The Naked Truth About Love

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The Naked Truth About Love Page 6

by Stokes Lee, Brenda

  With caution he approached her. “EJ, I’m in love with you. I’ve never been in love with anyone but you. Please don’t call it off. Give me a chance to at least consider it.”

  EJ was stunned. She had never heard those words cross Paul’s lips. Her eyes met his as they searched for hope. Hope that they could be together. Hope that he loved her enough to end this dumbass standoff with Prissy. Finding what she sought she jumped in his arms and hugged him tight.

  Paul grabbed her tight around her waist and swung her body around like a rag doll. “I fuckin can’t leave this room until you tell me that you belong to me.” He confessed as he searched her for confirmation that they would remain together.

  “Yes, I’m yours. I’ve never belonged to anyone except you.” She sobbed.

  Paul sucked her mouth into his. Kissing her like he’d never see her again. Her body was soft in contrast to his hard muscular frame. Carrying her to the bed he gently laid her down. Removing the oversized bath towel he said not a word as he surveyed her stunning body. He was in awe of her.

  Spreading EJ’s legs wide Paul burrowed his head between her bronze thighs and devoured her sweet essence until she begged him to stop. Celebrating their love their bodies contorted from position to position until they both succumbed to exhaustion. Hot, sweaty and extremely satisfied they pledged to keep their affair private yet exclusive for the time being.

  Chapter 8

  Love Does Not Keep a Record of Wrongs

  Not a single day passed over the next four weeks that EJ did not consider telling Miss Priss about her love affair with Paul, but she couldn’t. Paul had sworn her to absolute secrecy until he sorted out his issues with Teddy dating his sister. Unfortunately she no longer had the luxury of keeping secrets. She needed her best friend’s advice.

  Miss Priss and EJ had been best friends since the day that they met. At age six EJ accompanied her parents on a routine trip to the vet for their aging family dog. Dr. Crown, Miss Priss’ dad delivered an unthinkable blow to the family when he told them that Bubbles, EJ’s dog was dying of stomach cancer and needed to be put down.

  EJ was absolutely devastated and inconsolable. She could not and would not stop sobbing. Bubbles was her only playmate and friend. Miss Priss who was visiting her dad at his office that day heard all the crying and ventured out of her father’s office to see what was going on. Discovering the distraught EJ crying over her deceased pet and friend Miss Priss went to her and hugged her tight. She vowed to be EJ’s best friend and Bubbles replacement for as long as she lived.

  EJ stopped crying immediately upon accepting Miss Priss’ offer of friendship. Over a decade and a half later the two women could not be any closer if they were siblings. After graduating from high school they enrolled in FDC were they both majored in International Business. Extremely smart sexy and beautiful the two young women were and unstoppable combination. They planned to get their MBA’s and open a small international consulting firm in Atlanta when they graduated.

  Until today everything was on target, and then EJ discovered that her super regular period had sudden become irrationally irregular. Basically joined at the hip since the day they met the two women shared an off campus apartment not far from the FDC campus. Naturally, because of their closeness, their menstrual cycle was separated by a day or two at most. But for some reason Miss Priss was on but EJ had not seen a drop of blood since last month.

  Staring at the stick of a positive home pregnancy test EJ instantly knew why. She was pregnant and Paul was the father. Racking her brain to figure out how and when this happened she came to the startling conclusion that against all odds and reason she was impregnated the night she lost her virginity.

  “What the fuck? How is that even possible? Oh come on!” Her brain screamed.

  Overwhelmed she burst into tears totally oblivious to the fact that Miss Priss could hear her. Charging into the room to the rescue she found a distraught EJ in the bathroom holding an obviously blue pregnancy stick.

  Shocked she stood there spellbound, staring at assortment of various types of pregnancy tester all with the same damn result- positive as hell!

  “Oh my God!” She gasped thinking that EJ had somehow slipped up and become pregnant by some random guy. “Who the hell did you fuck?” She blurted out without thinking.

