Running from Romeo

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Running from Romeo Page 4

by Diane Mannino

  Troubled, I wake in the middle of the night. The rest of the evening I find myself tossing and turning until light fills my room. I have the same recurring nightmare of darkness and a disturbing shadow. The obscured figure is walking away from me; no matter how loud I scream. No one hears me. My tank is drenched in sweat and my head is throbbing. I sit up, stare out the window and I’m grateful for the light when I see the sun slowly rising.

  The next week is uneventful. I relapse into my regular pattern: wake, classes, run, work, sleep. Well, sort of sleep. There’s a few times where I see Logan in the distance on campus. I really want to talk to him and I’m bothered that I’m feeling somewhat rejected by his aloof demeanor.

  It’s Friday and Bryn has made plans for us to go out. Tyler’s band is playing at Soho. It’s a casual bar so we are both wearing jeans. Bryn is in full glow in a red, strapless top with her glorious golden locks falling down her tanned shoulders. I’m in another one of Bryn’s gifts. She is so appreciative that I’m sticking with my baby steps. My top is white and fitted with loose sleeves that hang off one of my shoulders.

  When we get to Soho, Tyler’s band is already on stage. The energy is awesome and the mostly SBU crowd is having a good time. The lighting is muted and the walls are black. The bar is small, intimate and very, very crowded.

  Bryn slides up to the bar and orders us a couple of mojitos. The cocktail has a potent kick of rum but it’s pleasantly disguised by a combination of sweetness with refreshing citrus and mint flavors.

  The mojito is warm, soothing and it’s already starting to have an effect on me. We are on round two when Josh reaches around Bryn and grabs her from behind. It’s so loud that it’s almost impossible to have a conversation unless you are speaking right into the other person’s ear. The three of us stand by the bar and watch Tyler’s band.

  “Downward Spiral” is the name of Tyler’s band. He’s the lead singer and his voice has a soothing raspy quality to it. The band is really quite good. And, with Tyler’s good looks the females in the audience are deliriously attentive.

  Bryn and Josh look relaxed and happy. They are a stunning couple and I’m thrilled that Bryn looks so content. She smiles at me as Josh orders us more drinks.

  Another song ends and Tyler speaks into the mic, “Thanks everyone. We’re going to take a quick break and be back in a bit.”

  Tyler moves off the stage and is immediately mobbed by his admirers. While the band takes a break, we have a lull in the noise level. Eventually Tyler makes his way over to us.

  “Dude, you were awesome,” Josh says.

  “Amazing,” adds Bryn.

  “I’m really impressed, Tyler. I had no idea that you were so talented.” I grin.

  Tyler blushes and glances away. He modestly says, “Thanks. Thanks for coming.”

  Just as I’m thinking about how Tyler’s unpretentious manner is so diametrically opposed to Logan’s, I’m aware of Logan’s presence. He is making his way toward the bar when our eyes meet. The mojitos have given me a new sense of confidence and I stare at him. I expect him to look away but instead he continues to hold my gaze with his intense blue eyes.

  “Time for us to play again. Gotta go,” says Tyler.

  I shift away from Logan’s intense gaze. I can’t let him have this effect on me. Tyler’s band starts to play again. I don’t think Bryn is aware that Logan is here otherwise she would probably be dragging me home. But maybe she’s not as concerned about his intentions since it’s been several days since I’ve had any interaction with him. I try very hard to tune Logan out, at least have him think that I’m not affected by his close proximity to me.

  Josh and Bryn are on the dance floor when I feel his hand softly stroking my arm, “How about that rain check?” His lips are close to my ear and I feel a tingle run through my body.

  “Oh, you’re speaking to me?” I snap.

  “I’m trying not to but it’s a losing battle,” he says with an amused look.

  Where is he going with this? He’s trying to not speak to me? I close my eyes and steady my breathing. I need to keep calm.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been rude. But I think it’s probably for the best,” he says as if he’s trying to convince himself.

  I look toward him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask.

