The Naked Truth About Love

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The Naked Truth About Love Page 14

by Stokes Lee, Brenda

  "Oh, it's you. Talk about what?"

  "Don't fuckin play games. I'm not in the fuckin mood."

  "When and where?" Jaydan sighed.

  "Four o'clock today at the Apple Barrel Bar and Grill. Paul has a late class and he won't be home before six."

  "Did you say anything to him about us?"

  "What fuckin us? There's no fuckin us to tell him about. But I swear I will tell him about your scandalous ass if you don't show up tomorrow."

  "Alright, I'll see you then." Jaydan said as she hung up the phone.


  Teddy arrived at the Apple Barrel at four o'clock as scheduled to find a very anxious Jaydan waiting for him. She could tell by the grimace on his face that he wasn't a very happy camper.

  "Hey Teddy. How was your day? You look upset. Is everything okay?"

  "No, everything isn't okay." Teddy said as he picked the menu up from the table and quickly scanned it for something to drink. "And stop acting like this is a damn social call and shit!"

  "What's the problem?" Jaydan calmly asked although she knew damn well what the problem was.

  "Is that really the game you want to play? Huh, Jaydan?" Teddy asked as he closed the menu and casually tossed it on the table.

  "I'm not playing any games. You're the one into playing games, not me."

  "Really? So, exactly what game are you not playing with Paul? Huh?"

  "I'm not playing any games with Paul. I have no idea what you're referring to." Jaydan responded with her poker face plastered on.

  "Alright so let me refresh your damn memory since you've suddenly developed a severe case of amnesia. A little over a month ago I was hanging out with a few of the guys at the Pussy Emporium. You know that titty bar... My bad, I mean strip club... Damn my bad again, I mean that gentlemen's club downtown. I know you've heard about it, right?" Teddy asked, pausing not for an answer, but for dramatic effect. "So anyway we're at the club and this fine as stripper... My bad, I mean this fine ass exotic entertainer comes on stage. I think her name was Sashay Fierce or Sasha Ferocious or some bullshit like that. Who can remember a name when a girl has tits and an ass like that? It's not her real name anyway so it doesn't really matter."

  Jaydan rolls her eyes and reserves comment. Teddy gives her a devious smirk and then continues.

  "So anyway this chick could work a stripper pole and a nigga for his money like no other stripper I'd ever seen. Shorty was bad as a mother fucka and I'm not going to lie, me and my boys let it rain on her. Hell, I must have threw a hundred dollars on her alone, especially when she dropped eagle in front of me and let me see that pink pussy of hers. That bitch was bad!"

  Spying the waitress approach Teddy passed her the menu. "What do you want to eat?"


  "Hi I'm Lisa, are you ready to order or do you need a little more time with the menu?" The waitress asked.

  "Hi Lisa. No we're ready. Okay, well can I get the smoked salmon with the rice and steamed vegetables. And could you bring me a Corona while I wait. Are you sure that you don't want anything, Jaydan?"

  "No I have to leave in a few." Jaydan calmly replied although she was fuming mad.

  "No problem." The waitress smiled. I'll be right back with your beer.

  "So anyway, back to my story. My boy complimented shorty on her pole artistry and shorty coyly informed him that she knew how to work another pole. So of course he takes her up on her offer and she takes him back to the VIP lounge for a private pole dance. Long story short my boy comes out of the VIP lounge extremely happy, three hundred dollars poorer and his pole thoroughly polished."

  "What the fuck ever! Your friend's a fucking liar! I didn't let him smash me for no fucking three hundred dollars."

  "I didn't say you fucked. Matter of fact I didn't even say it was you. What I said was that he was happy and his pole was polished. He told us that you gave him a hand job and then blew him to finish him off. I told him he was out of his damn mind, because I would have fucked your silly ass front, back and sideways for that much money."

  "Fuck you and fuck him! It's your word against mine. Paul's not going to believe that bullshit anyway. So, it's whatever. Why would he believe that lying nigga over me? PLEASE! You must be crazy." Jaydan snorted.

  "You're probably right. The only problem is that lying nigga as you called him is actually Paul's first cousin, Dante. Who Paul has known since the day he was born and who Paul would trust with his life. But you're probably right. Why would Paul take his word over yours? What, Paul's known you a couple of months or something like that? Sure, he'll believe you before he believes his own blood." Teddy sarcastically concluded as he relaxed back in the chair and eyed Jaydan as she squirmed in hers.

