The Society of Orion Book Five: The Tayos Caves (Colton Banyon Mystery 18)

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The Society of Orion Book Five: The Tayos Caves (Colton Banyon Mystery 18) Page 5

by Gerald J Kubicki

  Loni and Banyon pushed back their chairs and headed for the door.

  As Loni and Banyon strolled out the restaurant’s door she asked.

  “Do you think we have him riled up enough?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he responded with a smile. “He’ll be desperate to chase us.”

  “Phase two starts now,” Loni said as she pressed her ear piece.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maya quickly stood up from where she was sitting and started to cross the lobby using a walk designed to collect attention. She was attired in a short, tight gold dress. All the eyes of the men and some of the women in the large lobby followed her as she sashayed before them. She was the distraction.

  The Forever Ours team often used their unusually attractive members to distract people, both men and women. None of them felt used, they felt needed and proud that they could contribute to the success of an operation.

  When she reached the entrance to the restaurant, she purposely dropped her purse and the items, which had been purchased just a few hours ago, spilled out on the marble floor. She squatted down to pick them up just as one of Fasi’s men peeked out of the doorway.

  He spied a beautiful long-legged woman in a tight dress crouching near the floor picking up a bunch of makeup and was distracted — like everyone else. It gave Colton Banyon and Loni all the time they needed.

  As they passed through the doorway to the outside, they suddenly stepped to the right and into a dark corner. Mandy and Kenny replaced them on the pathway. No one noticed the switch especially because Mandy now wore a dark wig and was dressed in the same dress that Loni wore. Kenny was dressed to look like Colton Banyon. In the darkness of the evening they passed for Banyon and Loni.

  The couple proceeded down the pathway and got into the rental car that Steve had acquired earlier. They were immediately spotted by Fasi’s man, Mohammed. He started his car and called Ahmad Fasi on his cell phone.

  “I’ve got them,” Mohammed said into the phone in a tone that bordered on anger.

  “Do not lose them,” Fasi said. “We’ll be five minutes behind you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ahmad Fasi and his five men came out of the restaurant in a determined hurry. They barely glanced at the seductive Maya who was now standing and rummaging through her purse off to the side. They headed out the hotel’s door. She followed until she reached the front windows and she watched as they jumped into a car parked just down the street. The driver took off after the fake Banyon and Loni with a screech of the tires.

  “Clear,” Maya said into her ear piece.

  “Make the first call, Maya” Banyon replied as he and Loni came back through the doorway.

  She dialed the burner phone she had taken from her purse. As they walked up to her, they could hear her talking rapidly in Spanish. There was a sense of urgency in her voice. When she was finished talking she hung up the phone and smiled at Banyon and Loni.

  “So far so good,” she remarked cheerfully and pointed. “It’s this way to the elevators.”

  “You look great in that dress,” Loni commented as they entered the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor. “No wonder the men were distracted.”

  “It wasn’t the dress that distracted them,” Banyon noted. “It was what she did while in it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Meanwhile Mandy and Kenny were meandering around the streets of Cuenca. Mandy drove and Kenny told her where to turn. They needed to kill some time before they reached their destination. It was part of the plan.

  “Are they following us?” Kenny asked as he studied a map on his lap.

  “I see one car so far,” Mandy responded. “The other car is not behind him yet.”

  “Make the second call,” Banyon’s voice came through their ear pieces.

  “Roger,” replied Kenny.

  He pulled out another burner phone and dialed a preset number. He then began talking in hurried Spanish. Mandy had no idea what he was saying, but she believed he was staying on script. Soon he finished and ended the call.

  “So, when this is over, do you want to get together?” Mandy asked hopefully as she watched him out of the corner of her eye. She had developed a bit of a crush on him.

  “I believe that the word you used when you spoke into my head using the Talk weapon earlier was ‘hook-up’,” he replied. “It means casual sex doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, horrors, did I make a faux pas?” Mandy said with a smile.

