
Home > Other > Hummingbird > Page 18
Hummingbird Page 18

by Nathan L. Flamank

  After all that had happened; the psycho, being shot, being told he had to survive for 72 hours, after all that he could not believe that he was acting in this way; behaving like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Her buttocks held him mesmerised.

  Chloe reached her front door and stopped. Dan stopped behind her, about three feet away from her exposed rear. Chloe looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. Dress still up, everything still on show Chloe bent forward and down, as if exercising, as if trying to touch her toes. As she bent forward she let go of the dress which now lay crumpled up over her lower back. She looked forward and Dan’s eyes settled on her exposed sex; with her legs slightly apart he could clearly see the soft golden lips and the glistening wetness of her vagina. It was almost too much for him to handle.

  Chloe removed a piece of loose skirting board near the bottom corner of her front door. She slipped her right hand into the now exposed hole in the wall and removed a key. She stood up, her dress dropping back down, covering everything.

  Dan was disappointed.

  Chloe turned to Dan brandishing the key, holding it high like a knight would his signal.

  ‘Spare; I left my purse in the car.’


  Chloe cocked her head to one side and smiled, ‘Dan, were you just looking at my cunt whilst I retrieved this?’ She wiggled the key before his eyes.

  ‘God Chloe, I’ve never heard a woman use that word.’ Dan shook his head, she was full of surprises.

  ‘Cunt, pussy, snatch, they all mean the same thing,’ she wiggled the key at him, ‘well; were you?’

  ‘What?’ He felt like a spluttering schoolboy. ‘Well of course I was, everything was there to be seen, what’d you expect; for me to admire the decor?

  Chloe laughed loud and hard, ‘No, I expected you to grab me and fuck me, that’s why I left my purse in your car; it was an excuse to get the key and you failed to take advantage.’

  Dan laughed, ‘Damn, I was trying to be a gentleman.’

  ‘Gentlemen don’t go around ogling naked pussies.’

  Dan smiled, ‘Gee, I guess I’m no gentleman,’ he moved forward, ready to grab her but Chloe raised a hand and pushed him gently in the chest, ‘Nuh-huh studly, you had your chance,’ she was smiling so Dan knew she was playing with him, teasing him, and that was fine by him.

  Chloe turned back to the door and inserted the key into the brass circular doorknob and twisted it. The lock opened with an audible click and she pushed the door open. Chloe flicked a light switch and light illuminated the flat.

  ‘Welcome to my humble abode, it’s not much but its home.’ Chloe entered her flat and held the door open. ‘Well are you coming in or are you going to stand out there all night?’

  Dan nodded and stepped into the flat. Chloe closed the door behind him, she flicked the catch on the knob locking it and she also engaged two security chains.

  Chloe held her arms out in an expressive gesture, ‘Well this is home.’

  The flat was quite small, a living room with an open kitchen off to one side. A door was along one wall to the left, and two other doors opened onto other rooms along the right wall. Chloe indicated the door to the left, ‘that’s the spare room, it’s full of junk, my room is over there,’ she pointed to the right one of the two other doors, ‘The other door is the bathroom.’

  Chloe headed over to the small kitchen and switched on another light. The kitchen was very clean with marble effect work tops and metal cabinets. She switched on a coffee machine and turned to Dan, she was pleased to see that his eyes had been on her body, she’d have been pissed if he had been looking anywhere else, ‘Why don’t you take a shower whilst I change and make us some fresh coffee, I figure we’ve got about thirty minutes or so, but don’t be in there for ages.’

  Dan snapped back to the moment, ‘Of course,’ for a while there, studying Chloe’s body, she really was the perfect specimen of a woman, he had forgotten about the danger that they were actually in. Chloe was right; he needed a shower to freshen up and to wash away the aches in his muscles. Dan walked towards the bathroom door.

  ‘Leave your clothes out here, I’ll put them through the dryer, it’ll freshen them up a bit, I may even have a jumper that’ll be suitable for you.’

  Dan stopped near the door, ‘What, strip out here?’

  Chloe laughed as she placed two mugs on the counter and leaned forward, ‘you can’t possibly be embarrassed Dan, not after everything.’


