Elly: Cowgirl Bride

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Elly: Cowgirl Bride Page 11

by Milburn, Trish

  A look of longing, momentary but strong, passed over Janie’s face.

  “Hey, is there someone you like? Who is it?”

  “No, there’s nobody.” The way she said it left Elly with the impression her friend was lying, but she didn’t press her. She didn’t feel like tempting their reconciliation.

  But as the rest of the movie played out, she kept wondering who it could be. And why Janie hadn’t confided in her—unless it was a recent development? Elly tried to push away thoughts that another secret sat lodged between them.

  They ordered pizza and watched The Ugly Truth next.

  By the time they were halfway through Dear Frankie, the pizza and countless cookies were beginning to take a toll. Elly leaned her head against the back of the couch.

  “I think I’m going to explode.”

  “Want me to call Will to come rub your tummy?”

  Elly’s mouth fell open as she stared at Janie. When she made a dive for her, Janie squealed and took off running. Elly chased her, swatting her with a decorative pillow. They ran and leaped over furniture until they tripped over each other’s feet and ended up sprawled in the floor, side by side, staring up at the ceiling.

  “You really like him, don’t you?” Janie asked.

  “Yeah.” Elly didn’t even try to mask the dreamy quality of her voice.

  “I could tell.”


  “The way you were looking at him. I’ve never seen you look at a guy like that.”

  Elly lifted the back of her hand to her forehead. “It came so out of the blue, so strong that it shocked me. He’s so different than I remember him.”

  “People grow up. They change.”

  “I haven’t. I’m pretty much the same now as when we were in high school.”

  “Beautiful, talented. What needs to be changed?”

  “How I look at people maybe. I mean, I remember him being kind, even if we did tease him. But I never knew about his sense of humor, how he looks at the world, what he wanted out of life.”

  “Maybe he didn’t either. Sometimes people have to leave home to find out who they are.”

  “I left, but I came back exactly the same. Ranch, photography, training. Training, ranch, photography.”

  “What else do you want?”

  “I don’t know really. Maybe more of the world than horse barns and arenas.”

  Janie lifted onto her elbow and looked down at Elly. “But you love racing.”

  “I do. Right now, I want to get to the Finals so much I can taste it. But I won’t be racing my whole life. I haven’t really thought beyond it.”

  “But now you’re beginning to?”


  “Is Will Jackson in the picture?”

  Elly smiled at the thought of him. “I hope so.”

  Janie lay back down. “I feel sorry for him.”

  Elly turned her head to look at Janie’s profile. “What?”

  “The poor guy is going to be subjected to the Cody brothers gauntlet.” She snorted. “And I guess now there might be five of them instead of four.”

  Elly stared, unsure how to respond until a laugh escaped Janie. Then they were both laughing, just like on so many other girls-only weekends.

  Elly grabbed Janie’s hand and squeezed it. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that we’re here.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Whatever happens with our families, let’s swear we won’t let it come between us again.”

  Janie made an exaggerated expression of considering the proposal. “Only if you promise to give me all the juicy details about Will. No fair leaving anything out.”

  Elly smiled when she thought that there might be future juicy details to spill. “Deal.”

  Chapter Ten

  Elly expected Will to call when she got back from her trip with Janie, but Saturday night passed with no ringing of the phone. So did Sunday. By midday Monday paranoia had set in. And it affected her training.

  “Focus, dang it,” she said to herself as she lined up to take another run at the cloverleaf pattern around the barrels. But when she knocked over the second one, she didn’t push Pepper too hard the rest of the run. To make matters worse, she spotted Jesse walking past the end of the arena with an “I told you so” look on his face.

  As if he never got thrown off a bull.

  Needing to get away from the ranch for a while, she called Janie and asked her to meet for lunch at the Sagebrush. When Elly arrived, she sank into the booth across from Janie.

  Janie shoved her textbooks aside. “Bad practice?”

  “I’ve had better.” Elly nodded toward a biology book that looked like it weighed twenty pounds. “Sorry to interrupt your studying.”

  Janie waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “My eyes were crossing anyway. So what’s really bugging you?”

  “Will hasn’t called in days.”

  “Have you called him?”


  “Very modern and liberated of you.”

  “Whose side are you on?”

  “I’m your best friend. I tell it like it is.”

  Elly sat back and pouted. “Why am I getting so worked up over this?”

  “Because you’ve fallen for him.”

  “You can tell that, from seeing us together one time?”

  Janie lifted her gaze from her cheeseburger. “And from listening to you enumerate his many wonderful attributes. And from the goofy smile you get on your face when you say his name.”

  “I do not.”

  “Sorry, toots. You do.”

  Elly responded by shoving two piping hot cheese fries into her mouth.

  Janie leaned forward. “So, listen, I’ve got an idea.

  We’re not exactly swamped at work today. How about I take the rest of the day off and we go into Cody to see the new exhibit on cowgirls?”

