“Looking for something?” The voice came from an older man who stood at Dwight’s table.
“Yes, I am. A house made of entire stone, ever see one around here?” Dwight asked without much enthusiasm.
He watched the man rub his chin as if thinking and was surprised when he responded with, “You know, there is one close by here that is stone. Got a stone wall surrounding the whole place, yes sir it does.”
Dwight’s face lit up at the man’s words and excitedly he offered, “Please, sit with me. Can I get you something to eat, a drink, anything?”
The man pulled out a chair and said, “Just ate, but I’ll have a beer.”
The waitress heard him and brought one for him.
“Here you go Leon, now don’t you go getting drunk on my shift again, you hear?” She laughed as she left them and Dwight asked him, “Do you know where this place is?”
“Let me see that map.” He pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on and Dwight handed him the map.
“Nice map you got. Here, see where this crook is in the main road there?” He pointed his finger to a place on the map and Dwight bent over the table to see better. “That road? Why, it…well, I guess you could say it is to the left. How far down the road is it? Do you know?”
“Can’t say that I do, a good mile or two. Only reason I remember the house is because I was run off the place one time.”
“What do you mean, run off?”
“The old man who owns it ain’t fond of trespassers and some of the best hunting is over in them woods. Never went back after two men chased me out. Never wanted to neither. You got business there? Cause ifin you don’t, I’d thank twice fore I’d be going.”
Dwight nodded eager to get back on the road. Leaving his food almost untouched he put money on the table to cover the expense and patted Leon on the shoulder.
“Thank you Leon, you have been the best thing to happen to me today!”
“Glad to be of help Mister.”
Dwight almost did a dance to his car, he was so happy. He had passed the very road several times. Heading back to where it was he followed the road as the map depicted and it was actually a veer to the right of the main road and then there was a sharp left that went under a bridge. So that is why no one was able to find the place. Thank God for Leon!
In less than two miles he spotted the stone wall and followed it to the black wrought iron gates, Jacks had so aptly described. Now what? He was wondering how he would get inside such a fortress when the gates opened on their own. Chilled by a feeling of darkness that fell over him, he tried not to let it deter him and drove through them before they closed. He continued down the drive until the house came into view and stopped the car. Lord, I can’t do this without you. I sure hope you are coming with me. His wry humor fell flat as he made himself drive up closer to the house.
He took a deep breath, thinking about the woman he loved and his friends as he stepped up to the door and taking the iron ring in his hand, he slammed it down making a loud knock. When no one answered, he pushed on the door and it swung open to his horror.
He walked into the large entry, covering his face with his arm so the stench was not so bad. Two bodies lay side by side and he recognized them both from the night on the roof. He pulled out his cell and getting 911 on the line, he gave them the directions and with fear for what else he might discover, he went into every room. Finding nothing by the time he came to the stairs, he prayed hard as he ventured down them. Please do not let me find them dead! Please!
There seemed to be no end to the stairs but he kept going until he finally reached a large room. Seeing nothing of interest in it, he opened the doors one by one, searching each for some sign of the missing three. There was nothing. He was both disappointed and relieved for at least they could still be alive.
Going back up the stairs he heard a siren and by the time he made it to the upper side of the house, the place was crawling with people.
When asked if he knew the dead men, Dwight just shook his head and said no. After many questions, they allowed him to leave. He went back to the hotel disheartened because now he was back to nothing. He had no idea where else to look and no one to help him. One thing he was sure of, that the two bodies found, may be dead but the force that had controlled them was very much still alive.
It was the next morning that Detective Cranford found him at the hotel. The detective stepped into Dwight’s room without being invited to do so. He had called to make sure he was still in town and felt he had to share what he knew but if anyone saw him, he would be just another dead man.
Pushing the door closed he apologized, “Sorry but I am taking a huge risk by being here and cannot afford to be spotted talking with you. Purcell is dead and it is because he was overheard telling you that he was still pursuing this thing you are mixed up in on his own. I am here to warn you. Go back where you came from and forget all this, if you want to live!”
Dwight had backed up from the man thinking him mad. Now he looked worriedly at him and said sadly, “I can’t do that. Those girls and Jacks, they are my friends and I will not abandon them. Tell me what you know, I beg you!”
Cranford shook his head, “You are as good as dead then and I won’t help you get there. You will have to do it on your own. Just remember I did warn you though.” He turned back to the door nervously but hesitated and looked back at Dwight with pity. “Jacks’ has a friend, Sang-mi over in Little Korea, easy to find, just look for Sang-mi’s Kitchen. She might help you. But God help you, if they get you too. Good-bye.”
He was gone just as quickly as he had appeared and left Dwight dazed. The reason Purcell was dead was because he wanted to keep working on this case. Cranford was right, God help him! In spite of the warning, he looked up the place called Sang-mi’s Kitchen in the phone book and jotting down the address he pulled out his map of the city and located it. It was not far from where he was and it took him longer to park than to drive the distance.
