Running from Romeo

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Running from Romeo Page 44

by Diane Mannino

  “It was so great to see you, Emilia.” My dad pulls me into a tight bear hug.

  He adds, quietly in my ear. “And I’m right about what I said last night. You should have seen how worried he was about you today.”

  I pull back from my dad and look into his eyes, smiling as tears fill my eyes.

  He continues, “Just take it slow…I know you’re worried about everything, but he’s crazy about you and the rest will just evolve over time.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I hug him tight again.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you genuinely happy and you are when you’re with him…that speaks volumes.”

  “I just hope it stays that way.”

  “There’s always that risk. Do you think it’s worth taking?”

  “Yes.” I whisper.

  “Well, then…I think you’ve figured things out.”

  Just then Logan walks back in the house. He offers his hand to my dad and they shake.

  “Thanks for everything, Tony.” He smiles.

  “It was nice to see you again, Logan. Glad you could join us.” My dad returns his smile.

  I hug my dad. “I love you.” I whisper.

  “Love you, too, honey.” My dad says.

  We pull away from each other and my dad looks towards Logan.

  “Take care of her. If she seems like she’s not feeling or looking quite right, please get her to the hospital. Head injuries are not to be taken lightly.” My dad says, seriously.

  “Of course.” Logan says, reassuringly.

  “Jeez, I’m fine.” I mutter.

  “Don’t listen to her. When she says she’s fine, she usually isn’t.” My dad says to Logan as if I can’t hear him.

  I roll my eyes.

  “Bye, dad.” I smile.

  “Bye, hon. I’ll see you in a couple weeks.”

  It’s hard to believe that Winter Break is just a couple weeks away. When we return to SBU, I’ll be completely absorbed in writing papers as well as studying for final exams. It saddens me to think I won’t see much of Logan for the next couple weeks and then there’s Winter Break, another month without seeing him.

  When Logan and I head outside I am quickly struck by what Logan meant when he said he was seeing if the car was here. There’s a black stretch Mercedes Benz Limousine in the street. The driver holds the passenger door open for us as we approach the car.

  “This is Stan. Stan, meet Emilia, my girlfriend.” Logan says.

  I am speechless. Stan is in his early fifties, bald with dark brown eyes that crinkle around their edges when he smiles. I immediately like him. He offers his hand out to me and when I take it, he sweetly kisses the back of it.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Emilia.” He smiles.

  “Nice to meet you, too.” I blush for some unknown reason.

  “After you.” Logan waves his hand, directing me into the car.

  I slide in and then he slips in beside me.

  “We’re going in a limo back to school? I thought you were driving.”

  “I never said that. My car is at school…I left from the Santa Barbara airport not LAX.”

  “Oh, that’s right…so you hired a limo?”

  “Stan is one of our drivers with our Beverly Hills’ hotel. We’re just borrowing him for the day. I thought it would be nice. This way I get to sit back here with you and enjoy your company. Is that okay with you?”

  I smile and nod with excitement.

  “I’ve never been in a limo.” I grin like a kid in a candy shop.


  I shake my head.

  “It’s really big.” I say as I stretch my legs out in front of me.

  “Yes. Would you like something to drink? Stan keeps the refrigerator well stocked. There’s everything from diet coke to chocolate milk to…” He surveys the refrigerator.

  “Chocolate milk?” I giggle.

  “Yes. I happen to love chocolate milk.”

  “I learn something new about you every day.” I smile.

  He continues looking in the refrigerator. “There’s beer, wine…and I had Stan put a pitcher of margaritas in here for you but now I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “You had a slight concussion today. Has amnesia already set in?” He asks.

  “The paramedic just said to be aware of headaches and vomiting. He didn’t say anything about not having a cocktail.”

  “He also said if you feel dazed, go to the hospital. And, I think you usually feel a bit disoriented after a drink or two so maybe we should skip the cocktails. Agreed?”

  “I suppose.” I frown.

  “Are you hungry? There’s lots of food too.”

  “No. I’m good right now” I snuggle up next to him. “This is nice. I like having you all to myself while we’re driving.”

  “I like having you all to myself all the time.” He wraps his arm around me.

  “Thank you for coming to visit me.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He pulls me so that I’m sitting on his lap.

  “Your parents and Tessa weren’t disappointed that you left early?” I ask as I gently stroke the side of his face.

  “No, but I think they were hoping you were going to come to New York.” He kisses me, softly on the lips. “You know they really like you.”

  “I’m an easy person to like.” I giggle.

  “That you are. So maybe you’ll come to New York over Winter Break?” He looks serious.

  I giggle. “Maybe.” I whisper as I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle against him.

  “I can work with maybe.” He whispers as he pulls me tight. “I don’t think I could stand a month away from you.”

  “I don’t think I can either.” I pull back, gazing into his eyes.

  “You think it’s always this hard?” I ask.

  “I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I can tell you that it’s hard for me to stay away from you.”

