[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura

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[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura Page 6

by Dale Cadeau

  Laura was trying to get her mind around what Clay was telling her. Did he mean that if they didn’t agree on BDSM, that they could never have an intimate relationship? If so, she should know right now. She knew it wouldn’t take her long to fall for him and if there was no chance, it was better to know now.

  Lifting her chin from Clay’s grasp and taking her courage in hand Laura, asked him, “Are you telling me that the only way we can be together is with BDSM?” Laura bit her lip, waiting for Clay’s response. She knew that he was too good to be true and her eyes started to water up. Laura started to gather her purse, ready to leave, when Clay didn’t answer her right back.

  Clay, who had been thinking of how to reply to her question without scaring her off, grabbed her elbow as she started to rise from the table. “Hold on there, Laura, you didn’t give me time to reply. Remember I said that we could deal with anything as long as we were honest with each other? Well, I’m going to be blunt. I do like some aspects of BDSM. I would like to explain in more detail to you, but this is not the place to do that. I can and do vanilla relationships all the time. How we want this relationship to work is totally up to us. I just hope that you will give me the chance to explain and also to keep an open mind. I really would like to continue with what we have started.”

  Laura sat back down. She was ashamed of herself. She was doing exactly what she hated other people doing. She was making a snap judgment on something she really knew nothing about. Shamefully she looked at Clay. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions that fast. I also would like to continue to see you. And when the time is right, learn more about BDSM. Can you forgive me?”

  Clay, who had felt his heart drop when he saw her get ready to leave, took a breath and blew it out. “That’s all that I ask. All you have to do is listen and there is nothing to forgive. After Angel’s narrative of what the other room holds, it’s no wonder that you got spooked. We’ll talk about it later.”

  Just then, they both heard a loud commotion coming from the front entrance. Clay stood up, ready to find out what was happening. Remembering Laura, he asked her to stay where she was until he could come back and get her. Clay hurried away after she nodded her head. Laura knew he was on some kind of job, so he knew she would understand his hurry.

  Chapter Seven

  Laura could hear a woman screaming from the hall. Clay was having words with the two men holding the doors open. Another tall, blond, Viking-looking man came from the front entrance and joined Clay in the doorway.

  The Viking put his hands on his hips and look at the concerned people, watching the door. “No need to worry folks. We have everything under control. Please continue to enjoy your evening. I will keep you updated, if there is anything for you to worry about.” Both men went through the doors, shutting them when the crowd in the bar settled down some. It helped that there were no more screams from the entranceway.

  Laura picked up her drink and took a sip, to have something to do with her hands. She was worried about Clay, and also about the woman that had been screaming. Hopefully this had nothing to do with why Clay was here helping his friend out. She hadn’t asked Clay what the problem at the club was but had thought it was something minor, like the bartenders giving away free drinks or watering them down. She hoped Clay was OK. This sounded serious.

  Clay could see a small, dark-haired woman screaming and crying while holding onto Bob at the front desk. The man looked shell-shocked and completely lost as to what to do with the woman. He was holding the woman at arm’s length with both hands, and shaking her a little bit and telling her to stop crying. This just seemed to make the woman cry harder. Clay knew he had to defuse the situation so that he could learn anything from her. Taking the big man’s hand away from the woman, he put his arm around her and gently patted her back as she buried her head in his chest. He wasn’t the best in these situations either, but he knew shaking the woman was not helping. She started to whimper just as the front door opened and Angel came in from the parking lot. He had a grim, pissed off look on his face.

  Turning his attention away from Angel, he looked down at the woman. Gently he pulled her head away from his chest and asked her what had happened. She was now starting to hiccup and Clay found the big bouncer standing beside them, handing her a Kleenex. She took it and tried to regain her breath as she looked around at the men standing in the entranceway.

  “Someone tried to steal my car. They grabbed me from behind just as I reached it. But after my initial fright, I thought enough to grab my keys that were in my hand and stabbed them back at him. As soon as he loosened his grip, so that I could wiggle away from him, I ran back to the club. He didn’t try to follow me and I really didn’t get a look at him.”

  “That’s OK, sweetheart, we’re just glad that you’re safe.” Clay was looking at Lance, who had followed Angel in from the parking lot as she told her story. None of them thought whoever had grabbed her was trying to steal her car but didn’t want to upset her with their theory.

  “I don’t know why he would want my car,” the woman continued rambling on. “It’s an older model and not worth much. In fact I was going to trade it in soon.”

  Lance stepped up and gently took her from Clay’s arms. “You’re Betty Hamill, aren’t you? I’m Lance Woodhouse and I own this club. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. Let’s go into my office and I will get you a drink and maybe after you will be able to think of anything else that you saw.”

  Lance took the woman’s elbow and guided her to a door, just left behind the bouncer’s desk. Opening his office door, he turned his head back to Clay and Angel and told them, “Clay, Angel, I’d like to see you after I have a drink with Betty. Give us five minutes.” With that, he shut the door behind them.

  Clay turned to Angel. “Did you see anything? I’m sorry to say that I was so involved in my conversation with Laura, that I wasn’t paying too much attention.”

