Running from Romeo

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Running from Romeo Page 40

by Diane Mannino

  “Here, try this.” He holds a forkful of the tomato and mozzarella salad towards me.

  I take the bite and it tastes divine.

  We sit in silence for a few minutes while we both enjoy the meal.

  “So you haven’t changed your mind about coming to New York?”

  “Ah. Is that what this is really about?” I ask, suspiciously.

  He shakes his head while taking a sip of wine.

  “Really?” I arch an eyebrow.

  “Emilia, you know I’d love for you to change your mind. I guess it’s just wishful thinking on my part. But no, this dinner is not about trying to persuade you. I just want to spend time with you…alone…no disturbances.”

  I smile, sweetly at him. I sit back and sip the wine.

  “Don’t tell me you’re already finished. You barely touched anything.”

  I giggle. “I’ve actually eaten more tonight than I’ve eaten all week. You just can’t tell because there’s so much food piled on these plates.”

  “Did you finish your paper on The Scarlet Letter?”

  “I did.” I think for a moment and then continue. “Earlier you quoted Rochester from Jane Eyre.”

  “Yes. Impressed you with that, didn’t I?” He smirks.

  “You did. So you just happen to memorize all these famous quotes from classics just to impress women?”

  “Just you, baby.” He takes another sip of wine. “What was your paper on?’

  “It focused on how all the characters have their own agendas and succumb at one point to either human desires or fallacies.”

  “Sounds interesting. I’d like to read it sometime.”


  “Do you have plans over break?” He asks.

  “You know I do.” I say, confused. “You sure you’re not trying to convince me?”

  He finishes chewing his mouthful and swallows. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant are you doing something special with your dad or friends?”

  “Oh.” I smile. “No, no plans.”

  “Is it just you and your dad on Thanksgiving?”

  “Sometimes or sometimes he invites some of his surfer friends. It’s very mellow. The weather is always nice so we go to the beach and then usually eat outside on the patio.”

  “Surfer friends?” He murmurs.

  “Not Tyler if that’s what you’re thinking. What about your family’s Thanksgiving? Do you all go and watch the Macy’s parade.”

  “No parade. We usually just watch football and then have a very formal dinner in the hotel.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  He laughs. “I’d choose your casual, laid-back Thanksgiving over mine any time. You sure I can’t join you?”

  I laugh.

  “I’m not joking.”

  “Logan, you know that’s probably not a good idea. Your parents like me, right?”


  “You stay here and spend Thanksgiving with me well, I don’t think they’d think too highly of me.”

  “I think they’d understand.” He murmurs.

  “What about Tessa? I don’t think she’d understand and I haven’t even met her yet. She’d dislike me for stealing her big brother away from her over the holiday.”

  “She’d probably prefer to come here and have Thanksgiving in Venice Beach. Trust me.”

  “Then your parents would really be thrilled with me. I’d be taking away both their beloved children.”

  “I don’t know about both of us being beloved.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, you both are and your parents would be really upset if you didn’t come home for Thanksgiving. I’m equally sure of that.”

  He sits back and sips his wine. “I have to say you are definitely right about one thing.”

  “Well, probably more than one thing.” I giggle. “But what would that be?”

  “There’s entirely too much food.”

  “Yes. Let me wrap it up. I’m sure the Smith’s will enjoy it. They could even host a small party with it.”

  I stand and start clearing the table. I’m in the kitchen by the sink when Logan comes in with the last of the dishes.

  “Have a seat and enjoy your wine while I clean up. It’ll just take me a few minutes. If you could just show me where you keep the tin foil and containers.”

  “Let me help. It’ll be faster if we both clean up. Besides, I have something for you.”

  “Oh? Now you have me intrigued.” I stand at the sink, quickly washing off the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher.

  Logan stands behind me, putting his hands around my waist. He leans down and trails soft kisses by my ear.

  “I think you’ll like it.” He whispers.

  “Did you get me some more coffee?” I tease.

