Merlin's Song

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Merlin's Song Page 6

by Samantha Winston

  Parties, dancing and beautiful gowns. Jewelry that she could only dream of. No more being bored. She could flirt and sing and wear pretty clothes to her heart’s content.

  So why did she feel so ill? She put her hand to her stomach. She felt like vomiting. It was probably because of the blow to her head. She was lucky she hadn’t been seriously injured. Anger grew then ebbed. What could she do? Merlin was probably glad to get rid of her.

  “All right,” she said with a sinking heart. “I’ll give it a try.”

  Jemina’s smile was blinding, but it found no echo in Kyla’s heart.

  * * * * *

  Merlin came back into the room and found Kyla missing. Where had she gone? He thought she had gone to find something to eat, but when he checked in the kitchens and dining rooms no one had seen her. He asked the soldiers at the front gate if she’d left the palace and was told no.

  He started to worry when one of the maids said they’d seen her in the hallway in the company of a woman she had never seen, heading toward a deserted part of the palace. He went back to the room but she hadn’t returned. He decided the only thing to do was go see the queen.

  Sebring wasn’t in his room. He hadn’t been there all night, and Merlin hadn’t seen him since the day before. Merlin wasn’t familiar with the castle, and it was huge, so he had to find a guard willing to take him to the queen’s quarters. Apparently she had left orders for the guards to take Merlin wherever he wanted to go, including the queen’s own quarters, because he was escorted there in no time at all.

  “Here is her room. You may enter,” said the guard. He bowed and then he left.

  Merlin stared at the door, then knocked. No one answered. Perhaps this was the door to the antechamber then? He tried the handle. It was open. He pushed the door open and stepped into a vast room. The curtains were drawn, making it dark. For a minute his eyes had trouble focusing. Then he heard a slight whisper and, intrigued, he went deeper into the room and looked around the portion of the wall sticking out on his right.

  He caught sight of the bed at the same time Sebring sat up. He’d been in bed with the queen. And from the looks of it, they’d been quite busy. Sebring’s grin was wide and a little embarrassed. The queen sat up too. She was naked, her hair was tousled and her eyes were shadowed as if she hadn’t slept in a long time. Her lips looked puffy from kissing and there were love bites on her creamy skin.

  “What is it you want?” she asked, a little catch in her voice.

  “Kyla is missing,” said Merlin. “I’m worried about her.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, she’s not missing.” The queen pulled the covers up over her nakedness and tried to smooth her hair. “She was bought in an auction by one of my nobles. They needed a breeder and since you agreed to this deal, and to help Hivernia, I told them that they could have Kyla.” She frowned. “She is just a slave, is she not? That is what you said. Why do you look so angry? There are hundreds of fully trained concubines in the city. I was going to surprise you with a choice of any three you would have liked to pick.”

  Merlin said in a carefully measured tone, “You could have asked me first.”

  “My nobles acted before I thought they would.” She sighed. “Being a queen isn’t easy. I’m always caught between powerful factions. In this case though, you had better agree. The noble who bought her is in charge of the army. But don’t worry. He is fabulously wealthy and will spoil her most dreadfully.”

  Sebring took her hand and held it. “Willow, you can’t sell someone’s property without asking first. You’ll have to annul the sale. I insist.”

  Merlin thought the queen would protest, but she shrugged. “I will try, but don’t count on it. I don’t see why you brought a slave here if you didn’t want to sell her. It makes no sense to me.”

  Sebring took her hand and placed it on his cock. “Because Merlin is mad about her, that’s why. I wouldn’t want anyone taking you from me.” He thrust and Merlin could see his cock harden.

  The queen turned red. “Sebring, your brother is here!”

  Merlin would have liked to watch Sebring dally with his mistress—that is, if he had Kyla with him. But he was upset about the news that Kyla had been sold. Sebring obviously thought it would be fun to have a threesome though, because he motioned to Merlin to come join them.

  “Sebring!” Willow protested when he tugged the covers down.

  “Just once, don’t you want to feel what it’s like to make love with two men?” Sebring lay on his back and pulled her up on top of him so that she straddled his hips. “You don’t even need to see him. Just look at me, or close your eyes. You’ll love this, I promise.”

