Falling Free: What happens in Vegas... (The Fall Series)

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Falling Free: What happens in Vegas... (The Fall Series) Page 10

by Rossi, Annica

  Parker yelled out, “Fuck, I’m coming!” I could feel his hot juices filling me, and within seconds I Cole’s cock was throbbing in response. He gave one final thrust and released himself inside of me.

  We stayed there for a few minutes catching our breath. I started to move when Parker reached up and grabbed my face bringing it down to his. He whispered, “You’re amazing,” and kissed my lips gently.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and our gaze lingered for a moment.

  Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed with emotions. This was all new to me. What do you say after having sex with two men? There wasn’t exactly a rule book about it. After sharing this with him…I wasn’t sure what to feel. I knew this was new to him, too. Not the threesomes, but sharing them with someone he…cared about. I realized this should feel wrong, but somehow it didn’t. Was I losing my mind or just my morals? I thought as I looked into his eyes.

  We got up slowly, and I gathered my clothes from the floor and headed to my room needing to escape the awkward silence that followed our escapade. I went straight for the shower where my thoughts drifted back to what Parker had said to me when we were finished. He surprised me, but the kiss surprised me even more. How could he love me and want to share me with someone else? Until tonight I hadn’t thought about it like that, but now that it happened I couldn’t think of anything else, and I wondered if he was feeling the same way.

  It’s funny how just a few days ago I came here with so many misconceptions about him. I thought his life was one big party, and he spared no expense to feed his desires. He played with people and hired women for ‘companionship’, which basically meant he kept a warm body around to fuck whenever and however he saw fit. I thought we were two very different people with opposite ideas of what life was about, but the longer I’ve been here, the more I’m discovering there’s more to Parker than meets the eye.

  As the hot water beat against my back I was suddenly aware that my body ached all over. I smiled and thought I felt more exhausted after this workout than I did after running three miles across the beach. I was spent mentally and physically, and my mind still reeled from the thought of taking on two men at the same time. Of course I had fantasized about it now and then, but I never in a million years thought I would actually do it. Never. I told myself I did it for him, mostly, but deep down I knew I wanted it, too. The idea that it somehow pleased him was still confusing, but I felt it, and while we were doing it just knowing that it excited him turned me on more than I could’ve imagined. I felt dirty, invaded and at the same time, completely fulfilled as I washed the remnants of them from my body.

  A little while later I was snuggled into bed, but I couldn’t sleep. My mind kept replaying the events that took place. I was restless and wondering where Parker was. How did this work anyway? Would he sleep with me tonight? Was he having regrets? Just when I felt like I was finally getting to know the real Parker Blackwell, I was suddenly worried we went too far.

  My thoughts turned to Jake. It was still painful thinking about him, but the pain mostly came from knowing I misjudged him after being in a relationship with him for nearly five years. I almost married him for Christ’s sake. I’ll never understand how two people can be together without really knowing one another. It’s scary to think that it almost happened to me.

  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Nina finally returning my call.

  “Hey,” I answered, happy to hear her voice. She sounded excited.

  “Lo, I’m sorry I didn’t call you back earlier, but we’ve been so busy here today I didn’t have a chance. Besides, I’ve been working on some things, and I didn’t want to tell you until they were finalized.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear we were busy.” I was suddenly feeling homesick for the first time since I’d left, and Nina must have heard it in my voice.

  “Don’t worry, Lo, we have everything under control. Besides, you’ll be home soon enough. Two more days to be exact. Not like I’m counting or anything.”

  I could hear her smiling through the phone. “Thanks Nina. I appreciate that. So what else is going on? You’ve been working on something?”

  “As a matter of fact yes I have. I’ve been trying to think of ways to raise some funds around here, so I talked to the bands that are scheduled to play here the rest of the summer. They agreed to forgo pay for the rest of the season in exchange for two of our spa packages next year to be used at their discretion.”

