The Pregnancy Discovery

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The Pregnancy Discovery Page 16

by Barbara Hannay

  His eyebrows rose.

  ‘And so I thought that while you’re still hanging around on the island—’ She paused for a minute and frowned at him. ‘Why are you still here, Sam? Aren’t you’d supposed to be back in Seattle by now?’

  ‘We’ll get to that later. Tell me more about your plans for our relationship.’

  ‘So you’re interested?’


  ‘I see.’ Meg’s cheeks flamed and her throat felt very parched.

  Sam rose too and stood looking at her with a disturbing glimmer in his eyes. ‘Meg, I was teasing. I’m sorry. The truth is I’m exceedingly interested in anything you have to say about us.’

  She swallowed.

  ‘What did you have in mind?’ he asked in a husky voice.

  ‘I think it really would be an excellent idea if I tried to get to know my baby’s father better.’

  A smile spread slowly to reach his eyes. Meg’s stomach grew even more jittery as he began to walk towards her. Just out of reach, he stopped and their eyes locked.

  Her voice was a breathy whisper. ‘You told me you do getting-to-know-you best face to face. That’s why I came.’

  Reaching out, he took her hand. ‘And you told me I was even better at mouth-to-mouth.’

  He drew her closer and, with one hand lifting her chin, his face lowered towards hers. ‘Just a taste test,’ he whispered, as he lightly nibbled her lower lip.

  ‘Taste as much as you like,’ she whispered back.

  ‘Don’t worry, I plan to.’ He took her hand in his and he rubbed his thumb slowly back and forth over her knuckles. ‘But tell me a little more about why you’re here.’

  Meg swallowed again. ‘This is how it’s been with us, isn’t it? We’ve been through some amazing times together.’ She felt her cheeks warm. ‘Making babies—delivering babies. We seem to be quite good at the big moments.’

  ‘We’re great at the big moments, Meg.’

  ‘I got around to thinking maybe we could be good at the little things, too.’

  ‘Like becoming friends?’

  ‘Yes. We could keep it low-key if you like—just one step at a time.’

  ‘Low-key,’ he repeated, his voice rumbling with an unreadable emotion. His thumb stopped moving. He frowned as he looked down at her. ‘Please don’t tell me you want to go through all those rules again?’


  ‘You can’t have forgotten. If we kiss the lips have to stay tight shut. No touching certain…’

  ‘Actually, no.’ Meg felt frumpy talking about such details in her old nightdress, but it couldn’t be helped. Sam had seen her looking worse. ‘If I’m honest, I don’t want that kind of low-key at all.’

  ‘That’s a relief.’

  She drew in a deep breath. ‘The absolute truth is, I—’ she took another breath ‘—I’ve had all these arguments going on in my head about why I should stay away from you. But they’re losing out. My heart’s winning hands down. I love you, Sam.’

  ‘You’re sure about that?’ he whispered.

  ‘I thought I was sure about it last year, but I know I’ve been sure about it for the past six weeks.’ Her throat was so choked with tears she could hardly get the words out. An embarrassing sob broke through and, when she spoke again, the tears flowed. ‘I’ve reached the point where I want you so badly I can’t think about anything else.’

  ‘Oh, sweetheart.’

  His arms closed tightly around her and she sobbed against the soft ribbed cotton of his T-shirt. Beneath it she could feel the rock-hard strength of his shoulders and chest.

  ‘So, now you know.’ She squeaked the words out. ‘I expressed it a lot better in the letter.’

  ‘Nutmeg, you couldn’t have said it any better,’ he murmured against her cheek. ‘There are no better words the world over.’ His warm lips kissed her forehead, her tear-stained cheek and her damp eyelids.

  With an embarrassed little smile, Meg raised her eyes to meet his. ‘I sent you away, and now here I am throwing myself at you.’

  ‘Keep at it,’ Sam murmured. ‘You’re doing a great job.’

  Feeling braver, she scattered greedy kisses over his stubble-roughened jaw. ‘Before I throw myself too far, perhaps I should do a bit more about getting to know you.’

  ‘What would you like to know?’

  ‘How long do you plan to stay here on the island?’

  ‘I’m going to be here for ages. You see—’ he smiled down at her and with one finger brushed a wisp of hair from her cheek ‘—I’ve bought the place.’

  ‘You’ve bought Magnetic Rendezvous?’


  ‘You’ve got to be joking.’ She shook her head in bewilderment. ‘Why?’

  ‘Two reasons.’ He kissed the tip of her nose. ‘You’re one.’ He kissed her chin. ‘And Tom’s the other.’