  "So what do you want? Huh? What, you want to fuck me? You want a blow job? What?"

  "Hell no! Trick you must be crazy if you think I would let you fuck me. Fuck that! I wouldn't fuck you with my arch enemy’s dick!"

  "Then why are we here? What do you want?"

  "I want you to come clean with Paul. Then tell him that you two aren't right for each other and break it off."

  "What the fuck ever. Fuck that and fuck you! I'm not telling him shit! Why would I do that?"

  "You'll tell him or I will!"

  "Then tell him, Teddy! If it was so easy to do you'd have told him by now." Jaydan smirked as she took a drink of her soda.

  "Here you go sir. One nice cold Corona." The waitress said as she served Teddy his beer.

  Taking a big gulp of the beer Teddy stared at the smug Jaydan and carefully weighed his options. In retrospect he wished he had at least capitalized on the opportunity to get a blow job before he exposed her ass. Then he concluded that he seriously didn't want this nasty ass hoe anywhere near his dick. A devious smile crossed his face as the solution to his problem suddenly materialized out of thin air.

  "So, do you want to smash or what?" Jaydan challenged. "Paul won't be home for at least two more hours."

  "I'd love to smash your face." Teddy retorted. "But since that's not on the menu then the answer is still hell no! You think I'd let you touch me? You foul ass skank."

  "Fuck you Teddy!"

  "Not even if you were the last cunt with a wet pussy on the planet!" Teddy fired back as he watched Jaydan grab her purse, get up and storm out of the restaurant.

  Taking another giant swig of his beer he smiled as he began to hatch his diabolical plan to trap Jaydan in her not so intricately crafted web of lies. "Oh I'm gonna get your nasty little ass tonight, you scandalous ass, skanky ass, trick ass bitch!" He chuckled.

  Chapter 18

  Love Rejoices in the Truth

  Later that night Teddy, Dorian and a few of the other guys on the team agreed to meet at the Pussy Emporium to share some laughs, a few beers and some lap dances. Naturally, Teddy got one of the other guys to suggest it. He didn't want to shelter all the blame for exposing Paul's girl for being the hoe she was.

  He knew Paul liked this woman a lot. It saddened him that she was such a saddle tramp and totally undeserving of his devotion. It saddened him even more to be the one forced to expose her treacherous ass. Still, there was no way that he was going to let this relationship go any further than it already had gone. He'd be damned if he allow Paul to marry this gold digging hooker.

  They arrive at the Pussy Emporium a little after ten. The plan was to get some hang time, no pun intended with the fellows and then make their respective booty calls. Dorian who seldom ventured to the strip clubs with them owed Teddy a tremendous favor for hooking him up with Jade. So, naturally he was the elected by Teddy as the designated instigator.

  "Man I don't know why I keep letting y'all talk me into bullshit like this. Jaydan would fucking have a seizure if she knew that I was at the damn Pussy Emporium. She already barely trust my ass as it is."

  "Bitch you act like you the only one with a girl. Grow a set and stop bitching about your girls. There's at least fifty girls in here just waiting to rub their tight as
ses in your face. Do like the rest of us just thank god it's legal and shut the fuck up!" Dorian joked as they entered the club."

  "When the fuck did you get a girl?" Paul laughed.

  "Hell, you didn't. I thought I told you. He's fucking Jade." Teddy responded.

  "Jade fuckin who?" Paul asked shocked.

  "Jade Van Dorn. What? Why'd you say it like that?" Dorian asked offended.

  "Oh my God! Why in the hell didn't you tell me this bullshit?" Paul laughed.

  "Leave him alone. They're falling in love and shit. He's happy and she's ecstatic, so just let it be." Teddy replied.

  "No I'm seriously... You're kidding right?" Paul laughed even harder.

  "What the fuck is so funny?" Dorian asked not getting the joke. "What's wrong with Jade?"

  "Nigga ain't a damn thing wrong with Jade! Jade finer than hell! I'm just trying to figure out how she ended up with your lack luster ass!" Paul continued to laugh as Teddy reluctantly joined in.

