I Love You

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I Love You Page 22

by Shanade White

  “Honey, I’m home!” Andre shouted as he opened the front door. Milan laughed and rolled her eyes; he had such a big personality.

  Milan walked out to the living room and smiled at him.

  “Did you accomplish your mission?” She asked before taking another warm sip of tea. He nodded.

  “Yes, I did. By next year you’ll be looking at the new CEO of the Haus and Hospitality Corporation.”

  “That’s so exciting. I’m really happy for you!” Milan shouted cheerfully. It was the first good news she had heard or at least reacted to since she moved in with Andre. She wasn’t depressed but it wasn’t easy to lose her husband and that really affected everything she did. She still hadn’t broken the news to her family members. A tiny sliver of her heart wished she could hold on to the relationship for that reason: not having to face her family and tell them she had failed at marriage. She could only imagine their reaction.

  “Yeah. My father has finally decided to retire and since I’m his sole heir, it’s kind of a no-brainer. You don’t really have to be so happy for me.” He told her honestly.

  “But it’s not a monarch. Just because you’re family doesn’t mean you automatically get the spot. Who knows if you’d make a good CEO? Your father isn’t the kind of man to compromise business for family so I think he really sees something in you, Andre. You should be happy about that.” She convinced him. He nodded, that was probably true.

  “You’re so good at that.” He gawked at her in jealousy. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and waited for him to elaborate. “You always make me feel really good about things that don’t necessarily warrant the excitement.”

  “Everything warrants the excitement. I didn’t realize that for a while and when I did it was too late. Making someone feel good about the little things in their life show that you care. If you don’t you just look like a self-righteous, condescending bitch.” She said before bringing the teacup to her lips. Before she could take a sip Andre placed his hands firmly on her cheeks and pulled her close to his face. She lowered her arms and stared up at him with wide chocolate eyes.

  “Milan, you will never talk about yourself that way again. That man was disgusting to you and made you believe so many things that aren’t true. You are selfless; you’re carrying somebody else’s baby for Christ’s sake! You are self-established; you climbed up the administrative chain through hard work and professional representation. It’s no one’s fault but your own that you are so good at your job and people love to see you in charge. Don’t blame yourself for that either because that’s what makes you amazing. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, caring, and magnificent women I’ve ever known. Stop letting that man put words in your mouth.”

  “Wow. But you think I’m good at making someone feel good about little things? The senior administrator before me took a job at another company. The spot was open and they needed someone to fill it.” She admitted trying to downplay her accomplishments.

  “But still they chose you –that counts for something, doesn’t it?”

  “I guess, you’re right…” She whispered as they stared into each other’s eyes. Everything around them suddenly stopped as they focused on each other’s breathing. Milan’s heartbeat was speeding up causing Andre’s to do the same. He felt like at any moment she would close her eyes and lean in.

  “Can you let go of my face? I’m trying to finish this tea before it gets too cold.” Milan said but it was unconvincing. Her voice fell flat and there was no urgency in her movements. She said it because she knew it was the right thing to say but she didn’t mean it.

  Milan felt a pang of longing. It was a feeling that seemed lost in the back of her mind. She’d been pushing it away for years but as she sat in his house, with the plush slippers he had bought her, the lovely manicure and pedicure he forced her to get, and the bouncy, luster hair that she had just gotten done from the hair stylist – per Andre’s request – she felt like this was what she had been missing.

  Andre was sweet, he clearly loved her, and he was extremely handsome although she never liked to admit it. He didn’t get mad when things were bad because he was so understanding and willing to compromise. He was extremely happy when the situation permitted it but he could get very serious when things weren’t light and fun. He was very spontaneous, he loved to release his pent up adrenaline and he had a heart of gold.

  Suddenly, everything she thought made sense was no longer black and white. Literally, she felt it mix. Not only in her belly but also in her heart.

  She wanted Andre, and she always had.


  Milan woke up the next morning and got her outfit ready for the sonogram session they had to attend. Andre was in the bathroom down the hall and she was in his room. They had been up talking and watching a movie all night so Andre had accidentally slept in the same room as her.

  She found that in the middle of the night she had awoken and stared at him. She watched as his steady breathing puffed his chest up and down so smoothly. His blonde hair fell over his forehead in an effortlessly sexy messy way. She couldn’t even stop herself from dreaming about him. She awoke with a surprise in her panties and a smile on her face. It was Andre’s generosity and caring that led her to the way she felt or maybe it was the hormones from pregnancy. She could no longer trust herself around him.

  She stood in a towel with her wet hair falling down her back. She pressed her blouse down and tried to smooth out the wrinkles that had formed from stuffing it into her luggage bag when she stormed out of her old home. She huffed an irritated puff of oxygen out of her mouth and grew aggravated with the condition of the blouse.

  “Are you decent in there?” Andre asked while knocking on the door and closing his eyes. She shrugged and told him it was fine to come in.

  “This shirt is fucking wrinkled and I can’t smooth it out.”

  “I can steam press it really quick. It might take a while before it’s wearable though.”