  “Two? For each member of the band?”

  “Yes, but think about it, Lo. That’s at least ten thousand dollars from the budget that we can use toward saving this place. Ten thousand dollars, Lo! And that’s just the start. I have some other ideas up my sleeve.”

  It sounded like a steep price to pay, but she was right. We could use the money up front. “You’re amazing, Nina!” As the words came out of my mouth I remembered that Parker had said those exact words to me just a couple of hours ago. There was silence as my mind drifted off for a moment.

  “Lo, are you there? What’s really going on with you? Is it Jake?”

  I snapped out of it quickly at the sound of Jake’s name. “No, Nina. Jake Kennedy is the least of my worries right now. Believe me!” I snapped.

  “Well, I guess that hit a nerve,” she retorted.

  “I’m sorry.” I walked over to the window to take in the view. “I wish I was looking out over Lake Michigan right now,” I said without thinking.

  “I wish you were, too. When you get home and buy The Grandview we’ll celebrate. How about a beach party before summer is over? I’m going to have to hang up in a minute, Lo. Are you sure there’s nothing you need to talk about?”

  “Not really, Nina. It’s just….I don’t know how to put it into words. Have you ever thought you knew somebody only to find out that you really didn’t know that person at all? I mean, I don’t know if I can trust my own judgment right now. Hell, I don’t even know if I know myself anymore.”

  “What are you talking about? Of course you do. You’re on a mission right now, right? Your emotions are going to be running wild, but I know you, Lo. You’ll find a way to keep The Grandview, and probably Jake, too. You’ll be home before you know it, and everything will be just fine.”

  “Thanks, Nina. I know.” My words were hollow. I wanted to tell her everything. Just blurt it out in a string of run-on sentences, until there were no secrets left between, but I held back.

  “I have to go. How about I call you tomorrow?” I must have sounded half-way believable for her to dismiss me so quickly. I was relieved.

  “Sounds good.”

  Find us some more money, will ya?” I laughed.

  “Will do,” she replied. “Oh, and one more thing. Jake was here looking for you today.”

  I suddenly felt nauseous. “What the hell for?”

  “He said he wanted to talk to you. I don’t know, but I looked out the window just in time to see him driving away in his new company truck. I guess he took the job, Lo.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Well, it was a brand new Ford and it said Walker Inc. on the side. I’m assuming that’s his new employer.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. What did you tell him?” Maybe I should’ve been upset, but I didn’t feel anything. I was numb.

  “I told him what you told me to tell him, that you were working out-of-town. Anyway, after that he didn’t stick around. I didn’t meant to upset you. I just thought you should know.”

  “You didn’t upset me, Nina. Thanks.”

  “I really have to go now. Steve is waiting to take me to a late dinner. Talk to you soon, okay?

  “Okay.” She hung up before it registered. She was going out with Steve. It sounded like things were getting serious.

  I was alone with my thoughts once again and listening to the sound of my stomach growling loudly. I decided to go out to the kitchen to find a snack, and hoped that I wouldn’t run into Parker in my yoga pants and old t-shirt. That’s what
I told myself anyway, but really I hoped to see him. I was feeling homesick and didn’t want to be alone.

  I made my way to the kitchen without any sign of him. I assumed he was sleeping or maybe he had went out without telling me. The fridge was nearly empty except for some strawberries, cheese, bottled water and champagne. Why have food in the fridge when there’s room service? I wasn’t about to order something on his tab, and waking him up or calling him was out of the question, so I made a small meal of cheese and fruit.

  As I walked back toward my room the sigh of his silhouette sitting in a chair by the window stopped me in my tracks.

  “There you are.” He spoke first. “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “No, I needed something to eat,” I replied, grateful for the darkness.

  “Come here.” It sounded more like an order than a request.

  I went to him and stood next to the chair. “No, here he said and held his arms out.”