He prayed that Cranford was right and Sang-mi could help him but when he went in and asked for her, he was doubtful that the woman who came out, had any intentions of doing so.
“You are Jacks friend, Sang-mi?”
“Jacks is Sang-mi’s friend, yes.”
“He is my friend also. He is missing and I am trying to find him and two women who are also missing. Can you help me.”
Her eyes grew beady and untrusting and she was shaking her head no.” But the words which came out of her mouth contradicted her actions. “Sang-mi being watched, you must leave. They knew you would come to Sang-mi. It is not safe.”
“You do not understand, they all may die if I do not find them!”
Again, she shook her head no, replying, “Go now, Sang-mi will find you. Do not come here. Now go!”
He started to leave and looked back as she looked very hard at him, as if she disliked him immensely.
“That went well.” He told himself when he was back in the car. “What do I do now? Wait a minute! She said she would find me, so does that mean she will help me? If someone was watching her it could mean that she would be in danger if she talks to me. Okay, Dwight, now you are talking to yourself and that’s not a good thing.” He concentrated on the traffic and would wait until he got back to the hotel to try to figure everything out.
But it was not to be, for when he got to his room there was a young Korean boy sitting on the bed in his room waiting for him. He held a package in his arms and when the door opened he stood.
“How did you get in here and who are you?” Dwight was alarmed to find him there.
“Sang-mi say give this you and follow her words, then destroy!” The boy shoved the package at Dwight and went to the door.
The boy hesitated.
“Uh, tell Sang-mi thanks for me.”
“Sang-mi not do this for you. She do it for the man with the mark. I must go now.”
He slipped out of the room and disappeared. Dwight st
ill holding the paper package went over to the desk and sat down. Carefully he opened it to find a small vial of amber liquid that was wrapped in a piece of writing paper. He laid the vial down and read the words written in careful English. When he finished reading he looked around for an ashtray which held a book of matches. Taking one he struck it and held it to the paper and let it burn dropping it into the ashtray. When it was finished, he took it and flushed the ashes down the toilet and rinsed the tray. Without giving it further thought, he plugged the tub and started running water. Then he went back to the desk and took the vial and brought it back to the bath and poured a small amount into the water. When this was done, he stripped his clothing off and immersed himself into the tub of water, making sure his entire body was covered as the note had instructed. When he knew that every inch was covered, he got out and placed his clothes into the same water and left them while he went back into the room and looked into the mirror. He saw nothing.
He went back for his clothes and discovered he could not see them either. He felt them though and wrung them out and put them back on. This was blowing his very mind! But there was not much time and he had to move fast, if he was to help Jacks and the two women.
Sang=mi’s note included the plans certain people had of joining Asa that very night and they would have one extra passenger this trip. He put the vial under the water long enough for it to become as he was, invisible, then he slipped it into his pocket. After that, he also placed his pocketbook with money in it under the same water obtaining the same results. All the while, he kept shaking his head in amazement for this was certainly the weirdest thing he had ever witnessed.
With everything he would need, he left the hotel room and decided to test himself on the clerk. He walked over to the check in where she sat talking on her cell. After standing there a few minutes, he was convinced she had not seen him at all. Crazy!
Feeling very confident after that, Dwight walked out and having looked at his map at the place Sang-mi told him to go, he took off in the direction of where it was at. When a truck stopped at a stop light he hopped on the back and rode almost the whole way but when the truck started to turn, he hopped off nearly breaking his neck. He continued on walking the rest of the way. He had plenty of time according to Sang-mi’s note. He wondered how on Earth she knew what she knew and what the vial contained that could magically make him disappear as it had done.
Finally he made it to the field where the plane was supposed to pick up three men and one woman in one hour. Having the extra time, he prayed, knowing God was answering his prayers in a most unorthodox way.
He took a nap underneath a Chinaberry tree and woke only when he heard the drone of the aircraft. Hopping up he watched as the most unusual plane eased down in the center of the field. The hum of the motor was still going as the steps were let down. Simultaneously, a large vehicle pulled up close to let some people out. There were four altogether and without ado, they proceeded to board the plane.
Dwight rushed up behind them halfway expecting someone to say something to him, but they did not. He followed them up the steps and avoided touching anyone. Once onboard, he looked around and decided that the safest place for him was behind the last seat so he scrunched in folding his long legs under him.
It took only a few minutes for everyone to get settled and the plane took off. There was small talk between the passengers that was of no interest to Dwight. Only when he heard one of the men refer to another as Mr. Secretary, did his ears perk up. Could they mean, surely not! But listening closely to the conversation that followed, he had no doubts. Lord God, but the arms of evil reached far, he was thinking. A small still voice said, “But mine reaches further.” Dwight smiled for he knew he was not traveling alone. God was with him.
He carefully listened for any other names to be mentioned, making note of anything that may be useful later on. Having no idea where the plane was taking them, he wondered how long they would be in the air. He was not worried about his visibility, for Sang-mi‘s note said it would not change until he was completely covered again with water. He wondered how surprised the three would be when they realized he was there with them. Thank God for Sang-mi!