  “Why would it take a while?”

  “Because… I’m steam pressing it? It’ll be like wet-warm.”

  “Well the appointment is like in ten minutes. What am I going to do?”

  “Just throw one of my button downs on. It looks just like your shirt anyway.” He stuck his tongue out. She playfully hit him in the arm and chuckled.

  “Seriously Andre, what am I going to do?”

  “I honestly think you’d look great in my shirt.”


  “Okay. Hold on… I have just the thing. Wait right here.” He told her before sprinting out of the room. She went into the bathroom and pulled out another towel so she could run it through her wet hair. It puffed up accordingly and she began to brush it out when she heard Andre walk back in.

  “Let me see.” Milan said stepping out before dropping her jaw to the ground. She was stunned. It was the most gorgeous dress she had ever seen.

  “Remember when I told you I found a perfect dress for you on that maternity website? I just remembered I never got to send it to you.”

  Milan took slow steps to it and couldn’t feel anything. She wasn’t sure if this was real but if it wasn’t she didn’t want to wake up from the dream.

  “Andre…” She said in a breathy voice. She touched it and fingered the neckline. It was absolutely gorgeous and when she noticed the label on it she practically screamed.

  It was an Oscar De La Renta maternity dress. She ripped it from his fingers and practically forgot he was in the room. She threw her towel to the side and turned around to step into the dress.

  Andre practically choked on his own saliva and his eyes popped out of his brain.

  “I’ll just go.” He announced turning around but keeping an eye on Milan shimmying into the dress. He bumped into the wall and felt a tingle of pain run down the side of his face. He didn’t even let it affect him. Instead he just walked out and took a deep breath of fresh air. Milan naked was the only thing he
had secretly imagined for years. Today his imaginations were brought to life. She looked even better than he could’ve ever imagined.

  “I’m sorry about that. I was so excited! Do I look good?” She asked as soon as she stepped out of the room and into the hallway. Andre couldn’t keep his eyes off her curves. She made the dress look as if it was made for her. It hugged onto her perfectly and the belly was tastefully visible.

  “You look great. Do you like it?” He asked. She skipped over to him and wrapped arms around his neck tightly.

  “I love it, Andre!” She told him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. She was elated.

  “Let’s go before we’re late.” He reminded her and led her out of the Penthouse.


  Milan laid on the examination table with a blanket pulled up to her hips and the Oscar De La Renta dress pulled up to her chest. Dr. Gerard had placed the transducer over the ultrasound gel as she did once a month and showed them the progress of the baby growing inside Milan.

  “You see that’s her ear and her head.”

  “Oh gosh, she’s getting that big head from you.” Milan teased Andre poking him in the cheek. He laughed and pointed at the ultrasound monitor.

  “Look at her ears! You’d think your dad was Dumbo and now your passing that gene on to my kid.” Andre kidded back. They both laughed and the doctor was so pleased to see how playful they were with each other.

  “The increased heartbeat that I had told you guys about has practically decreased to normal speed. It’s actually amazing and very good considering how close we’re getting to the birth.” The doctor shared making both Milan and Andre clap in happiness.

  “That is amazing news.” Milan said looking at Andre who was smiling from ear to ear.

  “That is fantastic news. I’d still like to know about it. Just in case, God forbid anything returns. Let me know what the procedure or medicine is for something like that. I am fully prepared to spend the money needed for my daughter to overcome that abnormality if it comes back.”

  “Aw, Andre…” Milan couldn’t help but say. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it because that was the sweetest thing she had ever heard anyone say. He was a father through-and-through and it was amazing.

  “Will do, Mr. Hausman.” Dr. Gerard said before printing out the ultrasound image.

  Milan took it in her hands and smiled. It was beautiful. The formation of life inside her was a miracle of an experience.


  Milan walked into the penthouse with Andre close behind. She sat in the car for the past twenty minutes trying to maintain self-control. Andre was absolutely amazing and she couldn’t keep her hormones from just wanting to pounce on him.

  “I’ll put the food right here. Do you want to watch something? I think I have that crime-drama you like On Demand.”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll be right back I just have to uh… Change my clothes.” She lied and jogged into the bedroom.

  She quickly dropped to her knees on the foot of the bed and let tears graze her cheeks. It was impossible for her to have fallen so quickly for her best friend. It had to be the pregnancy hormones. She had just left her relationship with Derek and now she knew it wasn’t because she didn’t show him how much she cared it was because she was in love with someone else: Andre.

  She was sharing her love with the man who had always been by her side, even now when her husband threw her out; Andre was the man who was there to pick up the pieces. She placed her hand on her face and tried to believe her feelings weren’t real. She hoped that her feelings were just a projection of her imbalanced hormones but she couldn’t. She loved him and she wanted to be his.

  “Milan?” Andre slowly opened the door. He could hear her panting and sobbing.

  “I’m sorry.” She quickly tried to apologize before standing up and wiping the tears from her face. Andre walked over quickly and sat beside her on the carpeted floor. He took his thumb and ran it along her cheek, wiping up any tear stains that she’d missed.