  “I think you knew exactly what you were saying,” he responded. He then reached over and rubbed her cheek.

  “Maybe,” Mandy acknowledged.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Soon, Banyon, Loni and Maya reached room #401 at the top of the small hotel. They stood by the door in the hallway. They knew the hotel did not employ security cameras so there was no fear of being recorded. Steve had discovered the lack of security when he had reconnoitered the hotel earlier.

  Loni produced a small leather case from her purse and pulled out several lock picks. She went to work on unlocking the suite door. It took her only a few minutes to accomplish the task. “We’re in,” she said to her companions.

  Next, Loni slowly pushed it open, took off her high heels, and silently entered the suite. She knew there was a short hallway which eventually led into the main room of the suite. Banyon and Maya remained outside.

  As she snuck down the hallway, she realized she could hear someone talking as if having a conversation, but there were no replies. When she peeked around the corner, she saw Ahmed Fasi reclining on a couch. He wore some sort of weird glasses with lenses that appeared to be too dark to see through and looked like they were made of shiny metal.

  Once she confirmed that he was there, she headed back outside the suite.

  “He’s in there alright,” Loni told Banyon.

  “Good,” he replied. Banyon pressed his ear piece. “Mandy, you’re clear to head to the destination.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Roger,” Mandy replied. “It’s our turn to perform,” she said to Kenny as she batted her eyes at him.

  They were traveling on a street named Simon Bolivar in the middle of downtown Cuenca. The city was small, but was packed with three and four story buildings.

  “Make the next right,” Kenny quickly replied. “Then when you hit Gran Colombia, turn left and find some open space to park. But, be careful to not lose our tail.”

  Mandy skillfully followed his instructions and soon pulled into an empty parking area right at the corner of Benigno Malo Street on Gran Colombia. There were plenty of empty parking spaces behind her.

  “Perfect,” she muttered.

  “This is the heart of the arts and handcraft area of the city,” Kenny said like a tourist guide. “There’ll be many open air shops and tons of people walking the streets. We’ll be able to keep our trackers occupied.”

  “I might have to stop in a few shops to see what they have to offer,” Mandy said like a seasoned veteran tourist.

  “No,” Kenny quickly replied and shook his head. “But I’ll bring you here some other time,” Kenny responded. “We can’t deviate from the plan tonight.”

  “My, are you suggesting a date?” Mandy said in a seductive voice.

  “Let’s make it through tonight first,” he said and smiled.

  “We’re at the destination,” Mandy said into her earpiece.

  “Execute phase three,” Banyon replied.

  “We’re leaving the car now,” Mandy announced into her ear piece as they opened the doors.

  “Roger,” Banyon answered. “Do you see them Steve?”

  “I see them,” replied Steve. He and Carol Cole were parked in the Hummer about a half a block away.

  “What about the tail?” Banyon came back.

  “He just pulled in right behind their car. A second car is pulling in as well. That’s our guys,” Steve responded.

  “Okay,” Banyon said. “Let me know when they’re on the m

  Chapter Twenty

  As soon as the driver put the car in park behind the tail, Mohammed rapped on the rear window where Ahmad Fasi was sitting. The Arab rolled it down automatically.

  “What should we do?” Mohammed asked in a deep troubled voice.

  “This could be a trap,” Fasi said. “Or they could have another car stashed at the other end of the street. I have underestimated them before,” he admitted sadly.

  “You have to make a decision quickly,” Mohammed pleaded. “If they turn the corner we could lose them.”

  After a few seconds of silence, Fasi gave an order. “Let’s do this. You five have your guns, right?”

  “We do,” the driver acknowledged.

  “Good,” Fasi responded as he thought things through. “You tail them. I’ll stay here with the cars. If they have another vehicle, call me on my cell phone. I’ll bring one of the cars to continue the chase.”

  “Should we kill them on the street?” Mohammed asked grinning. “It would be a simple matter.”

