Lieutenant Commander Stud

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Lieutenant Commander Stud Page 51

by Chance Carter

  Julian wasn’t with him. I figured the kid was probably playing somewhere. He didn’t need to see his daddy taking out the trash.

  “How long have you been working here?” he asked.

  I knitted my brow. “About two weeks now.”

  “Do you like it?”

  I rose from where I’d been crouched closer to the display and brushed my hands against my pants. “Yeah. It’s been fun so far.”

  “Good.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw, like he was relieving some tension. “The displays look great. I’m sorry for being so abrupt earlier. I guess I was just a little…” He smiled, and I’d forgotten how dazzling it was. “Surprised.”

  So he was acknowledging that we’d met. Good. That put me more at ease, as did the smile.

  “Surprised is a good way of putting it,” I agreed.

  He sobered again. “I’m very sorry if I upset you on the night that we met,” he said. “It was a misunderstanding, and I was too embarrassed to deal with it properly. I shouldn’t have just run out on you like that.”

  I looked around but there was nobody near enough to hear. Our encounter was not the kind of thing that should be discussed in a children’s store, but I suppose if the boss was cool with it then what harm could it do?

  “It’s okay.” I offered up what I hoped would be a forgiving smile. “It was a shock for both of us.”

  Brendon stepped closer, stopping only a foot away from me. I stared up at him. My breath caught in my throat at the sheer sincerity in his eyes when he spoke, his low baritone sending a shiver down my spine.

  “I can’t stop think about you, Aurora.”

  My mouth went dry. I wanted to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming, since this was about the last thing I’d expected to happen after coming to the abrupt realization earlier today that I now worked for the man who’d rocked my universe and left without a trace.

  “I know that you probably want nothing to do with me, but the fact that chance brought us into each other’s orbits again means I need to try.”

  His scent filled my nostrils, earthy with a little spice that enticed me closer. I stayed put, anchoring my feet to the ground even though they begged me to take just one more step.

  “Your…your son,” was all I managed to stammer.

  Brendon’s thick eyebrows furrowed briefly, and then he relaxed and laughed. “Julian’s not my son. He’s my nephew.”

  A gust of relief washed over me me. “You’re not married?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Not married. Not engaged. Not anything.”

  I nodded slowly, absorbing the information as it came. So, Brendon, the guy who gave out orgasms like candy, was not married, didn’t despise me, and actually wanted to spend time with me again? Yep, I was dreaming. This didn’t happen to people. Not seasoned New Yorkers, and certainly not small town transplants who lived in a glorified brothel.

  As much as I wanted to jump into his arms and ride off into the sunset, something was holding me back. A whole lotta somethings. If nothing else, I’d only just gotten out of a seriously long term relationship and I had no idea what I was doing with my life.

  I looked up at Brendon, frowning. “Are you gonna fire me?”

  He cocked a brow. “Fire you? Why would I do that?”

  “Cause we…” I slammed my two fists together. “You know.”

  He seemed amused by my answer, and shook his head. “I’m not going to fire you. Whether you get fired or not is up to Jessie, and she thinks you’re doing a great job.”

  A small, satisfactory smile slipped onto my mouth.

  “Uncle Brendon!” a little voice called in the distance. “Where’d you go?”

  Brendon turned to look behind him, then turned back to me with an apologetic smile. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and a pen. As I watched he wrote something on the back of the card, then handed it to me.

  “My personal cell,” he said by way of explanation. “I hope to hear from you, Aurora.”

  The way he said my name should have been a crime. It sent sparks of pleasurable shivers running up and down the length of my body, and I practically swayed on the spot as I reached for the proffered card.

  Julian wheeled around the corner and raced toward his uncle, his little face lit up in a giant grin. Brendon turned to leave, and I watched him go without even saying goodbye.

  We had a habit of that, I supposed.

  Chapter 10


  The designs littered on the desk before me were just that—litter. Nothing our designers had come up with stood out from any of our competition’s branding, and I was beginning to think I’d hired a bunch of idiots. Was it that hard to revamp the image of a children’s store? Kids were easy. They liked bright colors and fun. Parents liked affordability and ease of use. Surely there was some way to incorporate those two concepts into a marketing campaign that would set us above our competition without turning us into them. Surely.

  I leaned back in my chair and rubbed the bridge of my nose, teeth clenched. My mind whirred and ticked, trying to decide what instructions I could give the marketing department so that the next round of samples wouldn’t be so disappointing.

  The thought came to me suddenly.


  I remembered walking around the store on my visit last week and admiring all the cutesy little displays and chalkboard signs she’d created. Julian loved them, and according to Jessie so had lots of their customers. Maybe there was some way I could incorporate the personality and charm of her imaginative designs into something that could work on a national level. I felt better about this idea than I had any of the others so far. It was worth a shot.

  Only thing was, I gave Aurora my number a week ago and she still hadn’t called. I didn’t think she was going to. I couldn’t say I blamed her, considering how awkward our last exchange was and how she probably regretted the first time we met. I didn’t love the idea of having to face her again, especially as my employee, but the girl was talented. I’d be doing the brand a disservice if I didn’t at least try.