  "D, I don't mean to laugh, but it is funny as hell. Man! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

  "No fucking idea! Jade Van Dorn is known to straight up castrate a nigga! In fact, I bet she's already got this nigga's nuts in her damn purse." Paul bent over in laugher.

  "Oh my God! Paul stop you're going to make me crack a rib fucking with you." Teddy splinted in laughter.

  "You know what... Fuck both you niggas! Y'all just mad that you couldn't have her. You hate it that the Captain of the Cheerleaders wants me and not you two so called Super Stars." Dorian retorted completely offended.

  "Alright, calm down. You don't have to get all pissed and shit. I've known Jade since kindergarten. She's like a sister to me. Paul responded.

  “Apparently, he’s got a lot of those. First EJ and now Jade.” Teddy joked. "Anyway, I already had Jade."

  "What? You fucked Jade? When? And why didn't you tell me? Nigga you knew I liked her?"

  "Calm the fuck down before you blow up and turn green. We were in middle school and no I didn't fuck her." Teddy tried to ease his mind.

  "Look Dorian we were just fucking around with you. We're both happy for you. Jade's a damn good catch, but she's a handful." Paul interjected.

  "Just remember what I told you. Keep your Pimp hand strong and you'll be alright." Teddy advised.

  "Not if he hit her with that bitch!" Paul interrupted.

  "Oh, she would straight up beat his ass if he was stupid enough to do that. If she didn't then I would. He knows that's not what I'm talking about. Don't you D?"

  "Man, I would never hit a woman."

  "Alright... Just checking, because Jade is like family. I wouldn't have hooked you up if I didn't think you'd be good to her." Teddy replied.

  "Congrats man!" Paul held his fist out to Dorian for some dap.

  "Thanks man! I’m in love with that woman. I'm gonna treat her right." He said as he gave Paul some dap.

  "Good looking out for a brutha. Thanks man." Dorian said as he slapped Teddy's hand and gave him a bro hug. "I really appreciate it man. You changed my life that night."

  "No problem man. Just glad it worked out. Promise me you'll take good care of her that's all that I ask. She's a pain in my ass, but I love her. Like Paul said, she's family." Teddy responded.

  "No doubt!" Dorian assured him as he gave him some dap.

  "Are you three bitches finally finished sucking each other clits? Because there are some fine ass women in there waiting to show us their tits and their slits." Dante, Paul's cousin that Teddy mentioned earlier, teased.

  "This bitch has the audacity to talk." Paul chuckled. "You're the one born with a pussy and a dick. I should know... I had to diaper that hideous thing." He joked as he playfully shoved Dante out of the way.

  "Whatever, you lying sack of horse cum! You're only two years older than me. You always talking about changing somebody damn diaper."

  "Was that that nigga's dick?" Dorian chimed in. "I saw it in the showers, but I thought it was a clit just a little smaller." He joked.

  "Whatever nigga!" Dante had to laugh.

  "I'm going to have to concur. Nigga you do have a Raisinette for a dick." Teddy teased as they found a table slightly off from the front of the stage in a darker corner of the club.

  "Hey suck my dick all three of you tricks!" Dante snorted. "Just cause you three freaks are hung like Tyrannosaurs Rex and shit. I’m average size."

  There is momentary silence and then Teddy, Paul and Dorian simultaneously burst into hearty laughter. "This nigga is crazy as hell. Yeah, you are probably right. You’re average size for a fucking two year old boy." Dorian laughed.

  "All I know is I'd rather have a dinosaur dick than a fuckin Mike and Ike for a dick." Teddy countered. "And you're absolutely right I have a T-Rex for a damn dick and he be wrecking shit like a class three hurricane barreling in off the fuckin Gulf coast!" Teddy slapped Paul then Dorian five.

  “True that shit!” Paul cosigned.

  “Oh you know I concur. There three names I know well. That’s law, football and how to tear a pussy up!” Dorian laughed.


  Minutes later the four of them were enjoying ice cold beers and smoldering hot women and lap dances. As an endless string of dancers mounted the stage they relaxed and enjoyed themselves. Teddy knew that Jaydan was one of the clubs premiere, headliner acts. He also knew that it was just a matter of minutes before she hit the stage and the shit to hit the damn fan.