  “Don’t apologize… What’s wrong? You’ve been acting a bit weird. You know you can talk to me about anything.” He told her and lifted her chin so that she could see his sincerity. She sighed and smiled softly. That was exactly what she didn’t want to hear. His sweet words only reassured her feelings and sent her into thinking this whole thing would be a good idea when clearly it wasn’t.

  “Why do you have to say things like that to me?” She said giggling nervously. She’d never be able to say it. She was afraid of rejection or looking desperate.

  “What did I say?” He asked trying to recall his last words. He didn’t even realize it was sweet. He was simply being a decent human being but after what she experienced for the last 9 years. It wasn’t as simple as he thought it was.

  “It’s not just that… It’s everything you say and you don’t even realize how sweet it is.” She placed her dainty hand on his cheek and traced his jawline softly with her hand. He stared at her and knew this was the perfect time.

  “Milan, I love you.” He took a deep breath and planned to continue but the moment he opened his mouth she leaned in and he couldn’t resist himself. He placed his lips on hers and closed his eyes. The heat they sent through each others body made her happier than she had been in 9 years or maybe even in all her life.

  His kiss felt new. It felt like something she’d never experienced before. Andre wanted to continue speaking but that would cause him to break the kiss. He was fine with letting her borrow his lips for a while.

  “Andre…” She crooned into his mouth before pulling hers apart from his. He looked into her chocolate eyes and waited for her to speak.

  “I love you too. I know it sounds weird but I always have. It feels like I have always known but never believed it.”

  “I always knew too.” He assured her and wiped a finger over her bottom lip. It was so soft and supple. He wanted to kiss her again. She stuck out her tongue and lightly licked the tip of his finger before raising her eyebrows at him.

  He smirked and watched as she stood up before him in the Oscar De La Renta dress he bought her and took a seat on the edge of his bed. He followed her lead and sat beside her.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this.” Milan started as she unbuttoned the top of his shirt. She did it slowly with one hand as she stared at him and licked her lips. He was captivated by this woman’s beauty and sexiness that he couldn’t even think about undressing her. He felt like he was in a trance.

  “Lay back.” She whispered and watched as he slowly leaned backwards onto the pillows. His shirt was almost open when she hiked up the dress and straddled him. He felt her warmth on top of his crotch and it drove him crazy. Now he knew what she wanted to do. He placed his hands on her plentiful ass cheeks and palmed them before pulling her dress up over her head in one full swoop. The dress landed on the floor in a plop.

  “As good as that dress looked on you, I have to say I think it looks better on the floor.” He joked before sitting up to get a better look at her chest. She giggled and that caused her chest to undulate making Andre’s penis perk up. She felt it underneath her and pulled off his shirt. She paid close attention to every crease on his body from his firm chest, to his dented abdominal muscles. His arms were strong with veins running down his forearms to his strong hands.

  “Wow…” She breathed before him. He placed his hands on her back and slowly sent tickles down her spine. She arched her back and leaned forward against his chest. He rolled over and got on top of her.

  They kissed deeply as he put one of his legs between hers. Then, his lips parted and his tongue darted into her mouth for just a moment, almost as if asking permission.

  Milan sucked in a breath through her nose, grabbed his head and pressed his lips more firmly against her own as she sent her tongue into his mouth. When he greeted it with his own, she felt the heat explode between her legs. It had been months since she felt that sensation; she almost forgot how
much of an effect Andre had on her. In all her life, Andre was the only man who had the ability to get her so wet. All they were doing was kissing, and it was more erotic and meaningful than any sex she’d ever had before him.

  The hot wetness between her thighs was what real attraction meant, and the ravenous beating of her heart was the love she felt for him. It was love, and that was what brought her back to him.

  Her body undulated under him, rubbing her thigh against the defined hardness in his pants, and he ground his pelvis back against her leg.

  When that happened, his hand found its place at her bra and squeezed. Milan moaned against his mouth, a sound that drove him wild.

  He groaned in response and ground his hardness against her again as he fondled her breast over her bra.

  “Just take it off already,” she demanded of him, breaking her lips from his for only a moment. He grinned and chuckled before going back to kissing her.

  Both of his hands slipped behind her and undid the hooks of her bra, freeing her breasts.

  “Want to see a magic trick?” She asked and pulled away from him so she could move.

  He licked the taste of her kisses from his lips and watched as she removed her bra.

  “Very nice,” he said, grinning.

  “Now it’s my turn for a magic trick.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but smiled. “Go for it.”

  He leaned in and kissed the side of her neck, this motion sent shivers and gooseflesh down the entire side of her body and made her toes curl.

  He kissed her hipbones and proceeded to lick until he made his way to the lips between her thighs. He expertly maneuvered his tongue over her clit and began to suck. He allowed cold air to pass through his mouth and send a shivering rush through her body. It was a nice way to balance the heat. He grabbed onto her thighs and pressed her as close to him as possible. He pushed his tongue in and out of her. He brought one hand up to her and she placed her fingers in the space between his. They held hands as he made out with her vagina.


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