  I walked out of my office a moment later. “I’m heading down to the Fifth Avenue store,” I informed my secretary.

  “I’ll hold your calls.”

  I nodded at her and strode down the long hallway to the elevator. Energy sizzled through my veins at the thought of getting to see her again. I still found it incredible that out of all the places in New York City, she ended up working in my store. It was the kind of coincidence that makes you sit up and take notice, like the universe was trying to relay a message. Too bad Aurora wasn’t listening. I couldn’t make her listen, and my balls ached at the thought that I might never get to taste her again. What she lacked in stature she made up in sex appeal. Even in the Lock Knocks uniform of khakis and a navy polo, Aurora stood out from the crowd. She was a princess, after all.

  I hadn’t made it five steps into Lock Knocks before Jessie was on me.

  “Mr. Ralston,” she said. “We weren’t expecting you for another visit so soon.”

  I could see the panic in her pale blue eyes. She was a devoted employee, a hard worker who always wanted to prove herself. I’d heard lots of great things about her from other managers back when she was just a floor associate, and her work ethic hadn’t waned since her promotion a year ago. It could be grating at times, though, because her eagerness to please often took the form of flattery.

  “I came to see Aurora. Is she working today?”

  Idiot. I should have called to check beforehand, but my mind had been too scrambled at the thought of gazing into those emerald eyes again. This girl would be the end of me.

  Jessie swiveled her head wildly like a frantic owl. “I’m sure she’s here somewhere. Want me to call her over the loudspeaker for you?”

  I shook my head. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll find her.”

  I started walking off in the direction of the toy section. I could tell Jessie was stuck between leaving m
e be, as I’d clearly stated, and following me around to make sure I didn’t stumble upon anything I wouldn’t like. In the end she stayed up by the tills while I travelled deeper into the back, and I was glad for it. I wanted to talk to Aurora alone.

  I found my princess shelving dolls. She was standing on an adorable little stool so she could reach the upper shelves, which was funny considering they were shorter than normal shelves to accommodate the height of our younger shoppers.


  Aurora jumped, eyes bugging wildly out of her head. The stool slipped and she tipped dangerously to one side, one second away from losing her balance. I dove in next to her and grabbed her by the waist to steady her, balancing her torso on my shoulder.

  She was warm, her hips fleshy and full. I wanted to sink my teeth into them. I shouldn’t have even been touching them with my hands.

  “Uh, I think I’m okay now,” she said. “Thanks though. You totally saved my life there.”

  “No problem.” I took a step back, putting my hands into my pockets so I wouldn’t be tempted to reach for her again. “Sorry for scaring you.”

  The stool brought her to my height and then some. It was strange looking up at her, and she must’ve felt it too as she immediately stepped down from the stool.

  “I’m easily scared. It’s not your fault.”

  I laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

  “Can I help you with something?” She furrowed her brow, gazing up at me expectantly.

  I had a few things I could use her help with, actually, but none that were appropriate for the venue. I cleared my throat.

  “I have something I wanted to talk to you about,” I said.

  Her lips pursed a little, but I finished my thought before she had a chance to get too worried.

  “It’s a work thing. A design thing, actually.”

  “A design thing?” Her long auburn hair was secured in a high pony, and she reached back to tighten it. The fabric of her shirt pulled against her tits as she did, and I nearly groaned. “Why do you want to talk to me? I’m just a stock associate.”

  “Walk with me?”

  She nodded, and I started off at a meandering pace around the perimeter of the store.

  “I don’t know if you know this, but Lock Knocks has been a personal vision of mine from the start,” I began. “I wanted to build a store that both kids and parents would enjoy coming to. Something clean and organized, but with enough fun visual interest for kids not to get bored.”

  “I’d say you’ve accomplished that,” she said thoughtfully, gesturing at an excited troupe of kids as they ran past.

  “But the journey’s never done, is it?” I turned down the next aisle and we continued to walk. “I’ve been looking for ways to rebrand and remodel without having to completely strip each of the stores. I want a system that I can put in place that will help visually transform the Lock Knocks brand while still maintaining the classic charms that our customers love.”

  She kept pace, a frown creeping onto her pretty features. I could tell she was wondering why the hell I was sharing all this with her, so I decided to cut to the chase.


  I stopped and turned to face her. It was hardly the right environment for handing out a promotion, considering there was a complaining toddler and a pantsuit-wearing mother down at the other end of the aisle, but it would have to do.

  “I want to bring you onto my design team. Your work around the store has been great and I think your talent would be better served designing full time, rather than doing it between stocking shelves.”

  I expected her face to blossom into a smile. I hoped, even, since I hadn’t seen her smile since the night we met and I was desperate for it. I knew how sweet it would taste. I knew how it would make my heart soar. I craved it like a drug.

  But Aurora didn’t smile. Her brow creased with confusion and she shot a distressed look at the woman at the end of the aisle, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the set of double doors leading to the back of the store. I allowed her to drag me, uncertain why she was reacting so sketchily. Had I said something strange?