  Meg’s heart fluttered wildly in her chest. ‘But, Sam, I thought you were a hotshot businessman. I don’t know if this place is a viable proposition. Fred never seemed to make much money. Did you check it out properly?’

  ‘I’ve run a complete survey. It will be a runaway success by the time I’ve finished with it. I’ve big plans for an eco-friendly resort—a marine studies centre. It’s the kind of challenge I’ve always dreamed of taking on.’

  ‘Wow! That sounds brilliant. But what about Kirby & Son?’

  ‘We’ve sold it.’

  ‘My goodness.’ Meg was flabbergasted.

  ‘I’ll explain more later,’ he murmured, gathering her close again. ‘Right now, there are more important things to consider.’

  ‘Did you want—?’

  He spoke into her hair. ‘I only want to think about us. You and me and Tom. Look at me, Meg.’

  When she looked into his sexy blue gaze, his eyes were so filled with emotion, her legs threatened to give way.

  ‘Right now, I want to concentrate on you.’ With parted lips, he drew a sweet, slow caress over her mouth. ‘I want to tell you over and over how much I love you.’

  ‘Oh, Sam,’ Meg whispered.

  ‘It hit me the night Tom came along, that I’ve been in love with you for months and months. I think it probably happened when I first met you, but I was slow to catch on. It nearly killed me to drag myself away from you when you were in hospital.’

  She frowned. ‘But you did it—’

  ‘I did it because I loved you and it was what you wanted. When I realised I could put your needs before mine, that’s when I knew for sure I was a goner.’ He rubbed his chin in her hair as he held her closer. ‘But I mustn’t lose you again. I need you in my life, Meg.’ His eyes smiled into hers. ‘Every day.’

  Meg’s heart swelled. She couldn’t speak.

  But it didn’t matter. Sam’s strong arms were lifting her, carrying her across the room and then settling her onto his lap as he lowered himself onto the sofa.

  Unable to restrain herself any longer, her hands began to explore the beautiful strength of his shoulders as her body arched against him. She buried her lips against the dark warmth of his neck, relishing the familiar smell and taste of his skin.

  ‘Will you marry me, Nutmeg?’ Sam’s words feathered her cheek.

  Yes! she wanted to cry, but her throat was so filled with happiness, her voice made no sound. But it didn’t matter. She nodded and lifted her face so Sam could read her answer in her shining eyes.

  And everything else that needed to be said was accomplished mouth to mouth.


  EVERYTHING was so quiet as Sam Kirby walked through the open-plan living area of his home, that he wondered where his family was. Then he smiled when he saw Meg sitting with Dolly, out on the deck. They were enjoying the late afternoon breeze as it drifted up to them from the bay below.

  When he pushed aside the sliding glass doors and stepped outside to join them, he realised the breeze wasn’t the only thing drifting from below. The sounds of excited, girlish voices reached him.

r shell seekers are returning,’ Dolly commented as he stooped to kiss her papery cheek.

  ‘Hi there.’ Meg reached up and squeezed his hand and she sent him a happy, welcoming smile. As always, when he kissed her, his heart responded with a little leap of joy.

  The girls’ cries became clearer. ‘Granny Dolly, look at the pretty shell I found!’

  ‘I got one, too!’

  Sam looked in the direction of the voices. All that could be seen at this stage were two straw sun hats atop the two little girls, as they clambered up the cliff path towards the house. He chuckled. Beneath those look-alike shady hats, were his six-year-old twin daughters, Bella and Claire—as different as chalk and cheese.

  Bella would be the one in front, bursting with impatience to show off her find, her round face flushed beneath a tumble of glossy, dark curls. Claire would be following at a calmer pace, clutching her prize carefully, her thoughtful grey eyes peering from beneath a straight blonde fringe.

  Taking a seat beside Meg, he draped an arm around her shoulders as they watched the girls reach the top of the cliff path and bound eagerly up the steps and onto the deck.

  ‘Mine’s a spotty shell.’ Bella puffed, dropping a speckled cowrie into Dolly’s lap.

  ‘It’s beautiful, darling.’ Dolly beamed.

  Dolly’s sprightliness continued to amaze Sam. Although she was ninety now, she didn’t seem any older than when he’d first met her ten years ago.

  ‘And what have you found, Claire?’ the old lady was asking.

  The other little girl placed a perfect, pink and white volute into Dolly’s outstretched hand. He might have predicted that Claire’s shell would be less showy but just as beautiful as her sister’s.