  “This can’t be happening. There is no damn way that I can be pregnant. I graduate this year and then I start grad school and oh my God! Oh my God! He’s going to kill me! I promised him that I wouldn’t get pregnant… He’s going to think that I did this on purpose! Oh my God! Please Lord, No!” She ranted as she quickly began to lose her damn mind.

  “Hold the hell up! Who the hell did you fuck and why in hell didn’t you tell me that you were fucking?” Miss Priss demanded as she examined the results of the six pregnancy tests that EJ had just failed.

  “Prissy I am so sorry!” She apologized.


  “I should have told you the first time we made love! I’m sorry, but he made me swear that I would never tell you.”

  Miss Priss eyes grew the size of two silver dollar coins. She could not fathom what she assumed that EJ was trying to say. “I know fucking well you did not fuck my man! Is Bear your baby daddy? Is that who he is? Tell me!” Miss Priss snapped as she confronted EJ.

  “What? Hell no! I didn’t sleep with Bear! Prissy you know that I wouldn’t do that bullshit to you. Oh come on… How could you even think such a vile thing?”

  “OMG! Thank God, because I was about to beat your pregnant ass! Whew! I can’t believe I just loss it like that!” Miss Priss laughed.

  “I’m glad at least one of this finds this bull ass shit funny… because I don’t. FUCK! I can’t believe I got pregnant my very first time. Can that even happen?”

  Miss Priss quickly returned to best friend mode. “EJ I am so sorry. How did this happen?”

  EJ gave her a side glance before rolling her eyes. “Prissy, how do you think it happened.”

  “I mean I know how it happened… I just don’t know the when, where, who and why. And hold the hell up! Who has you keeping secrets from me of all damn people? Escape Jones you need to tell me something right now! I have never, ever kept a secret from you, especially not a secret this big.”

  “Prissy, I’m sorry… I should have…” She tried to apologize before Miss Priss cut her off.

  “Save all the sorry bullshit and start talking. Who knocked your virgin ass up?”

  “Damn you could have a little compassion for me.” EJ nervously giggled.

  “Fuck compassion… Come with it! I have to hear this bullshit! Who is he?”

  “Prissy, promise that you won’t be mad…”

  “EJ… I swear to God you’d better tell me right now and it had better not be Bear or I’m beating both of y’all asses!”

  “Paul..” EJ sighed.

  Miss Priss looked confused. “I don’t understand. What about Paul?”

  “I’m pregnant by Paul.” EJ confessed in a soft voice.

  “Paul who?” Miss Priss asked confused.

  “Prissy, come on… Paul Crown… Your brother.”

  Miss Priss was floored. In fact she looked like she had just been kicked to the floor by a bucking mule. Speechless she tried to process what EJ had just told her. Suddenly it became painfully clear. Her best friend had been sleeping with her twin brother behind her back and is now pregnant by him.

  “Oh my God!” She exclaimed.

  “Prissy please don’t be mad at me. You know how much I love him and you know that I’d do anything to be with him. We just needed sometime to figure out how to tell you. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to ruin our relationship. Prissy I’m so in love with that man. ” EJ babbled.

  “I’m going to be an aunt! EJ… and you’re… You’re going to be my sister in-law!” The elated Miss Priss screamed as she grabbed EJ and held her tight enough to choke the wind out of her.

  “Prissy, calm down. There’s a
reason that I was crying. I still have a really big problem.”

  “What? What’s the problem? Does Paul know? Well, of course he doesn’t know. I’ll tell him… Do you want to tell him or do you need me to tell him… Because I’ll tell him if you want me to.”

  “Paul is not going to be as happy about this as you are. Priss I promised him that he could trust me. I begged him to make love to me without protection and I promised him that I wouldn’t get pregnant. He’s going to think that I planned this whole thing. Prissy he goings to hate me if he finds out.”

  “What? What do you mean if he finds out? You mean when he finds out, right?” Miss Priss asked as she began to unravel when she realized what EJ was considering. “Oh no EJ! You can’t… Oh my God please don’t!”

  “Prissy, I have loved your brother since I was ten years old. Finally after all these years he decided to reciprocate those feelings. I can’t… I just can’t lose him. I’m sorry but… I can’t, I just can’t so please don’t even ask me to. It was a mistake… plain and simple.”

