“Do you have plans for Saturday night?” Bryn asks. She moves to the refrigerator to get some milk for her cereal.
“Nope. You want to have some margaritas with me?” I tease since last weekend Bryn was on the couch all day after our margarita binge.
“You can have margaritas but I think I’ll stay away from tequila for a little while.”
“What do you have in mind?” I ask.
“We haven’t been dancing in a while. How about we go to Soho? Tyler’s band is playing.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” I smile.
When I finish my yogurt I grab my running shoes from the front closet. Sitting down to put them on, Bryn is beaming down at me while she finishes her cereal.
I gaze up at her. “What are you grinning at me for?”
“It’s nothing. I just can’t get over how much you’ve changed this year and it’s just the end of October.”
“Yes. Well, I had quite the teacher. You were adamant about getting me to take those steps out of the library.” I giggle.
I stand once I get my shoes on and start to stretch my thighs by pulling on my foot behind me.
“You don’t regret it, do you?” Bryn says and her eyes are full of worry.
“No. At least not right now. Check back in with me in another month or so.” I laugh.
“Jeez. Don’t say that!” Bryn moves to the sink and cleans off her bowl and spoon. Then she leans against the kitchen counter and faces me.
I shrug. “Sorry. It’s the truth.” I stop stretching and lean against the wall.
“I know. You’re still worried about getting hurt.” She asks.
“Yes. And I don’t know if I will ever be ready for… you know. It’s all so overwhelming. I’ve never felt this way about someone. It’s almost hard to think clearly when I’m with Logan.”
Bryn walks closer to me and takes my hands in hers. “Emilia, you’ll figure it out. He said he would take it slow and it sounds like he’s being true to his word.”
“You’re right. But when do you know if it’s the right time?” I ask.
“There’s no right answer for that but I can tell you this – you need to trust each other. And, that might take you a bit longer. You have deeper trust issues. Have you told Logan?”
“No.” I say and I look away from her intense gaze.
“If he’s truly the one for you. You will have to tell him. You know that, right?”
I look into her eyes. “Honestly, I try not to think about it. But I suppose you are right.”
“You can’t worry about all that now. Just continue to take it slow. If he can do that then maybe you’ll find you can trust him. You’re the only one who can make that decision, no one else can tell you what to do.”
I nod.
“The other thing you said about having a hard time thinking clearly when you’re with him.” Bryn starts to say.
“That’s totally normal. But do you know what that usually means?” She raises an eyebrow.
“No. What’s it mean?”
“It means you are falling in love with him.” She smiles.
“Either that or you’re falling in lust.” She giggles. “Both can make you woozy.”
I giggle. “Woozy? I don’t know what I find more amusing – the falling in love or lust comment or your choice of words.”
“What’s wrong with woozy? I love that word. I feel woozy with Josh. I feel woozy when I drink margaritas.”
We are both laughing and then I notice the clock on the oven.
“I’ve got to get going or I’m going to be late.” I say as I turn to the door.
Bryn blows me a kiss as I close the front door. Making my way out into the gloriously sunny day, I put my earplugs in my ear. Grouplove is vibrating in my ears, drowning out my thoughts of love and lust I listen to “Tongue Tied.”
Take me to your best friend’s house
Going around this roundabout
Oh yeah
Take me to your best friend’s house
I loved you then and I love you now
Oh yeah
Don’t take me tongue tied
Don’t wave no goodbye
Take me to your best friend’s house
I loved you then and I love you now
Don’t take me tongue tied
Don’t wave no goodbye
One, two, three, four
Don’t leave me tongue tied
Let’s stay up all night
I’ll get real high
Slumber party; pillow fight
My eyes on your eyes
Like Peter Pan up in the sky
Let’s bump the beats till beddy-bye
Don’t take me tongue tied
Don’t wave no goodbye
Don’t take me tongue tied
Don’t kiss me goodnight
Take me to your best friend’s house
Going around this roundabout
Oh yeah
Take me to your best friend’s house
I loved you then and I love you now
Don’t leave me tongue tied
Don’t wave no good bye
Don’t leave me tongue tied
After running, I shower and blow-dry my hair. It’s a pleasingly warm October day so I pull on a pair of denim cutoff shorts and an oversize slate-colored cotton sweater by Roxy. Then I fasten my heart locket around my neck. I won’t have much time after classes today before I head to work so I hope I’m dressed appropriately for my date with Logan.
I decide to quickly check my emails. I haven’t spoken to him since Monday so maybe he’s checked in to confirm our date. I power up my computer and find I have one email. It’s from my dad.
From: Anthony King
Subject: Counting the days
Date: Friday, October 26, 2012 8:05am
To: Emilia King
Hi Emilia,
Hope you are well. It’s just one week until I head there to see you. Let me know if you want me to make dinner reservations for Friday night. Would Bryn and her parents like to join us or is there someone else you’d like to invite?