  “No, not coffee, why are you almost out of that supply I gave you?”

  “No.” I giggle. “Another feather duster?”

  “No.” He leans, quickly giving me a kiss on the cheek as he releases my waist from his grasp.

  The leftovers are wrapped up, put away in the refrigerator. The kitchen isn’t spotless but it’s fairly clean. Logan pours himself another glass of wine and then turns towards me.

  “Would you like another glass of Pinot or would you prefer the champagne?”

  “I thought you were monitoring my intake?” I smile, sweetly.

  He smiles. “Yes, well, I still want you to enjoy the night. Just prefer you not passing out. That’s all.”

  “Then I’ll have some more Pinot. Thank you.”

  He refills our glasses and then hands me mine.

  “Come, let’s go sit in the living room.” He says as he takes my hand in his.

  Suddenly there’s the pitter-patter of rain on the roof. As we walk towards the living area, rain pelts against the large floor to ceiling windows. It’s the first rain of the season.

  “I love when it rains. I can’t even remember the last time it rained here.” I say as a cool chill runs through me and I shiver.

  “You’re cold. Let me start a fire.” He says as he moves towards the large stone fireplace.

  I sink into the soft couch, kicking my shoes off and tucking one of my legs under the other. I sip the wine and watch as Logan ignites the fire. With the sound of the rain and the fire flickering, I am overcome with a sense of comfort.

  Logan sits beside me. He places his wine glass on the coffee table and then gently strokes my cheek with his hand while the other is behind his back.

  “Do you still feel like you need some space?”

  “No.” I say because I don’t really feel like that right now, in this moment.

  “Good. You know I’m really going to miss you next week.” He says, quietly.

  “I’m going to really miss you too.” I whisper. I’m so touched by everything he’s done tonight…the champagne, his toast, the incredible meal and now his sincere declaration.

  I throw my arms around him and kiss him, passionately. He kisses me back, without hesitation.

  “This is for you.” He pulls his hand from behind his back and reveals a tiny blue box.

  My mouth drops open. I immediately recognize the Tiffany blue box that rests in the middle of his palm.

  “What?” I stammer. I can’t seem to find the words.

  “I saw it and thought it was made for me to give to you. I had to get it.”

  “You had to get it? But you already gave me this beautiful necklace from Tiffany’s and I really felt uncomfortable about accepting it.”

  “You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable. It’s not like I can’t afford it.”

  “But that’s not the point. You can afford it but that doesn’t mean I’m okay with it.”

  “Would you be okay with it if it was a Birthday or Christmas gift?” He asks, confused.

  I shrug. “It’s from Tiffany’s. Your generosity makes me very uncomfortable. Does that make sense?”

  “No. But I do find you even more charming because you are arguing with me abo
ut a gift from Tiffany’s. I think most girls would already have it ripped open.” He laughs.

  “I suppose I’m not like most girls.” I frown.

  “That you aren’t and that’s just one of the many reasons why I find you so irresistible.” He strokes my cheek and kisses me gently on the lips.

  I stare into his eyes. I don’t think Logan will ever understand why it makes me feel uncomfortable.

  “You know you don’t have to buy me anything. It’s you I want, not your gifts or money.”

  “I know, but I like to buy you things. The locket was something I thought of when I saw the photo of your mom.”

  “Logan, that’s sweet, really sweet. But…” I say but he interrupts me.

  “Why don’t you just open it and see? You can think of it as a two-month anniversary gift. Would that make you feel better?” He smiles, his eyes filled with amusement.

  I giggle. “Two month anniversary gift from Tiffany’s? You’re insane. You know that, right?”

  “Open it.”

  I tug off the white silk ribbon from around the box and take off the lid. Inside is the same Tiffany blue-colored suede pouch that held the locket. I open the small drawstring and pull out a stunning platinum necklace. At the center of it are round brilliant diamonds in the shape of a tipped over number eight, the infinity sign.

  “It’s beautiful, but it’s…” I start to say.