  “It! It is not an it! It is my niece or nephew and I love you to death EJ, but I swear to God that I will not stand by and let you abort my brother’s baby in silence. No! I swear to God I’m telling Paul.” Miss Priss threatened.

  “Priss no! Please don’t! I can’t lose him… I just can’t. So please don’t tell him. Please?”

  “EJ I am not, I repeat not going to let you abort my flesh and blood. I would never be able to look at my brother again if I let you do that. So don’t even ask. You have three days to tell Paul and then I’ll tell him for you.”

  “Prissy, it’s not yours to tell. So just stay out of it until I figure out what I’m going to do.”

  “Do you want to know what you’re going to do? Okay I’ll tell you what you’re going to do… You’re going to have a baby… that’s what you are going to do. And somehow if you manage to never let Paul find out that you even considered having an abortion you’re going to one day marry my brother. Provided you cease all that Tom Foolery and Fuckery! Why would you even think that Paul wouldn’t be there for you and your child?”

  “Priss that’s not what I said. You know our history. It was major for him to risk crossing the line to sleep with me. I didn’t even have to seduce him.”

  “Wait a second when did this happen?”

  “The night the four us went out. Paul brought me home and stayed all weekend while you were at Bear’s ranch.”

  “I thought so… I remember that dress and trust me you seduced the hell out of him.”

  “I did look good…” She snickered “At any rate I practically begged him to screw me raw.”

  “See, I don’t get that… Paul does not have unprotected sex… with anyone… for any reason… So, what the hell happened?”

  “Damn hormones I guess… You know that I wasn’t using birth control, because I wasn’t having sex. And I’m allergic to latex.”

  “I get it, he was hot and horny and yeah… basically you two were a cluster fuck waiting to happen. Look you’re pregnant for a reason. You’ve always wanted to be with Paul, now you’ll have a piece of him to hold and love forever. EJ just tell him. If he has an issue with it, then fuck him. I’ll help you take care of the baby, I promise. Just don’t try to take the easy way out. You’ll look back with regret for the rest of your life.”

  “OK, let me just see where Paul’s head is, but I know what he’s already going to say. He told me in no uncertain terms that he was not ready to be a father. So I know he’s not ready to be a husband.”

  “So what! If that’s how he feels then that’s his issue not yours. Okay? Your body, your decision. I wish I was pregnant by Bear. I wouldn’t give a damn what he thought. I’d have my baby and he could just kiss my pregnant ass if he didn’t want to act right!”

  “I swear to God I don’t know how or why the two of you can even stand to be in the same room with each other after all the bullshit you two have been through. How do you even begin to deal with his shit?”

  “Honestly, I knew what I signed up for when I first laid down with him. EJ, Bear loves me. I know with all the womanizing it may not seem like it but he does.”

  “I know, you don’t have to tell me. I can see it every time the two of you are within a hundred feet of each other. He can’t keep his eyes off you to save his life.” EJ interjected.

  “It’s just that he’s afraid to lose one single more person from his life. Once his parents died he felt like everything and everyone he loved would one by one be taken away from him. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing me or Paul for that matter. So, it just made since to appease Paul and stay away from me to preserve their friendship. The problem is he can’t leave me alone and I can’t leave him alone. So we’re stuck on this damn gerbil wheel… running from each other yet chasing each other at the same damn time!” Miss Priss sighed. “Neither one of us has the will power or the good common sense to just get off the damn dumbass wheel. It sounds easy and God knows I’ve tried, but I can’t. So, we just steal whatever time we can with each other and try to avoid hating each other for what we did while we were apart.”

  “But Priss, you won’t even consider seeing anyone other than Bear. At least try.”

  “I know damn well that the pot didn’t just call the kettle’s ass black! Besides, in my world there is no other man except Teddy Bear Davine. Sad, but so true.”

  “I feel you on that one.” EJ sighed as she took one last look at the discarded pregnancy test sticks in the thrash. “ Paul Crown will always be my one and only King.”