  ‘Okay okay, will this help?’ Chloe stepped around the kitchen’s central work station. She kicked her high heels off and stripped the dress from her body. She unbuckled her suspender belt, and with the stockings still attached peeled it off. She stood totally naked before Dan and put her hands on her hips. Without the high heels she was actually quite short and very petite, she was about five-five, maybe five-six, and Dan saw for the first time how curvaceous she was. She had perfect hips, perfect breasts, a flat stomach toned from regular exercise and a neatly shaved pubic area, shaved into a strip. Her legs were very sexy and toned. In fact, Dan thought, she was better than perfect, she was magnificent, if he wasn’t there with her, seeing her for himself he would have said that such a perfect creature did not exist.

  Chloe squeezed her breasts together, ‘Better? Now strip baby, go take a shower, and don’t worry I won’t look.’

  ‘Okay,’ Dan said finally managing to take his eyes off her. He turned from her and quickly stripped, he winced as he pulled the sweater off, the material pulling against the drying blood. He piled his clothes on his shoes by the bathroom door and he looked up to see if Chloe was watching him but she was busy with the coffee machine. Dan quickly yanked his boxer shorts down and opened the bathroom door, again he cast a quick glance at Chloe; this time though she was looking right at him.

  Caught out by him she laughed and said, ‘Hello there big fella,’ she pointed shamelessly at his cock which was standing out from the rest of him and she licked her lips, ‘Mmm.’

  ‘Damn it Chloe, you said you wouldn’t look.’ He pushed the bathroom door open and pulled the light cord.

  Chloe laughed, ‘I lied, that’s one huge cock you’ve got.’

  ‘Fucking hell Chloe,’ he said and disappeared into the bathroom, he started to close the door.

  ‘Leave it open; that way we can still talk to each other,’ Chloe said.

  From behind the bathroom door he said, ‘Okay.’

  He switched on the shower and waited for the hot water to work through the system and then he stepped into the cubicle and under the cascading water. Immediately he felt the revitalising effects of the hot water; his muscles which had been so tense began to loosen up. He winced as the hot water hit his wounded shoulder, he looked at it and was relieved to see that it was not much more than a bad scratch, he’d received a lot worse in the past, and it didn’t appear to be infected.

  Dan helped himself to a flannel from a shelf and some shower gel and he gently washed the gunshot wound, cleaning the dried blood from his shoulder and upper arm; it was little more than a flesh wound and he knew it would leave barely a scar. Dan quickly moved on to the rest of his body; scrubbing under his arms, his chest and legs before washing his cock. He flicked it and said, ‘you’re not behaving you little bastard, it’s embarrassing.’ Dan then laughed when he realised what he was doing. ‘Talking to my erection, I really must be losing it.’

  He smiled and then picked up a container of shampoo; he poured it into his left hand and began to wash his hair. Dan closed his eyes so as to avoid getting any in them and he leaned back against the white tiled wall. He let the hot water and shampoo run down his face.

  Dan sighed with pleasure as the hot water worked its magic. He didn’t see or hear Chloe open the shower door, and climb into the spacious stall and lower herself into a squatting position in front of him. The first awareness he had of her presence was when one of her hands curled around his engorged cock, g
ripping it firmly. Briefly he thought that he was imagining it, she had been in his thoughts since he’d first seen her but when she leant forward and kissed the end of his cock his eyes sprung open and he looked down at her. Dan’s hands went to her shoulders; ready to grab her, to push her away but her eyes met his and she said, ‘Don’t.’

  He stopped, he was nervous and excited; his heart thumping as Chloe took his length into her mouth and she began to suck his cock. Her left hand gripped him, stroking up and down the length of his shaft as her tongue circled the end of his hardness. Chloe took his entire cock into her mouth and quickly began to suck his cock hard and fast. Dan’s hands grabbed her head, his fingers curling around her hair and he pulled her face in to his groin as he thrust forwards. His moaning grew louder as she moved her mouth back and forth; up and down his cock. Dan cried out as he exploded in her mouth, he let go of her head so that she could move back but Chloe surprised him by continuing to suck his cock, swallowing his come. Chloe didn’t stop until his cock became soft and she moved back on her haunches and looked up at him, the hot water splashing her upturned face. She kissed the end of his cock again and said, ‘Mmm, that was great.’

