The Ascension Trilogy

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The Ascension Trilogy Page 5

by David S Croxford

  "Why would you do that?"

  "Everything deserves to live and live free," replied Cala. "Plus it prevents you from getting lost in the forest"

  "Sound good to you?" he asked Jon.

  Jon nodded and they settled down to wait.

  chapter thirteen

  Garan held the note in his hand as they marched out of the city. The bird that had been sent to the path of strength had returned quickly and he marvelled at the process where a bird could fly a message to anywhere in the land and return. The faction of mysteries was able to do amazing things, but Garan was not happy to only just be finding out about it.

  'I wonder what else is hidden within their towers' he would have to look more into the faction upon their return.

  Garan led a four hundred strong army. Guards, philosophers, the remaining scientists and any others that wanted to be a part of the eradication. They were untrained and most had never held a weapon in their lives, but he needed as many as he could get. The note received from the path of strength had been blunt and to the point, they were ready and willing for action. He was to bring all of his men to the barren plains in the north to help co-ordinate an attack on what was believed to be a stronghold of ascended. He hoped that four hundred would be enough.

  It would take them at least four days to reach the plains as long as the weather held, which according to the scientists; it would. A supply train followed behind them, they followed tactics found in books within the library. It had been several generations since the war had touched the lands and what information there was limited. In spite of the situation, Garan decided that the campaign would be documented in case future generations should need to know. The survival of his path was important and Garan would leave his mark on this land.

  They passed through the fields and the workers cheered their passing. He raised a hand and waved, looking back to the city, he felt some sorrow. Not for the lives that had been lost, but for the tower and the dream he had of touching the stars.

  Dusk was beginning to settle, the last of the sun created an aura around his home and it was breathtaking. He almost stopped the men to watch and study it but knew that the mission should come first. The destruction of the abominations would make him a hero.

  Dawn came quicker than Garan was expecting, the faint hint of a lighter blue began to appear in the east and soon the sky turned pink and orange. It had been a cold night, far from the comforts he was accustomed to and a frost now covered the grassland they travelled over. The men seemed to take it in their stride and carried on their march under the commands of men he had appointed as generals.

  Just as the sun crept over the hills they called for a halt and set up camp on top of a hill that was large enough for the army. The ground was moist as Garan sat down, rubbing the soreness from his legs. Fires began to burn and meals were prepared, he called for his generals. A small table was produced and a fabric map unrolled.

  "We are here," One of the generals pointed to an area on the map.

  "And where are we heading?" Garan asked.

  The general's finger moved north until it came to a stop.

  "We have travelled roughly a third of the journey," said the general.

  "We are making it in good time then?"

  The generals all nodded.

  "Good, send word to the path of strength and have our men rest a while"

  "Yes sir," they said together and left to send out orders.

  Garan looked over the map and wondered where their final destination would be. They would pass close to one of the naturist colonies, but Garan doubted that it would or even could be attacked. The explorers had documented the city built into the giant tree, it was a defendable fortress that would not be destroyed easily.

  Looking south on the map, he saw his city, it was a recently made map but before the tower had collapsed. He ran a finger over the stitching and watched a tear fall onto the map then cursed himself for the emotion, quickly checking to see if anyone had seen.

  A meal was brought to him and a ravenous hunger took hold. Troop reports with an update on the supply trains movement came and he issued some more orders before laying down under a blanket. His body ached, but he fell asleep quickly.

  chapter fourteen

  Rinne awoke once more to the sound of voices. Her first thought was that she was back at Father's house and the other ascended were talking. Then reality returned to her and the memories flooded back. Her heart started racing with the thoughts that she had been captured by the philosophers.

  "She is awake," a familiar voice said nearby.

  "Rinne" a hand took hold of hers. "Rinne, can you hear me?"

  Rinne opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the firelight. With help, she sat up and saw Mavok crouched beside her.

  "Where are we?" Rinne asked him.

  Mavok handed her a small skin of water and she took a long drink from it.

  "The forest, close to Natures Paradise, one of the naturist colonies," he replied.

  "How did I get here?" Rinne looked around and saw only trees.

  "My men found you," said a woman standing behind Mavok.

  "Have we been captured?"

  "No, Cala has been helping us get to Unity," said Mavok.

  "Are you sure?" Rinne asked under her breath.

  Mavok nodded.

  "Why did you change your mind about coming?" he asked her.

  Rinne took another mouthful of water. She wanted to tell him everything; about Father, about the tower and about using her powers to kill people.

  "Father convinced me it was best," said Rinne, choosing not to say anything. Mavok may understand why it happened, but he might believe her too dangerous to stay with them. The power she used terrified her to the core and she was not in control of them.

  "Well you will be safer with us at Unity," said Mavok.

  Rinne nodded.

  'But will you be safe with me?' Rinne wondered.

  All of a sudden Rinne was grabbed from behind and she screamed.

  "Rinne, you are back," said a small voice.