  “No, I want to take them alive or at least follow them to where they are hiding the Orion weapons. I’m sure they will head where they are located tonight. I want the weapons. You can kill them after we get Orion’s stash.”

  “As you wish,” the devoted Muslim replied and bowed his head. He would still get to kill them.

  “Oh, one of you please give me a gun. I may need one,” the leader explained.

  “I have a second gun taped to my ankle,” the driver said. After a few seconds he reached over the seat and handed an automatic to Ahmad Fasi. Fasi cocked the gun and placed it on his lap.

  “Now go before they get away,” he ordered with a wave of his hand.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Five men have left the vehicles and are following Mandy and Kenny,” Steve announced. He spoke while training a set of binoculars on the men.

  “Did you say five men?” Banyon responded. He had expected all six to follow.

  “A man in a suit stayed with the cars,” Steve answered. “I think it’s Ahmad Fasi.”

  A few seconds later, Banyon replied. “There is a slight change of plans. Carol you can make your call now. Steve you need to wait for one minute after Carol finishes her call — then execute phase four.”

  “Roger,” Steve responded and dropped the binoculars. He started the Hummer.

  Carol immediately dialed her burner phone and began talking in Spanish with the same urgency as the other two callers. When she was done, she and Steve waited calmly for the clock to tick for sixty seconds.


  Colton Banyon looked at Loni and Maya. “It’s time to go,” he said. They all pulled out their guns and entered the suite.

  They rounded the corner of the hallway inside the suite with guns pointed ahead. When they reached the couch where the figure was prone, Maya spoke.

  “I’ll give the chant now,” she said softly.

  “Shhh,” Loni said and put her index finger to her lips

  “Don’t worry, he can’t hear me,” Maya replied. “His mind is somewhere else at the moment.” She started to say some words with a rhythm which ended with a crescendo. It turned off the Same weapon.

  Ahmad Fasi suddenly sat bolt upright on the couch. Banyon quickly stepped forward and ripped the glasses from Fasi’s stunned face.

  “I’ll take these,” he hissed as he folded the glasses and put them into his pocket.

  “What’s the meaning of this invasion of my privacy?” Fasi croaked with false bravado. But fear now filled his bloodshot eyes. Fasi looked around wildly for any of his men, but realized they were all at the bazaar. He would have to face Colton Banyon and his demon women alone.

  “Hello, Ahmed,” Banyon said sinisterly.

  “But…how did,” he stammered. Loni cut him off.

  “Oh please, stop whining,” she said sarcastically. “Did you think for one minute that we wouldn’t notice that your doppelganger didn’t eat or drink anything? The food at the restaurant was excellent you know.”

  “How did you escape my men?” Fasi asked curiously to buy time as his eyes slid towards the coffee table where the other two Orion weapons sat. There was also a gun there.

  “I’m afraid they are chasing someone else who looks like us — for now,” Banyon said with a sneer. “I told you I had confederates nearby.”

  Fasi didn’t hesitate. He leaped from the couch and went for the gun, but Maya was ready. In an unladylike move, she raised one of her long bare legs and kicked him in the stomach. He flew back onto the couch clutching his bruised belly. Terror now filled his hawk-like face.

  Maya grabbed the gun and the two weapons off the table and ceremoniously deposited them into her satchel. “And now you are down to only eleven Orion weapons Mr. Fasi,” she said sarcastically. She then aimed her gun at his head.

  “What do you want?” Fasi managed to croak.

  “Get on your cell phone and tell your men to get back here to the hotel as fast as possible. Tell them it is an emergency,” Banyon ordered.

  “Or what?” Fasi responded with what little arrogance he still possessed.

  “Or Loni here will start breaking bones until you agree,” Banyon said matter-of-factly. “We know how much you hate pain.”

  Loni cracked her knuckles and grabbed his left pinky. He was unable to fight her off. She only had to break one finger before he agreed to make the call.

