‘Micro Tom’ miniatures, 29
canning, how-to, 82, 82
combining with celery, 57
crop rotation, 24
floating row covers for, 33–34
in self-watering containers, 28–29
on a small plot, 19, 19
pickling green, 60, 64
pinching suckers, 45, 45, 78
planting in compost, 17
planting late tomatoes from suckers, 69
saving seeds, 53
setting out plants, 46, 46, 76–77
staking, how-to, 77, 77
succession plantings, 26–27, 26–27
trellises and cages, 47–49, 47–49
when to plant, 37, 37
Toulouse goose, 252, 252
toxoplasmosis, 268
transplanting seedlings, 41–42, 46, 46
fence, 48, 48
for cucumbers, 63
for hops, 208
for raspberries, 93, 93
for veggies, 20
how to make a trellis, 47–49, 48–49
tepee, 47–48, 48
triticale, growing, 180, 181
tuberculosis, 269
Tunis sheep, 273, 273, 275
turkeys, 240–45
butchering, 243–44
fat covering, 244
freezing the meat, 292–93, 293
how to carve, 245, 245
how to roast, 244
meat protein comparison, 291
poults, 242–43
raising, 242–43
varieties, 240–42, 241
wild, 243
turnips, 20, 21, 31, 73, 79
curing with brine, 60
harvesting, 50, 78
mulching, 68
planting, 37, 37, 78
saving seeds, 53
U.S. maps of frost dates, 37
undulant fever, 269
valerian, 176
vanilla ice cream, how to make, 322–23
freezing, 292–93, 293
meat protein comparison, 291
vegetable combinations (growing and preserving), 57
vegetable garden
acreage plans, 13–15, 13–15
basic principles, 18
cool-season crops, 31
double-digging, 39, 39
easy veggies to grow, 18
estimating harvest, 15
growing vertically, 47–49, 47–49
harvesting, 50
high-yield gardening, 44–45, 45
light, 44
on a small plot, 19, 19
planning chart, 21
plant protection, 33–37
raised beds, 22–23, 22–23
setting out plants, tips, 46, 46
spacing between plants, 24, 24, 44
staggered planting, 24, 24–25, 31
warm-season crops, 32
warming up the soil, 33–35, 33–35
watering, 28, 43, 45
weeds, 45
vegetable groups, 20
vermiculite, 39, 42
vertical growing, 47, 47
vine crops, 20, 44. See also cucumbers, melons, squash, pumpkins
trellises for growing, 47–49, 47–49
apricot, 139
blueberry, 139
guide to using, 170
herbal vinegars, 169–70
making, 138–39
peach, 139
raspberry, 139
using fruit vinegar, 139
vineyard, calculating size, 106
violas, 30
violets, 332
Wall-O-Water hot cap, 35, 35
black, 140–41, 143, 143
English. See Persian
Persian, 140, 147, 147
warm season crops, 32
warmth for seedlings, 41, 41
watercress, 168, 168
watermelon, 21, 32, 37, 37, 67
weed control, 18, 22, 24, 35, 45, 45
Wessex swine, 288
bulgur, 193
commercial classes, 186
estimating harvest, 15
grinding, 190–91, 191
growing, 14, 180, 181, 186–87
harvesting, 188, 188–89
nutritional values, 193
storing, 190
threshing, 189, 189–90
winnowing, 190, 190
whey, 305–10
draining, 308
white pine, 332
wild food favorites, 332
dandelion, 129, 135, 334–35
grape melomel, 133
herb or dried-petal wine, 134
peach, 133
basic steps, 130–32
bottling, 132
equipment, 130
flavorings for herb or flower wine, 135, 135
gallery of great grapes, 102–3
glossary, 134
grapes by region, 105–6
homemade secrets, 104–5
ingredients, 129
old-timer methods, 135
optimum serving temperatures, 133
recipes for, 133–35
wintergreen ground cover, 124
wood ashes, 70
wood-burning smoker, 301
wood-sided cold frame, 36
wool, 271
yarrow, 152, 176
baker’s, 197
bread, how to make, 197–201
brewer’s, 211
proofing, 197
starter culture, 130
wine, 129
yen tsai, 60
yerba maté, 176
yogurt herb cheese, 306
yogurt making, 315–17
basic yogurt recipe, 315
equipment needed, 316
flavored, 316–17
trouble shooting, 317
without a yogurt maker, 315–16
Yorkshire swine, 287
Zone map, USDA hardiness, 348
zucchini, 10, 18, 21
combining with eggplant, 57
on a small plot, 19, 19
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