  Merlin couldn’t help the surge of excitement that hardened his cock. However, he had to know about Kyla. “Where is Kyla?” he asked.

  “Make love to Willow and she’ll tell you everything,” said Sebring. He rubbed his stiff cock against Willow’s thigh. “Sit on me and lean forward. Don’t worry, Merlin is almost as skilled as I am.”

  Willow impaled herself on Sebring, and she was so aroused her cunt made slurping sounds as she eased onto his cock. Merlin swallowed. He hadn’t done this in ages. When Sebring met and fell in love with Holly, he’d shared her with Merlin a few times. But once she became pregnant the games had stopped. Now it seemed Sebring was eager to share once again.

  Merlin took off his clothes and slid onto the bed behind Willow. First he rubbed his hands on her back, sliding them to her breasts. They were heavy and smooth, and he kneaded them, enjoying the obvious pleasure the queen took in his ministrations. He cupped them and stroked her nipples. Then he reached down and fingered her clit. Sebring thrust slowly in and out, and Willow’s breathing quickened. She moaned as Merlin touched her clit and then gave such a start she slid off Sebring’s cock.

  “Come back on me,” said Sebring, his voice rough.

  Willow sat back on Sebring’s cock and then leaned forward so that Merlin could stroke her buttocks. He started to push into her with his finger, and after a few minutes of gentle insistence her hard ring of muscle relaxed, letting him slide in to the hilt. He couldn’t stifle a groan of pleasure at the hot, tight fit, and Willow uttered a cry of sheer delight. He felt Sebring’s cock through the thin wall of flesh that separated them. Sebring held himself still as he thrust, then Merlin froze while Sebring bucked his hips, his cock head sliding in and out to the cadence of Willow’s quick gasps. Merlin took his own cock in his other hand and held it tightly. He wished Kyla were here to satisfy his need.

  Then Sebring gave a mighty thrust and Willow threw her head back, elf song pouring from her throat as she came. Her whole body shivered and trembled and Merlin felt the quick, hard flutter of Sebring’s seed gushed into her body. With a harsh cry he too came, his cock pulsing madly on his hand. He withdrew his finger from Willow and then, with a sigh, went to the basin to wash himself.

  As he washed with warm, rose-scented water, he was amazed to find that he still only had thoughts for Kyla. Hadn’t he taken the antidote? Shouldn’t he be over her? But no. Just the thought of Kyla made his cock stiffen again, much to Sebring’s amusement.

  “Look at you, getting hard again,” he said, pointing across the room to where Merlin stood.

  “And so are you,” he said, lifting his eyebrow. “You better watch out, Your Majesty. I believe my brother has plans for you.”

  “And so do I for him,” gasped Willow. “By Mistral!” she cried out as Sebring flipped her over on her knees and eased into her, doggy style.

  He saw her body convulse as his brother drove into her, and though she didn’t sing for him, he could tell she was nearing her peak. “Oh!” Willow cried out as Sebring picked up the pace.

  Merlin’s cock hardened at the sight of them, spurred on by thoughts of Kyla. Thoughts of Kyla excited him so much he came nearly right away. He felt himself reaching the limit of his pleasure and he gripped his cock tightly as he came. Willow peaked and then collapsed onto Sebring’s chest. He looked down
with a groan and ran some more water into the basin.

  “Throw me a towel,” cried Sebring.

  Merlin tossed him a sopping-wet towel and Sebring caught it and laughed. “Aren’t you glad I invited Merlin to join us?” he asked Willow, stroking her hair.

  “I am.” She looked at Merlin, and he saw a flush steal across her cheeks. “If I can do anything for you, I will. Just ask.”

  “I want Kyla back.”

  She sighed. “All right. It won’t be easy, but if you promise to trade her for two of Hivernia’s courtesans, I don’t think you will have any problems. I will give you his name and ask one of my guards to take you to his manor. But more than that I cannot do without compromising my position.”

  No problems? Merlin went back to his room and took a hot bath before he dressed, and he successfully ignored the maid’s obvious efforts to seduce him. He wasn’t sure that there would be “no problems” as Willow said. For one thing, he didn’t know any courtesans in Hivernia!