  Rinne's heart was pounding, but the familiar voice stopped her just in time and she let the power disperse. Turning, she saw Jon knelt by her smiling.

  "Hello Jon," she said softly.

  "I knew you would come," said the boy.

  "You did?" Rinne asked. "How?"

  "Because you belong with us," Jon replied. "How is Father?"

  Rinne choked and fought back the tears that began welling in her eyes.

  "He was resting when I left," was all that Rinne could manage. She was helped to her feet, the rest of the ascended gathered to greet and welcome her. They all broke into smaller groups and began to chat.

  "We should go now that you are awake, we have been here far too long," said Mavok.

  "How long have I been asleep?" Rinne asked.

  "Over a day, we let you rest"

  "You shouldn't have," said Rinne.

  "You arrived in quite a state, cuts all over and covered in dust"

  Rinne brought a hand to her face and felt the healing cut upon her face.

  "How far are we from Unity?" Rinne asked.

  "Another day or two, Cala is going to guide us through the forest"

  Rinne looked over at Cala and regarded the naturist who was speaking to two men that she had not been introduced to yet.

  "Are you sure we can trust them?"

  "They have given me no reason to doubt them, they could have harmed us a while ago now," replied Mavok. "What really happened back in the city?"

  Rinne looked away.

  "Exactly what I said," replied Rinne.

  "If you don't wish to say then I won't enquire," said Mavok "Are you ready?"

  Rinne nodded, thankful that Mavok was not pushing further.

  "Right everyone, gather your things and we will leave now," Mavok called out.

  The group scrambled around and picked up everything they had. Rinne was given a pack to carry and walked nex
t to Mavok as they started through the forest.

  chapter fifteen

  The first day passed slowly, they had stopped after a couple hours when one of the ascended had tripped over an exposed tree root. The ankle had swollen quickly and they were slowed as each took a turning helping the wounded to walk.

  Cala walked next to them as the two men who had been introduced as Milon and Peter were ahead of the group making sure the path was clear.

  "I thought warriors left the wounded behind," Cala said to Mavok.

  Rinne turned and looked at Mavok. "Is that true?"

  Mavok sighed. "It is expected that those who are wounded should make their own way back in order to prove they are strong enough to be a warrior"

  "Do they often make it back?" Rinne asked.

  "More often than not. It always depends on the seriousness of the injuries. Why did you bring it up?" he asked Cala.

  Cala looked behind at the group.

  "Because we are slowing down for someone that is injured," said Cala.

  "We will all get to Unity together," said Mavok firmly.

  Cala smiled at him.

  "Why are you smiling?" asked Rinne, the naturist's attitude towards them confused her. One moment she seemed hostile and then the next she was friendly.

  "I was just curious as to how much of the warrior is still within him," she replied.

  "Enough to protect my people," said Mavok and he pulled forward, away from Rinne and Cala.

  "His people?" questioned Rinne.

  "Is he not a leader of the ascended?" asked Cala. "He is the only person I have heard of to unite even this many of your kind"

  Rinne thought about it for a moment.

  "I guess so. Do you think he would make a good leader?"

  Cala shook her head.

  "Those that follow the path of strength only know one thing and that is how to kill. Should he lead the ascended then it will only be into battle"

  "He says that he is no longer a warrior, nor does he follow the path of strength," argued Rinne.

  "But what else does he know?"

  Rinne could think of no answer and conceded that Cala was right. Though she wondered who else there was that could lead the ascended. The conversation ended there and they walked in silence.

  An hour passed by and the air began to cool, signaling that the sun was beginning to lower in the sky. Mavok still walked ahead of them until he came to a stop.

  "What is wrong?" Rinne asked once they caught up. Mavok was walking around the area.

  "I hear running water," he replied coldly, the normal friendliness in his eyes had gone.

  "If there is a river nearby then we should make camp for the night," said Cala.

  Mavok nodded an agreement.

  Rinne closed her eyes and listened for the sound of water, it took her a moment, but she found the direction the sound was coming from.

  "Over this way," Rinne said and turned left to walk between the trees. After a few minutes of walking, they came across a small stream that meandered through the forest.

  "This looks suitable enough. What about your men? Mavok asked Cala.

  "They will find us if they need to, I expect they have made it to the edge of the forest by now"

  "Already?" Rinne asked.

  "We are not that far from the edge, from there it is just open plains and hills as far as we know"

  "As far as you know?" asked Mavok.

  "This forest is at the end of our domain, we do not travel far from the forests and there are said to be none past this"

  "But you have been beyond here," Rinne said to Mavok.

  Mavok nodded.

  "It has been a while but yes there are open plains before Unity. It is on the other side of some hills that obscure it from view"

  They made a small camp once all of the group had arrived. After a small meal that they ate in silence, Rinne left the group and walked up the stream away from the sight of the others.

  She managed to find a quiet and secluded area then began to strip off her clothing and washed them in the river. After hanging them on some low branches, she lowered herself into the cool water and let the current wash over her.

