Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections)

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Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections) Page 18

by Clare Morgan

  “Okay! As you say, Larry!” she didn’t argue at all. As we both finished packing, we headed to the airport, bidding goodbye to that one hell of a trip!

  Chapter 11:

  We landed back to Chicago in order to make sure that Victoria is safe. I tried to cool myself down, but I started to feel as if my entire body was set on fire. I wanted to find the one who was behind that entire strategy and beat the shit out of him. I couldn’t believe that I was getting so angry at her competitors who were stooping down to such a low.

  Things were really different when we met for the first time. I faced exactly the same situation, but at that time, I didn’t let my emotion cloud my judgment. I took it as a job and didn’t get emotionally involved in it, but not anymore. I finally realized how much Victoria meant to me and I couldn’t let her go.

  I was extremely close to losing her forever back in Miami and the thought was terrifying. I knew that I had to find the one who was making the entire plot and had to do something really soon.

  As Victoria joined her business a day prior to her return, no one was really shocked. They all knew that she can’t stay away from her work for so long and the three-day strike was a record in itself. It made me realize that it was not just me who had changed after meeting her, but Victoria also changed after meeting me. I didn’t know if it was good or bad.

  It was too much for me to contemplate and instead of thinking so much about it; I decided to let it all go. I thought of going with the flow when it came to the two of us, and instead of thinking where our relationship was going, I thought of finding out more details about the recent attack.

  I went out and tried to talk to my people. I have had a few private investigators who were my friend. They owed me a favor and that was the perfect time to get in touch with them. I told them all about the incident and they promised me that they will get back with something positive. I tried to investigate it on my own as well, but it was a dead end.

  I didn’t matter how much I try, but I was just not able to figure it out. I didn’t have enough pieces of evidence to connect the dots and have something really solid to back me up.

  “Name me some of your competitors,” I asked Victoria so that I could dig more information about them in order to commence my investigation. I was waiting for my first lead and without it, I was simply going haywire.

  “Oh god! That’s a tough question. I don’t know. The entire world is! I have so many competitors, Larry. I can’t point out a few of them. Almost every big name in the industry in jealous of me and I don’t know from where should I start,” she said as she had no idea from where she should begin.

  “Still, you need to give me something here!” I insisted in order to make her realize how desperately I wanted some information.

  “Why don’t you go to Natasha and ask her. I mean she deals with most of the business stuff and takes care of the marketing as well. She would be able to give you what you need,” she said and started to work on a project. I realized that maybe Natasha could be of a great use this time.

  As I was walking towards her cabin, I realized that she was speaking to someone else on her phone. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but the way she was speaking was certainly suspicious. I figured out that something was definitely going on with her and it was my duty to figure it out.

  I walked a little more towards her cabin in order to listen to her conversation.

  “I don’t understand, how your men can be so stupid. I gave you the address of her hotel as well and told you when would be the right time to kill her. Why were your men not able to do this small task! I am not taking no for an answer this time. The next week, she would be out to attend another meeting. I will let you guys know all about it. I will even give your men the passes to the event. I won’t take another strike. It is now or never!” she whispered to someone on the phone as I quickly took a few steps back to hide.

  I couldn’t realize that it was Natasha who was planning to kill Victoria. I couldn’t figure out why her own personal assistant would be planning her murder. As far as I knew, Victoria and Natasha were friends. Yes, just like me, Natasha was also her paid employee, but she always considered Natasha as a sister.

  I knew that it would be an utter shock to Victoria and I couldn’t simply tell her about Natasha’s plan without some piece of evidence. I knew that I had to come up with something really fast; otherwise, it would be too late.

  I tried to handle the situation, not with my heart or my brain, but with my dick. I knew that Natasha had a thing for me and it was time for me to use that in my favor.

  The next day, Victoria headed out as she had to go and attend a party. She wanted me to join her but I came up with an excuse and sat that one out. I wanted to stay back home and talk to Natasha. I knew that I would be able to gain her trust and will insist her to share her plan, but it would be really easy with some alcohol.

  “What do you think we should do tonight?” I asked her as she was completing her work.

  “There is no “we” here, lover boy. I am going home for a few minutes and you can do whatever you want to do with your life. I am just really tired!” she said and tried to come up with an excuse.

  “Oh! Come on! Don’t behave like you are in your sixties! If you are tired, then drink some wine and start your night on a high!” I said and held her hand.

  “What? What are you doing?” she said as she followed my lead. She didn’t resist at all. There was a part of her who also wanted to break free and have some fun. I knew that if I had to know the truth then I must lure Natasha with some alcohol and sex. It is one such deadly combination that always works!

  “Here! Have one more glass. You have earned it!” I said as I poured one more glass to her. I knew that she was borderline drunk and that was just what I needed. I knew that it was wrong of me to get her drunk and then manipulate her like that, but she had left me no other choice. She was after Victoria and wanted to kill her. I had to lure her with alcohol and sex in order to make her tell the truth. I wanted to know if it was only her or was she involved with other people as well.