  "Gentlemen you are in for a hot tasty treat. Coming to the pole is the Pussy Emporium's very on star. The beautiful, the multitalented, the agile and double jointed Sashay Fierce!" The DJ announced as an unsuspecting Jaydan sashayed on stage and immediately began to do absolutely any and everything to get every dick in there rock hard.

  "What the fuck?" Paul exclaimed as he instantly realized who she was.

  Standing abruptly and quickly making a move to go snatch her ass off of the stage he was furious. Teddy and Dorian quickly grabbed him back. "Just chill and enjoy the show. She's not going anywhere. You can talk to her when she's done. Let me buy you another beer." Teddy offered.

  "Fuck a beer! Did you know about this shit? Huh Bear?" He asked.

  "Of course I knew. I come down here all the time. What was the point of telling you? Huh? You were so fucking caught up thinking that I disliked the girl for no damn reason. I figured you'd figure it out sooner or later."

  "I don't give a fuck about her stripping. My problem is that she lied to me. She told me she worked at night stocking the Wal-Mart and shit. I fuckin can't wait until she get her hot ass off that fuckin stage." Paul fumed as he watched Jaydan bend over and spread her ass for the guys who had congregated around the stage to make it rain on her.

  "That's your girl Paul?" A stunned Dante asked as he gave Teddy a quick look.

  Teddy immediately mouthed, "Don't say shit!" Dante nodded to indicate that he understood.

  "I fucking can't even believe this bullshit." Paul snarled. “Look at this nasty trick.”

  "Believe it or not, but you need to chill the fuck out. Don't get our asses thrown out or locked the fuck up over no bullshit. Handle your domestic quarrels at home. We got a game tomorrow night. Coach will lose his damn mind if four of his starting players can’t start." Dorian casually warned.

  "D's right man. We should probably go. You can catch up with her tomorrow and shit after you calm down."

  "I'm not going no fucking where! And I am calm, because if I wasn’t I would have snatched her lying, hot ass off that stage by now!" Paul snorted as he took a big gulp of his beer and watched Jaydan literally fuck the pole. "You should have fuckin told me Bear! You're like blood to me. You should have told me."

  "You're right. I probably should have just came out and told you. But can you honestly say that you would have believed me if you didn't see for yourself?" Paul didn't reply, so Teddy continued. "Besides, this bullshit wasn't mine to tell! This is Jaydan's bullshit and I gave her the opportunity to tell you before
I did. She told me to go fuck myself! So, don't put this monkey shit on me. Put it on that orangutan swinging around up there on the damn stripper pole by her fuckin tale." Teddy retaliated.

  "Oh, I got something for her hot monkey ass when I see her."

  "Don't worry, she'll be hitting the floor to give some lap dances in a few. You can talk to her all you want right after she finishes giving me one." Dorian teased.

  "Don't make me fuck you up in here." Paul warned unamused. "This shit ain't funny. That's my fuckin woman up there spread eagle."

  "And what a fine fucking woman she is... And what a phenomenal spread eagle technique she's perfected." Dorian said as he burst into laughter and Teddy quickly joined in as they gave each other dap.

  "I’m going to have to be honest. I can't even stand Jaydan's ass. But in here, in the Pussy Emporium Sashay Fierce is the mother fuckin shit! She could get every damn thing I got! I’d go to the bank and open the vault for that ass!" Teddy joked.

  "You two bitches need to stop fuckin playing before I fuck both of you up!" Paul snapped, never once taking his eyes off of Jaydan's spectacular performance. It was obvious she had not seen him. Strategically moving his chair behind a pole he continued to watch his not so wholesome girlfriend handle her shit like the professional she obviously was.

  Understanding exactly how upset Paul apparently was Dorian and Teddy decide that they could get their digs in later. Right now their friend was hurt and really not in the mood for jokes. So they quietly joined and obviously shaken and confused Dante at the designated, "shut the fuck up end of the table."


  Jaydan did three songs back to back and raked in a ton of hard earned cash. Paul watched as total strangers all but fucked his woman right in front of him. He couldn’t believe that he had actually fallen in love with this girl who was without a doubt the biggest slut that he had ever fucked. He was mad as hell and if he wasn’t raised to never hit a woman he would have beat Jayden’s ass that night!

  “So how you going to handle this?” Teddy asked as they watched her finally leave the stage.

  “What?” Paul asked still angry. “What do you mean?”


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