Born Of Night cd-4

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Born Of Night cd-4 Page 3

by Celeste Anwar

  She recovered as the words sank in. Jessica sputtered at his audacity. “Me? Are you serious? You’re the one following me!”

  He shrugged. “Don’ matter. Law’s the law. What you gonna do about it?” He looked down her blouse with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  Jessica slowly followed his line of vision, saw her neckline gaped, and put a hand to her chest, gasping in outrage. She managed to find her voice and said, “What makes you think I’m following you? Who approached who’s table here?”

  He looked disappointed that she’d covered her chest, but only briefly. Really, as little as she had up top, she didn’t know why he acted so interested.

  “I only came ta save you some time, cherie. You don’ gotta go through all dis subterfuge to get me.” He held his arms up and open, like he was there for the taking. “I’m all yours if you wan’ me.”

  Jessica grinned despite herself. The man really had some balls. She gave him a once over. “Thanks, but I have toys at home.”

  “I guarantee, no’ like dis toy.”

  Jessica laughed. “But mine come with an independent power supply. Can you keep going and going and going...?”

  One thick, black brow arched. A dimple appeared on the side of his mouth. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking smug in a supreme male sort of way. “I can give you more’n you can handle, petite.”

  Jessica snorted very unladly-like, secretly excited--not that she would ever admit it.

  “I somehow doubt that.”

  His voice dropped an octave, and all amusement left his face. “Don’ make me prove it.”

  Hot shivers stroked up her spine. The room suddenly felt too small, too private.

  She was insanely aware of how fast her heart beat, how rapid her breath came, and how damn good he smelled. It was a struggle to remember how to use her voice. All the moisture had fled her body and pooled in one central location. “I don’t think so,” she said inanely.

  He smiled crookedly, baring a dimple. “All mouth and no action. You don’ know what dose lips are for.”

  She didn’t want to think about her lips. All she could do was stare at his and wonder about what tricks he could perform. The kiss he stole in the alley came back full force--all the heat, the uncertainty, the rough force of his body pressing her into the wall. She wasn’t acting like herself. She should’ve been scared or nervous, but the only things her nerves were doing were coming to life in anticipation.

  Jessica swallowed with effort. Her face flushed with heat. She stood up abruptly, not liking his height advantage over her. She could tell he wasn’t nearly as affected as she was. She also couldn’t think of a thing to say to him, nothing challenging or witty. He had to think she was a moron, some dumb little thing ripe for the taking.

  The blonde curse was striking, leaving her open and vulnerable.

  “You know I’m right, don’ you? Would you like me to show you what lips can do?” He grabbed her arms suddenly.

  She looked down at the manacles of his hands one stunned moment, marveling at the contrast of bronze against her pale skin. Erotic images flashed in her mind, of cream and golden bodies entwined, rough and soft. The contrast of his flesh against hers seared her mind’s eye. She looked back up at his face, wondering frantically if he could read her mind, wondering a breathless moment if he was going to kiss her like she wanted to be kissed.

  What the hell. She didn’t care what anyone in the bar thought. For once, she just wanted to give in and enjoy herself. She shrugged mentally, closed her eyes, and leaned in.

  His arms closed around her, and suddenly he was moving her backward. She stepped back, instinctively keeping her balance.

  Coming out of the fog, Jessica opened her eyes and blinked up at him in confusion.

  She was still a little dazed when he took her hands and began guiding her on the dance floor. She stiffened instantly when she realized his intent.

  “I don’t dance,” she gritted out and tried to pull away. She felt like everyone was watching her and her two huge left feet. They knew she couldn’t dance. They were just waiting for her to fall on her face.

  His hands tightened at her waist, his fingers locked on her hand. “It’s jus’ like makin

  ’ love.” He moved his hips against hers, making her feel weak. “You rock with it.”

  “That’s original. I must be really bad in bed then.” She felt like a robot, all stiff and cumbersome and obvious.