  * * * * *

  The ride to the nobleman’s castle was interesting. Merlin saw more signs of a society in degeneration. The fields lay fallow, the orchards and vineyards were only partially tended. Everyone seemed well-off, but melancholy gripped the land. It soured Merlin’s already dark mood. When the manor came into sight his heart gave a lurch. It was a beautiful place with tall shade trees and many sparkling fountains and pools set like precious jewels in the impeccable gardens. Even in the royal palace he’d seldom seen such opulence. Then he remembered that the nobleman was in charge of the army. Warfare seems to bring wealth, he thought bitterly, remembering his fallen companions.

  As he entered the gates, servants came running. One man took his horse while another took his dusty cloak.

  “Welcome,” said a man’s voice. “You’re early!”

  “Early?” Merlin echoed.

  “I haven’t seen you before. Are you a friend of my wife’s?” The man strode forward and clasped his hand warmly. “I’m Lord Fontaine. The party will start at sunset but you are welcome to wait until then.”

  “I’m Merlin Winterhelm, and I have come to see Kyla.”

  Lord Fontaine laughed. “Of course you have. Everyone is coming to see her. But it’s to be a surprise unveiling. Until then, make yourself comfortable in the garden. The servants will attend to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do before the festivities.”

  Merlin had rarely been struck speechless, but he was now. Party? Unveiling? What was going on? It didn’t take long to find out. The servants gossiped eagerly. As she poured his wine, a serving maid told him everything.

  “She’s ever so pretty, and even if she did give our mistress a knock on the head, she’s very nice.”

  “A knock on the head?” Merlin wondered if he’d heard correctly.

  “Well, she was confused. She’d been drugged, I heard, and no one told her that she’d been sold. Her ex-master should be horsewhipped, that’s what I think. Selling her without even a by-your-leave!” The servant gave a little sniff and Merlin choked on his drink.

  The servant didn’t notice and continued blithely. “Everyone adores her already. She’s so much fun. She knows all latest styles and court dances from Hivernia, and she’s already taught the minstrels some new songs, thank goodness. I was getting so tired of ‘Round the Moonlit Garden’.”

  Merlin started to wonder how he could get the chatty servant to tell him what he really wanted to know. Was Kyla happy here? And had she made love to Lord Fontaine yet?

  As the sun set, other guests arrived. Merlin started to feel distinctly underdressed. He’d worn his best cloak and Queen Willow had given him a rust-colored tunic with gold embroidery. He’d thought it far too ostentatious when he was getting dressed, but now that he saw what the South Islanders were wearing he decided it was very plain. He stood as far in the shadows as possible and nursed his wine.

  He’d tried, of course, to see Kyla. But the servants told him no one was allowed to enter the main house, that the party would soon start, and would he like some more wine?

  Not used to drinking, he tried to keep his intake down, but with nothing to do but stroll around the gardens and try to peer into the windows, he got bored. He accepted another glass and then stared at it. How many did this make? He wondered if he should eat something. Servants were putting lavish trays full of good things to eat on long tables. He saw bowls of candied fruit and rich pastries, but the sight of such abundance made him feel queasy. The tables were covered with long white cloths and gold candelabras. Everywhere he looked were signs of wealth. Now the servants were lighting candles in colored lamps hanging in trees and tucked into flowerbeds. The whole garden looked more and more like a fairy palace. And that’s another thing that struck him.

  Lord Fontaine was a fairy—and so were all the servants. Kyla was among her own kind here. She must be happy. Why would she want him to rescue her from this paradise? He drained his glass and set it down on a table. He must be getting drunk and his thoughts had started to whirl. How could she be happy? He missed her! He shook his head sharply to clear it. What could he be thinking? And to top things off, he started to feel guilty about making love to the queen.

  What was he thinking? He snagged another glass of wine from a passing waiter and drained it. There had never been the slightest amount of guilt before when he’d shared with his brother. So why did he suddenly hope Kyla didn’t mind? Why should she mind? She was happily ensconced here in a fairy castle and obviously everyone loved her.