  “Parker, I’m wearing yoga pants and an old t-shirt. I don’t know if I want you to see me like this…”

  He laughed quietly. “Lo, I’ve seen you naked and in various compromising positions. Do I need to remind you? Now you’re worried about me seeing you in yoga pants? You’re beautiful to me no matter what, and the yoga pants? Well, I’m already thinking dirty thoughts about those.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s better,” he said as I climbed into his lap. It was strange at first. Oddly it was much more intimate than the sex we’d shared. We sat together looking at the lights for what seemed like a long time. I was curled into him and for a moment I forgot about everything, The Grandview, the money, the yoga pants…when my stomach growled loudly breaking the silence.

  “What did you eat?” he asked.

  I was embarrassed and shyly admitted, “The only thing that was in the fridge…some strawberries and cheese.”

  “Why didn’t you order room service, Lo? Or order take out? There are plenty of restaurants right here in this building for that matter.”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t feel like going out, and room service seemed a little…intimidating. I think I spent enough of your money tonight.”

  He was laughing again. Although it was dark and I couldn’t be sure, I imagined his lips curling at the corners. The thought made me smile.

  “Let’s order in, huh? I’m hungry, too.” He reached for his cell phone and ordered several appetizers and entrees. He didn’t ask me what I wanted, but I was glad he didn’t expect me to make a decision. I didn’t feel like thinking.

  When room service knocked he lifted me from his lap kissing me on my forehead before setting me back down in the chair. When he kissed me like that I felt special, cherished even. At that moment I decided that our lives outside of this suite didn’t matter. For the next two days I would be his, and I would enjoy every minute I had left with him. Because…well because it was exactly what I needed right now.

  Parker spread the food out on the coffee table and patted the floor next to him. I sat close. The food smelled delicious, and he began scooping portions onto a plate that I thought would be for me, but he sat the plate down between us instead. When he cut the steak, and offered me a piece I realized he was going to feed me. I had never been fed before, and I looked up at him, grateful for his tenderness. How could this man who barely knew me know exactly what I needed? I watched him as he took a bite and graciously offered me another. When I made a face at the spinach on the end of the fork he laughed, but insisted. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth and waited. After a few seconds I realized that he wasn’t placing it in my mouth. I opened my eyes and there it was. That beautiful sexy grin that tore right through me. He set the fork down, grabbed my chin and kissed me long and slow. I expected his next move would be sexual, but instead he resumed feeding me, and I looked at him puzzled.

  He responded, “You have to eat. You’re going to need your energy tonight.”

  The ideas of what he might have in store frightened me. My body was sore everywhere. I had to tell him somehow. Although the thought was exciting, I wasn’t sure if I could handle it after what took place earlier.

  “Parker,” I said softly. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m um…I’m well, very sore. I’m not saying that I don’t want to…”

  He cut me off, “I know you may not believe this, Lo, but I can be gentle. I will be gentle,” he said, and my body was tingling from his words.

  We sat in silence and ate until most of the food was gone. Then he looked at me and said, “Yoga pants, huh?” With that he scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “I thought you said you would be gentle?” I squealed.

  “You make it very difficult,” he replied.

  To my surprise he took me to his master suite where the lights from the strip shined dimly through the windows. I noticed the bed had been neatly made as he ripped the covers back with one hand and laid me down gently. He pulled my shirt over my head, but when I started to remove my pants he stopped me.

  “Not yet.” he said.

  I starred up at him, wondering what he had in store. I watched as he removed his shirt and pants. He was naked and ready, his cock pointing straight at me. He grabbed my foot and began massaging as I let the weight of my leg rest in his hand.

  “That’s right, relax.”

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his hands rubbing my feet, my calves. He reached my thighs and slowly ran his fingers around the outline of my sex and stroked me gently through the thin material of my pants. It was erotic, sensual. He knew I wanted him, but he was making sure I was ready. I felt his fingers stroking me then something else. The heat of his mouth closed over my sex, and I arched up to meet it. He pressed his mouth around my clit and nipped softly at my tender swollen bits. I squirmed with pleasure.