  ‘Fuck Chloe!’

  She stood up and kissed his mouth, he could taste his semen on her lips, salty, but he wasn’t repulsed. Her breasts rubbed against his chest sending fresh shivers of pleasure through his body and he reached around her and grabbed her ass, he parted her buttocks and slipped a finger into her tight cunt. Chloe pushed back onto his hand and moaned.

  ‘Later Dan, right now I need a shower. Coffee’s brewed and I made you a sandwich.’

  Dan was visibly disappointed. ‘You don’t want to fuck?’

  Chloe kissed him, ‘God yes but this wasn’t about what I wanted or needed, it was about you, you needed it, now it’s out of the way you can concentrate on what’s important.’ She ushered him from the shower. ‘Trust me Dan; we’ll be doing lots of fucking as soon as poss. Now go.’ She shooed him from the stall.

  Dan stepped out of the shower and Chloe began to wash herself with the same flannel that he had used. ‘Go,’ she laughed again.

  Dan nodded and closed the shower door after him. He felt stunned and once again he kept thinking that this whole scenario with Chloe was crazy; that maybe it was all a dream, that at some point, perhaps back on the motorway he had crashed and that right now he was lying in a hospital bed, in a coma; and if he was, then he didn’t want to ever wake up; Chloe was beginning to mean something to him.

  Dan was drinking a mug of coffee and chewing on a sandwich; a towel wrapped around his waist when Chloe came out of the bathroom five minutes later. Apart from a pink towel wrapped around her head she was naked; globules of water glistened on her skin. Her total lack of inhibitions no longer surprised him and her nakedness appeared natural and relaxed and not a form of titillation; done to illicit a reaction from him.

  Chloe came over to him and reached up and kissed him gently on the shoulder and helped herself to his coffee.

  ‘How do you feel?’ Chloe asked.

  ‘A lot better, awake, more in tune.’

  She patted his ass, ‘Good, up for some brain storming?’

  ‘Do we have the time, shouldn’t we be moving?’

  Chloe looked at the clock above the kitchen sink; it was a little before 4.30am.

  ‘I’d say we’re good for now.’

  Dan finished his sandwich and washed it down with some coffee. He pointed at the front door, ‘What’s that all about?’ Balanced on top of the circular doorknob was an upturned empty beer bottle.

  ‘I saw it in a movie once, if someone turns the knob from outside the bottle drops and smashes; consider it an early warning system.’

  ‘Clever, but how do we get out if someone’s at the door?’

  ‘There’s a fire escape outside my bedroom window, goes straight to the roof.’

  Dan kissed her, sliding an arm around her back, ‘You’ve thought of everything.’

  ‘I try,’ she stepped back. ‘The dryer’s finished, I put a freshening sheet in with your clothes, and we’ll have to get you a clean shirt or jumper though at some stage. It’ll be dawn soon and we don’t need people seeing the blood.’


  ‘I’m going to get dressed; I’ll be back in a minute.’

  Dan finished his coffee and removed his clothes from the dryer. Chloe was right; they did smell a little fresher, and she was also right about the dried blood, in the cold light of day it would be too obvious.

  He slipped into his underwear and was pulling on his jeans when Chloe said, ‘Which should I wear?’ She was standing in the doorway to her bedroom with nothing on. She was holding aloft in her right hand a pair of jeans and in her other hand she held a strange looking short skirt that seemed to be made entirely of zips. He wasn’t sure what that was all about but then fashion had never been his strong point.

  ‘The jeans are more practical.’

  ‘Maybe, but the skirt’s more fun,’ Chloe said as she dropped the jeans in the doorway and went back into her bedroom.

  ‘I’ve been thinking while you’ve been in the shower,’ he called out to her.

  ‘Oh yeah?’ Chloe called back from the bedroom.

  ‘Yes, I think we need to dump the car as soon as we can. We need to go and pay George a visit. Surely he must know something.’

  ‘If it really was George that the psycho was looking for.’

  ‘It’s all I’ve got to go on, I can’t keep running, not now that you’re involved.’