  “Oh God! I am so high! And you are so good looking, Larry!” she said as she leaned towards me to have a kiss. I didn’t want to kiss her, especially after knowing her true intentions. But I also knew that if I wanted to gain her trust, then I had to start with that one kiss. Chances were that I was even had to fuck her wild. I despised her body but that was one thing that I was willing to do for Victoria.

  I didn’t resist and leaned towards her as well in order to meet her halfway. Our lips met and I could taste the alcohol in her mouth. It wasn’t what I had in mind for a perfect kiss, but I had to do it anyhow.

  I kept kissing her without taking a break in between and traversed her insides. She was pushing her tongue inside me and wanted to taste my essence as well. I didn’t resist at all, as I didn’t want to make her believe that it was all a setup.

  We both kept kissing each other for the next few minutes till I felt her hands all over my chest. She unbuttoned my shirt and I realized that she had something else than just kissing in her mind. She wanted to take the high road and have some steamy romance.

  “Do you know how long it has been since a guy like you have fucked me? I want you to fuck me the same way you did that day in the backstage. Fuck me, Larry. Make me yours!” she said as she threw my shirt on the floor and welcomed my muscular chest with her hands. She started to rub her hands all over me and then threw her blouse away as well.

  She unbuttoned her bra and then threw it on the floor. I took the two of us towards the bedroom, as it was certainly getting a little uncomfortable. I locked the door in order to make sure that no one would get in while I lay her down.

  I was hoping for her to spill the secret as I asked her a few times about it, but to my surprise, she had nothing else in her mind except sex.

  “Do you know who is trying to kill Victoria?” I asked her again as I lay her down and tried to cover her breasts. She was complet
ely naked as she had lost all her clothes. I was simply wearing my trousers and wanted to avoid that unwanted round of sex.

  “I will tell you if you fuck me wild and deep, lover boy!” she said. She was completely drunk by then and had no idea what she was saying.

  I realized that if I really wanted to know the truth then fucking her was the only option. I unbuttoned my trousers and let go of my underwear with it as I realized that she was hungry for my dick.

  “Wow! You are so sexy, Larry!” she said as she pushed me towards her. I lay on the bed beside her as she took a firm grip on my dick and started to massage. I did the same and kept stroking my dick as well in order to make it erect. I just wanted to get rid of it fast, but it order to know the truth, I knew that I first had to satisfy her sexual desire.

  I finally went with the flow and leaned towards her. I placed her comfortably on the bed and then started to penetrate her. My dick was hard and erect and was ready to do its magic. I knew how much Natasha was craving for some earth-shattering sex and that is exactly what I planned to deliver.

  I started to play with her breasts and put them in my mouth. As I kept sucking them wildly, I could hear her calling my name loudly.

  “Yes! Fuck me Larry! Fuck me hard!” she started to scream as I touched her labia with my dick. I knew she wanted to be fucked and I didn’t wait anymore to do some foreplay.

  I started to push my dick inside of her and then gradually touched the tip of her insides. I was doing everything the way I was supposed to do. I certainly could feel the warmth of her vagina that was burning with the new alcohol in her system. It certainly felt great – there was no doubt about it. But there was no passion between the two of us. We were having sex out of lust and a purpose, but not out of love, which simply made me miss Victoria even more.

  I kept penetrating her deep and hard without taking any breaks in between. With every push, I kept touching her insides and made her scream my name out loud. She was crying loudly and kept calling my name in order to reach out to the universe and break free.

  I wanted to get that sex over with and simply increased my pace with every push in order to cum as soon as I could. I knew that I had to satisfy her, and in order to make her reach her climax, I started to bite her nipples. I started to play with her breasts and then sucked her wildly. I knew that it was a rough one and she would be regretting it later, but at that moment, she was certainly levitating from her world.

  She loved each and every bit of it and the moment I touched the last tip of her inside, she made a loud moan and reached her threshold. I knew that she had reached her climax and decided not to hold myself anymore either. I filled her hole with my cum as I ejaculated inside of her.

  “Oh God! Larry! You are a God in bed! Victoria is so lucky to have you!” she started to say it out loud. I knew that it was the alcohol speaking and I had got the perfect opportunity for her to spill it out.

  “Are you not happy with Victoria these days? Did she do something?” I asked her and started the voice recorder on my phone without letting her know. I wanted to record her own voice so that I could go to Victoria with a solid piece of evidence.

  “I don’t like her at all, Larry. I hate her. I hate her so much, Larry. I want her to die!” she said frustratingly. I realized that I have hit just the right spot and she would spill all the beans herself if I will push her.

  “Why do you hate her, Natasha? What did she do?” I asked her.

  “She takes control of everything, Larry. I am the one who works and she is the one who gets all the money. Do you have any idea how much money she has! She can change all of our lives with that much of money, but she is just keeping it all to herself. Do you think she loves you, Larry? No! She is a monster and she can’t love you. She can never love anyone at all. She is a drug addict and she might say that she is sober, but still will make you drown with her, Larry. The same way she did with Henry!” she said and closed her eyes. I realized that I was losing her and slapped her lightly on her cheeks in order to make her conscious again.

  “Who is Henry, Natasha?” I asked her.