  “I thought it was perfect because of our emails on Sunday. Now you’ll always remember you have my kisses to infinity. Here let me put it on you.”

  He clasps it around my neck so that it falls just above the locket. I’m left speechless; he’s given me another beautiful necklace. This is really too much.

  “Thank you. It’s lovely but I really wish you hadn’t.”

  “Well, I did and I will, so it’s something you need to get used to. Besides, maybe now Tyler as well as your other admirers will now see that you belong to someone.”

  “Belong to someone? A bit possessive, aren’t you?” I tease.

  “A bit.” He smirks.

  Suddenly my annoyance about his extravagant gifts and his frustration with my unwillingness to accept his generosity all vanishes. The mood of the room shifts. He looks at me, his eyes heated and intense. Leaning towards me, he gently grasps the back of my hair and pulls me close. Without hesitation, I run my fingers through his hair and kiss him.

  “Thank you for another beautiful necklace.” I whisper.

  His pulls me closer as he returns my kiss; it’s hard and more demanding.

  “You’re very welcome.” He breathes.

  He pulls me into his arms so that I slide underneath him. His strong, muscular body is pressed flush against mine. He kisses me, deeply. My fingers weave through his hair as I push my mouth into his. He abruptly sits up, pulling off his cashmere sweater and tosses it on the floor. My hands slide underneath his white t-shirt, his skin is soft and hard.

  “Aren’t you hot?” He breathes between kisses. I think it’s his way of asking permission to pull off my sweater.

  “Yes.” I say and I lean up, allowing him to pull it up, over my head. He discards it on the floor and then quickly pulls off his own t-shirt.

  We slide back down, his body on top of mine. He kisses my neck as he softly caresses my breasts. His skin feels so good against mine.

  “You are so beautiful, Emilia.” He whispers as he slides off my lace bra. He gently strokes my breasts; we kiss passionately. I moan into his mouth.

  He pulls back and looks down at me intently.

  “Are you okay with this?” He breathes.

  “Yes.” I whisper, because in this moment I want him, I trust him.

  Leaning back down on me, his lips are demanding and possessing. He feels so strong and muscular with his body against mine. His hand glides down my stomach as he unbuttons my jeans and slowly pulls them down. His eyes never leave mine as he stands and tugs them off at my ankles. I’m left lying on the couch in only my panties. Suddenly I’m feeling very exposed. He quickly slides off his own jeans and then eases back on top of me.

  When he lies back down I’m struck by how divine his body feels against mine. He slowly kisses me from my navel up to my lips. My body heats under his experienced lips. I groan.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want you?” He whispers between kisses.


  In the distance I hear a cell phone buzzing. It sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen. For a moment, I block it out of my head. Logan gently caresses my breasts as he kisses me passionately. He tastes heavenly. The phone continues to ring.

  “No interruptions.” Logan breathes as he slowly pulls back and gazes down at me.

  I sigh. “Is it mine or yours?”

  “Not sure but I’m pretty sure I turned mine off.”

  “Sorry.” I say.

  The phone continues to buzz. I didn’t even think of turning it off. Hardly anyone ever calls me on it. Bryn knows I’m here so she wouldn’t bother me. The only other people who call me on it are my dad or the Suttons.

  “Let’s go turn it off and then go up to bed.” He says, softly.

  He swiftly kisses me on the lips then stands besides the couch. Staring down at me, his gaze is intense. He offers his hand to me and I take it willingly. He pulls me up into his arms.

  “I can’t wait to get you upstairs.” Leaning down he kisses then grabs a nearby blanket and wraps it around me.

  We move towards the kitchen and sure enough the annoying shrill sound is coming from my bag. Logan’s arm is wrapped around me, holding the blanket tightly against me. He’s standing in his boxers.

  “Aren’t you cold?” I ask while I search in my bag for my cell.

  He shuffles the blanket so that it covers both of us.

  “This is nice.” He smiles and starts to kiss my neck.