  ‘Okay,’ she replied. Chloe came back into the living area. She was wearing the zippered skirt and a black push-up bra; on her feet were a pair of sequined flat shoes that looked expensive. Chloe’s hair was tied back in a pony tail and she had put on a little make-up. In her left hand she carried a white top that appeared to be see-through; its material very thin and reflective. A small string bag was clutched in her right hand. Chloe swung the bag by her side; indicating the bag she said, ‘Some personal items, clothes and some cash.’

  ‘Prepared for everything,’ he said.

  Dan finished dressing and then handed Chloe his refilled mug of coffee. Chloe took a couple of sips and then handed it back to Dan. The gesture made her feel warm inside, it was as if they had been together for years, falling into little routines.

  Dan was openly staring at her large breasts pushed together in the bra; her cleavage was immense and Chloe laughed.

  ‘I know; I have huge tits for my small frame, I get them from my mother’s side.’

  Dan rubbed a hand down his face and said, ‘Ah shit, your parents; what are they going to think? What are we doing, ah fuck.’ Dan rubbed his face again. ‘My god, they’ll go mental,’ he muttered.

  Chloe slipped her top on over her head and shoulders and pulled it down over her breasts. It was transparent and did absolutely nothing to hide her cleavage; the black bra was so obvious, making the top pointless. The material stopped just below her breasts leaving her flat, toned belly on show.

  ‘Now, they will think you’re a first.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Dan replied. Chloe moved in and hugged him, resting the side of her face against his chest.

  ‘But once they come to realise how much I love you they’ll come round, and when we have kids they’ll be putty in your hands; so don’t worry.’

  ‘Kids?’ Dan said.

  ‘One day, yeah it would be nice to have them; wouldn’t you like that at some point?’ Chloe asked.

  ‘I’m struggling to think beyond the next seventy two hours.’

  ‘Sixty eight and counting, we’ll get through this.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  Chloe stepped back and looked up at Dan, ‘So you think we should go visit George?’

  Dan nodded. ‘He may know something, could be that’s why he cried off sick.’

  ‘But that put you in danger, would he do that sort of thing?’

  ‘Not intentionally, I’ve know
n George for years. I think if he knew about the psycho then he certainly didn’t expect for the guy to switch targets to me. I think that was just a coincidence.’

  ‘Or fate.’

  Chloe stretched and smiled as Dan’s eyes followed the movement of her breasts.

  ‘How do we get to George if you want to ditch the car, I don’t currently have one?’

  Dan nodded, ‘I figure we’ll use the Astin to put a few more miles between us and the psychopath and then either catch a train or rent another car for a few days.’

  ‘Wouldn’t that leave a trail?’

  ‘Not if I pay cash, and it would be worth the risk.’

  Chloe checked the clock, ‘Almost five o’clock; nowhere will be open for a few hours yet.’

  ‘Yeah, I figured we’d just head north until somewhere is open.’

  ‘What if George isn’t around?’

  ‘I’d still like to try. I also want to go back to the club. There are CCTV cameras there, they record continually, and I’d like to take a look at those tapes. They may reveal something; earlier I was so quick to run that I wasn’t really thinking straight. I am now and the only clues are all to be found back in Hertford.’

  ‘Okay.’ Chloe opened her bag and went to the fridge; she put some fruit in the bag; a couple of bananas and two apples. She also added two cans of coke. She pulled the string tight; securing the bag and turned back to Dan.

  Chloe saw he had been admiring the view. He pointed at her skirt.

  He pointed at the fifty or so zips that ran vertically around the entire skirt, there didn’t appear to be any material, just the tiny metal teeth of numerous zips, ‘What are they all about?’ He asked.

  ‘I made it myself by stitching the zips to the thin waistband, it’s entirely zips, look,’ Chloe unzipped two of them; one on either hip. She spun around on the spot; showing thigh all the way up, ‘I can unzip them all and it looks like a metal hula-skirt.’

  ‘Very funky, so you design clothes?’

  ‘It’s only a hobby, I work in London; temping for an advertising agency, its shit but pays the mortgage.’

  Dan moved close to her and put his arms around her waist. Chloe linked her hands behind his neck and looked up at him. Dan was easily six inches taller than her, and she saw some of the tiny scars barely visible on his exposed forearms. He was a handsome man and she was intrigued as to his history.


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