  He swallowed the last drop of wine in his cup and decided to make his way back to the castle. No one wanted him here. He’d better disappear before Kyla saw him.

  * * * * *

  Kyla had been looking forward to the party. She’d been spoiled all day by everyone. Every little whim had been granted. She’d asked for fancy dresses, shoes, jewelry and a white horse with a silver mane and tail. Everything had been procured. Then she’d asked for her favorite food, and again, everything was brought to her with hardly a delay. Everyone wanted to meet her, to hear about Hivernia and to talk about the parties at the court and about the clothes everyone wore and what the latest songs were. She completely forgot about the war and talked as if Hivernia still sparkled with social events. When she realized that, she felt awful. Then she felt angry about feeling awful. After all, it wasn’t her fault there were no more parties. And to keep her mind off the war and the dangers her friends and family faced, she’d thrown herself into the preparations for this party with a vengeance.

  She started to get bored with everyone treating her like a porcelain doll though. She had the horse, but could not ride it. She had a pool, but could only swim for a few minutes.

  “Lady Kyla!” someone would say sternly. “You mustn’t do anything that could jeopardize your ability to bear a child. It’s time to rest. Stop doing so much work!” It was the first time someone had ever scolded her for working, and for some reason it irked. What was wrong with her? Just a few weeks ago she’d been moaning and complaining because she had so much work to do. Now she was upset because people were telling her to sit down and eat sweets? She tried to understand her feelings, but she wasn’t one for introspection. With a sigh, she’d looked at her wardrobe again, but it didn’t lift her spirits.

  Perhaps the party would be fun. She’d looked forward to dancing, and so she’d spent some time planning what to wear. That had kept her busy until evening. Then Lord Fontaine came in and told her it was time to be presented.

  She’d thought Lord Fontaine was an attractive man. Not handsome, but not horrible. She could close her eyes and think of Merlin… She stomped her foot. No, she could not think of him! She’d taken the antidote and she was now over him. No one would ever treat her so degradingly again. No one. He’d tied her up, spanked her and… Why did her knees get weak and her pussy start to swell at the thought? She took a shaky breath.

  “Lady Kyla, it is time.” Lord Fontaine clapped his hands and four servants came in.
They were brawny men.

  Kyla was wearing a diaphanous dressing gown and nothing else. “Oh, but I’m not dressed. Call my maids, would you?”

  The men advanced on her, and before she realized what was happening, they tore her robe off and tied her hands behind her back. Another man put a gag in her mouth. She struggled, and had the satisfaction of connecting a few good kicks before they dragged her from the room and tied her to a palanquin. Lord Fontaine grinned at her before he pulled the curtains shut and said, “I like a woman with a little fight in her. I look forward to beating it out of you.”

  Kyla gasped. The threat didn’t excite her at all, it chilled her blood. How could she have loved it when Merlin spanked her and feel so ill at the thought of Lord Fontaine hitting her? She struggled but to no avail. The ropes were too tight.

  Then the palanquin was lifted and carried outside. She could feel the air grow cooler. It must be night now. When the curtains were parted again she came out fighting, but again, the men were just too strong.

  They had to drag her kicking and fighting from the palanquin. She managed to get in a few good kicks, but they overcame her in the end and hauled her to a stone table. She barely had time to register that there were hundreds of people in the garden before a creepy man in dark red robes approached her. Some party!

  Then Lord Fontaine rang a bell and announced, “Behold our eminent doctor, Sir Giles. He will tell us if the concubine is fit to bear my children.”

  Kyla struggled some more but she was held tightly by ropes digging into her wrists and ankles. The doctor stroked and kneaded her breasts, pinched her nipples and then prodded her stomach.

  Kyla wished she were loose. She’d knock him over. Then he slid his finger into her vagina and prodded some more. In front of everyone! It was like one of those nightmares you have, the ones where you’re naked in front of strangers. Only this was real. She was mortified.

  The doctor straightened and announced solemnly, “She is already pregnant!”

  A murmur swept over the crowd. Lord Fontaine turned purple. “Already? But I haven’t slept with the wench! I don’t want to rear some other man’s child!”


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