  My phone continues to drone. Why is it always impossible to find something in your bag when you desperately need it? My bag isn’t even that big but right now it seems bottomless.

  “Got it.” I say when I finally pull it out.

  “Sooner you turn it off, the sooner I can get you to bed.” He whispers between kisses.

  I giggle, but catch my mouth in my hand when I see that all my missed calls are from Bryn. I read her text.

  “What is it?” Logan turns when he sees the panic in my face.

  “Sam and Rosemary were in a car accident. Bryn just texted that she heard it happened on the 101 and Sam’s truck was totaled. They were taken to the hospital.” I say, shakily as a chill runs through me.

  “They’re probably at the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. Let’s go.” He says.

  “Bryn said the roads are really bad because of the rain. Are you sure? I can’t hold back my tears.

  “Emilia, they are like family to you. Don’t be silly. Of course we’re going.” He kisses me softly on the forehead. Then adds, “Besides, you’ll just sit here and worry the rest of the night. And, honestly so will I.”

  DESPITE THE HEAVY RAIN, we are at the hospital in a blink of an eye. We find out from the information desk that Sam is on the third floor but Rosemary has been discharged and more than likely is in the waiting area on that same floor. Logan wraps his arm around me when we head into the elevator. He leans down and breathes in my hair.

  “I’m sure everything is fine.” He says, reassuringly.

  I smile, slightly as I gaze up at him. But the tears are still streaming down my face. I have too many bad memories of car accidents. I was just a little girl when I lost my mom, but I still remember going to the hospital with my dad and waiting for her while the doctors tried to save her.

  As soon as the elevator doors open my eyes meet Rosemary’s. She is sitting down at the end of the hallway with her head in her hands when she looks up and sees us. Immediately she stands up and I can’t help but run to her. She pulls me tightly against her.

  “You sure are a sight for sore eyes.” She whispers and I can hear the strain
in her voice.

  “It’s good to see you too.” I say with a lump in my throat. She pulls back from me and I can see she has a few scrapes and cuts on her face.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “My neck is a bit sore but they took all sorts of x-rays and everything. Thankfully, nothing is broken or torn. I was lucky…actually we were lucky.”

  “Then Sam is okay?” I breathe.

  “He’s a little more cut up than I am so they are in the process of stitching him up.” She turns toward Logan and gives him a quick hug.

  Then she looks back at me and takes my face in her hands.

  “Are you okay, Emilia?” She smiles warmly at me.

  “I’m fine. I was just so worried.” I murmur.

  “I’m sorry we worried you, sweetie.” She kisses me on the cheek and hugs me tight.

  “We’re glad you’re both okay.” Logan says. He takes my hand in his.

  “We were worried when we heard the news.” He adds.

  Rosemary looks at both of us, a bit confused.

  “Bryn texted me.” I say because I think she’s wondering how we found out about it.

  “Word travels fast around here, but it was a pretty big pile-up on the 101 so I can see why. It all happened so fast. The rain was coming down so hard. A car hit us head on and then we got slammed from behind.” She says and shakes her head.

  “It must have been really scary.” I say, quietly as I stroke her back.

  “It sure was.” She pauses for a second. “Thank you for coming down here. I’m sure you all have better things to do then hang out at the hospital on a Saturday night.”

  Logan squeezes my hand and I blink up at him and smile.

  “We’re happy to keep you company until Sam is released.” Logan replies and glances at me.

  I nod. “Definitely.”

  “Well, I can’t thank you enough. I sure would like the company. As long as you two really don’t mind.” She says.

  “I’ll go get us some coffee while we wait. Rosemary, how do you take your coffee?” Logan asks.

  “Black, please. Thank you.”

  “Can I get you anything else? Are you hungry?” He adds.

  “No, thank you. Just the coffee would be great.” She smiles at him.

  “Emilia, I know you take your coffee black. You sure you just want coffee?” He smiles, making a reference to our first coffee date.


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