  “I’m trying to stay away from you. But I can’t.” He whispers darkly.

  “Then stop trying,” my voice is low and I’m not sure he can hear me.

  I can’t remember ever feeling so bewildered by another human being. Suddenly, for some reason, it feels like we are alone. The bar is packed and so loud that it’s hard to hear myself think but maybe because we are standing so close together. I feel the mood shift between us.

  It’s hard to breathe and I can feel my heart pounding beneath my white top. He moves closer to me and before I know it one hand reaches around my waist while the other is in my hair, pulling me closer to him. His lips are on mine and I’m utterly helpless and caught up in his spell. Oh, I have never been kissed like this.

  Just as I’m being released from his grasp I feel another grasp. I turn away from Logan and see Bryn glaring at him.

  “Time to go, Emilia,” Bryn seethes. Her teeth are clenched while she’s still glaring at him. Yikes…She’s mad!

  Logan is glowering back at Bryn. Once again my overprotective friend is coming to rescue me. I’m struck with the feeling that I no longer want to be rescued, especially from this Greek God.

  Bryn has me in her clutches and we are moving away from him when I hear him snap, “What are you her mother? I think she can take of herself.”


  “THAT ASSHOLE BETTER keep his hands off you,” she snaps.

  Bryn is sitting at the island working on her laptop when I walk into the kitchen.

  “Good morning to you too.” I can’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

  “Logan is bad news, Emilia. Don’t you find it odd that he shows up out of no where – wherever you are?” She growls. Jeez, she needs to chill.

  “Stop worrying about me. I won’t be seeing him again. He wants nothing to do with me,” I mutter.

  “What are you talking about? I saw him kissing you. He definitely wants something to do with you and that’s why I’m so worried about you.” She says. Her eyes are full of sadness and concern.

  “No. He told me in so many words that he’s staying clear of me.”

  “He certainly has a funny way of showing it.” Bryn says suspiciously.

  “He’s out of my league. He obviously wouldn’t say that he’s trying to stay away from me if he really liked me.” I snort.

  “That’s ridiculous, Emilia and you know it. If anything you are out of his league. You are gorgeous. Just as drop dead beautiful as he is. You aren’t a pompous ass like him and you don’t have his money but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough for him. In fact, you are too good for him. You are beautiful, smart, kind, and even funny sometimes.” She’s trying to lighten the mood.

  “Only funny, sometimes?” I tease.

  Bryn laughs. “Can I make you breakfast or something? I feel bad that I keep ending our evenings so abruptly.”

  “No, thanks. You know I appreciate your maternal instincts but when are you going to realize that I can handle myself?” I plead.

  “Okay. I’ll try. I promise not to drag you out of any more clubs.” Bryn smiles.

  “Just clubs?” I tease.

  “Ok. Bars and parties as well.” She beams.

  “Good. Otherwise I might have to stop going out with you. You know you are really quite the hypocrite. You want me to take baby steps and go out but then you are always forcing me back home.”

  Bryn is cracking up. “I change my mind. You are funny all the time!”

  I’m pouring myself a cup of coffee when she looks from her laptop and asks, “Well, how was it?”

  “How was what?” I bait. I know she’s referring to the kiss but I feel unsure of how to answer. I’v
e never experienced a kiss like it and I don’t want to worry Bryn more. We’ve finally reached a compromise with her allowing me a chance to handle myself. But I know she is curious and she is my best friend so it would be unfair not to tell her the truth.

  Bryn rolls her eyes. “Come on, the kiss.”

  “It was good.” I smile.

  “That’s it. Good? You aren’t fooling me. I was a witness and you two looked pretty caught up in each other.”

  “You know I don’t have much experience in the kissing department. But I would have to say that his kiss was by the book.” I grin at my clever reference to Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.”

  “I’m guessing you are quoting someone. It’s not fair that I’m not as well versed in Literature as you. I’m thinking that means the kiss was really good.” She beams.

  “Yes,” I mumble. “I can’t speak for him but I thought it was pretty great.”