  “I like that it was hard for you to stay away.” I giggle.

  “Do you?” He pulls me close and kisses me passionately.

  I suddenly feel uncomfortable that we are not alone. Placing my hands at the side of his face, I slowly back away from the kiss.

  “What’s the matter baby? You feel okay?” He asks.

  I glance in the direction of Stan who is focused on the driving.

  “You want privacy?” He reaches for a button and quickly Stan is hidden behind a dark-tinted window.

  “Better?” He asks.

  I nod and snuggle into his chest.

  “You’re sure your okay?” He softly brushes my hair with his hand.

  “I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep much over break.” I say, softly as my eyes close.

  He kisses the top of my head. I feel him pull me closer as I drift off to sleep.


  “WE’RE ALMOST HOME.” Logan whispers as I blink my eyes open. I’m completely disoriented, overwhelmingly exhausted as he gently strokes my back. I’m still sitting on top of him, my head nuzzled into his chest.

  “How are you feeling, baby?” He murmurs.

  “Tired, really tired.” I whisper as I slowly lift my head off his chest.

  “No headache or anything?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “Did I sleep the whole way?”


  “I’m sorry. So much for enjoying my company.” I smile, shyly.

  “No need to be sorry. I could sit with you like this for a long time and be quite happy, Emilia.” He says as he kisses me softly on the lips.

  I smile.

  “You really didn’t sleep much over break. Did you?” He asks.


  “Do you ever take anything to help you?”

  “I have medicine but I don’t like to take it. It makes me feel funny in the morning…that might not matter for most people but I like to run and I can’t if I take it.”

  “Maybe if you took something that isn’t a
s strong?” He asks.

  “I’ve tried all sorts of meds and different doses. Either it’s not strong enough to help me sleep and not have nightmares or its too strong and then I can’t function the next day.”

  “You seem to sleep okay when you’re with me.” He trails his fingers along the side of my face.

  “Yes. You are the best medicine.” I smile, sweetly.

  “I like being your medicine. Besides I sleep better with you as well.”

  “It’s going to be a long couple of weeks.” I murmur.

  “We can do something about that if you come for a visit and if you don’t I will definitely have to kidnap you.”

  I giggle. “I’m not talking about Winter Break. I’m talking about now.”

  “You’re going somewhere?”

  “No, but we have finals and I have some huge papers due. I’ll be living in the library the next couple weeks.” I sigh.

  “I didn’t plan on that.” He leans back, contemplative.

  “You didn’t plan on taking finals?” I tease.

  “You know what I mean. I was planning on getting to know you better, really getting to know you better.” He leans forward and slowly leaves a trail of kisses along the side of my neck.

  I can feel my body, responding to his touch, his tender kisses.

  “Why don’t we get to know each other better now?” I breathe.

  “I have to go, Emilia, but I’ll be back later.” He whispers as he continues to kiss my neck, behind my ear.

  “You do?” I ask, surprised.

  He leans back and gazes into my eyes.

  “When you were asleep, Sebastian called. He needs a ride from the airport and asked if I could pick him up.” His brow creases and he looks deep in thought.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, confused by his demeanor.

  “Nothing. He just said he wanted to talk about something.”

  “So, you have to go now?” I don’t know why but I suddenly feel anxious.

  “I do, but I’ll see you later.” He says as leans forward and gently kisses my lips.

  The limousine comes to a stop and I see we are at the front of my place. It seems like I’ve been gone for a month instead of less than a week. I’m struck with the odd feeling I missed this house. I guess it is really starting to feel like home. I wonder about Winter Break and how hard it will be not to be here for an entire month.

  In a minute, Stan is holding the car door open for me. I don’t know why but I’m filled with a myriad of emotions. I’m sad, anxious, confused and about a half a dozen other feelings. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours with Logan and I don’t want him to leave? Maybe it’s because he’s going to meet with Sebastian and that worries me? Whatever the reason, I push my irrational feelings out of my head.

  I change my focus. It’s probably good Logan has to go because it’ll give me time to unpack and come up with a plan for all the work I have to do the next couple weeks. Besides, I haven’t seen Bryn and this will give me time to catch up with her, that is, if she’s home and not with Josh.

  Sliding across the leather seat, Stan offers me his hand and I take it as I pull myself up and out. Logan climbs out behind me.

  “Thank you for driving us all this way.” I smile warmly at Stan.

  “My pleasure.” Stan returns my smile.

  “I’ll just be a minute, Stan.” Logan murmurs.

  “Of course. I already left Miss King’s bags up at the front door.” Stan says as he shuts the door and moves around towards the driver’s seat.

  “Thank you.” Logan and I say in unison.

  We walk quietly towards the house. I once again feel a wave of sadness come over me, but I force a slight smile as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me tightly against him.

  At the front door, he wraps his arms around me. I am flush against him as he kisses me. His hands are in my hair, gently pulling me to him, while his mouth is all over mine, intense and strong. I kiss him back as my hands move around his muscular, fit back, helping me to keep my balance. Suddenly, he pulls back, resting his forehead against mine as we both catch our breath.