I made hotel reservations for Friday night. I wish I could stay longer but I need to head back to L.A. early Saturday morning. I hope you understand.
I’m counting the days down until I get to see you.
I can’t believe it’s almost November. It seems like school just started last week. But what I find even more surprising is that my dad asked if there’s someone else I’d like to join us for dinner. In the past we usually just go to dinner with Bryn. Most of the time her parents can’t make it because of their commitments in Los Angeles. Besides, Bryn’s mom usually comes a few times during the school year because she likes to shop with her on State Street. I wonder if my dad suspects I’ve met someone. I don’t know why he would but it’s odd he’d make that offer.
I look at the clock. I have just enough time to reply to his email.
From: Emilia King
Subject: Counting the days
Date: Friday, October 26, 2012 9:15am
To: Anthony King
Hi Dad,
I’m doing well. Right now I’m happy it’s Friday. I had a busy week with lots of papers and quizzes. I hope all is well with you.
I will figure out dinner reservations or we can just go to our usual, Brophy’s. I don’t know about Bryn’s plans so I need to check with her. I’ll let you know.
I’m thrilled that you are coming up even if it’s for one night. Of course I understand. Besides, before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and I’ll be visiting you.
I’m counting the days down too!
I love you,
“Are you ready?” Bryn calls from downstairs.
bsp; In a minute I rush down to the bottom of the stairs with my books in hand.
“Sorry. My dad emailed me.” I say as we head out the front door.
“Is everything okay?” She asks.
“Yes. He was asking about next weekend. He’s just trying to plan ahead.”
“Next weekend?” Bryn looks confused.
“It’s Parent’s Weekend. Did you forget?”
“Jeez. I can’t believe it’s already that time of year. It seems like we just started the school year.”
“I know.” I pause. “So, I’m guessing your parents aren’t coming?”
“No. But it probably doesn’t help that I never mentioned it to them. Unless I tell them about it they are completely unaware of those things.”
I nod. “My dad can only come up for Friday night. He asked if you’d like to join us for dinner.” I smile as we approach the campus.
“Your dad is so sweet. He always thinks of me.” She smiles.
“My dad adores you. Anyway, you don’t have to let me know now. I know you might want to do something with Josh so don’t feel obligated.”
“I’ll let you know. By the way, did you hear from Logan?” Bryn asks.
“No. I’m starting to wonder if we are actually doing something tonight.”
“When did you speak to him last?”
“That’s odd.” She says. “How did you leave it when you last spoke to him?”
“Well, we spoke Monday morning but we didn’t make plans for Friday until that night. He emailed me.”
“Emailed? You guys are funny. Why don’t you call or text?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve never really thought about it. We usually have a lot to write so I guess that’s why we email instead of text. I know if I got on the phone with him I’d probably never get off and I’d never get anything done. I have enough trouble getting work done when he’s emailing me.” I laugh.
“What did the last email say?”
“We talked about going out Friday after I finish work. He said he had a bottle of wine he wanted to share with me. I can’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure he said if I wanted to get together before Friday that he would be around. I think he called it an open invitation.”
“So what did you say to that?” She asks.
I shrug. “I never responded.”
“Uh-oh. You might be getting a case of wine instead of a supply of coffee this time.” She giggles.
“Really? You think he’s mad?” I murmur.
“I doubt it but he’s been probably waiting since Monday for your reply to his open invite.”
“I hope not.”
“Don’t sweat it, Emilia. I’m sure everything is fine. I bet you’ll hear from him later.” She says as she gives me a quick hug and heads to her class.
At three, I finish my classes and make my way home. It’s a beautiful sunny Friday afternoon and the campus is brimming with excited anticipation for the weekend. Everyone seems to be outdoors, making plans for the evening. Filling their cars with folded chairs, towels, coolers and surfboards; many look like they are headed to the beach.
Thinking about whether or not Logan has either left me a message or emailed me, I’m surprised when I see him leaning against his car in our driveway. He looks irresistible in a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. When he sees me he smiles that gloriously sexy smile. I approach him and he puts his hands around my waist and pulls me close to him.
“Hi.” He whispers and leans down to give me a quick kiss on the lips.
“This is a nice surprise.” I smile.
“See. You like surprises.” He teases.
“This one I like.” I say as I reach up to give him another soft kiss on his lips.
“You look beautiful, as always.” He smiles.
I smile up at him. “I was just starting to worry that I was supposed to respond to your last email.”
“The open invitation?” He smirks. “You can’t blame me for trying but I knew you had a lot of work.”
“You want some water or something? It’s so hot.” I say.
He takes my hand in his as we walk into the empty house. “No. Just you.” He smiles.