  Gabriel melded her to his body, his heat melting her resistance until she felt mellow and relaxed in his arms. If dancing was an indicator of love making, Gabriel had to be an exquisite lover. Just feeling his body move against hers made her weak in all the right places. She could barely keep her feet under her. All she wanted to do was lay her face against his chest and feel his arms around her.

  “It jus’ takes d’right partner,” he murmured huskily against her hair, his breath sparking a chain reaction of pleasurable responses.

  He swayed and took her around the dance floor, keeping her distracted from her flighty nervousness with subtle strokes from his fingers at her waist, on her wrist, his lips at her temple, his breath at her ear. Every pore of her body sighed with pleasure.

  The dance felt too intimate for public, but wasn’t that part of the appeal?

  He’d managed to do what no man had ever done before--got her to enjoy a dance.

  She could get used to this kind of treatment.

  The thought was like an ice bucket dumped on her head.

  Jessica stiffened and attempted to pull back from his relaxed grip. Her efforts failed.

  He continued moving her on the dance floor, paying absolutely no attention to the fact that she was trying to get away.

  “I need to get back to my hotel.”

  “I’ll take you,” he said, looking down and giving her a smoky look that spoke volumes.

  She knew exactly what he was thinking. “I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  He arched one brow, looking amused. “Who said anythin’ bout sleepin’, chere?”

  The iciness from moments before melted in a puddle at her feet. He flustered her with such ease, it was disturbing. She tried to cover it with a sarcastic tone. “You know what I mean.”

  “Maybe I don’. You tryin’ to gi’ me a hint? I tell you what, I don’ see dem so good. Maybe you need to be a liddle more direct. If you don’ wan’ to sleep, what do you wan’ to do?”

  “Not what you’re thinking,” she said, frowning.

  “How do you know what I’m thinkin?”

  “I can tell by--by....”

  He grinned. “I’ll make it easy for you, chere. You can have me if you wan’ me.

  How bout dat?”

  Jessica harrumphed under her breath. “Thanks,” she muttered. “You could just hit me over the head and make it easier all the way around. Let me go, and I’ll turn around so you can do it.”

  He chuckled, one hand roaming around her back and creeping too close to her ass for her comfort level. His eyes gleamed with wicked mirth. “And here I thought you an ange. You really diabolique, petite. You like things a liddle rough, no?”

  He was being deliberately obtuse, probably all in an attempt so he could continue feeling her up. “I’m suddenly exhausted,” she said wryly, trying to loosen herself from his hold.

  He finally relented and released her, looking disappointed. “Ah, too bad. You sure you won’ let me take you to d’hotel?”

  Jessica held up her hand, stopping him. “No, thanks. I’m used to taking care of myself.” She was the only person she could rely on. It wasn’t safe for a woman to put faith in a man these days. They didn’t protect, they didn’t take care of--all they did was use until a woman had nothing else to give, and then they threw them away for the next sucker. She was better off being single.

  Jessica beat a hasty retreat back to her hotel, leaving Gabriel in the dust before he could use any more of that lethal charm on her.

  One thing she
knew now: Cajun accent + dimples + good looks = loss of brain function. She felt like a cat hooked on catnip, and there was no way this pussy was going to play and rub all over that.

  Chapter Three

  Jessica had just looked at her watch. She thought for one stunned moment of confusion, and embarrassment, that she had walked into the wall. Then two hands gripped her biceps, steadying her as she drew back.

  A faint smiled curled Gabriel’s lips. “But, cherie, we hardly know one anodur.”

  “What?” His accent confused her for several moments, but even when her brain finally interpreted the unfamiliar pronunciation, she was still all at sea.

  “Las’ night you didn’ even wan’ t’kiss me, now you rush into my arms?”

  Jessica sputtered indignantly and looked up at his eyes. “I did no such thing!”

  “So, you forget your reward already?”

  “What are you talking about--wait. My reward. You’re really full of yourself. It was your reward for rescuing my necklace.”

  One dark brow arched beguilingly. “So what do you give me for savin’ you from a fall,” he murmured, leaning too close.