  Elly suspected her friend had ulterior motives for taking her to Cody, but she agreed nonetheless. After all, it wasn’t like she was going to comb the streets of Cody looking for Will. But if they happened to bump into each other again, she wasn’t going to avoid him either.

  But by the time they’d gone through the exhibit, checked on the stock of her photos at the gallery and perused some new offerings in a couple of stores without even a glimpse of Will, she’d resigned herself to the fact that she wasn’t going to have any lucky encounters.

  WILL LOOKED AT THE PAPERS spread across his desk and sighed. They didn’t change no matter how long he stared.

  The paternity test proved that Mark Hansen was, indeed, John Walker Cody’s son. His firstborn son.

  Jesse wasn’t going to be happy.

  And he feared that the news would reopen wounds for Elly, wounds that had only begun to think about healing.

  Will sat back and rubbed his eyes. He still couldn’t believe J. W. Cody had knocked on his front door at daybreak and handed him an envelope containing DNA testing results.

  “The proof,” J.W. had said.

  “Why are you giving this to me?”

  “The sooner Jesse gets his proof and realizes I’m not so senile that I’d hand over the ranch to Mark, the better.

  Mark has known for a while and made no demands.”

  “Why not tell Jesse yourself?”

  “I’m not his favorite person at the moment.”

  Will imagined how Jesse might not be giving his father any opportunities to get near enough to talk to him.

  “I’m outta here,” Delia said as she stood in the open doorway putting on her coat, bringing Will back to the present.


  “Are you all right?”

  Will leaned back in his chair. “Yeah, just tired.”

  “Then unchain yourself from that desk and go home. Better yet, go see Elly.”

  He nodded enough that Delia took it for agreement and left. Then he leaned forward and looked at the report again. With a shake of his head, he shoved it into the case file and locked the
file in his desk. Going home sounded like a good idea. Maybe he’d call Elly because he wasn’t sure he could face her right now, knowing what he did. Could he even keep the knowledge off his face? He had to until he talked to Jesse.

  Damn, why couldn’t he have crossed paths with Elly again without all this family drama complicating the situation?

  He grabbed his coat and headed out the door. As he walked down the sidewalk, he smelled snow in the air. Out of nowhere, a memory of Elly during a snowball fight at school stopped him. She’d been beautiful with clumps of snow sticking to her blue knit cap and melting on her reddened cheeks.

  Of course, she was always beautiful. Always would be.

  As he started walking again, he spotted movement on the opposite side of the street. Elly and Janie came out of Carlton’s Coffee Shop, their gloved hands around large paper cups. He guessed their trip had gone well.

  He sighed. Why hadn’t he called her? Maybe a part of the nervous, unsure boy he’d once been had survived after all. Some irrational fear that things were going too well, that the proverbial rug was about to be ripped out from under their budding relationship, had dogged him all weekend.

  After the day he’d had, he considered fleeing before Elly saw him, but he was too late. She spotted him and put out her hand to stop Janie, who looked his direction, too. He waved and crossed the street.

  He nodded at the cups. “Looks like you two have the right idea.”

  “Yeah, when the snow starts flying, I start chugging,” Janie said.

  Will heard her but kept his attention on Elly. She looked awkward, like she’d been caught doing something she’d rather keep secret. He doubted it was buying coffee.

  “So, how about I treat you ladies to dinner?”

  “I’ve got to get going, but I’m sure Elly would love some dinner if you can take her home.”

  Will almost laughed at the expression on Elly’s face as she stared at her longtime friend, like she was on the verge of throttling her.

  “I think I can manage that,” he said. He just had to not think about the proof of paternity sitting in his desk.

  “Great. See ya later.” Janie waved as she turned away without making eye contact with Elly.

  When she rounded the corner, Elly continued to stare in her direction. “Well, that was subtle.”

  “I wonder if she’s been taking lessons from Delia.”

  Elly laughed and finally looked up at him. “Oh, God, we can’t handle two of them.”

  He extended his hand. “I was just heading home.”

  She hesitated for a moment but then placed her hand in his. He imagined he could feel her skin through both of their gloves. They crossed the street and walked the final couple of blocks to the house he rented.

  Once inside, he took her coat and hung it on the coat rack next to the door. “So it looks like you and Janie made up.”

  “Yeah. We had a nice trip.”


  Awkward silence filled the space between them.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call. Can I fall back on the excuse that I’m male and therefore an idiot?”

  Elly pursed her mouth, considering his suggestion. “Okay, I’m good with that.”

  Unable to stop himself, he slid his hand along her jaw then lowered his lips to hers for a kiss. She melted against him, the absolute best feeling in the world. After the kiss, he framed her face with his hands.

  “When was the last time someone told you that you take a man’s breath away?”

  “Hmm, I think it was Corky Stephens, rodeo clown at the Missoula Hoedown. But he’d knocked back a few by then.”

  “Well, I’m stone cold sober, and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”

  All teasing left her expression. She looked up at him as if stunned by the compliment. How could it surprise her? She had to know she was stunning.

  And if she didn’t, he was going to tell her every day until she believed it.

