Botched Proposal (Pierson Family Values #0.5)

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Botched Proposal (Pierson Family Values #0.5) Page 2

by Rose Silverstone

  If it’s going well, the three of them relax into their seats and become contemplative. They start to mentally shape the deal and the gestures become less obvious.

  Standing there with his brother, Eric clearly had his answer to his other question. Jamie had seen the two of them outside and came to talk with Eric. The issue was what made his brother come out instead of waiting for him to come inside.

  “Give him some time. Alex isn’t ready to hear any advice and not take it as an attack. That’s not why I came out here. Have you spoken with the eldest of our sisters?”

  Eric squinted because Jamison never referred to Ella in that tone. She was always his La-La because that’s what, his daughter, Addison calls her. Aunt La-La is her name because of some character on one of her favorite television shows.

  What in the hell was that character’s show?

  Eric snapped his finger before calling out, “Lalaloopsy.”

  Jamison quirked his eyebrow in a way that had Eric believing his brother was definitely questioning his sanity.

  “You want to go join your niece in watching a show or something, big guy?”

  Eric bowed his head to hide his laughter before lifting his head again to look at Jamison.

  “What’s up, bro? I know you’re not out here to bust my balls about slips of the tongue when I’m trying to remember something that my Addie loves.”

  “My Addie … not yours. Make your own unless there’s something you want to share with the rest of us.” Jamison gave him an appraising look.

  “Fuck you and stop looking at my junk. You’re making me nervous. What has you braving the cold and tossing out icy chills at the thought of Ella?”

  “She’s meddling. You know I’ve never been one to like that.”

  “Yeah, I know. What’s she meddling in now? Maybe I should say who is she … hold on, what did she do?”

  The light bulb had flashed on. Jamison wasn’t out there with Alex or anyone else. He was standing out there warning him. Why would Jamison be outside warning him? Who was on the inside that would cause him to have a reaction or cause him to crack his usual calm demeanor?

  Doing a quick assessment of the vehicles in the circular drive, he only saw the family’s cars. Even the SUV parked in the garage could be linked to a member of his family. The North Carolina plates said that Clarissa and her husband were inside. The fact that he’d had to park at the furthest end of the drive told him all of his siblings and his mother were inside the house.

  Lorna’s flight would have her landing later and a car would be bringing her to him at the hotel where he was conducting business this evening or maybe even tomorrow. He was going to have to consult his schedule to know for sure. He was planning to bring her back to the house later this evening.

  Eric turned back to face his brother and looked at him in confusion.

  “Ella invited Serenity. I’ve been trying to reach you on your cell.”

  He did a quick check of his phone and realized he’d forgotten to charge it this morning while he was listening to music as he made himself breakfast. Serenity was inside his family’s home. Eric’s heart had skittered to a halt at the mention of her name. He was glad he had the distraction of checking his phone to cover for his silence.

  Why was that his initial reaction?

  “Serenity … my Serenity. I mean my ex-girlfriend Serenity is inside?”

  Jamison shook his head. “Yes. She’s been inside for a little bit now.” Jamison paused before speaking again. “They still don’t know, do they?”

  Eric shook his head to answer his brother’s question. None of the females of the family knew about him and Serenity. They’d all been away during the time he and Serenity had been a steady, hot and heavy item.

  They’d broken up by the time any of the girls had returned home to visit. Eric had moved on to someone else and his mother never brought Serenity up. He figured she knew how much pain he was in after the breakup.

  “Serenity McAdams,” Eric heard the awe and wonder in the way he said her name.

  He wanted to chastise himself for it, but Jamison was there, ready to do it for him.

  “Yeah, get shit like that out of your system now if you don’t want them to know what in the hell went down with you then or even more recently. You still proposing to Lorna?”


  Just like that, his big surprise went up in flames.

  “Yep. That’s the plan or at least it was.” Eric stopped in his tracks on the stairs they’d been climbing. “Does this mean everyone knows what I was planning?”

  Jamie looked apologetic for a moment before he threw his hands up in surrender.

  “This one’s not on me. Mom let that cat out of the bag when she was placing an order for flowers to be delivered. Alyssa walked in on her placing an order for yellow daffodils. When she heard the order, she groaned and made a gagging noise. ‘Who likes that hideous flower? My goodness. Could it be any more depressing?’ Leave it the baby of the family to look at a bright yellow flower and find it depressing.”

  “Alyssa has always been different and looked at the world with her own brand of specially made glasses. They’re Lorna’s favorite. Something about seeing them brightens her day.”

  “You don’t know.”

  “No. She says it isn’t important whenever I bring it up and ask her about it.”


  “Don’t start, Jamie.”

  “Nothing said. Anyway, Mom told Alyssa she was ordering them for you. You know how our little sister is when she gets the scent of something as juicy as what a secret means to her. She loves knowing something that other people don’t know, but can’t keep a lid on it even if someone duct tapes her mouth shut.”

  Eric whistled as he remembered the day that Ella did just that to keep Alyssa from spilling the beans that Alex had made Ella promise not to share. They’d all been grounded for a week for fighting and Alex was on house arrest for a month because of the woodcarving he’d left on Old Man Tanner’s porch that scared the piss out of Mrs. Tanner the next morning.