The four people got off first and Dwight slipped out right behind them. He watched fascinated as had his friends, as the wall closed them in what was totally a hidden domain. Careful not to exclaim aloud, he took it all in while staying close to the group. They entered the front room which was as big as a Wal-Mart at least. The monitors were all going at once and Dwight would have liked to stood and watched them but he did not dare. He had to find out where everyone was. To do that he needed to see Garrett or Asa, whoever he was.
Sure enough before they reached the other side of the room a woman approached them.
“The master has directed me to inform you that he will meet you at the dinner hour. You may rest in your quarters until then. If you will all follow me, please.”
Dwight was right behind them. The first stop, a door was opened and the woman of the group nodded and entered. Continuing on down the hall, there were three more such stops, until all four were tucked away in their little piece of paradise.
Instead of following the strange looking lady back down the hall, Dwight thought he would just investigate the other rooms. Maybe he would find one or maybe all three of his friends. Knowing that no one could see him gave him a courage he knew he did not own under normal circumstances. It was almost exhilarating. He opened doors and quickly entered into the rooms, one by one. While some were occupied, he saw no sign of Jacks or the two women.
“Just stay cool. You have all night, who needs sleep anyway? You are going to find them!” His silent joking was only an outlet for his fear that Asa had already done away with them and he might be just too late.
He had searched each room on that hall so he went back to the large room and waited. He was not sure what time dinner was but it had to be sooner or later. Meanwhile he watched one monitor after the other and was dumfounded by what he was seeing. People would not believe what the monitors depicted. No wonder the world was going crazy. Evil had many names and Asa was one of them and his time was growing nigh so now he was getting ready for one last show.
Dwight was a Biblical history scholar, so he was aware of a lot of things that the ordinary layman might not be. The things he saw only reinforced what he already knew, that this Earth age was just about to be over. That meant that the evil one was facing death and he was determined to take as many of God’s children with him as he could. Only by a master plan of deception could he possibly do this and what Dwight was seeing here, was the most ingenious plan for mass deception there could ever be.
Saddened by all that he saw, his spirit was dampened by the fact that all the people in this place were under the rule of a fake king. He knelt right there in the middle of the great room and cried out silently to the true Lord for their souls. While he was kneeling someone bumped into him. Looking up he saw that it was Jacks who had the funniest look on his face as he was apologizing to nothing but air.
Wight felt laughter well up within him, in spite of his sadness. He stood up as Jacks composed himself from nearly falling and whispered, “Jacks.” Looking around and seeing no one, Jacks thought he was just hearing things and continued toward where he had been having his meals with Asa.
“Jacks.” He stopped walking and then started back. “Jacks, it is Dwight. Keep walking and listen to me. You cannot see me but I am here to take you and the girls home. Do you know where they are? Just nod or shake your head.”
Jacks was flabbergasted at Dwight’s voice talking to him and him not there. He kept walking and nodded.
“Great, then they are okay. Thank you Jesus!”
Jacks felt so weird. How was this possible? Maybe it was one of Asa’s tricks. It must be a test.
He stepped into a room with facilities and no cameras. “Prove to me who you are! There is much magic here.”
is baffled Dwight and he replied, “How am I supposed to do that?”
It sure sounded like Dwight. Still he could not take any chances. Okay, so if you are Dwight, tell me who redid the table in Sheila’s kitchen?” Dwight never thought that Jacks would not believe it was him.
“I am not sure but I think she told me that it was Honey? Jacks, it is me and I am going to get ya’ll out of here. Sang-mi helped me, she gave me this bottle of stuff that made me invisible. Do you understand? We are all going to walk out of here alive, you, me, Honey and Sheila. Come on man, say you believe me! We have work to do and I need your help to do it.”
“Okay, say I believe you, how are you going to get us out of here? These mountains are miles from nowhere. We cannot walk so just what did you have in mind?”
“I thought we would borrow one of those new airplanes Asa sports around in, what else?”
Jacks was beginning to believe that it was Dwight he was talking to and excitement welled up inside him.
“Okay, so I need to go now or Asa will wonder. Come with me since they cannot see you, just maybe we can get his new guests to talking. You never know what we will hear. After dinner you can come to my room and we can make plans.”
“Right there with you buddy! Let’s go.”
Jacks was convinced that this was really happening and throughout dinner he was jolly and conversed with all Asa’s guests. He was surprised that Asa actually let him join such prominent figures. He remembered Sheila saying that she overheard Morgan having a conversation with the president himself. No wonder the courtrooms were so corrupt, it was trickling down from the very top.
While Jacks kept everyone talking, Dwight took mental notes. His life would never be the same after this. He was really anxious to see Sheila and, of course, Honey, too.
The group of people lingered over drinks discussing politics until Dwight could have screamed. Thankfully, it was Asa who decided it was time to end the night.
Wings of Deception Page 24