heavy.

  Slow, go slow. Tate dipped his finger into her moist center. He couldn’t help his predatory smile when she sucked in another breath and parted her lips.

  He added another and shifted her, ever so gently, so that she was flat on her back. He moved with slow accuracy. Pinning her to the floor while hovering slightly over her. Electricity seemed to fill the space between them and Tate leaned into the delicious sizzle as he nudged her knees apart with his own.

  He moved between her legs. Tate’s chest pressed down into her belly as he licked a trail from her neck to her firm breasts. The pink buds tightened under his ministrations and pride filled him as she whimpered her delight.

  He lifted her hands to his head and she gripped his hair and pushed him down. Lower. He kissed and nibbled his way down her body. Taking great pains to lick and taste every inch of her until he reached her inner thighs.

  Cat nearly jumped out of her skin when his tongue found the swollen nub at her center that was begging for his attention. She was taut and ready for him. Her legs spread wider of their own volition. She tightened her grip on his short hair in her hands and pulled.

  He added another finger and she whimpered again. Together with his tongue and fingers, Tate licked and sucked and delved into her. He savored the honey fine taste that seemed to get stronger with each lick.

  She was the epitome of perfection. Breathtaking. He flashed his eyes up and saw her head thrown back, mouth open and damn him if he didn’t get harder.

  He knew instinctively that he was the only person who ever gave her such intense pleasure. It made him want to howl with pride. He felt as if his whole purpose was to make her feel.

  Cat had always seemed out of his reach. That shining pinnacle that he could never be worthy of. But here she was. With him. In his cabin. His space. That he made with his own hands. And though he knew she could protect herself, the Werewolf that he was swore to keep her safe. To keep her. Mine.

  Cat’s moans grew louder. Tate felt himself grow harder and longer. As if that were even possible. But it was true. He needed to be inside of her! Now!

  He quickly withdrew his hand and tongue. He wanted, no he needed her. God, how he needed. He leaned down and kissed her lips. Letting her taste the honey sweetness that was all Cat. Then he entered her.

  She was hot and sweet. Honey. And all his.

  He tightened his arms around her as they moved together. In unison. As if they were made for each other.

  He watched her eyes dilate with each shift of their hips. They moved together, faster and faster. She was perfectly in time with him. Soft moans and throaty growls came from both and Tate felt as though his heart would pound right out of his chest.

  Cat’s ice blue eyes met his. He saw the Wolf behind them and he felt his rise to greet her. Mine.

  Her beautiful face tilted backwards and Tate wanted to howl with the gift that was her bare throat. He closed his mouth over it. Gently, ever so gently. Then he bit down hard enough to mark her, once again, but softly enough that she would take pleasure from it.

  “You’re mine now,” he growled in a gruff voice. His eyes glowed as his Wolf peeked through and Tate licked the side of her neck and pumped harder.


  “Tell me something about your childhood, something good,” Cat smiled and ran her hand over Tate’s smooth chest.

  His skin was all bronzed and muscled. Hard and smooth at the same time. A feast for her hands and eyes. She waited patiently as he considered her question.

  “I cannot remember much of my childhood. My father and mother were young when they had me. Still in their teens. They were poor and pretty much alone in the world. They were never really happy. I can remember short bursts of time before my mother killed herself. Like flashbacks form a movie of my life with her. Back then she used to sing. Old native songs of magical wars and times when supernatural creatures walked the Earth without hiding. My father used to call her crazy. That time was forgotten before men learned to write stories. Those songs were lost to many. He called her too young to possibly know them. But I always felt like she was singing the truth.”

  “I’m sorry Tate, for your loss. I didn’t mean to bring up something sad. I understand, you know, my mom’s gone too.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not a child anymore. I like those memories. I almost forgot about them. Anyway, what about you? Tell me something good from your childhood,” Tate’s voice was deep and husky. Cat loved the way it made her vibrate all the way down to her toes.

  Hmmm…her childhood? Yuck. Not her favorite thing to talk about. It wasn’t that she had such an awful childhood. She was clothed, fed, and she did have a father. Technically. But she didn’t want to talk about Zev. Or his warped idea about parenthood.

  Tate already had an idea of what her life had been like. She wanted to just leave it at that for now. Besides, she didn’t want to spoil the moment. Cat wasn’t certain he meant this to be a permanent thing. Regardless of the fact that her Wolf had already considered herself mated and marked. Cat wasn’t so quick to rush in with her heart in her hands. Not just yet anyway.

  Let’s see, a memory. Hmmm. She brightened as she recalled one particularly fond memory from when she was a little girl. She felt her smile deepen and knew she must look like a kid, but she didn’t mind. This was a good one. Tate would enjoy it! She was certain of that.

  After all, Cat had observed Tate for years. Chasing after her brother and his buddies, Tate had been an object of fascination for her since she was in pig tails. She knew him better than she knew herself. At least, that’s how she felt.

  Cat rolled onto her belly, giving him an unobstructed view of her toned legs and sculpted backside. What could she say, she had a great ass! That much she knew for sure. She appreciated the little caress he gave it as he snuggled closer to listen to her tale.

  “Once, a few years before my Change, I had this great babysitter! It was the night of the full moon and my father and Rafe were out on a run. My dad got me this babysitter because he said I was too young to stay alone. I was so mad! I mean, what ten-year old girl wouldn’t be?”

  “Especially you,” he smiled and Cat nearly lost her place. He could knock the breath out of her with that smile. His dark eyes full of laughter and something else. Something she didn’t dare put a name to. Not yet.

  “Uh, anyway, the old woman who came over turned out to be my grandmother. She was a normal, but her father was a Werewolf and so was her daughter, my mother. She had this accent,
you know? Like some people from North Jersey do? She said ‘watuh’ for water, and ‘mirruh’ for mirror.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean. I conduct Pack business for Rafe in Hoboken and Jersey City quite often. There’s something about that Hudson County accent that I find intriguing,” she narrowed her eyes, not sure if he was making fun or not.

  “No, seriously. There’s this Wolf family that lives on Hudson Street. They have a bunch of kids,” Cat raised her eyebrows at Tate’s description, “What? I like kids. Anyway, you know Rafe started this program where he and his Guard spend time with some of the families with pups. So sometimes I visit. They all speak with that kind of accent. It’s cute.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so active in the Pack family outreach program.”

  “Yeah well, it’s cool. And I was the one who investigated when their oldest didn’t make it after his first Change. I want to make sure the younger ones do, the program gives me the ability to make contact with them and form a relationship with the kids that will hopefully get them to open up to me in the future. I’m sorry I distracted you, please continue,” the change in his tone was subtle, but loaded with feeling. Cat could feel the depth of his sincerity down to her toes.

  It warmed her to know that this big bad Wolf Guard was deeply involved with the outreach program designed to help the Pack’s young. She wondered if he knew she had helped Rafe with the initial idea for the program? That was another thing they had in common. After all the children were the future of their Pack.

  It only made sense. Zev had ignored them, but Rafe refused to make the same mistake. An idea began to take hold in her mind, but she pushed it away for now. Now all she wanted was to be near Tate. And to share this intimacy she had never really had with anyone else before. She kissed him on his shoulder. His salty skin tasted good. Almost too good.

  “I’m sorry. I know your job is difficult sometimes.”


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