  Angel just swore and started gathering his hair and tying it back as he answered Clay. It had become loose with his wild run outside. “By the time I got out there the lady was already screaming and running toward the club. I ran into the middle of the parking lot, but didn’t see or hear anything. I did a quick walkthrough of the whole lot, but it looks like whoever it was just disappeared. He could have been hiding in one of the cars. I looked at the majority of them, but if he was crouching on the floor I wouldn’t have been able to see him anyway with just light from the streetlights. I think they have had long enough to get their drinks. Let’s go and see if Lance got anything more out of her. I really don’t think he will. That lady was scared shitless, and she could sure yell.”

  Clay and Angel made their way to Lance’s office and knocked on the door. Once told to come in, they saw that the woman was now calm with a drink in her hand. Lance stopped the conversation to introduce them. “Betty, this is Clay and Angel. They work for the club and handle security. If you can think of anything at all that could help us, we would greatly appreciate it.”

  Betty looked up at Clay and Angel. Her eyes were still red-rimmed but she had a much calmer demeanor.

  “I really didn’t see anything, it happened so fast. He was on me so fast and swept me off my feet, I thought I would go headfirst into the pavement. His arms were the only thing holding me up. Then I remembered the keys in my hand and stabbed back at him. That’s it.”

  Betty paused and stared at the floor as if she was rethinking what had happened her. Her back was now stiff as she sat in the chair. Suddenly, she raised her head.

  “I remember his shoes. I’m so used to the Doms in the club wearing boots, that his fancy shoes seemed out of place. That’s what crossed my mind, just before I remembered my keys and stabbing back at him. I think I must have hit his balls. He seemed to let me go awful fast. Then I just screamed my head off and ran for the club. I know it’s not much more, but that’s all I can remember.”

  Clay knew it wasn’t much, but it was the first piece of evid
ence that they had gotten so far.

  “Would you like to report it to the police?” Lance asked Betty. Shaking her head Betty refused his offer.

  Picking up the phone Lance ordered his limo to take her home. “I hope this doesn’t stop you from coming back to the club? I hate that this happened, and I take full responsibility. But I will be taking steps to prevent this from ever happening again. I will be installing better lighting in the parking lot and adding more cameras. Please consider your membership paid in full for this mishap.”

  Betty seemed relieved at Lance’s words “Thanks I will be back. I love your club.” Lance got up from his seat beside her and escorted her back into the entranceway and down to his limo that was waiting at the front steps.

  Upon Lance’s return, the three men went over what Betty had told them. “The shoes weren’t the type the Doms wear. While the club does have lockers, most of the Doms come ready to play. The lockers are only used for their wallets and jackets while in the club. It doesn’t totally take them out of the running, but it seems to be pointing to a non-member, maybe just a guest. I guess it’s not much, but it would make me feel better, if it wasn’t a member of my club,” Lance said from his seat behind his desk.

  Clay asked him if they kept track of all the guests, but Lance had never seen the need to, as newcomers already needed a guest pass to get in. And only another member could give them out. So if the guy had visited the club, someone would have to have known him, and well, to give him a guest pass.

  Angel, who had sprawled into a chair after Betty left, added, “But what about just coming off the street? The parking lot is not fenced. Anyone could come from the street and into the parking lot without going into the club.”

  Clay shook his head. “I thought of that, Angel, but with the club so secluded it wouldn’t be a random person off the street. They would have to know about the club. Lance doesn’t do advertising. It’s all word of mouth, so it would have to be a customer or one of the people that work here. In this part of town, being that it’s mostly warehouses that let out at five or six each day, it doesn’t get much traffic after that. The club doesn’t even open its doors until eight p.m.”

  “Why don’t we meet in our office tomorrow? Lance can get the security tape, and we’ll go over everything in detail. Maybe the guy wasn’t so careful this time.” Clay knew he had left Laura a long time and wanted to get back to her. Without the tape to look at, they would be going around in circles anyway, so they might as well wait until the morning. Lance and Angel agreed with Clay and they all left the office.

  Angel went left back to the spice bar and Lance and Clay turned to the right and the vanilla bar.

  Walking into the bar, Lance raised his hands to get everyone’s attention “There was an attempted carjacking and the person got away. But Betty is fine and not hurt. Please have a drink on the house. In fact, I’ll make them myself.” Lance told the crowd trying to lighten the mood and walked around the back of the bar.

  Clay passed Lance and made his way back to his table to see Laura sitting there staring at her empty glass. She looked deep in thought. Getting close to the table, Clay cleared his throat. He didn’t want to scare Laura any more tonight.

  At the noise, Laura looked up. It took her a minute then she broke out in a wide smile and leaped to her feet and hugged him. Clay just enclosed her tight in his arms, returning the hug.

  Leaning back, Laura proceeded to give him a kiss on each of his cheeks, then another tight hug before she pulled back a bit. “God, I was so scared, Clay.”

  “You were perfectly safe here in the bar,” Clay told her as he tightened his arms around her.

  Laura looked up at him and explained, “Oh, I wasn’t scared for myself, I was worried about you.”

  At that moment, Clay lost a little piece of his heart to Laura.