“You’re a bit eager, aren’t you?” I tease. “Did you forget you aren’t supposed to pick me up until six o’clock?”
“Well, about that.” He looks cautiously at me as he continues to clasp my hand.
“What did you do?” I say as I raise an eyebrow at him.
“You promise you won’t be mad?” He asks as he puts his hands around my waist.
I roll my eyes. “Just tell me.”
“Your lovely bosses gave you the afternoon off. In fact, Rosemary was all for it.”
I glare up at him. “You didn’t. Did you?” Of course Rosemary was all for it, she was probably like putty in his hands.
“Don’t be mad, baby.” He kisses me on the top of my head.
Stepping back from him, I head to the refrigerator. I can feel his eyes on me as I grab two bottles of Fiji water and hand him one.
“Thanks.” He says as he takes the water. He leans against the kitchen counter. “You told me yourself that I have no patience. I waited all week and now Friday is here. I thought we could enjoy this beautiful day together before the sun sets.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” I mutter.
“Rosemary was totally cool with it. She said it was slow at the store because everyone is at the beach.”
“Logan, she would have said yes to you if the store was packed with customers and it was the busiest day of the year.” I say exasperated.
He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me. “I stayed away from you all week so you could get your work done. Doesn’t that count for anything?”
“I have to work Logan. I know it’s something you don’t understand.” I frown at him.
He takes a deep breath. “How about I hire you? Then I can spend more time with you and you’ll still earn some money.”
I try and fail to keep a straight face. “Very funny, but I’m still mad at you.”
“I’m not being funny. I’m serious.”
I raise an eyebrow in disbelief. “Just out of curiosity, what would you be hiring me for?”
“I can think of lots of things.” He says with a wicked gleam in his eyes.
I playfully hit him on the arm. “Okay. I can see this is going nowhere and don’t think I don’t know what you are trying to do.”
“What am I trying to do?” He teases.
“You’re trying to distract me from being pissed at you.”
“Now you’re pissed?” He kisses me on the forehead.
He’s too good at being playfully charming. He knows I can’t stay mad at him when he’s like this. I know his intentions are good and he just wants to spend more time with me but he doesn’t get it.
“Yes. Pissed.” I say, struggling to hold back a smile.
“So you just want to stay here and be pissed at me?” He mutters.
I roll my eyes. “Please don’t do it again. If you want me to get out of work or leave earlier, please ask me. I don’t need you going and charming the pants off Mrs. Sutton.”
“I’m only interested in charming the pants,” He looks down at me, “shorts off you, baby.”
I smile slightly at him. “What do you and your bawdy sense of humor have planned for this afternoon?”
“So you’re done being pissed?” He smiles. “I don’t have to pick you up and force you to come with me?”
I smile sweetly at him. “Not unless you prefer it that way.”
He scratches his chin and looks up as if he’s considering the options.
“It’s tempting but you need to grab a couple things before we head out.”
“What do I need besides my running shoes?” I tease.
“You are never for a loss of words. Are you, Miss King?” He shakes his head.
“No, preferably not your running shoes. I thought we could
go to Montecito and swim. It’s such a nice day, but if you’d rather hit the track while it’s so warm and then maybe we can make another romantic trip to the hospital. Your choice.”
“I’ll go get my bathing suit.” I smile.
“What time do you need to be back tomorrow morning?” He asks.
“I’m supposed to work at ten but did you convince Rosemary to give me off tomorrow as well?”
He sighs. “You really enjoy giving me a hard time, don’t you?”
“Right back at you.” I smile as I head up the stairs.
Logan follows me up the steps. “There’s a difference. I give you a hard time for good reason. You give me a hard time just to torment me.”
“I’m pretty certain that’s the other way around.” I smile.
Suddenly, he grabs me and pulls me against him. “Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?” He whispers.
He kisses me passionately and I’m just as caught up in the heated moment.
He pulls back and presses his forehead against mine. “We better get going or we’ll miss the sunset.” He smiles. “You really need to stop distracting me.”
“I know that’s definitely the other way around.” I giggle.
I grab a small duffel bag and throw in my Billabong bikini, a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and a change of clothes for tomorrow.
“I’m ready.” I smile at him.
He takes my hand in his and we head down the stairs.
WHEN WE REACH the Prescott’s Montecito estate, the sky is stunning. It’s a glorious array of pinks, peaches, and corals set against a blue and lavender canvas. Even though it’s late afternoon it’s still quite balmy out. Logan eases the car up the winding driveway and into the garage.
Turning off the ignition, he reaches into the back to grab a small bag.
He holds the bag up to show me. “The bottle of wine I promised to share with you.” He grins.
“The open invitation?” I ask.
“Yes. I’m not completely impatient. I waited to share this with you.”
“Thank you for waiting.” I smile.
Running from Romeo Page 25