  “Sounds like trouble to me.” Bryn is back to her worried tone.

  “You sound like a broken record.” I wink at her.

  IT’S SATURDAY and after my run I head to Spyder for work. It’s a gloriously sunny day and everyone is out and about. The store is jam-packed with customers. Mr. Sutton is relieved to see me when I arrive at ten.

  “You are a welcome sight for sore eyes, Emilia. You mind working the register while I help those customers with the boards? You are great with the customers but I can’t find my glasses. I will either overcharge or undercharge everyone!” He says.

  “And I just thought you were happy to see me. You literally mean you have sore eyes.” I tease.

  Mr. Sutton laughs. “ You know that I’m always happy to see you.”

  “I’m always happy to see you too.” I turn to look and it’s Logan! This is quite a pleasant surprise.

  “What happened to you trying to stay away from me?” I smirk.

  “I said I was trying but that I can’t. It’s a losing battle.” He retorts. His face is very serious. I must not stare. I must not stare. I must keep my composure.

  “You here to buy another board? Perhaps a shortboard?” I flush.

  I’m irritated with myself – already losing control – my stupid flushing. Can I not have a conversation with him without the effects of alcohol keeping my flushing under control?

  “Are you trying to be funny?” His eyes look wickedly amused.

  “Well, if you aren’t here to shop – I need to help some of the customers who are actually here to make a purchase – and not harass the help.” I say, surprised by my boldness.

  He scowls playfully at me. “Harassing? You wound me.”

  I look around at the other customers and notice Tyler walk in the store. He’s a regular customer so it’s not a shock to see him as opposed to this other mysterious patron.

  “Excuse me, Logan.” He frowns as I turn away from him.

  Tyler walks up to me. “Hey, Emilia. Thanks again for coming last night. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.”

  “Yes. Well, Bryn and I left rather unexpectedly. I’m so glad I got to see your band. You guys were great.” I smile.

  I glance over at Logan and he has an annoyed look on his face. What’s that about? Maybe he’s changed his mind and wants the shortboard? Maybe it’s because I’m not being an attentive salesperson with him? I giggle at my thoughts.

  “What’s so funny?” asks Tyler.

  “Sorry. Just thinking about something. What can I help you with?” I ask.

  “ I just came into get some more wax.” He says.

  I giggle again because I’m thinking about Logan’s remarks about Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax. “Sure thing. Let me ring you up.”

  “You still aren’t going to let me in on your private joke?” Tyler asks as he hands me his cash.

  “It’s nothing. I think it’s all the endorphins from my run this morning.” I say, trying to regain my composure.

  “Well, I’ll see you later, Emilia.” Tyler replies.

  “Cool. Have fun surfing.” I smile.

  Logan is still in the store when Tyler leaves. Damn, he’s easy on the eyes. Now that Tyler has left, he moves towards me.

  “I see your boyfriend is a fan of Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax too.” Logan murmurs.

  “He’s not my boyfriend. But he is actually a surfer. The sex wax is for his surfboard. It helps repel water and gives you a better grip.” I say smartly.

  “Whatever you say, Miss King.” He says smiling and then adds, “I don’t want to harass the help but I would like to ask you a question before I’m on my way.” He asks, smoothly.

  “Sure.” I squeak.

  “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee this week?” He asks.

  “Oh. Sure. I just need to check my schedule.” I’m thrilled but try my best to contain my excitement.

  “Can I see your cell phone?” he asks. I’m rendered speechless, handing him my phone. He takes it and moves his fingers swiftly across the screen.

  He hands me back my phone and says, “I plugged myself into your contacts. Now you can call, text, or email me and let me know what works.” He smiles, slightly.

  “Okay.” I grin.

  He turns to leave and then says, “Oh and one more thing. Please don’t tell your domineering friend.” He grins and strides out the door.