  The memories of what had happened the past week flooded into her mind and this time Rinne let the tears flow, dropping into the water.

  "Why do you cry?" Cala's voice sounded from a tree nearby.

  Rinne jumped from the water and used her arms to try and cover her body.

  "Have no fear, I am not here to harm you," said Cala who jumped out of the tree.

  "You followed me?" Rinne asked as she moved behind a tree that grew close to the river.

  "Your leader asked that I make sure you were safe," replied Cala.

  "Pass me my clothes please"

  "Why? You have only just gotten into the water," said Cala who then began to remove her own clothing, got into the water and shivered at the coldness. "Come and join me"

  Rinne was cautious at first, then left the cover of the tree and lowered herself into the water once more.

  "So tell me, why were you crying?" Cala asked.

  Rinne felt a lump rise in her throat.

  "I did something terrible," she said, fresh tears blurred her vision.

  "We have all done terrible things, we learn to live with it"

  "Have you killed someone?" Rinne asked.

  Cala nodded.

  "Many people?"

  "Only when it was necessary," replied Cala. "Did you kill someone?"

  "Many people I think," her voice trembled.

  "What happened?" Cala asked.

  Rinne explained from the moment she and Father had been captured. The cell and the walk in front of the tower. Her voice almost gave way when she spoke of what happened to Father. Cala listened intently and a hand came up to her mouth when Rinne spoke of what happened to the tower.

  "So the tremor in the ground was you," she said.

  "Probably when the tower collapsed"

  "How did you escape something like that?" Cala asked.

  "I don't know, I just ran," said Rinne as guilt flooded through her.

  "Well, you have some guts. I am assuming Mavok does not know"

  Rinne shook her head. "I don't want him to know"

  "Why not?"

  "He might think I am a monster, that I am dangerous"

  "You are all dangerous, the powers that come to the ascended are why the humans fear you so much. That does not make you a monster"

  "But I killed people," said Rinne.

  "And go ask Mavok how many humans and ascended he has killed, yet you blindly follow him in the slim hope that there is sanctuary out there"

  "I don't follow him blindly. I was not going to come at all"

  "Yet, here you are," Cala pointed out.

  "Not by choice," said Rinne.

  "I have found that we have little choice in our lives. The mother guides our actions"

  "The Mother is who the naturists worship"

  "The clerics worship. We revere the Mother of all life and pay homage by tending the forests. All life started from her and end in the same way," said Cala.

  "So why do bad things happen?" Rinne asked.

  "Sounds like a question for the path of philosophy, not a follower of nature"

  "A question like that would take the philosopher's years to answer. I never did well with that," said Rinne glumly.

  "A scientist, I studied and practised the combination of chemicals to make new ones," replied Rinne.

  "Like alchemy"

  "More advanced than that but similar. You know something of our path?"

  "We have had dealings with your path before, I think all of the paths share some knowledge and then there is the knowledge left over by the builders"

  "You know about the builders?" Rinne was surprised by this.

  "Only legends that say they began the paths of learning and built grand communities like Nature's Paradise"

  Rinne nodded.

  "We lea
rn about them as children, but not much is known. The original builders left a long time ago and we are the descendants" Rinne shivered as a cool breeze blew over them.

  "We should head back, night has fallen and they will wonder where we are," said Cala.

  Rinne had not noticed that it had become dark around them. They climbed out of the stream and put on their clothes. Rinne's was not fully dry, but they quickly warmed up as they walked back towards them camp.

  "Please don't say anything to the others," she said to Cala.

  Cala stopped and turned to her.

  "It is not my place to say anything. But take my advice; you should tell him, he will listen and accept you for who you are"

  "Are you sure?" Rinne asked her.

  "Yes" replied Cala. "If there is something that I know, it is how a man's mind works.

  With that they re-entered the camp, Rinne found a spot against a tree and settled under a blanket. Before sleep took hold she looked over at Cala who winked back and then she fell asleep, relieved in some way that she had been able to tell someone what had happened.

  chapter sixteen

  Garan stood on the banks of the river that flowed from the north. It was the rendezvous point and he now looked upon the army that the path of strength had sent.

  Six hundred men, burly and covered in armour with weapons that glittered in the firelight. It put Garan's attempt at an army to shame and the path of strength were eager to make a point of it. From the moment the two armies met, there had been tension. The commander who led their army had passed by them laughing and before Garan could act, a fight broke out. He lost twelve men before their weapons had been drawn and another three dozen fell before the fighting was stopped.

  The armies camped on opposing sides of the river in order to keep control. Now Garan was making his way over the bridge in order to meet with the commander.

  Tents covered the land beyond the riverbank and Garan was escorted to the largest that stood in the center. Inside he was greeted by the stench of stale sweat and spoilt food, Garan wrinkled his nose and looked at the man sitting in a large chair. The commander sat up straight and he was surrounded by naked women that all wore chains connected to the chair.


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