  “Henry – Henry was my brother. I mean he was not my biological brother. My parents adopted him when he was a kid and took care of him. He was the closest thing that I had to a brother and a friend. After my parents died in a car crash, he was all that I was left with. He was my only family, Larry.

  But then one day, I figured out that he was getting addict with some drugs – mostly cocaine. I tried to help him as much as I could, but all my attempts just pushed him away. He left me and decided to face the world on his own. One day, we fought really badly and he just left. With only twenty dollars in his pocket, he left the house and never came back. I tried to find him. I looked for him everywhere. He was the most important person in my life and I couldn’t let him go so easily.

  After a few months, I was able to find him here in Chicago. He was living with Victoria. At that time, she was not this successful. She only had a store in the city and was doing pretty good. They both were together and used to take cocaine all day and night long. I tried to talk to Henry, but I was not able to get any chance,” she said as she was about to pass out.

  “Then what happened, Natasha? What happened to Henry?” I asked her.

  “Henry died. Natasha gave him an overload of some drug that took his life. They both were consuming drugs in an unbearable quantity one night. The next morning, only Victoria was able to wake up while my brother Henry, he died right beside her. She killed him, Larry. She killed my brother and now is the time when she should get punished for what she did. She doesn’t deserve all this luxury, name, and fame. Everyone should know who she is.

  Instead of going back, I thought of staying here and kept a keen eye on her. As her business got expanded and she kept signing one after another deal, she realized that she needed a personal assistant. The moment the post was published, I applied to it and got in. I started working with her, without letting her know that I was Henry’s sister – the same guy whom she had murdered. She is the one who killed my brother and I can’t let her walk away without getting punished. I laid low for the few initial years, without letting her anything about Henry, but after a while, I realized that I should do something. I had to do something.

  I decided that I should kill her in order to seek my revenge. I wanted to kill her for so long, Larry. I thought that I didn’t have it in me until one day I woke up and realized that I have nothing left in my life anymore and it was all because of Victoria. I planned the whole thing and I am telling you, the next week, it would be done. This would be her last week in this world, Larry. Henry would be so happy!” she said and closed her eyes. I didn’t try to wake her up. I got everything I needed and simply got dressed. I knew that I was able to get the most crucial piece of evidence.

  Without worrying at all, I finally decided to hit home. I knew that Victoria would be out. I simply left her a message about the entire incident so that she won’t get surprised on finding Natasha in her house.

  I knew that staying there was not appropriate and drove back to my place in order to sleep for a while before coming back to Victoria to tell her the entire truth.

  Chapter 12:

  As I drove back to my place, I realized how my life has been changed in a matter of just a few months. When I was living with Anthony, I had to put my life in danger in order to save the people around me – it was not my duty, but it was an obligation. I used to save their lives not because I used to care about them, but because I was getting money out of it. But not anymore – the only reason I was so keen to saving Victoria was certainly beyond my job.

  Both, Victoria and I knew that we were having a strange affection towards each other. I believe it all started when we had sex for the first time. The spark between the two of us didn’t seem to die as it ignited an undying fire in our soul. I missed Ila, there was no doubt about it. She came like a breath of fresh air to my life and made me realize that I wasn’t too old to fall in
love, but she chose Rick over me and I had no regrets.

  She was young, wild, and free – and she was bound to make a few mistakes along the way. I knew that Rick was indeed one of her mistakes. As I parked my car in front of my place, I couldn’t believe what I just saw. It was Ila – I had no idea why she was standing in front of my place. It was raining heavily and her entire body was drenched. She was simply wearing a navy dress and was looking certainly gorgeous in that.

  As I stepped out of my car and walked towards her, I couldn’t stop thinking about my past. It was no longer haunting me in the form of various flashes – instead, it was standing right in front of me. It was like at that moment, everything came running back to me. I could remember the day when I bid my farewell to the both of them. We left with a promise that we would keep meeting soon and that it was not the last of our interaction.

  Though, after I left none of us got any time to meet each other. I believe that we both simply got occupied in our lives and didn’t know how to maintain our relationship strong with time. Nevertheless, there are a few relationships that are beyond the rules of time and space. What Ila and I had was certainly one of that. We didn’t require constant touch in order to maintain our relationship. Just a single look at her beautiful face was enough for me to remember all that time that we had spent together.

  “What happened, Ila? Is everything fine?” I asked her. Of course, things weren’t fine, otherwise, she wouldn’t be standing in front of my house.

  “No, Larry. Everything is falling apart. I don’t know what to do? I don’t know whom should I trust anymore? It all got destroyed!” she said and hugged me tightly. She was somehow able to keep herself together before she saw me, but not anymore. Tears started to fall aimlessly from her eyes and she was not showing any sign to stop at all.

  “What happened, Ila? Tell me all about it!” I said as I opened the gate of my place and invited her in. She was completely wet and I could smell her essence covering the entire atmosphere. I have missed her smell, her presence for so long. I have always been in love with Ila, but I was simply never brave enough to fight for her. I don’t know why, but that day as she stood in front of me, I realized that I was given a second chance.


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