  Jessica pulled back so sharply she almost fell, and it was exactly the opening he was looking for. His bare arms wrapped around her, the hair sprinkled skin abrasive against the portions of her back bared by the strappy sundress. Did the man never wear a shirt? She couldn’t think straight with all that potent male flesh exposed to her view and the skin of her palms.

  Her fingertips tingled as his muscles played beneath them, moving as he trapped her. He tightened his hold, pulling her close, closer. Jessica flattened her palms on his chest, ignoring the fluttering in her stomach touching his bare flesh aroused, and pushed away. It did nothing to stop him. “Gabriel, we can’t do this here in the middle of the hotel.”

  “Perhaps we cou’ go up to your room?” he whispered, brushing his lips against the delicate shell of her ear, his warm breath ruffling her insides with delighted shivers.

  “I don’t think so.” She gasped as his tongue thrust, wet and hot, in her ear, sending goosebumps chasing over her skin. He withdrew it, then tugged her earlobe with his teeth before swiping a wet path behind her ear.

  “Mmm. You taste good. I cou’ eat you right here, chere.”

  “Please don’t.”

  “You don’ soun’ sure. You soun’ like maybe you think yes.”

  With an effort, Jessica reined in her careening libido. “I think I said no, Gabriel. You

  ’re embarrassing me.”

  He pulled back and studied her with mirth in his eyes and a lazy grin. “I hardly got started. Ah dis color is a blush? It looks sweet on you, chere. Such a preddy face, why you hide from me?”

  Jessica’s face flamed even more at that remark. She was gratified when, reluctantly, he released her. She resisted the urge to wipe her kiss dampened skin, cooling in the climate controlled air. He grinned at her as if he knew exactly what she wanted to do.

  Jessica glared back, then her eyes narrowed. “You didn’t just happen by, did you?”

  He looked wounded. “You don’ trust me, chere?”

  “I don’t know you,” she said indignantly. “Why should I trust you?”

  “Because I am your champion. And I have decided to sacrifice my day and pu’

  myself at your disposal. I will show you Nawlins.”

  “That’s so thoughtful of you. But I have a tour guide. I believe I can find my way around.” She brushed past him and strode from the hotel. He fell into step beside her, not looking the least perturbed by her determined efforts to brush him off.

  “We shou’ go for coffee, and luncheon at the Bayou Cafe. And then you mus’ tell me what sites most pique your interest.”

  Jessica stopped and stared at him. The truth was, she really didn’t know her way around New Orleans, and it had occurred to her before that knowing a local would help her in her quest. She couldn’t really afford to hire a tour guide--not if she wanted to continue having a hotel room or things to eat. “All right. I’ll have lunch with you. But I warn you, if you try anything, you’ll draw back a nub.”

  He smiled that toe curling grin again and made a sweeping gesture with his arm.

  “After you, cherie.”

  She stopped in her tracks and gave him a once over. “Wait a minute. Are you going like that?” Never in her life had she seen a restaurant that would allow patrons to go in half naked.

  “Sometin’ wrong? You don’ like what I’m wearin? I’m hurt, cherie.”

  “Well ... uh ... there’s just so much of you ... exposed.” Jessica blushed as she realized she was staring at his crotch. Not that it was exposed. She probably wouldn’t still be standing if it had been. She was sure the sight of that would make her faint.

  “No’ exposed enough for what I’d like to do,” he said, full of promise.

  “And what would that be?” she asked and immediately regretted it.

  He grinned. “Gimme some time, I show you.”

  “That’s not necessary. I’m sure it’s pretty--” She looked pointedly at his chin, trying very hard to be good.

  “And fun to play with. You ever slid down a pole?” He hooked his thumbs on his pockets, emphasizing the object of their--his discussion.

  She blushed straight to her roots and realized all attempts at not being a pervert had failed. She was too curious by half about how he looked without his clothes on.

  Why did she feel like a prude all of a sudden? “I’m not even going to think about what you just said. Can’t you at least button your britches?”

  He looked down at himself, fingering the half open fly deliberately to make her look at it. “Scared d’serpent gonna break free and bite you? I promise, he jus’ nibbles.

  He likes warm hidey holes bedder anyway.”