  Eric shook his head and responded to Jamie as he continued to walk across the porch to the front door.

  “Alyssa won’t let go until she knows. She’ll pester the hell out of you until you simply give up and tell her. The instant you do you regret it, but she’s already bounded off to share her intimate knowledge with the world.”

  “Pretty much.” Jamie paused and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. “You going to be okay?”

  “Yeah. Sure. I’ll be fine. I’m with Lorna. I have Lorna. I’m going to propose to Lorna.”

  “New mantra?”

  “Shut the shit. I’m fine, jerk. Let’s go not deal with the elephant in the room and spend some quality time with our family, shall we?”

  “Lead the way, little brother.”

  For all of his joking words and imitated confidence, nothing in the world would ever prepare him for seeing Serenity McAdams.

  Not. One. Damn. Thing.

  He was well and truly fucked.


  Extra Place


  Serenity McAdams stood just outside the Pierson family home. Of course, she knew where it was and who lived here, for now. Judging by the for sale sign that was staked in the otherwise pristine lawn, it wouldn’t be theirs for much longer. The fact that they were selling their home shocked her. The sell shouldn’t have been much of a surprise since the patriarch of the family wasn’t alive to share it with his lovely wife anymore. Mrs. Pierson must be losing her mind living in such a large home on her own. As far as Serenity knew, this was the first time that the family had gathered since Poppa Pierson’s death.

  “What am I doing here? I shouldn’t have come. This isn’t the place or the time.”

  She spoke the words to herself, but her doubting statement was responded to by the very woman that had insisted Serenity make her way to the house today: Ella Pierson.

  The eldest
sister, but not eldest sibling of the Pierson clan looked just as stunningly gorgeous as she had when they were college roommates. Her honey blonde hair soaked up the sun and reflected it right back. The woman had assets and curves that would make a supermodel envious. As it was, Serenity did envy her. Ella had a trim waist, great figure, and a to-die-for wardrobe going for her.

  Serenity pulled her collar up a bit to protect her neck from the wind. She could feel the big curls of her coal black hair being tousled as she debated. The state of her hair was something to be ignored given her mental state.

  Besides, windswept hair was attractive. Right?

  Just who was she trying to attract? That time had passed and she needed to get beyond those feelings, thoughts, and the time with him. Even though looking at the way Ella’s cute little coat synched at her waist made her green in the face and spirit, she’d need to get over it all, including that.

  It didn’t matter that she’d only begun to gain a little weight last month. It was a necessary weight, considering.

  “What do you mean?”

  What do I mean?

  Well, you don’t know this, friend, but while you were off jet-setting to some exotic land your brother and I were doing the pelvic dance of lovers. We also dated for a bit to the point of being pretty damn serious then the bastard broke my heart. Only to come find me a few months ago and rekindle a spark he immediately doused three nights later. After the most spectacular weekend I have ever had in my life and in my bedroom. Now … HA … now, I’M PREGNANT!

  “That’ll go over well,” she muttered to herself.

  “What’ll go over well?” Ella asked Serenity with her blonde head tilted and hair spilling out from beneath the hood of that dainty little coat she was wearing. Ella had Serenity by about two inches, but Ella’s heels placed her upward four more. “Are you feeling all right? You were a little different when I ran into you at the coffee house the other day.”

  “Sorry. I think I’m a little nervous because everyone is going to be in there and this is the first time that all of you have come together since …” Serenity didn’t finish her statement. Seeing the crushed look replace the previous look of calm had her promising herself to lock her lips up tight for the duration of her visit. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No. It’s fine. We can’t keep tiptoeing around the subject. It’s one of the reasons Alyssa and Alex sent out the demand for everyone to come home this Christmas. The other part of this visit had everything to do with that sign staking its claim on the grass my father worked so hard to make the stunning green that it is. We’re rallying together to change my mother’s mind. Of course, she’s on to us and says she won’t budge. I think Erik and Jamie have something cooked up to sway her.”

  At the mention of his name, Serenity shuddered and tried to school her features. A wave of nausea had her swaying forward. Ella placed her hand at Serenity’s back as she fought the wave that was attempting to rule her body for the moment.

  “I’m okay. It’ll pass. I wasn’t expecting that to be my reaction.”

  “To me mentioning my brothers’ names or the fact that you’re pregnant?”

  Serenity’s eyes practically fell out of her head as she forced herself to take in Ella’s face.

  How was it possible that she knew? No one at the salon had put things together until she’d spilled the beans ,,, more like confirmed them. Not a soul in her family knew either until she broke down and told them that she was pregnant. She’d actually screamed it because her Uncle Edgar had repeatedly asked her if she was actually passing up a cup of his signature “Holiday Surprise” concoction.

  The “Holiday Surprise” was something that she’d usually be the first person in line to taste. The peach concoction was fantastic and something she looked forward to enjoying every year. Peaches being her favorite fruit, she always felt like her uncle made the drink just for her. It didn’t matter that everyone else enjoyed it. For her, it was a special gift that she allowed them to share in after she had her taste or six.