  ELLY FEARED HER RIBCAGE might fail in its job of restraining her racing heart. Sure, other men had said she was beautiful, but she’d never felt they believed it without some ulterior motive that usually involved her pants. But when Will said it, she felt it down to the tiniest cell in her body.

  She lifted her hand and placed her palm against his strong jaw, felt the hint of afternoon stubble. “And you, William Jackson, are a very handsome man.”

  “Who’d have ever imagined that in high school, huh?”

  She continued to examine the planes of his face, the flecks of green in his warm brown eyes you could only see up close. “A diamond in the rough, that’s all. You always had beautiful eyes though. I should have told you that then. Instead, I was too busy being a teasing twit.”

  “You were never a twit.”

  “I know you didn’t like that Billy the Kid nickname, and yet we persisted with it.”

  “No, but I’m man enough to be able to look back and know I wasn’t exactly a catch.”

  “But you were. I just didn’t know it.”

  “Elly,” he said in a disbelieving tone.

  “You were always kind, Will. And that’s more important than anything.”

  “Tactful,” he said with a smile.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize.”

  “Yes, there is,” she said. “For that day when you offered to take me to prom and I laughed. That was horrible of me.”

  “It was a long time ago.” Something in his tone told her that despite the passage of time, he still remembered what it had felt like.

  “I’m surprised you want to even talk to me, but then you’re a better person than I am. I would have probably sought revenge.”

  “Let’s just forget it, okay?”

  “Will you forgive me if I say that I’m glad you came back here before someone got wise and snapped you up?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Perhaps. Maybe I’ll think of some other requirements, as well.”

  Elly’s mind immediately went to all kinds of delectable possibilities, some of which caused her skin to heat and tingle in anticipation.

  “Yeah? Any ideas?” She moved even closer to him and ran her hands underneath his coat and over his back. Oh, he had what felt like a very nice back.

  She saw the moment the desire deepened within him, felt it in the way his muscles stiffened beneath her hands. Had she pushed him too far?

  Or not far enough?

  Her own body itched for more. Not just for sex, but more…of something. Deeper emotions, deeper connections, deeper meaning.

  “Elly.” Her name came out more ragged than normal.


  “I think we better get some dinner.”

  As she looked up at him, her heart expanded enough to envelop him. She looked over the edge of the cliff, opened her arms wide as wings, and jumped.

  “I don’t.”

  She could almost see the question marks dancing across his eyes. In answer, she started walking backward, pulling him with her.

  Halfway across the living room, he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her with such power that she felt like her muscles and bones had turned to liquid. He must have sensed her waning ability to stand—Will lifted her in his arms as if she weighed no more than a newborn chick and carried her down the hallway, into his darkened bedroom.

  He didn’t pause to ask if this was what she really wanted. That much was obvious. And there was no need to ask him either. In fact, they said nothing as they kissed, shucked clothing, then kissed again before moving on to the next layer of attire. Her head was still spinning when she realized she stood naked in front of him and he was running his hands lightly over her skin like she was a goddess. She couldn’t explain it any other way.

  And if she was a goddess, he was no less a god. All that kayaking and mountain biking had sculpted his body into a vision that left her breathless. She wanted him wrapped around her, wanted to touch every inch of his sinewy, tanned skin.

  “I won’t break,” she whispered.

  He lifted her into the bed and followed. The procession of kisses that followed nearly drove her mad with longing. He placed them on her lips, her cheeks, ear-lobes, neck. When he reached her breasts, she gasped and arched into him. He groaned in a way that made her feel powerful and beautiful and like the luckiest woman in the world.

  She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his lips to hers again, ran her finger through his hair and then down that marvelous back. When his chest touched hers, she moaned into his mouth. She broke the kiss and used his name as a plea against his lips.

  He needed no further prompting as he joined with her with such exquisite ease it was the very definition of perfect. But as he began to move, all she could think about was moving with him, inhaling his scent, feeling the muscles in his back strain beneath her hands, reaching for the ultimate pleasure with Will, giving him the same.

  When she reached her peak, she didn’t hold back and let herself enjoy it fully, didn’t care how much noise she made. She was able to open her eyes in time to watch Will enjoy his own release. Tears of joy gathered in her eyes.

  Will noticed them the moment he shifted to her side and pulled her close, wrapping his leg over hers. He lifted his fingertip to the corner of her eye.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

  She ran her own fingertips over his lips. “No, I’ve never been better. It’s just…you’re the one who is beautiful, inside and out.” She hesitated for a moment, but she found she didn’t want to hold anything back. “I’ve never been happier. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”

  “I could say the same thing.”


  He cut off her words by kissing her again, causing whatever she’d been about to say to sizzle and disintegrate.

  “Don’t analyze. Just enjoy,” he said.

  After a few minutes of rest, they enjoyed each other all over again.

  In the afterglow of the second round of lovemaking, Will nuzzled against her temple and spoke close to her ear. “You hungry?”

  “I want to say no so we can stay here like this, but I’m afraid my stomach will start growling and prove me a liar.”


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