  “Then seal your destiny and give your King a prince or a princess! He’ll love you forever for it and you’ll always occupy a seat on the throne of his heart.” Miss Priss advised EJ as she hugged her tight.

  “Best friends swear that you will not say a word to Paul or Teddy! I promise I’ll tell him when the time is right.”

  “Best friend swear that I won’t breathe a single word as long as you swear that you will not have an abortion.” Miss Priss countered.

  “I swear.” EJ conceded as she searched her friend’s eyes, pleading for her allegiance.

  “I swear.” Miss Priss agreed as she grabbed EJ and hugged her tight. “Best friends for life!”

  “Best friends for life!” EJ agreed completing their pack.

  “Best friends for life!” Miss Priss acknowledged as she hugged EJ tight.

  Chapter 9

  Love Never Boasts

  Paul had been as cool as an Eskimo licking a Popsicle in a blizzard whenever he was around EJ. In fact his demeanor was so cold an callus that it instantly raised suspicion. Teddy knew something was up, yet he could not quite figure out what. One thing was certain, Paul was hiding something and he was going to find out what.

  Paul, Teddy, Dorian and Christian were all Kappa men, members of Kappa Alpha Psi. The four men were close and made it a ritual to meet on Saturdays nights to hangout and catch up. Tonight the four of them decided to go to Passions a local bar frequented by FDC alumni and students.

  Now Christian, or should I say Dr. Christian Love was Paul’s and Teddy’s roommate. Absolutely gorgeous, he was a tall, tantalizing, tasty milk chocolate treat. Standing close to six foot six that delicious piece of eye candy had a lean, athletic body that made every pussy in a fifty mile radius purr, Meow, Meow, Meow! Almost three years older than the others Chris as they called him, was a third year medical student at Morehouse Medical School. A certified fanatic of any and everything female the extraordinarily handsome doctor planned to become a Gynecologist upon finishing medical school. A self professed Ladies Man and a bonafide, Giggahoe Dr. Love made Teddy look like Mother Teresa.

  One could say that Teddy learned from the best and Dr. Christian Love was by far the smoothest criminal Atlanta had ever known. Stealing ladies’ hearts and relieving them of their soaking wet panties everywhere he went, Christian was a Georgia legend.

  Chris taught Teddy and Paul the crafty art of the one night
seduction that always ended in a very satisfying and extremely happy ending for everyone. No woman could resist his haunting brown eyes and his alluring, broad sexy country boy smile. Well, almost no woman. Oddly enough Miss Priss had fallen prey to his mystical allure and was a short cunt hair away from being his next damn happy meal.

  Pissed with Teddy over his continued involvement with Zoey Chandler, Miss Priss devised an elaborate scheme to get some well deserved payback. Captivated by Christian’s Atlanta swag and pretty boy charm she decided that he was just what the doctor ordered. Miss Priss strong armed Chris into having dinner with her. Aware that all of Christian’s dinner dates ended with a Happy Ending Christian Love Sundae, Miss Priss was poised to pay Teddy back for every single clit he licked since they started dating.

  In all fairness, Chris had absolutely no damn clue that Teddy was secretly Miss Priss’ Boo. The only person on the plant who knew of their very private affair was EJ. Naturally, Paul didn’t have a damn clue and certainly not Dorian. You see Dorian had a big ass mouth and everyone on campus knew it. It baffled them how he planned to be an Attorney when he couldn’t keep a damn secret to save his mother’s life.

  Teddy had no one that he could trust with his secret. So, there was really no way that Christian or anyone else could know that he was in love with Miss Priss. There was absolutely no way that Teddy was going to tell them.

  Miss Priss and EJ were the most coveted pussies on FDC campus. Every man on campus wanted to fuck them silly, yet no man could boast that they’d even come close to sniffing their panties. Legendary bragging rights and kudos belonged to Teddy, but his love for Miss Priss made that so insignificant. He’d rather be drawn and quartered than to divulge their affair. Teddy was proud to be Miss Priss’ man, but he had completely no desire to let it be known that he was wearing that ass out on the regular!


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