  Wow – a date? Bryn is going to flip out. Well, is coffee considered a date? No, not really. It’s just coffee, right? I’ve never felt so consumed by a guy. I don’t want to get my hopes up and I’m really not sure I’m ready for dating or coffee or whatever this is. Maybe he just wants to talk about surfing? Maybe he wants to ask about Studio One? I can’t wait to tell Bryn. She’s promised to let me be. He doesn’t want me saying anything to her but tough. She’s my best friend.

  Bryn is not as enthusiastic as I am. “So he just happened to stop by the store? I don’t know about this, Emilia. He’s a bit of a stalker, don’t you think?”

  “Oh. Come on, Bryn. He just wants to get coffee. It’s not like a date or anything.” I say and I’m aware that I’m holding my breath in hopes that she agrees with me.

  “Okay, but if he makes one move – one little move – you better run. Deal?”

  “Sure thing and you know he won’t catch me ‘cause I’m fast.” I say and laugh at my own joke.

  “Why are you so worried he’ll make a move, anyway?” I ask.

  “Logan is a pump-and-dumper – that’s his reputation.” Bryn says.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “You know – he has sex with the girl and then dumps her. That’s all he cares about.”

  “Oh. Then I guess I’ll wear my running shoes.” I tease.

  She quickly changes the subject, “You want to change or you want to just wear what you have on?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask. I have a feeling I know where this is going.

  “I told Josh that we’d meet him and some of his friends at Elsie’s Tavern tonight.” She nonchalantly says.

  “Oh, Bryn. Really? I went out with you last night.” I plead.

  “Hey, I promise I won’t drag you away from any arrogant stalkers.” She teases.

  “Okay, a couple drinks and that’s it.” I relent.

  Elsie’s is loud and crowded. We make our way into the bar and Josh waves us over to a booth. He’s sitting with a group of guys, including Tyler. There are pitchers of beer and margaritas on the table.

  “Hi Emilia, margarita or beer?” shouts Tyler over the noise.

  “I’ll have a margarita. Thanks. How was the surf?” I smile.

  “It was pretty flat today. But a bad day surfing is better than a good day working.” He grins. I smile back at him with affection. Tyler is a really nice guy.

  A couple hours have gone by and we are still sitting in the leather booth but it’s now just Bryn, Josh, Tyler and I.

  I’m on my third margarita when I feel that familiar pull and I know Logan is here. I glance up from our table and see him. He is breathtaking
in a pale blue linen shirt that makes his eyes even more stunning. He’s staring down at me and Sebastian is at his side.

  “Oh. Hi, Logan.” I mutter. Maybe Bryn is right and he is stalking me.

  “We meet again.” His tone is cool. He cocks his head toward Sebastian. “This is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Emilia.” Sebastian eyes me with contempt.

  “Um. Hi. This is my friend Bryn.” I smile. “And Josh and Tyler.”

  “Didn’t mean to interrupt. Just wanted to say hi. I’ll talk to you later, Emilia.” He seems kind of annoyed and then he disappears towards the back of the bar.


  I FALL ASLEEP. I hear a sound so I follow it. It’s a voice and I don’t recognize it at first. I’m scared by the unfamiliarity of it so I try and stay away. But the ominous voice keeps calling me and I’m curious. I can’t tell if someone is crying. It sounds like a child.

  I’m not sure if I should follow the sound but my legs move willingly in that direction. I don’t want to go into the dark. I hear another voice, “Run, Emilia, run!” It is a terrifying plea, but I can’t see who is shouting at me.

  I try and squint my eyes in the direction of the crying and the shouting but all I see is darkness. “No!” I scream and I wake, disoriented, soaked in sweat. I glance at the clock on my nightstand. It’s three-fifteen in the morning.

  I stumble out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face and take a couple of Tylenol. It’s a comfort to put on a fresh tank and sweats. I fall back into bed.

  It’s too early to go for a run even though that’s what I would like to do. I try and fall back asleep but it’s no use. I toss and turn attempting to block out disturbing images until sunlight fills my room. It is a welcome sight.

  It’s Monday morning, October first and before I head to class, I check my emails. It’s been a little over a week since school started but it feels much longer – so much has happened. My dad has written me twice.


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