  He dialed Mohammed’s cell and spoke urgently. “Get back to the hotel immediately. It’s an emergency,” he said. Loni grabbed the phone before he could say anything else.

  “So are you going to kill me now?” Fasi asked in a frightened voice.

  “No,” Banyon responded. “We’re going to tie you up and leave you for the police. They have already been called and oh by the way, your men won’t be coming back to help you. They are about to be arrested.”

  “But I have done nothing wrong,” Fasi roared, spittle flew from his mouth as he yelled.

  “Stop it please,” Maya said loudly. She stepped forward and slapped him across his face. The fact that two women were manhandling him incited his anger.

  “I will kill you infidel women if you touch me again,” he roared.

  “You mean the way you have killed other innocent people,” Loni screamed at him and backhanded him across his stunned face.

  “We are going to leave your file on the coffee table for the police. The authorities will figure it out,” Banyon said with a smile.

  “Then we are going to go to your home in Morocco and collect the other eleven weapons while you rot in some prison,” Loni spat at him.

  “You’ll never get past my security,” Fasi said defensively. “You need me there to get in.”

  “Oh, you mean your ten man security detail,” Banyon replied with a laugh. “There are many holes in your security setup, my friend.” Fasi was stunned that Banyon knew his security arrangements.

  Maya handed Loni some rope she pulled from her satchel. Loni grabbed the docile Arab’s small arms and tied them behind his back. She then set him in a chair and secured him to the chair. She used the handkerchief from his suit jacket to gag his mouth. When she was done, she nodded at Colton Banyon.

  Maya extracted a thick file from her satchel and tossed it on the coffee table as they walked out the door.


  Meanwhile, the minute had passed. Steve revved the Hummer’s engine and took off. He pulled up alongside the two Fasi cars and double parked. Carol leaped down from the high door and ran to the second car with a gun aimed at the back window. She opened the door and noticed only a gun on the seat.

  “He’s gone,” she called back.

  “Pop the trunk,” Steve shouted as he lifted a load of explosives from the side door of the Hummer. No one could see what they were doing. The large vehicle blocked the view. She pressed the latch and then ran to open the first car’s trunk, but found that it was locked.

  “This one’s locked,” she c
alled back to Steve.

  “Okay, you get the guns. I’ll get it open,” he said. Steve had anticipated that the cars might be locked. He reached into the Hummer and brought out a long slender metal bar. It took him less than thirty seconds to unlock the car and pop the trunk.

  Carol had already placed several machine guns and automatic rifles on the back seat of the first car. She slammed the doors and placed some more guns in the first car. The whole operation took less than a minute.

  Steve waved to her and jumped into Mandy and Kenny’s rental. He found the keys in the door pouch just where Mandy had left them. He started the engine and took off to retrieve Banyon and the women from the hotel.

  Carol jumped back into the Hummer and moved it up the street one block.

  “Phase four complete,” she said into her ear piece. “I parked one block up the street on Colombo,” she said for Mandy and Kenny to hear.


  When they heard Carol say that phase four was complete, Mandy and Kenny quickly slipped into an alley. They realized Fasi’s men had already turned around and were running to their cars.

  “Please unzip me,” Mandy said as she turned her back to Kenny.

  “With pleasure,” he replied. Soon the sleek dress cascaded to the ground and Mandy now stood wearing white shorts and a tank top. Kenny threw off his jacket, ripped open his shirt and dropped his pants in a superman type move. He was now dressed in red basketball shorts and a New York Knicks top with Carmelo written on the back. Mandy pulled a plastic garbage bag from her back pocket and began to stuff the clothes in it.

  “Wait,” Kenny exclaimed. The flip flops are inside the jacket. You don’t want to walk around in high heels do you?”

  “Got them,” she replied and showed the thin leather sandals to Kenny.

  “Allow me to place them on your feet Cinderella,” Kenny said with a flourish.


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