  The doors swung closed behind us, blocking out much of the noise from the store. The store’s sound system was tuned in to a kid’s radio station that we payed extra to access, and strings of bubbly pop music permeated the air.

  Aurora dropped my wrist and took a cautionary look both ways in the back room. Once she was satisfied that we were alone, she spun on me.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked in a hushed whisper. “Do you feel guilty or something?”

  I still did feel guilty, in a way, though I couldn’t find it in myself to regret our hot encounter. I wish it could have ended differently, but I wouldn’t trade the memory of her silken pussy for anything.

  That wasn’t why I was offering her a promotion though, and I endeavored to make that clear. She continued talking, however, not giving me a chance to explain.

  “Look, I’m sorry that I haven’t called you. I don’t hate you. It’s just been a stressful few weeks for me and it’s all been a bit much. I just got out of a relationship, moved to a new city, and got a new job working for a guy who accidentally had sex with me.” She folded her arms over her chest, but the gesture wasn’t defensive. It was more self-comforting. “You can stop feeling guilty, though. I swear, I’m not upset about what happened. I just want to move on with my life.”

  “I understand,” I said. “This has nothing to do with that. I want you on the design team because you’re talented and I’ve seen what you can do. Nobody around me right now has fresh ideas and the company badly needs some.”

  Her lips pursed in thought. I couldn’t tell whether she’d already made up her mind, but it didn’t seem positive if she had. Much as I wanted her to be happy with my proposal, I knew the situation was more complicated than that. Perhaps I was stupid to think that we could move on from our sordid start and join forces.

  God, did she have to look so goddamn sexy like this though? Her lower lip jutted defiantly, eyes blazing. She either didn’t believe that the offer had nothing to do with our history, or she believed me but hated me for asking anyway. Either way, it didn’t look like I’d be getting the answer I wanted out of her.

  “Think about it.” I offered up a brief smile and then went to walk around her, heading back toward the store.

  Aurora’s hand shot out and gripped my bicep as I passed. I stilled, looking down into her big green eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’m not processing this well. I should have said thank you earlier.”

  I turned to face her, but she didn’t release her hold on my arm. I didn’t want her to.

  I cocked a grin. “The thanks is appreciated but unnecessary. You’d be doing me a favor by taking the job, since I’d only have to try to find someone to emulate what you’re already perfectly creating.”

  She laughed and her eyes dipped to her fingers on my bicep. Slowly, she let them fall away.

  “Still, thank you.”

  I nodded. “Does that mean you’ll take the job?”

  “It means I’ll consider it.” She smiled coyly. “If I’d known I was such a valuable resource, maybe I would’ve played harder ball when Jessie was hiring me.”

  “If I’d known that you were going to be such a valuable resource, I would’ve given you at least two orgasms before running from your room.”

  I couldn’t help it. I wanted to shove the words back in my mouth as soon as they left, but it was already too late. I figured this would be the part where Aurora shied away, but she didn’t. She met my eyes boldly and her lips took on a mischievous tilt.

  “It’s never too late to make a second good first impression.”

  I don’t know if she knew what those words, the challenge in them, did to me, but if she did she was a wilder cat than I even knew.

  And she was about to be in trouble. Deep trouble.

  Chapter 11


>   I shouldn’t have said it.

  I should have ignored his comment and gone on with my day. I should have done anything other than feed into his game, since I knew it was a particularly dangerous one for me to play. I’d only just surgically removed the tumor of Nolan from my life, and it seemed crazy to me that my next move would be to hit on my boss immediately after he’d offered me a promotion.

  Did that stop me? No.

  Apparently, I was still actively living my new, sassier life that had me doing things I wouldn’t normally do and saying things I wouldn’t normally say.

  Apparently, I was going out of my mind, too, because the fire that flashed in his eyes thrilled me.

  “You’re a mystery to me, you know that?” Brendon sidled closer, until our breath mingled in the small space between us. “I don’t think I could ever figure you out.”

  “I hope that won’t stop you from trying.”

  I was a mystery alright, even to myself. I almost didn’t recognize this girl, but I liked her. She was the wild child I’d always wanted to be, the one that Amy had eventually grown into, leaving me in the dust.

  “You’re teasing me.” It was halfway between an accusation and a revelation. He grinned and shoved his hands in the pockets of his slacks, giving our conversation an even more casual edge. “You like to do that, don’t you?”

  I nearly told him that the last thing I was known as in my hometown was a tease, but I liked the idea of him thinking it of me. The truth was that it’d been driving me crazy trying not to call him. It was literally keeping me up at night as hot lust curled in my belly and begged me to pick up the phone.

  I kept thinking that sleeping with him again would be a backslide, would undermine the good work I’d done building a new life here, but I wasn’t so sure. Wasn’t the whole point of a new life supposed to be that it was new? Why was I still doing things the way the old Aurora would have done them?

  The new Aurora was more fun. She was flirty. She had mind-blowing sex with hot strangers she met in the hallway of her hotel. More importantly, most importantly, she was fearless.


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