  “You sure you can’t come in?” I whisper, surprised by my lack of shyness.

  “You aren’t making this easy, baby.” He breathes.

  “Later?” I whisper.

  “Yes. I’ll call you.”

  “Thank you for everything. For coming to Venice, the car ride, rescuing me in the water.”

  “You can thank me later.” He kisses me tenderly before turning to leave.

  IT’S AFTER NINE O’CLOCK when I finally glance at the clock on my nightstand. I’m so preoccupied with unpacking and doing laundry. I lost track of time. Could he still be talking with Sebastian? What is it Sebastian wanted to talk to him about? Maybe it’s nothing and I simply haven’t heard from him because Sebastian’s flight was delayed?

  I pick up my phone but there are no messages. It’s odd Logan hasn’t called to let me know what’s going on. My mind starts to race. Could they have gotten in a car accident? After my mom’s accident, this will always be one of my biggest fears. Then the Suttons were in a car accident. Surely, one person can’t experience so much pain from car accidents.

  I decide to take a shower, hoping the water will wash away all my agonizing thoughts and worries. After I shower and dry my hair, I change into a t-shirt and sweatpants.

  Throwing myself on my bed, I power up my computer. I have so much work I don’t know where to start but at least it will keep my mind busy instead of sitting here letting my mind run wild with different scenarios about Logan. I start organizing my notes for my upcoming exams, focusing on my Shakespeare and American Literature classes because those are my first exams.

  The next time I glance at the clock, it’s after midnight. Even though my phone is sitting next to me, I pick it up and check it again. I sigh. What could possibly be going on? I don’t want to call him and seem like an overbearing girlfriend, but at the same time I’m sincerely worried about him. I know he said he’d call but maybe he sent an email. I look at my emails but there’s nothing. I decide to write a quick email to him.

  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Rain check?

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 12:33am

  To: Logan Prescott


  I don’t want to call and bother you, but I can’t help but worry.

  Please let me know that you’re okay.



  I don’t sleep. My eyes are heavy but I will them to stay open as I work through the night on my computer, checking my emails every so often. The sun is coming up and I still haven’t heard from Logan. There’s no point in trying to lie my head down. I know I won’t fall asleep and if I do I will only have nightmares. The next couple weeks are going to be long, really long.

  Despite my lack of sleep, I need a break from staring at the computer screen. I slowly drag myself off my bed and change into my running clothes. After I wash my face and pull my hair into a ponytail, I make my way down the stairs. I pass Bryn’s room and see she still isn’t back from Break or maybe she is and she spent the night at Josh’s.

  It’s a bright, sunny day I discover as I step out the front door. I don’t know why Logan didn’t call or get in touch but there must be some logical explanation. I’m too exhausted to think about it and if I’m honest with myself, the more I do think about it, I can’t help but feel sad and hurt. It doesn’t make sense and it’s certainly not like him, especially since he seemed so eager to return last night.

  I plug in my earplugs. Trying to clear my head, I let my mind drift as I listen to the Keane’s “Somewhere Only We Know.”

  I walked across the empty land

  I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

  I felt the earth beneath my feet

  Sat by the river and it made me complete

  Oh simple thing where have you gone?

  I’m getting old and I need som
ething to rely on

  So tell me when you’re gonna let me in

  I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

  I came across a fallen tree

  I felt the branches of it looking at me

  Is this the place we used to love?

  Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of?

  Oh simple thing where have you gone?

  I’m getting old and I need something to rely on

  So tell me when you’re gonna let me in

  I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

  And if you have a minute why don’t we go

  Talk about it somewhere only we know?

  This could be the end of everything

  So why don’t we go?

  So why don’t we go?

  This could be the end of everything

  So why don’t we go

  Somewhere only we know?

  When I make my way back home, I’m happy and relieved to see Bryn’s car in the driveway. I’ve not only missed her but she’ll also provide a pleasant distraction from my restless mind. I open the front door and in a flash Bryn pulls me into a tight hug.

  “I missed you, Emilia.”

  “I missed you, too.” I say.

  She steps back and quickly examines me from head to toe.

  “You okay?” She asks with concern in her voice. She knows me too well. We are together for a second and she already suspects something isn’t right.

  “Yes. Why do you say it like that?”

  “You look really tired, that’s all.” Her brow creases.

  “I didn’t sleep very well last night.” Actually I didn’t sleep at all but I don’t want her to worry more than she already does about me.

  I decide to try and change the subject.

  “How was your Thanksgiving?” I smile, slightly and make my way into the kitchen.

  “It was good…the usual. My mom and I did a lot of shopping. I got to see Josh. How about you?” She says as she follows behind me.

  I open the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water.

  “Water?” I offer one to Bryn.

  “No. Thanks. So tell me about your Break.” She says.


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