  ‘This is lovely, too. It’s so delicate. Aren’t you both clever shell collectors?’

  ‘They’re for you,’ Bella explained.

  ‘Why, thank you so much. I’ll find somewhere very special for them when I go home.’ Dolly smiled at them both. ‘I thought you might want to give these to Tom for his birthday.’

  ‘He says shells are for girls,’ Claire explained. ‘He only collects sea-urchin skeletons.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Dolly sent Meg and Sam a knowing wink.

  ‘He got a proper full wetsuit for his birthday, a weight belt and an underwater torch,’ Bella elaborated. ‘So he can go skin diving with Daddy.’

  ‘Ten years’ old! Tom really is growing up, isn’t he?’ Dolly sighed.

  ‘That’s what Mummy was saying this morning. She and Daddy were talking about when Tom was born,’ Claire announced, and Meg and Sam exchanged smiles.

  Bella, not to be beaten, added, ‘But then Daddy started kissing Mummy—right in the middle of breakfast. Not just an ordinary kiss. A real long one.’

  ‘Hey! Who’s telling tales?’ Sam laughed. He threaded his little finger into one of the wheat-coloured curls lying loose against Meg’s neck. She turned and shot him a secret, sizzling smile. Luckily, his daughters didn’t know the half of what he and their mother had been up to earlier this morning.

  ‘They’re not telling me anything I didn’t already know,’ remarked Dolly and her eyes misted.

  Meg jumped to her feet. ‘How about you girls go and look for your brother? It’ll be time for his birthday tea soon. Just remind him we’re having his favourites—lasagne and chocolate-layer cake.’

  ‘I saw him down at the sea-horse tank,’ Sam called after the girls as they eagerly headed off once more. To Meg, he commented, ‘The staff have started calling Tom the apprentice, he spends so much time after school each day hanging about the research area.’

  ‘He certainly loves the sea horses and he was so excited when they started breeding,’ Meg agreed.

  Dolly turned to them both. ‘I meant what I said before. I’m so happy that you two have a very special marriage.’ She smiled and her eyes glistened a little tearily. ‘I know it might sound silly, but I’ve told my Tom about it and I know he’s happy, too.’

  ‘Oh, Dolly.’ Meg stepped closer and took Dolly’s hand in hers. ‘We are just so grateful to your Tom. Sam and I would never have found each other without him. I’m sure he knew when he threw that bottle overboard that, whatever happened, it would bring happiness, somewhere, some time.’

  ‘Yes, I think that, too, dear.’

  Sam switched his gaze to the horizon—to the Coral Sea—where Tom had sailed and had not come back. It always choked him up to think that his grandfather had missed out on a happily married life, when his own was so full and satisfactory in every way. Even his job was fulfilling. Now he had the fun of making good money while doing something he really loved.

  Dolly’s voice broke into his thoughts. ‘I just feel so blessed that I’ve been able to enjoy your little ones.’

  ‘And you’ll be able to enjoy them for another ten years. You’ll be here for your hundredth birthday, Dolly,’ Sam assured her. He jumped to his feet. ‘Now, I’m going to break open a bottle of champagne. You ladies will join me in a celebration, won’t you?’

  ‘Of course!’ they chorused.

  Minutes later, he’d popped the cork and was filling their glasses.

  Meg helped Dolly to her feet and the three of them stood together and looked out to sea.

  Then Sam raised his glass. ‘To Tom Kirby senior,’ he said. ‘Dolly’s husband and my grandfather—and a brilliant letter writer.’

  They clinked glasses and drank.

  Smiling down into Meg’s eyes, he kissed her and she tasted of champagne and laughter and love. Then he added, ‘And to Tom Kirby junior, our son and great-grandson.’

  Just then there was a clatter of feet on the stairs and Tom, his black hair windswept and his blue eyes sparkling, raced ahead of his sisters. ‘Are we really having lasagne and chocolate-layer cake?’ he shouted breathlessly.

  The adults laughed. And Sam reached over and wrapped an arm around his son’s shoulders. Once more he raised his glass. ‘As I was saying, to Tom junior—a kid who, right from when he was born, has always had a great sense of timing.’

  Once more they laughed, clinked their glasses, toasted and drank their champagne.

  Meg’s and Sam’s eyes met.

  ‘Oh, oh,’ he heard Bella warn Claire. ‘They look like they’re thinking about kissing again.’

  His daughter was a mind-reader.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1655-6


  First North American Publication 2011

  Copyright © 2001 by Barbara Hannay

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