Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2)

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Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2) Page 15

by C. D. Gorri

  The van remained across the street unmoving, creepy driver and all. Charley shuddered. There was no traffic, foot or car, on the usually crowded Jersey City intersection. It was cold, wet, and dark and she was all alone.

  She dug in her purse for her cell phone just as lightening lit up the sky. It was followed by the booming sound of thunder and Charley practically jumped out of her shoes.

  The distraction was enough that she didn’t see the van pop a u-ey and pull to a stop right alongside her. She didn’t hear the door open or see the man with the blonde spiked hair exit the vehicle.

  He moved faster than any man should be able to and grabbed her from behind. Charley’s heart pounded as a huge hand clamped down tightly over her mouth. She struggled and tried to scream. Cold fear ran down her spine as he dragged her to the now open side door.

  “Sorry about this,” a deep voice said and he scooped her up and sat down with her on his lap. She tried squirming, but arms like iron held her still.

  “Why this one? I thought the blonde was better?,” said a rough voice to her right. She struggled to turn her head, but got nowhere.

  “No way, dude, he doesn’t even like blondes. Not since Stephie. You remember her, that blonde viper was a backstabbing little bit-,” said another male voice coming from the front seat.

  “Shut up guys! Okay hon, I’m going to take my hand off your mouth and we’re going to ask some questions, alright? Nod if you understand.”

  Charley nodded. She was scared out of her mind, but she wouldn’t go down quietly. She waited for him to release her. As soon as he lifted his hand she opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could. She threw her head back directly into the nose of her captor.

  “Shit! I’m bleeding! Hold her, dammit! No, don’t hurt her, get the rag! The rag! Shit!”

  Charley dove for the door handle, but the stupid thing was locked. She fumbled for a second, but it was too late. Large hands grabbed her and before she knew it she was in a grip even stronger than before. Angry tears streamed down her face.

  “Let go of me, you perverts! Let me go!!”

  She continued to try and twist out of her captor’s grasp, just then one of them held a rag over her nose and mouth. Then it was goodbye, Charley. Literally.

  Some time later.

  “Dude, look!”

  “Get ready.”

  “Hey, she’s coming around.”




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