  Then he eased my pants down slowly and threw them on the floor before pulling me to the edge of the bed. He went down on his knees and wrapped my legs around him. I lifted my head briefly and saw that smile as he lowered his tongue to my wetness. He licked my slit slowly as if he was taking pleasure in every stroke. It was sensual as if he was gently preparing my sore pussy to accept his hard shaft. I moaned as he licked around my clit a little more firmly. I could feel the orgasm starting to build, and I rocked my hips slightly to meet his tongue. I was soaked and swollen with desire. I was nearing the brink when to my surprise he stopped and climbed up on the bed next to me dragging me further up with him. He pushed my thighs apart as he climbed between them, and I could feel his length pressing into my sticky wetness.

  He didn’t enter me. He was holding out, making me ache for him. He kissed me slowly with his tongue, and my nipples brushed against his chest. He leaned down and took them in his mouth one by one, all the while I could feel his shaft sliding against me, pressing against my clit. It was delicious torture. I arched my body trying to position myself to accept him, but he eluded me. Instead he sucked my nipples harder and his movements became faster. The friction of his cock against my clit was maddening. I pressed myself against him increasing the pressure and felt the sensation get stronger. My orgasm crashed through me as I dug into his arms and moaned against his chest.

  At the same time he pressed his cock into me slowly until I was filled with him. He held himself deep inside and began rocking, pressing into me with short rhythmic strokes. Instantly a second orgasm exploded around him. I could feel the wetness of my juices dripping down my thighs. He ignited the spot, and my orgasm continued in endless spasms.

  As I was coming down he whispered in my ear, “Is that too much? I want you to show me how much you can take?”

  He eased out of me and laid on his back with his arms folded behind his head. He was challenging me, and I was about to take the bait. I mounted him, easing myself onto his cock slowly. I leaned over and kissed him, licking his lips, caressing his tongue with mine. My breasts rubbed his chest with my movements creating a delicious friction. Then I leaned back placing my
arms behind me until I was squatting over him and he had a full view of his shaft entering my pussy. I began to move, allowing him inside inch by inch until he was buried completely. Then I moved faster up and down stopping at the top at times, caressing only the head of his cock. His body stiffened, and he closed his eyes and reached for my hips. I knew what he was doing. He wanted to pin me to stop himself from reaching the point of no return. But I wouldn’t let him. I was in control now. I moved faster, slamming him into me. I was throbbing around him, and he suddenly grabbed my hips and began thrusting himself harder until I felt his hot come mixed with mine dripping down the insides of my thighs.

  “Don’t stop.” He reached up and stroked my clit as I continued riding him until my own release came once again.

  I collapsed on top of him. He rubbed my back, his chest heaving under me, then brushed my hair aside.

  “Will you sleep in here with me tonight?”

  “Mm hmm,” was all I could manage. He rolled me over next to him and wrapped his arms around me as we both drifted off to sleep.



  I woke up first. My back was pressed against his chest. I could tell by his rhythmic breathing that he was still asleep. I snuggled into him and wished that I could stay right there forever and make the world go away, but I knew it was impossible. As I laid there thinking I could feel his cock pressing against my butt cheeks. Could this man ever get enough?

  I pressed my butt against him and spread my legs just a little, closing my thighs around his relentless hard-on. He moved a little and I began moving against him angling my body so the head of his cock was rested against my opening. He pressed back, sliding easily into me, and we began moving against each other slowly. He grabbed my breasts, squeezing, pinching my nipples. Then his hand went lower to my clit. He pressed his fingers against it rubbing slowly while pumping into me. I rocked back to meet him allowing him to penetrate me fully, and I could feel him swelling with each stroke until he was hard as a rock. He rubbed me faster and harder as he slammed against my butt. Within seconds we were riding out our orgasms together.


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