  The thought caused her to smile even though the wave of nausea hadn’t completely passed.

  “How do you know about the pregnancy? Every person I’ve told says they can’t see it.” Serenity waved her hand and looked at the hem of her skirt before continuing. “I think I might’ve just told you, huh?”

  “No, I’m in school to become a doctor or did you forget? I’ve been doing a rotation on the obstetrics floor. After you’ve seen the hundredth patient, you start to pick up on visual cues.”

  “Huh. Interesting. I’m impressed.”

  Ella shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner but Serenity noted the slight smile that tugged at the corners of her lips.

  “How …”

  Serenity rushed to interrupt whatever question Ella was about to ask her.

  In a lame attempt to steer the subject away from her and her impending motherhood, she asked, “Is everyone going to be here today or are some arriving tomorrow? I know some people aren’t able to take days off just before the holiday.”

  Ella laughed a light, airy laugh then snorted.

  “The Piersons not having the time off they want is like saying the Kennedy’s weren’t a political family. Most of my family own their own businesses and have assistants, awesomely amazing assistants. They each lucked out when it came to finding the perfect people to work for them. Those men and women could run each of those companies on their own but adore their bosses too much to stage a coup.”

  Why the thought of all of the members of the Pierson family being inside that house made Serenity feel both nervous and relieved at the same time, she didn’t know or like. The nervousness was clear and easy enough to grasp an understanding of its purpose. She didn’t want to deal with him days before the holiday that warmed her heart.

  Why couldn’t she say his name even in her mind? The man wasn’t Voldemort and she was no “Chosen One” named Harry Potter. What was she? She was the one that wasn’t enough for him to be willing to fight for the future they could’ve had.

  Serenity knew she was the one to break things off but that didn’t mean she hadn’t regretted it the instant she’d given him the out. Now, she was standing on the lawn of his family home.

  The man’s name was … Eric. Now all she had to do was speak it without having a physical reaction and she could count herself cured. It probably was going to take longer than the few minutes she had before Ella tired of standing outside with her.

  Taking in the weight of the packages she had barely holstered in the bags she carried, Serenity grimaced. She was laden down with gifts that she hoped no one mistook to be presents for any of them. That would make this even more awkward.

  Why in the hell had she come directly to the Pierson home after her shift at the spa? She’ll never be able to provide a good answer to that question.

  Damn her Jetta for having issues today. She’d had to take the bus from Kiss Me Salon & Spa to the Pierson’s home in the section of Kissimmee that clearly stated “Black card and Amex card dwellers only” living in this area.

  Serenity groaned as the bags cut into her fingers. The girls—her co-workers—knew she’d be off for the next week … ten days and wanted her to have the presents they’d purchased for her and the new edition soon-to-come into her life. Serenity knew her cousin and the owner of the spa wouldn’t mind taking the things she had for her co-workers with her when she went for her weekly appointment next Wednesday.

  “Shit!” she muttered as she remembered her mother had boomed out the news of her pregnancy to all of Serenity’s co-workers during her visit last week.

  Had Mrs. Pierson been there that day for her weekly pampering?

  “Are you sure you’re okay? Where is your car and why do you have all of these packages with you?” Ella asked her as she bent down to take in Serenity’s not-so-serene-looking face.

  Serenity released a derisive chuckle.

  There was a question that warr
anted a one-way trip to a couch in an expensive psychiatrist’s office who would have to have a thick prescription pad and lots of ink on hand.

  “My car broke down earlier. I took the week off from the spa so the ladies gave me my Christmas gifts early. I didn’t want to get here too late so I came straight from there instead of attempting to go home first.”

  Okay, maybe she could come up with a good explanation for the packages. She hated how that made her feel, but oh well. At least she had a reason for the crazy; a partial reason.

  “Wait. Did you take the bus? Goodness. Let me take these. I’ll have the guys get the rest of my stuff or come back later and get the rest of it.”

  Serenity took a deep breath as she handed her load of what she knew were over the top gifts off to Ella.

  “Thank you, Ella. Those bags were starting to cut off vitally important blood to my palms. I mean, look at them.”

  Raising her hands to show her college friend, she began to work her fingers to bring the color back to them.

  Ella nodded, “You should’ve said something sooner. Is your car at the spa still?”

  Serenity was still rubbing her fingers trying to get the circulation going again and looked up a little too late. Ella had juggled the bags in her hands enough to pull out her phone. Her “all business” face was in place and a tilt of her head told Serenity that she was awaiting a response.

  Nodding, Serenity moved to knock on the front door when Ella’s hand shot out and she made a gesture for her to wait.

  “Marsh? Hey, it’s …”

  “La La! Hey girl. It’s good to hear your voice. I heard your entire family was coming home. Glad to hear it,” spoke a deep male voice from the other end of the call.

  Ella laughed, “I see you’ve either had regular contact with my niece or Jamie got to you before I could. You know, most of us live in the area”

  “In the area …” the male chuffed. “You all live around Florida. Living in the surrounding areas of Kissimmee doesn’t mean you live in the area and you know it.”


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