  Jessica strangled on her saliva and coughed with embarrassment. She took a deep breath to recover before giving him a hard stare. “Well, it isn’t getting anywhere near this hole. I thought you were going to behave?”

  “You started it. I’m jus’ waitin’ for you to move so we can go.”

  Jessica spared him a warning glance and stepped outside, waiting for the doorman to hail them a cab to take them to Bayou Cafe. Gabriel said nothing as they made the five minute drive through traffic, but it wasn’t like she could ignore his presence. He seemed to fill the confined space and wind her nerves tight, until she felt ready to spring at any moment. He watched her constantly, as if eating her with his eyes, and Jessica had the unnerving notion that he could see straight through her clothing.

  The cab stopped and Gabriel paid, then held the door open for her as they entered the cafe. The scent of sausage and spices filled the air with a tangy nip, and Jessica’s stomach began to rumble with hunger.

  “Mmm. Smells good,” she said, taking a seat at a booth.

  “Dey serve d’bes’ gumbo in town,” he said, sliding in beside her.

  “Can’t you sit on the other side?” she asked, trying to scoot away and get some distance.

  “I cou’, but I won’.”

  Jessica tried to ignore him, but it was nearly impossible when he slipped his arm on the back of the booth, right over her shoulders. Jessica cleared her throat noisily, trying to warn him off, but he recognized hints about as subtle as he flirted. Finally, she looked over the menu while he played with a lock of her hair, wiggling her shoulders as he tickled her with it.

  A waiter came up and offered her a brief reprieve. “Are you ready to order?” he asked.

  “I’ll have d’gumbo special, a coffee, and a glass of water.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Jessica said, setting the menu aside.

  Gabriel gave her a look. “Bedder bring us a pitcher of water.” The waiter smiled and walked away. “Can you stand the heat, chere?”

  Jessica wiped her hands nervously on her skirt, squirming to get comfortable and failing. “I could probably handle it better if I wasn’t so close to the fire.”
br />   Jessica saw that sultry grin from the corner of her eye.

  “You have no idea, chere.”

  She thought she probably did. Changing the subject, she asked, “Why’d you send me to that shop last night?”



  “He’s good, no?”

  Jessica fingered her necklace, playing with the medallion. “Very. But I just get this feeling you wanted me to do more than just get this fixed.”

  The waiter came back with their water, and Gabriel took a sip before answering.

  “Did Mikel tell you a story?”

  Jessica twisted in her seat to watch him suspiciously. “Don’t tell me you believe that crap too? Wait, this is a trick, right? Some little thing y’all do to the tourists to bilk them out of money?”

  The food arrived before he could answer, and she soon forgot all about it as her mouth caught on fire. Gabriel dug in to his meal with gusto, while Jessica nibbled at hers. Her tongue burned like a torch, and she had to take two sips of water for every bite of food. She didn’t know how he could stand it.

  He paused, studying her. “So how do you like gator gumbo, petite? Too spicy for you?”

  “Alligator?” Jessica’s stomach protested instantly. She dropped her spoon in her bowl.


  Despite her sudden ill feeling, the delicate meat she’d thought was chicken was actually quite tasty. “It’s good. But yes, it’s too spicy for my tastes.” She pushed her bowl away and fixed her coffee, heavy on the cream and sugar.

  “I cou’ show you a bedder spice. It goes down smooth as silk and heats you from d’inside.”

  Jessica chuckled despite herself. “You’re incorrigible. Shut up and eat your food.”

  Gabriel finished off his and her gumbo and stretched out his legs when he was done, rubbing his stomach as he sipped his black coffee.

  Jessica looked at his hands wrapped around the mug and wondered if everything on him was as big. She blushed at the thought and knew he’d begun to corrupt her.

  “So what are you doin’ down here, chere?”

  She didn’t see much harm in sharing her past or why she’d come. “I came looking for my birth parents. I didn’t find out until I got here that they died years ago.” It pricked her heart that she’d never known them, that they’d given her up. Maybe it was too personal information to give to a near stranger, but she thought it would help her feelings having someone to share with.


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