  Chapter Eight

  Arriving at Laura’s home, Clay was silent deep in thought. He knew he should have his mind on the problem at the club, but all he could think of was Laura and all the things that he wanted to do to her when he got her alone.

  He knew he never allowed himself to get wrapped up in a person to the detriment of anything else, especially when working. But every time he looked at Laura, he just wanted to lay her down on the nearest surface and grind balls-deep in her. Until he satisfied that craving, he didn’t think he was good for anything.

  He was glad James wasn’t around to see this. He had kidded James about his obsession with Avery. James had claimed Avery with his first glance at her picture.

  Clay now got what James had been feeling. He felt the same way about Laura the first time he saw her walk through the door of the bar. He just knew she was special. Her friends, while great looking also, didn’t do anything for him that Laura did without her even being aware of him.

  Clay stopped his thoughts. What was he doing sitting here thinking about her? If he got his ass in gear, they would be alone in the house in minutes. Clay jumped out of the truck and went around to help Laura down and hurried her toward the house.

  He hoped Laura didn’t pick up on his anxious feelings as he took the keys from her and unlocked the door. Gently pushing Laura through the door, he slammed it behind them. His mind only had one thought now and that was to have her all to himself and preferably under him as fast as he could make it happen.

  Grabbing her, he pushed her against the wall in the hallway and took her face in his hands. He tried to be gentle, but he was working without too much blood in his brain. Now it all of it seemed to be pooled in his cock that ached to be released. Latching onto Laura’s lips, he pushed through with his tongue and swept her mouth. He gave a shiver as her taste exploded through him and he tried to get deeper and get more of her unique taste.

  Finally gasping for breath, he let her lips go and made his way down the side of her neck, sucking the soft skin as he went. It took him a few minutes to realize that Laura was stiff in his arms and wasn’t reciprocating.

  As he came back to his senses, he saw that she was as still as a statue and had her hands bunched in the front of his shirt, pushing him away. He knew he had acted like a madman with his rush to claim her. Pulling back from her, he held his arms loosely around her and could feel her shake. Looking into her large green eyes, he could see that she looked fearful and knew that he was in deep shit.

  Clay rubbed his hands up and down her arms, trying to soothe her as she buried her head in his chest. He had to try and make amends for almost attacking her. God, he had never been too smooth with the ladies, but he had never done anything that wasn’t consensual.

  When he didn’t get a response from her right away, he reached out and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. He was surprised to see a smoldering look in them. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck. One hand grabbed the back of his head and brought his lips down to meet hers. Laura gave Clay a small kiss and let him go.

  Still near enough to his lips so that he could feel her breath, she told him, “I’m just not on the same page as you. Let me catch up.” Laura then stuck her tongue in Clay’s surprised mouth.

  Happy to accommodate her, now he knew she wasn’t rejecting him, Clay wrapped his arms tighter around her. His lips took over the kiss. They both couldn’t seem to get enough of each other now. Clothes seemed to disappear as they tore them away from each other.

  The next thing Clay realized he was balls deep in Laura on the floor of her front hallway, savoring the tight grasp of her sheath. The feeling was so intense for Clay that he knew he had never felt this with another woman. Pulling himself up on his knees between her legs, he tried to restrain his pushes, but with the feeling of his cock surrounded by her warmth, he couldn’t hold on. He just lost it, as his hips started pounding his cock as deep into her as he could get. Laura’s nails dug into his back making him arch even harder and deeper into her on every down thrust. Her hips were glued to his as if she wouldn’t bear any space between them. Her moans got louder every time his coc
k bottomed out. It told him she was close to ecstasy sharing the moment with him.

  He knew they were both running out of time. He didn’t want this exquisite feeling to ever end. But he could feel his balls gathering so painfully tight to his body, he knew they were ready to explode. Breaking his stride, he lifted his pelvis up a bit, enough to get his hand between them, and brushed his finger over her clit. It felt like a little hard rock as he brushed it back and forth. Working two of his fingers around the small bud, he gave it a small squeeze.

  He felt Laura stiffen for a moment, then she shattered and came, gasping his name as her cunt seemed to be choking his cock in a deadly grip. Clay’s cock, held in the tight grip of her cunt, couldn’t hold on any longer and he gave one more push and felt it harden even more and bottom out on her cervix and spew his load. His cum streamed out of him so fast, he felt like the top of his head was coming off. Falling on top of her, he lost all his strength and breath.

  Clay laid over Laura in a stupor. He felt like he was floating high in the clouds. Suddenly he became aware of a small hand on his arm and finally noticed that Laura was trying to get his attention. Clay looked down at Laura with a silly grin on his face. He noticed right away that she didn’t have the same sublime expression on her face.

  She was pushing up at him trying to move his weight off of her to allow herself to get a full deep breath. Clay was horrified and abruptly put his hands down on the floor on either side of Laura’s head and raised himself off of her. She gave a big gasp and closed her eyes.

  Clay felt like a chump. What a way to make love to a lady! She deserved so much more that a quick fuck on the floor. He had wanted to take Laura to bed and awe her with his lovemaking skills.


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